A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 67 Stone Breaking the Sky

Su Siman stamped his feet in such a hurry that he shouted "Let me down" twice angrily. The sedan chair suddenly fell to the ground, so shocked that Su Siman standing in the sedan chair staggered and hit his head on the front wooden board of the sedan chair, which was in deathly painful.

The outside was quiet, and she only heard a few muffled hums, as if someone had fallen. She didn't know what was going on, and she became more and more anxious. Before she could stand firm and step forward, suddenly the curtain of the sedan chair was lifted. She only felt numb and suddenly couldn't move.

Su Siman was so terrmented that he was actually ordered a hole, and it was not easy to do!

Looking angrily at the big hand holding the curtain, Susman was so frightened that his eyes almost spewed fire.

"Princess, we will be there soon." The soft voice sounded a little more strange and awkward, as if with some gloating ridicule.

Because he was clicked on the acupuncture point, Su Siman could neither move nor speak, so he could only stare at a pair of eyes. The previous fear was gone, and a trace of strangeness surged up in his heart. Why does the voice with a full smile just now, especially the tone of speech, sound so familiar? In addition, the hand holding the curtain of the sedan chair and looking at the sleeves and cuffs are indeed palace women's clothing. It should be the maid of honor who just came to invite her. However, that hand doesn't look like a woman's hand. The woman's hand is not so big or long, and the wrist bone is not so strong.

I'm afraid it's a man! Su Siman was shocked by his own speculation.

It's very tricky!

Just when Su Siman was full of suspicion, he heard an endless mutter outside: "It's really boring. It's not good to be so pus." Before the words fell, the curtain in front of him was torn to pieces. With the dim yellow light of the lantern, Su Siman saw that it was indeed the maid of honor. Looking at the face, it is indeed a woman's face. However, the beautiful face is not the same as the big palm holding the curtain of the sedan chair. It's awkward to look at it.

"What are you doing looking at me so surprised? Well, can't you recognize me?" The maid pulled the corners of her mouth and laughed and smiled.

Su Siman's doubts in his heart were confirmed. He was so angry that he moved his lips.

Zhong Yeli threw away the rag in his hand and pretended to be extremely shy. He pulled his sleeves and covered his lips and smiled: "That's really good. It's awesome. I can also show you like this. Does it look good when I dress like this? It's so annoying to stare at people like this!" Whether the hand holding the lantern is properly matched or not, it is not easy to push Su Siman.

I really can't laugh or cry. No wonder his head was so low before. Su Siman wondered why this girl was so tall and taller in the north, but she turned out to be a fake. Su Siman stared at Zhong Yeli vigorously, pouted his lips, and motioned him to untie his acupuncture point quickly.

"No hurry, I'll take you to a good place, but I have to wrong you first." Zhong Yeli smiled and said, throwing the lantern in his hand, took off the maid's clothes, put them on his shoulders, bent down slightly, and pulled Su Siman out of the sedan chair.

At this time, Su Siman saw several little eunuchs carrying sedan chairs lying on the ground, and the other two maids accompanying them also fell unconscious on the wet ground. The candles in several lanterns were watered and all went out. Surrounded by darkness and no half a human figure, Su Siman didn't know where he was now.

At this time, the drizzle was blazing and the rain was not strong. Zhong Yeli took Su Siman all the way to the eaves and did not stop at all the way. It seemed that Su Siman would recognize the way and cover her head with the maid's clothes.

In the dark, Su Siman's heart was furious, angry and anxious. Where was Zhong Yeli going to take her? What on earth was he going to do by pretending to be a palace maid? It can be seen that he must have planned for a long time to implement this plan, and the plan was quite satisfactory. Otherwise, how could he deceive the bodyguards of Liang Shaojun's faction who were more annoying than the stones in the pit? Alas, she still remembers that Zhong Yeli cheated her into the turmoil in the State of Chu last time, but today she helped her escape. Is it an enemy or a friend? It's really hard to figure out whether to help her or harm her. He lit his acupuncture point like this, because he was afraid of his voice. It's really depressing. What did he do so mysteriously? Not only can he move his body, but he didn't even let her say anything. It's too much!

While Su Siman was thinking nonsense, he suddenly felt that Zhong Yeli had slowed down. Su Siman's heart skipped. I don't know why, his heart tightened for nothing, and his hands sweated. He didn't really want to send himself to the thief's den, would he? The next second, Su Siman's center of gravity moved, and his feet were firmly stepped on the solid place, and his heart was a little more stable. People really need to be down-to-earth, and it's really insecure to fly around in the air.

