A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 21 Accident

I'm speechless. You can eat such a shitty thing even if you eat a bowl of wonton


Maybe he ate too quickly, and a mouthful of soup choked in his throat, causing Su Siman to cough awkwardly. The hard-won image of a lady is really ruined!

Hearing the earth-shaking sound, the young man in white bent the corners of his mouth slightly, raised the end of his eyes slightly, and glanced at Su Siman. He couldn't tell whether it was contempt or playful or something else. Su Siman touched his two eyes and became more embarrassed. He only felt guilty for a while, as if he had done so much inhuman things, and his face blushed thicker than the dye in the dyeing workshop. Tut, he is only 25 or 26 years old, but his eyes are so sharp and compelling. I really don't know whether it is caused by his temperament or his practice every day.

Fortunately, he only looked at her and withdrew his eyes. His heart was good. Mostly, if you want to have a second glance and a third glance, you have to arouse the guilt in Su Siman's heart that has never appeared in eight thousand years, and you lie down on the ground with guilt.

At present, Su Siman's head almost touched the mouth of the bowl and poured some soup and wonton into his stomach, which was quite tasteless. After grabbing his sleeves and wiping his mouth, he stood up and was ready to pat his buttocks and leave.

"Oh, girl, you haven't paid yet!" The store was really quick-sighted, and he grabbed Su Siman, who was about to leave.

Ah? ..." Su Siman stopped awkwardly and hurriedly reached out and groped in his arms. He touched a copper plate for a long time without touching it. Shit, both silver are on the tourmaline, and there is nothing on her!" I... I... have no money..." Su Siman has no confidence. What a bad luck! It was like eating a overlord's meal, and he was caught and humiliated to grandma's house!

When the shopkeeper heard her words, he tightened his hand holding Su Siman's clothes and twisted her arm. Su Siman was shocked and subconsciously struggled for a moment. He looked up and looked at the store with some embarrassment. He was meeting the shopkeeper's painful eyes. He seemed to be saying: People nowadays are really unattractable. They are dressed like dogs but don't do anything. The world is not old!

The storeman's face is very serious: "If you don't have money, you dare to come to eat. Do you want to repudiate the debt? There is no free supper in the world. Tell yourself what to do!"

"I...I...I...I won't repudiate the account. When my girl comes back, I will naturally settle the account, and I won't lose a penny of you..."

Before Su Siman finished his words, he saw the curtain of the private house closest to the stall move. He first stretched out a hand with a bone-picking knife from the inside, and then poked out the face of a young man with a fleshy face. He shouted rudely, "Dad, what's wrong?" The sound was so loud that it shocked the deaf.

I fell down! Guys are all fucked! Su Siman's heartbeat was so scared that he could catch up with the posture of opening a black shop. This store must have expected it for a long time. He was afraid that people would eat free food and run away. He gave birth to such a fierce son as a hitman. May I ask who dares to owe this family money?!

"Don't, don't! Brother, if you have something to discuss, it's easy to discuss... Don't use your knives at the foot of the imperial city. It's a big holiday, it's unlucky... Wait... When my girl comes back, I will give you money immediately, and there will be a lot of a dime!" Seeing the boy coming with the sword and aweilous feet, Su Simman hurriedly discussed with a smile on his face. He just wanted to pat his chest as a guarantee. In a hurry, he even came out with a hair.

"Well, I've seen a lot of people like you, saying that you are waiting for servants to pay. Are you stupid? You don't have money. Will your servants be rich? Besides, it seems that you are well dressed, but you are alone. What do you say? You have been sitting here for so long, but you haven't seen anyone come to you. It's probably a lie! But for the sake of being a girl, I don't want to embarrass you. Why don't you give me something valuable against this bowl of wonton?

The shopkeeper's glowing eyes fixed on the black jade that fell from the collar of Su Siman's struggle. This jade was given to her by the Empress Dowager. Because this jade is very unique, and the object brought from the State of Chu, the blue seal has been worn by her, and she has never taken it off. She didn't want to attract the coveted of others today, but the store knows the goods very well. The words are so high-sounding, but he is thinking about the trick. This old boy has a good plan!

"This doesn't work!" Su Siman resolutely refused, and his hands quickly covered the black jade with caution, and a trace of vigilance and disgust flashed in his eyes.

"I think you only have some money left. Why, can't you bear to bear it? I advise you not to lose a lot because of small things. I don't want to twist you to see an official, but if you insist on refusing, you can't care so much. You can't let you eat me for nothing. The shopkeeper said slowly, with a look of a little determined complaan.

"What?!" Hearing this, Su Siman became angry and dizzy. He unconsciously changed his posture. He still covered the black jade with one hand, but pointed to the store with the other hand, "What a threat to my mother?! I still don't believe it. What can the government do to eat a bowl of wontons for nothing!" Su Siman also stared at the shopkeeper and his son intimidatingly to cheer himself up. Nima stepped on some shit and met such a blatant robber.

At this time, there were already a lot of people watching. As soon as Su Siman said this, it immediately attracted discussion like a wave of Pinghu.

"Ah, which daughter is this? How dare you say such rebellious words!"

"What a shameless! Unexpectedly, she ate and drank for nothing, and had the face to say that the government can't do anything to her. Tut, the young man now..."

"That's right..."

"Look at this girl's appearance, how can she say such a bastard..."

"Listen to the meaning of her words, it seems that she is completely unclear about the law here. Maybe she is a stranger, and no wonder she is."


There is really everything to say, but most people are condemning Su Siman. Many strange eyes with curiosity and contempt are all thrown on her. Su Siman can't find a crack to get in. Unexpectedly, just because he said something inappropriate, the people actually stood on the side of the father and son of the store who were originally plotting to be cheated. They became lonely, and the situation was very bad!

Su Siman's mind turned quickly and moved around the aunt who said she was a stranger with a little sympathy. She restrained her panic and said steadily, "Aunt, in fact, the truth is not what you think. I don't pay. I don't have any money now. The money is all on my girl. I sent her to buy a fairy girl, but she hasn't come back yet. This store doesn't believe it, just wants to blackmail me. With that, Su Siman took the black jade in her hand and showed it to her aunt. When she saw the store before and said that she wanted to twist her to the government, she looked very sure. She couldn't help but beat her heart and asked anxiously, "Auntie, I really don't want to back the debt. You tell me, what will happen if I can't afford it?

"That won't work, girl, you don't know that the court has recently promulgated a new strict law in order to rectify the atmosphere and severely punish ugly and evil acts. According to the law, if a girl does not pay for her food, this crime is equivalent to a robber and will be put in prison.

Su Siman's back sweated coldly. It's so serious! The evil old society! It's so cruel! Who drew up such a harsh law? It's inhuman...