A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 1 Heavy Snow Presses Green Mountains

The sky and the earth are vast, flying white like catkins.

The north is cold, the wind and snow are clear, and the coldness in the air seems to form ice thorns.

"Miss, let's find a place to avoid it. The wind and snow are too heavy." The little girl rubbed her hands, breathed, stretched out a crimson hand and straightened up the package that slipped to her arm.

"Good." The girl, known as a young lady, answered, just opened her mouth and choked into her heart with a cold breath, causing her to cough.

The little girl quickly came forward and patted her on the back to help her breathe.

"It's okay, Qingran, let's go on. Otherwise, it will be dark. I really hope there will be someone in front of you. Alas, it's too cold. Su Siman sighed, shrank his shoulders, and moved his sleeves in again. The skin he had just touched was so cold that he didn't feel it.

"Well, miss, I'll help you." Qingran stopped and turned to hold her.

The master and servant walked another way, and the sky became darker and darker. After about another fragrance, it would be all dark. In winter, the days were short and cold.

It's really sad. After walking for another day, there is not even a family, and they can only eat hard and cold dry food. This day is really aggrieved. In ancient times, the population was so sparse that there was such a bad thing. It turned out to be places where there were no shops behind the village in the front, which was too depressed. How wonderful it would be to drink a cup of hot tea, soak your feet, and eat something hot at this time. Su Siman thought with some frustration.

Alas, maybe we should wait until the weather gets warm before coming out of the palace. It's really hard to escape in winter. However, when that happened, she felt that she could not stay in the palace for a moment, so she impulsively implemented the plan in advance, but it was not herself who suffered in the end, but also dragged down Qing Ran, which was really thoughtless.

Qingran probably saw the master's thoughts and raised his cold red face and looked at Su Siman seriously: "Miss, it will pass. Everything will be fine when we get to the south."

"I don't know if the old woman slandered me. It really pissed me off! Help her escape from the palace. As soon as she left the palace, she immediately left us and ran away alone. Next time I'm asked to meet her, I have to beat her!" Su Siman gritted his teeth when he thought of Grandma Snake, and his lips trembled. He didn't know whether she was angry or blown by the cold wind.

"Miss, let's go faster. I saw that there seemed to be a house ahead."

"Where is the house?" Su Siman came to his senses and turned his head to look.

"It's right there!" Qing Ran stretched out his hand and pointed forward, taking the opportunity to take the fallen burden to his shoulder.

Su Siman looked along the direction she pointed, and the heavy snow blurred her vision. She saw nothing but the white peaks. This place is really called birds, eggs, dogs, and shit. Er, there may not even be a dog. However, it is really necessary to hurry up, otherwise it is too unsafe to find a place to stay when it is completely dark. There may be some jackals, tigers and leopards in this mountain forest. One was accidentally taken away and was scared to death.

With less than a cup of tea, Su Siman finally saw a lonely building in front of her, which didn't look like someone else, because she didn't see cooking smoke.

When I approached, I knew that it was a dilapidated temple. The plaque was nowhere to be found. From the outside, I could see that the temple should be a very good place in summer, very ventilated. The windows are dilapidated, and several windows are even as missing as the plaque.

Although it is only a broken temple, it is better than nothing. It can always withstand the wind and snow more or less.

It seems that we can only spend one night here tonight.

The two stepped into the temple. As the cold wind penetrated into the temple, there was still light outside, so it was not dark inside, but after all, the sky was a little late, so the light in the temple was a little dark. As soon as he stepped into the hall, Su Siman saw the crisscrossing spider webs. The statue of the Bodhisattva on the throne was gray, and the golden paint was peeled off, mottled and covered with a thick layer of ash.

Qing Ran is not like her master who is still in the mood to look at the broken temple. After entering, she goes straight around to see where the wind leakage is lighter and easy to settle down. After looking around, he finally put the bag behind the base of the Buddha statue, carried all the straw in the corner of the broken temple to the Buddha statue, spread it on the ground, and spread the straw on the ground thicker.

There are still traces of fire in the broken temple. It seems that some people have rested here before. Those straws are the "wealth" left by those predecessors to Susman's master and servants. Qingran is obviously much better at how to deal with the problems of accommodation in the wilderness than Su Siman. When Su Siman looked at the internal structure of the broken temple, it was all settled, and he took out the fire folds and made a fire not far away.

"Miss, there is no firewood here. I'll go outside and pick up some. Sit down and rest. I'll be back as soon as I go." Qingran said and helped Su Siman to sit down on the straw shop that had just been paved.

"Then go back quickly."

"Hmm. This lady should take self-defense."

Qing Ran pulled out a dagger from his boot and handed it to Su Siman before leaving at ease.

Su Siman put his two frozen hands on the swaying flames and finally felt the heat. She sat on the straw with her knees in her arms and stared at the flame in a daze.

The fire half a month ago probably burned a tile and brick, right?

