A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 47 Confused

It's messy. Is Zhong Yeli actually his own?


This time, Su Siman realized that the sound was coming from above his head. Looking up, I saw Zhong Yeli sitting on the wooden beam without a straight shape.

This person is really strange. He doesn't like to sit on flat ground, but prefers to drill on other people's roofs.

Su Siman just curled his lips and suddenly realized a serious problem: the palace is heavily guarded, especially this Chuxiang Pavilion. The guards are no worse than the prince's Qingyan Hall. How did Zhong Yeli come in? What are you doing here? Su Siman stared at him warily.

Zhong Yeli seemed to see through her mind, touched her face, and smiled at the corners of his mouth: "Where am I going? What can the guards in the palace do? You seem to be very worried about me, hehe."

"Less stinky! Come on, what are you doing in the palace? Su Siman's face was a little serious.

"I came to you on a special basis." Zhong Yeli smiled frivolously.

"Looking for me? What do you want from me? Also, how do you know I live here? Su Siman stared at the people on the beam with doubt.

"I asked so many questions at once, and I really don't know which one to answer first. Let's not talk here. It's not good to disturb the people sleeping inside. Well, you are now the crown princess of the State of Liang. Let's avoid suspicion, right? Come with me somewhere." Zhong Yeli jumped down from the beam quickly and made almost no sound when he landed.

"Do you dare to come to me to avoid suspicion? Last time you took me to the brothel, I haven't figured it out with you yet!" Su Siman's heart rushed up, and an arrow stepped forward to pull Zhong Ye's front, with an expression that he wanted to eat him.

Zhong Yeli did not struggle. Su Siman held his mouth and looked helpless: "I'm also kind. I wanted to cover for you, but I didn't expect that your prince's father-in-law would appear in Qin Yuelou the next day. However, isn't that good? Isn't it because of that that his attitude towards you has changed greatly? You should thank me. Zhong Yeli raised his eyelids and looked at Su Siman, then looked down at her hand holding her skirt. He took her hand down and held it in his hand. Su Siman tried his best to get rid of his hand, but Zhong Yeli grabbed it tightly.

"Ren go!" Su Siman scolded angrily, "Don't lie to me!" Do you really think I'm a fool? Shameless! It's clear that he kidnapped me and said something about cover. Zhong Yeli, I tell you, I knew early that you had no good intentions for me. In the future, don't appear in front of me and play less tricks, otherwise--" Su Siman narrowed his eyes dangerously and paused his mouth at the right time, which can sometimes play an unexpected deterrent effect. This Su Siman understands. I got it.

Unexpectedly, Zhong Yeli didn't eat this at all, and took her hand a little tighter.

"Come with me and go somewhere. Let me show you if the man is safe. After all, it's a big deal. It has to be arranged properly before he can meet with His Royal Highness. Zhong Ye said mysteriously, speaking in a small voice, but not small. It seems that he is not afraid of being heard at all.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Su Siman was annoyed and stepped on his foot fiercely.

Zhong Yeli frowned slightly and finally let go of her. Suddenly, his face was very serious and said, "Oh, His Royal Highness has repeatedly told me not to tell the princess the details, but I thought about it and felt that since the princess was a member of the royal family of the State of Chu, she did not hide the princess's truth. Just make it clear today. Something big has happened in the State of Chu. Doesn't the princess know yet, do you?

"What happened to the State of Chu?" Su Siman's face changed slightly, and he had felt that Zhong Yeli looked different.

"His Royal Highness was ordered to visit the State of Liang. As soon as he arrived at the border between the two countries, he heard of large-scale* and bandits in China. When I was in Qingzhou, His Royal Highness's mission was scattered by bold mountain thieves when passing through Mangzhang Mountain. I protected His Royal Highness and several close guards from the bandit's nest and was about to return to the imperial capital day and night. Soon after, I received a letter from the emperor's flying pigeon on the road to let the prince continue to visit and avoid the State of Liang first and do not return for the time being. Back, let's wait until the days are peaceful. The princess didn't know the character of His Royal Highness. How could it be possible for him to live in peace? Therefore, he asked me to come to Daliang City first and meet Lord Xia first. Unexpectedly, Lord Xia was worried about His Highness's safety and left the capital to pick up His Royal Highness. Now His Royal Highness has also arrived in Daliang City. Lord Xia's disappearance can no longer be pretended, right? I still have to let him return to the court as soon as possible. He has been 'missing' for half a month, and I'm afraid it will be suspicious if he continues to disappear. Besides, the biggest purpose of the prince's trip has not yet been achieved. We have to use the power of Lord Xia to implore the State of Liang to send troops, in the name of suppressing rebellion, turn back and unite the troops, kill him back, and catch the State of Liang off guard, hey hey..."

Su Siman opened her mouth and didn't come back to her senses for a long time. After a while, she said, "Why did you tell me this? I don't understand these military affairs. *Have you calmed down?"

