Medical official path

Chapter 1266 Prank on

Qi Shan said, "No matter what the fate is, everyone will always have a pursuit, which is nothing more than a difference in the level of pursuit." He was not good at drinking. Even if he put the treasures of wine back to Sha Maotai in front of him, he still stopped tasting it. He made a cup of Tieguanyin, took a sip of tea and said, "There are a lot of rumors about you in the outside world, saying that you are suspected of killing people and destroying corpses in Binhai

Zhang Yang put down his glass and smiled, "Many things are upside down. Obviously, he has never killed anyone, but he wants to be regarded as a murderer, but the real murderer can go unpunished."

Qi Shan heard that his words clearly meant something and said with a smile, "This is fate! But you have always been lucky enough to wash yourself away so quickly.

Zhang Yang said, "What I haven't done, I can't talk about it. It's white. Speaking of which, I also want to thank Yuan Xiaoshang. He didn't frame me with that old bastard Chen Gang.

Qi Shan said, "I'm afraid Xiaoshang will be in trouble this time. He is facing many charges of smuggling and gangs."

Zhang Yang said, "You and he used to be a business partner and a good friend. Didn't the police ask you to help with the investigation this time?"

Qi Shan said, "Look, I made everything very clear. There is no illegal relationship between me and Yuan Xiaoshang. Otherwise, the police would not release me so easily. I'm as innocent as you."

Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "We are different."

Qi Shan said, "It's really different. You drink wine and I drink tea!"

Zhang Yang said, "Some people often say that drinkers are impulsive, and tea drinkers are calm and calm, which seems to have really been verified in us."

Qi Shan said, "When everyone has a hot-blooded impulse, everyone has their own bottom line in their hearts, either for family affection, for friendship, or for love! No one can still show indifference when their important people are violated. No matter how you judge me, I still insist that we have something in common in some ways.

Zhang Yang sighed. Although Qi Shan was not clear, he was hinting to him that the reason why he took action against Andeyuan was that the interests of his relatives had been violated. Zhang Yang thought of Qi Shan's dead brother Qi Feng. If the same thing happened to him, maybe he would do it more extreme than Qi Shan.

Zhang Yang said, "Two days ago, Andeyuan's body was sent back to Qingtai Mountain and buried in Anjia Laolin. On the funeral, there was a fire fight."

Qi Shan said, "I heard some news, but I didn't see any official news reports."

Zhang Yang said, "This kind of thing involves a complex aspect, so it is necessary to be quite cautious in reporting. A group of people from Taiwan's Xinyi Society want to kill Andawen and have a gunfight with Andawen's men. Many people were killed and injured. Most of those people were arrested, but the main criminal Andawen was

Qi Shan remained calm and whispered, "An Dawen has always called himself a righteous person. It turns out that he is still a side door in the final analysis."

Zhang Yang said, "On the surface, the gangsters are fighting for power and profit, but at the same time as Andeyuan was killed, his eldest brother Ande Ming disappeared in Hong Kong, and there is still no news. According to the Hong Kong police, An Deming has suffered nine times out of ten accidents."

Qi Shan said, "For the An family, this year seems to be a flowing year."

Zhang Yang said, "Do you know who hates the family so much?"

Qi Shan smiled and said, "My understanding of Anjia is limited to some reports."

Zhang Yang said, "As long as anyone knows something about the An family, they will not forget the An family blood case that happened in Hong Kong a few years ago. As a result, the person in the blood case was named An Deheng, the fifth son of the An family, but he was not An Lao's own. His father was once An Lao's After An Deheng learned this secret, he lay down and tasted gall, planned a conspiracy, and finally chose to take action on the day of An Lao's birthday, creating a well-known An family bloody case in Xiangjiang.

Qi Shan said, "It's understandable to avenge my father."

Zhang Yang said, "Lao An asked Andawen to preside over the overall situation of the An family. Andawen found out Andeheng and forced him to death on the street, but recently someone proved that Andeheng was not dead!"

Qi Shan's expression was still unmoved. He helped Zhang Yang pour a glass of wine: "This history of revenge sounds breathless!"

Zhang Yang said, "It was An Lao who killed Andeheng's father. Apart from the good and evil of Andeheng's father, is it a kind of kindness for An Lao to raise Andeheng for so many years? Even if you put aside this kindness, if Andeheng wants to take revenge, he should go to An Lao. Why should he target the An family? Do you really have to pay the father's debts?

Qi Shan took a sip of tea: "The An family has fallen to the current point, and Andeheng should also be satisfied."

Zhang Yang said, "If he is satisfied, he will not have a fight in the old forest of Qingtai Mountain. Although it is a gangster infighting on the surface, it is he who plays a real role in the back. Just like the death of Andeyuan, it also has an inevitable relationship with him. When Zhang Yang said this, he stared at Qi Shan.

