Medical official path

Chapter 1283 Three Lives and Three Lives

Zhang Daguan walked to the warm light and came to the stone house. He suddenly hesitated again. He has too much hope for it. If the mystery is solved, it is not as he imagined. What will happen to him then?

Zhang Yang stood quietly in the snow. After a long time, he suddenly heard the door creaking! When the ground opened, I saw a girl coming out of the stone house. The girl's eyebrows were picturesque and graceful, quietly appeared in the moonlight like an empty valley lily. A pair of eyes as clear as a deep pool rippled with tears like stars. Who else is Chen Xue?

The two of them stood on the snow like this. You looked at me, I looked at you, and then rushed to each other at the same time. Chen Xue threw herself into his arms.

Only in such a time and space, in such an empty mountain, did she completely put down her former reserve and esteem, and wholeheartedly expressed her love for publicity.

Zhang Yang picked up her face, looked at the pearl-like tears on her face, and whispered, "Tell me, are you Chen Xue or Xueqing?"

Chen Xue said with tears in her eyes, "Is there any difference? I'm still me, and you're still you!"

Zhang Yang lowered his head and gently kissed her soft wings-like soft lips. The moonlight fused the two figures together, as if they should have been like this, as if they had never separated.

Chen Xue took Zhang Yang's hand and took him to the stone house. The indoor fire was burning and warm as spring. Zhang Yang removed Diao Qiu, looked at the furnishings in the room, and said confusedly, "How did you come here?"

Chen Xue said, "Do you remember the scene after you were injured?"

Zhang Yang nodded and said, "It's vivid in my mind, but I forgot the scene after I was blown up."

Chen Xueyan smiled and sat next to him. Zhang Yang held her fragrant shoulder and listened to her say all her experiences after being blown up. When Zhang Yang heard that he had been declared to be brain dead, he immediately sighed and heard that all your confidants had a deep affection for him, and his eyes couldn't help becoming wet. Wait for Chen Xue to finish everything.

Zhang Daguan was full of astonishment and said, "You mean, I traveled through time and space with you and Wen Ling and returned to the Sui Dynasty?"

Chen Xue nodded and said, "Yes, thanks to Wen Ling. If it weren't for her, I don't know how to save you. The rubbing that reversed the universe contains the secret of time and space energy." She also told me how she committed suicide after Zhang Yizhen's death and how she crossed over Chen Xue.

Zhang Yang said, "But obviously the three of us traveled together. Why didn't we get together when we came to the Great Sui Dynasty? And... Wen Ling has become the appearance of Concubine Lan. Why hasn't the appearance of the two of us changed, but in the eyes of others, they all think that I am still a needle now? I clearly remember that it was not like this in the past.

Chen Xue said, "There are some things that I can't explain clearly. Maybe there will always be some changes in the process of traveling through time and space. This time, Wen Ling has returned to the past, but we still maintain the appearance of the 1990s. Maybe it is related to the fact that we all have martial arts, and Wen Ling's martial arts

Zhang Yang told Chen Xue what happened in the Sui Palace. He sighed and said, "What I'm most worried about now is that Wen Ling killed Yang Guang."

Chen Xue shook her head and said, "She won't. She can't change history. Emperor Sui Yang is by no means dead in her hands."

Zhang Yang said, "I gave her son to one of my old friends to raise. The couple have no children and will treat the child well. Strangely, Wen Ling seems to know that I want to do this and wants me to take her son away."

Chen Xue said, "After this reincarnation, maybe she can really achieve a thorough understanding."

Zhang Yang said, "Xiao Xue, can we go back?" This is actually what Zhang Daguan is most concerned about.

Chen Xue took out the rubbings that reversed the universe from the wooden box: "If you want to travel through time and space, the rubbings, the seal of life and death, and the fifteenth full moon are indispensable. I know that one day you will come back. With your nature, you must not be able to endure loneliness, and you can't rest assured

Zhang Daguanren was told the center of the matter and laughed with some embarrassment.

Chen Xue said, "It's just that when we crossed over, my meridians were traumatized. Although martial arts are still there, the life and death seal can't be practiced under any circumstances."

Zhang Yang couldn't help but feel a little anxious when he heard what she said: "So, what should I do?"

Chen Xue said, "In fact, with your current martial arts, you have already integrated the Mahayana formula. It is easy to practice any martial arts. I have completely written down the heart of the seal of life and death. As long as you come to practice, you must be able to enter the world for thousands of miles a day, and there is still half a month Break through the highest level of life and death seal in a period of time.

Zhang Yang said, "What if I can't break through the highest level of life and death in my life?"

Chen Xue sighed and said, "Then you can only stay in this barren mountain and stone house with me."