"Uh... alas... it's not optimistic. Well, it's getting late. Seeing that the princess is tired, it won't be difficult for you to see Xia Shouyi today. I'll come back to the princess another day.

After saying that, Zhong Yeli jumped up and went to the opposite eaves, and several ups and downs disappeared without a trace.

Su Siman stood in the quiet and cool air for a while, his mind was in a mess and he couldn't figure out anything at all. How did Zhong Yeli change and become her brother Chu Wenyuan? Last time in Jiaheng Hall, I overheard the conversation between the queen and Lieutenant Hong and knew that there was indeed a Lord Xia missing in the court. Could it be Xia Shouyi in Zhong Ye's mouth? It's strange that there are still detailed works of the State of Chu among the courtiers of the State of Liang? If Xia Shouyi is really a detailed work of the State of Chu, after he came to the State of Liang and met himself from the future, I'm afraid it's also to avoid suspicion?

No, no, when he first saw Zhong Yeli, he obviously wanted to rape himself. How could he be his brother? At the second meeting, he obviously deliberately brought her into the brothel. This man's words were not credible, and the truth was unknown. He would still ask his royal brother to verify it tomorrow.

After made up his mind, Su Siman was ready to go back to his room. As soon as he walked a few steps, he felt something was wrong. Somehow, I was a little flustered. It seemed that there were always a pair of eyes looking at me, but there was nothing behind me. Alas, since when did I become so suspicious?

Because of what was in her heart, Su Siman got up early the next morning. On this day, Su Siman went to welcome the queen for the first time. She happened to see that Prince Liang Shaojun and Feng Wan Wan were also there. Su Siman giggled and invited the queen to eat, and then foolishly asked the queen for a snack. Then she told the queen that she was going out of the palace to see her brother. The queen was in a good mood and readily signed a warrant for her. Su Siman was anxious and got the queen's order, so he casually exchanged greetings for a while and quickly withdrew.

As soon as she stepped out of the gate of Jiaheng Hall, Liang Shaojun's back foot came to her.

"You don't look well. Is there something wrong with you?" He looked at Su Siman with a very familiar exploring eye.

Su Siman was looked at by him and was afraid that he would find himself guilty, so she had to pretend to be crazy and said, "Fainth, I'm not very comfortable here. Can you help me rub it, okay?" With that, he took Liang Shaojun's hand and put it on his head, rubbed it, grinned, and giggled.

Liang Shaojun frowned and didn't squeak. He broke out his hand and put it behind him, still staring at her.

Su Siman was anxious like a fire. He didn't have the heart to pester him at all, and his mind quickly thought about how to get out. If you can't pretend to be stupid, let's try to be coquettish!

"I want to see my brother. I have been separated from my brother for a long time. There were so many people yesterday, and I didn't talk to my brother properly. I want to see him today. My father-in-law, I promise that I will be back soon. Well, I will come back for lunch with you at noon, okay? Even she had goose bumps, which made her want to vomit, but the cooperation of her hand did not delay at all, and she shook Liang Shaojun's hand like a cash cow. ( Reader's contemptuous eyes: How dare this prince be a cash cow? His brother and his daughter-in-law both regard him as a cash cow)

"I happen to have something to do with him. Let's go together." Liang Shaojun's face was as calm as water, and his tone was as calm as water.

Su Siman had a bitter face and only nodded.

Liang Shaojun did not bring his entourage, and Su Siman also used the Baoqin branch.

When leaving the palace, the inspection was very tight. Su Siman picked up the curtains of the car and looked out. He saw several rows of sergeants standing in the investigation, and the people who went in and out searched very carefully. I'm afraid that the order was issued by Lieutenant Hong in order to find the missing Lord Xia Shouyi Xia. Thinking of this, Su Siman's anxiety was even more. It's important, complicated, and extensive. The most important thing is that it has nothing to do with her brother Chu Wenyuan. She has to figure out what's going on. Sitting in the car and not talking all the way, Liang Shaojun was also silent, and the eunuch who drove the carriage occasionally shouted a few times.

When he arrived at the Chu Post Hall, Su Siman had not yet got out of the car. He listened to the little eunuch and the doorkeeper's question and answered. He learned from the doorman's mouth that the Fifth Highness Liang Shaoxuan and the prince had just gone out. He didn't know where he had gone and didn't know when he would come back. These words made Su Siman feel cold and secretly lamented that he was unlucky. However, it was so coincidental that he couldn't meet him. What should he do? Su Siman was so anxious that he twisted his hand.

Liang Shaojun's face was calm. He looked at Su Siman and suggested, "It's not easy to get out of the palace, so I'll accompany you around." It is more like an order to say that it is a suggestion. Although it is kind, it can't be refused at all.

Su Siman lowered his head and hummed in a low mood.