Just standing firmly, Zhong Yeli finally pulled off the clothes covering her head. Su Siman, who was relieved from the darkness, found that she was standing on the roof of which palace she didn't know! This discovery scared Su Siman's legs soft, and the glazed tiles were stained with water and a little slippery. Her center of gravity was almost unstable and fell straight down, or Zhong Yeli's eyes and hands quickly pulled her in time, otherwise she would have to fall her buttocks and bloom.

Zhong Yeli pushed on her vest a few times, and Su Siman's stiff neck finally could move. Unfortunately, he still couldn't move below his waist, and he still couldn't say anything.

He turned his head and stared at someone who always liked to drill on the roof. Su Siman was surprised to find that Zhong Ye didn't know when he would throw away the maid's headdress, wearing a straight black hair, and the fine white rain foam stained the tip of the hair in the faint light, removing the evil expression. At this time, it was simple and good. Like an angel who fell into the mortal world, his dark robe was slightly stained with some fine raindrops. Su Siman thought that a man who was eight feet tall had just become a little maid, especially talking to him in such a soft voice, and couldn't help grinning. Of course, he couldn't get up, someone's laughter was silent. Thinking about his deceitful face change technique, it's really funny. This girl really didn't know what kind of medicine he took wrong. Unexpectedly, he dressed up as a woman. Fortunately, he thought of it... He smiled silently for a long time. Zhong Yeli only lay on the glazed tile and focused on the glazed tile and played drums attentively, and ignored her. Su Siman felt bored and closed his mouth tastelessly.

Su Siman saw the towering eaves of the towering palace in a flash, and his legs standing stiffly on the glazed tiles couldn't help trembling. After calming down, she began to look at the place where she was. Looking at the faint light of the palace lamp on the roof, it is still a dense and dark roof. The slight raindrops fell on the body, which was almost negligible. The surroundings were quiet and there was no sound. After watching for a long time, Su Siman couldn't figure out where he was. He was a little unhappy. Did he dare to take her to the roof to blow the cool autumn breeze? This is really... so unique and interesting... What a pervert!

sighed sadly. Su Siman turned his head and looked at Zhong Yeli again. He was still lying on the glazed tile, with something in his hand still prying the tiles. Seeing that he was so concentrated, Su Siman didn't want to disturb him. In fact, she can't disturb him. Her legs can't move, her hands can't reach him, and her mouth can't speak. Even if she wants to harass him, she can't harass him.

He sighed painfully, and before his breath fell, suddenly there was a slight sound in his ears, which seemed to be the sound of opening the door, followed by light and heavy footsteps. At this time, Zhong Yeli also stopped the movements in his hand and paid attention to it vigilantly.

Su Siman pricked up his ears and held his breath, not to eavesdrop, but for fear of being found on the roof. Zhong Yeli has martial arts skills. When she is found, she can immediately pat her buttocks and run away. Maybe she will be left here, but she can't. She can't fly the taekwondo she learned, and she will never slip away. And according to her visual test, the consequences of "flying" from the roof will be very serious. The buttocks blooming is just a small matter, and the head can also bloom. If she is caught, it turns out that what she is caught is the forbidden princess, well, and it is also the princess on someone else's roof. What should she explain?

"What's wrong with the mother calling the minister so late?" A sound as plain as water sounded.

Su Siman on the roof was shocked. Isn't this Liang Shaojun's voice? Could it be that this is the Queen Jiaheng Hall?

I heard the queen talking before Su Simman thought about it.

"Jun'er, have you worked hard these days? Is your injury better?"

"Thank you for your mother's care. My son is fine." Liang Shaojun said, his voice was as calm as usual, as cool as water.

The queen stopped for a long time before saying, "Jier, after all these years, why... alas..."

He sighed for a long time, full of helplessness and sadness. The queen sighed, which made Su Siman's heart tremble. She didn't know why, she thought of her own mother. Sometimes she was misunderstood by herself, or sometimes she fought coldly with her mother. In the middle of the night, she would also hear the sigh of her mother who came to cover herself with a quilt, helpless and full of love.

Liang Shaojun was silent and quiet around him. Susman couldn't see their expressions, but he could also guess the situation.

After a moment of silence, the queen's tone was much colder and dignified: "How's it going? Has it all been arranged? And what happened to Chu Wenyuan?

"After returning to his mother, everything was almost arranged. Chu Wenyuan had been guarded. He thought that he could not use it no matter how much he had. I'm afraid that his calculations of colluding with Xia Shouyi to get my leader will be in failure."

"That's good. This man can't stay, he must be killed! You can solve him as soon as possible." The queen said coldly.

Liang Shaojun was silent.

When Su Siman heard this conversation, his ears buzzed, his feet slipped, and his body was almost weak.