Zhang Daguan said: "Isn't it lonely for the two of us in the big Qingtai Mountain? It's better to..." There was a burning light in his eyes.

Chen Xue already knew what this man was thinking. She blushed and said, "What do you want?"

"I can do whatever you want..."

Chen Xue's judgment on Zhang Yang is undoubtedly correct. Zhang Daguanren has been focusing on practicing kung fu in the past half month. Of course, he will not forget to be lingering with Yiren. Although Chen Xue is cold-hearted, under the shameless and enthusiastic offensive of Zhang Daguanren, he naturally fell again and again.

Finally, it's the full moon night again, and Zhang's life and death seal has also broken through the highest level at an amazing speed. Although Chen Xue accompanied him during this period, Zhang Yang can't give up his concern for those confidants.

After dinner that day, Chen Xue took Zhang Yang's arm to the courtyard and looked at the bright moon in the air. Chen Xue whispered, "You should go!"

Zhang Daguan thought he had heard it wrong. He picked up Chen Xue's jaw and said, "Let's go together!"

Chen Xue shook her head: "I'm not leaving. I'm going to stay here!"

"Why?" Zhang Yang said in astonishment.

Chen Xue said, "I have traveled to that world for more than ten years and have always lived in a state of loneliness and helplessness. I reject everything around me and have never been able to integrate into the life there. I have waited for many years and finally waited for you to appear, but when you appeared in front of me, you no longer know me... ..." Tears rippled in Chen Xue's starry eyes. She reached out and stroked Zhang Yang's face: "People are different. You may not understand why Wen Ling always wants to come back here, because like me, we can never integrate into that world. Only when we come back here, whether rich or poor, will we really feel at ease."

Zhang Daguan hugged Chen Xue's delicate body: "If you don't go, I won't go!"

Chen Xue smiled gently and said, "You are different from me. If you keep this barren mountain for the rest of your life and let you keep me for the rest of your life, I'm afraid you will be bored to death."

Zhang Daguan shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid of boredom. Don't you still accompany me to relieve boredom? In the future, when we give birth to a group of children, it will become more and more lively.

Chen Xue said, "Don't forget, there are Yanran, Mengyuan, Qin Qing, and so many people waiting for you to go back. I promised them that I will definitely let you go back."

Zhang Yang said, "But..."

Chen Xue handed the rubbing piece to his hand: "Take it away carefully. If you miss me, you can come to see me every full moon night. You are the only person in the world who can travel through time and space. You are simply a superman who has penetrated into the sky and earth. You like the bustle so much, and now you finally have

Zhang Daguan said, "However, I hope you will be by my side day and night."

Chen Xue said, "If the relationship is long, how can it be in the morning and evening? What's more, our love has gone through three lives. Compared with them, I don't like too many women around you, but I can't change you. At least in this time, I can enjoy your love alone. Am I a little greedy? "

Zhang Daguan's eyes were wet. He shook his head and hugged Chen Xue tightly.

Chen Xue whispered in his ear, "Promise me that you don't like other girls in the Sui Dynasty anymore. Every time you come, you are only allowed to see me."

Zhang Daguan nodded with red eyes.

It has been a whole month since Chen Xue, Wen Ling and Zhang Yang disappeared together on the fifth day of November.

None of the daughters of Chu Yanran, Qin Qing and Qiao Mengyuan are willing to leave. Every day they will come to the deep pit where they disappeared and wait. They all have the same expectation in their hearts. Since they disappear out of thin air on the full moon night, maybe they will come back on the same day.

Although everyone has a voice in their heart to remind themselves that maybe Zhang Yang will never come back, but no one can accept such a reality.

Qin Qing and Chu Yanran strolled along the beach together. Chu Yanran said, "Sister Qing, is it fifteen again today?"

Qin Qing nodded and turned his beautiful eyes to the sunset in the distance: "Have you ever thought that they may never come back!"

Chu Yanran shook her head: "I will keep waiting." After saying this, she couldn't help but shed tears: "Why is he so selfish?" Why did you leave us without saying a word? I don't care about anything. I don't care if he is an ancient man. I don't care how many people he has in his heart. I don't care what he becomes. I just want him to come back..."

Qin Qing hugged Chu Yanran's delicate body, and the two hugged each other and cried.

Qiao Mengyuan and Hu Yinru were under the coconut tree. Hu Yinru asked, "Mengyuan, what will you do if Zhang Yang never comes back?"

Qiao Mengyuan looked up at the sky: "I think I will wait until the day I get old, until the moment when I'm old enough to remember him..." After a pause, she said, "I think I will never forget!"

"I won't forget it either!" Hu Yinru said, "No one in the world can replace him in my heart. Whether he can come back or not, I just hope that he will live safely, even if he stays on that side forever." ( To be continued