Looking back on that day, I still feel a little sad today.

She stood in the blazing fire and smiled at all sentient beings, the maids and eunuchs who fled in panic, and Yu Linwei carrying buckets to fight the fire. Behind her, countless carved beams and columns fell down, and the raging flames opened their teeth and claws. In the thick smoke, she saw Liang Shaojun leading many bodyguards running. In the fire, he had a pale face and looked at her crackling through the thick smoke. She saw that Li Yuan beside him tried to pull him, and he struggled to break free from Li Yuan and rushed into the fire like crazy.

A huge pillar wrapped in flames hit her. She looked at the queen who came to hear the news and Liang Shaojun, who was close to her, and smiled. As bright as the spring flowers in March, countless fires splashed everywhere, and the once glorious palaces collapsed. At the same time, her body finally fell down, and everything... was over...

She finally took revenge on him completely.

If it hadn't been for the stigma of the previous night, she probably wouldn't have done it so fiercely. Liang Shaojun must have expected that she was such a strong woman, right?

She will never forget that night, imprinted with shame and anger, intertwined with the ultimate lingering of love and hatred.

I have never loved or hated anyone so much in my life.

He must have no heart, so he did such an excessive thing and dared to trample on her like that. She thought.

But it doesn't matter. She also retaliated against him. He let her bleed, and she also reported to him. The wound on his shoulder was bitten by her, and it is estimated that he is not well yet.

Su Siman looked at the small flame in front of him and smiled with a sarcastic smile. He Banxian finally did a good thing. Half a second half a second after hitting her on her, he lifted her out of the fire and threw her directly into the carriage waiting in a secluded place. According to the original plan, the person arranged by Liang Shaoxuan successfully sent her out. Palace.

When she thought of the old woman who raised snakes, she was angry. It's not ashamed to occupy such a large area in the carriage, so that she and Qingran can only squeeze in. If it hadn't been for the last deal with her, Susman would have taken the risk to get her out of the palace. Speaking of which, it was still in order to save the old woman that she delayed her escape plan. Unexpectedly, the woman was so unkind that she came out of the palace and threw a word to her and slipped away by herself. It's hateful!

Su Siman thought that he was likely to be fooled by the evil woman again. The two originally made an appointment to help Su Siman escape from the palace, and she was going to treat her ill and get her out of the torture of bloodthirsty. This was also a fair deal, but it showed its unfairness because the cunning evil woman ran away halfway.

Why did Susman believe the snake grandma's words? This will start with the meeting between the two on that day.

It turned out that from that day's conversation, Su Siman realized that the snake grandma seemed to have something to do with the Yuan family. She had been imprisoned in the palace for some years, because Empress Zhang felt that she might know how to relieve the poison on Liang Shaojun. But she has a strange temper and seems to refuse, so she has been imprisoned all the time. Later, when the queen heard Dr. Li say that the prince's medicine needed a blood introduction, she ordered her to raise poisonous snakes, cut two snakes a month, and take a bowl of snake blood bile as a guide. Those poisonous snakes are raised with poison. If they are bitten, they can kill people on the spot. Later, Su Siman became a medicine guide. Every time she had a poisonous attack, the poisonous blood flowed out was fed to the snakes, which was the reason why she was chased and intercepted by the snakes, because the snakes were no longer familiar with her blood fragrance. Su Siman also suddenly realized after listening to Grandma Snake's words, and then there was an unfair deal. Su Siman thought so. Since the queen suspected that she would relieve the poison, she must not be simple, and her relationship with the Yuan sacrifice family must be unusual. However, the snake grandma is not easy to deal with. Su Siman doesn't even know her name so far, so her identity is not easy to judge.

Alas, I didn't expect Grandma Snake to keep her word. If she had not been able to leave the palace successfully, she would have been thrown away. If she hadn't been too bad, she wouldn't have been able to catch up.

Grandma Snake finally asked herself to go to Jiangnan to find the owner of Baiyaotang, but she didn't know what it meant.

Su Siman originally went to Jiangnan after leaving the palace, but on the second day after leaving the palace, he had a poisonous attack and delayed for a few days, causing him to leave now. Originally, he wanted to hire a carriage, but as soon as they heard that they were going to rush to the south of the Yangtze River at this time, one or both of them shook their heads like the rattle, and the price was useless. Su Siman had to give up, chose a bright day, bought some thick clothes and dry food, and got on the road with you.

In fact, Su Siman also thought about it now. The date of each poison attack is shortening, and her life is only less than a year left. What does it matter whether it is cured or not? Just think of it as going to Jiangnan for a break. And I heard that Bixi said that her short-lived mother used to be a disciple of Baiyaotang, and she was going to visit her master this time.

Just when Su Siman was distracted, he suddenly heard the thick and messy footsteps outside, which was definitely not Qingran! There seems to be more than one person! Su Siman was stricken and huddled behind the Buddha statue and dared not move.