Qi Shan's eyes looked at the table.

Both of them knew that Andeyuan died at the hands of Qishan, but why did Qishan do this? Does he have any contact with Andeheng? This is what Zhang Yang really cares about.

Qi Shan said, "Has Anda Wen become a wanted criminal?"

Zhang Yang said, "His luck is not bad, but I firmly believe that this kind of person will get retribution sooner or later."

Qi Shan said, "The An family seems to have really been destroyed in the hands of An Deheng."

Zhang Yang said, "If you know Andeheng..." At this point, he deliberately paused.

Qi Shan's calmness impressed Zhang Yang. Even on the premise that he already knew what he had done, Qi Shan still did not show a trace of panic.

Zhang Yang said, "If you know him, you will know that this person can never be trusted. He can attack an old man who raised him, so what else in the world will he care about?"

Qi Shan said, "It's a scourge for this kind of person to stay in the world!"

Zhang Yang nodded, with a smile on the corners of his lips and said, "The sooner such a scourge is eliminated, the better!" You are well-trained and well-informed, but I don't know if you have any suggestions?

Qi Shan said, "One more thing is better than one less thing. I would rather live a stable life."

Zhang Yang's eyes showed a look of disappointment: "People often have no choice."

Wen Haonan was splashed with cold water. He was shocked, opened his eyes, and blinked with some confusion. He felt that his mind was chaotic. He vaguely remembered what happened and said something, but everything seemed to be in a dream again, and his vision was still However, it is blurred, and the scenes seen are all double shadows.

There seemed to be two Qin Mengmeng standing in front of him.

Wen Haonan grinned and said, "Why don't you kill me?"

Qin Mengmeng stepped forward and slapped him in the face, then pulled out an injection, and pierced the vein in his neck.

Wen Haonan began to feel fear. In his impression, Qin Mengmeng's temperament was weak, and he had never been as decisive and resolute as today. After this injection, he felt that his body had gradually returned to normal perception, and the scenery in front of him was becoming clearer and clearer.

Qin Mengmeng said, "Wen Haonan, you don't have to be afraid, I won't kill you!"

Wen Haonan looked at Qin Mengmeng and didn't say anything.

Qin Mengmeng said, "But as long as I want, I can discredit you at any time."

Wen Haonan's murderous spirit from Qin Mengmeng's eyes sensed an unprecedented strangeness. He trembled and said, "You... Who are you? Who the hell are you?

Qin Mengmeng sneered, turned her face and uncovered the thin mask on her face.

Although Wen Haonan has not had much contact with Sang Beibei, because he has been following up the disappearance of Sang Beibei, it can be said that he has already remembered her appearance. He thought that Sang Beibei was dead, but at this time he saw Sang Beibei appear in front of him alive.

Wen Haonan's mood at this time can be described as shocking and inexplicable.

Sang Beibei smiled and said, "Are you disappointed to see that I'm not dead?"

Wen Haonan shook his head hard. He couldn't believe the facts in front of him. Perhaps because of the needle just now, he must have had an illusion, but Wen Haonan also understood that now his mind has completely awakened from the chaotic state, and everything in front of him has become clear. The previous Qin Mengmeng is the disguise. .

With Wen Haonan's understanding of Qin Mengmeng, she would not have been deceived by Sang Beibei, but Sang Beibei's transffortability skill is extremely superb. Although she can't imitate Qin Mengmeng's voice vividly, she can rely on her hoarse voice to muddle through. Among them is the most important point. The appearance of cosmetic surgery is very different from that of the past. In Wen Haonan's heart, the most impressive thing is Qin Mengmeng's past appearance. He never thought that someone would dress up as Qin Mengmeng to lie to him.

Wen Haonan muttered, "Impossible, impossible, you are obviously dead."

Sang Beibei said, "Are you disappointed to see that I'm still alive? Only when I die, will Zhang Yang be convicted of murder and destroying corpses. Doesn't my life mean that he is innocent? Wen Haonan, why do you hate him so much?

Wen Haonan's face was pale, and the reality that Sang Beibei was still alive in the world was a huge blow to him. He thought that Zhang Yang was a murderer and a bad guy who did all kinds of evil, all of which was based on Sambebe's death, but now the foundation of his judgment has been shaken.

Sang Beibei said, "At first, I thought you were just a low EQ, but I didn't expect that your IQ had no lower limit. It's really a tiger father and son. No wonder your family will be so disappointed in you."

Wen Haonan said angrily, "Shold your mouth!"

Sang Beibei raised her slender hand and slapped Wen Haonan twice, making Wen Haonan's eyes full of stars. Sang Beibei hated Wen Haonan to the extreme. She didn't show any affection: "Wen Haonan, show me clearly. Now your life is in my hands!"

Wen Haonan gritted his teeth and stared at Sang Beibei: "Do you think I'm afraid of death?"

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