A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 11 Smell the Conspiracy

Su Siman soon further experienced the informality of the people in the martial arts.

One of the two masters and apprentices taught martial arts and the other studied martial arts. They were so busy that they didn't even seem to care about eating. Seeing that the sky was about to get dark, they hadn't stopped the momentum. At this time, Su Siman's stomach began to sing against the tune again. There was nothing she could do. She decided that it was better to be self-reliable.

After playing in the kitchen for a long time, the room was full of smoke, but the fire was still not strong.

Gao Yunqing smelled the smoke in his nose and turned his head. It was amazing. He only saw the smoke on the roof. Did he dare to catch fire at home? He rushed into the house and coughed for a long time. He covered his mouth and waved his hand to Su Siman: "Miss Su, come out quickly, I'll come, I'll come, come out quickly...cough..."

At this time, Su Siman had been smoked into tears by smoke. He covered his mouth with one hand and shook the big fan in his hand tirelessly with the other. Thick smoke was pouring out from the door of the stove.

Hearing Gao Yunqing's voice, Su Siman paused and finally stopped and looked at him with some embarrassment. His eyes had long been as red as rabbit eyes. Standing awkwardly, I don't know where to put my hands and feet. There are so many embarrassments today, alas!

For good, Gao Yunqing did not get angry or laugh at her. He only smiled gently, took the fan from her hand and said in a loud voice, "Are you smoked? Go outside to get some air. I was the same as you at the beginning. I didn't know anything. Just learn slowly. It's not difficult. It's also my thoughtfulness. I forgot the hour for a moment. I'm really sorry to let Miss Su be wronged.

Su Siman was even more embarrassed when he was so polite. At this time, Ding Xiaoqiang also entered the kitchen and opened the doors and windows of the kitchen, and the smoke quickly dissipated.

Several people soon had a division of labor. Ding Xiaoqiang cooked, Su Siman worked, and Gao Yunqing went to go grocery shopping.

The days at Gao Yunqing's family passed quickly, and a few days passed unconsciously. Su Siman cooked and practiced when she had nothing to do. It was difficult for her to make small things such as a fire, or sometimes she watched the two masters and apprentices practice martial arts.

No officers and soldiers have come to search these days. The alley is calm and calm, which is no different from usual. Probably because this area is so dilapidate that even the government has forgotten this area.

Since that day, Huangfu Chong hasn't come for many days, and there is no news about Qingran. Su Siman only feels that she will go crazy if she goes on doing nothing like this. Ding Xiaoqiang seems to have forgotten these things for a long time. Every day, he focuses on learning martial arts and can't spare himself to think about anything else. Besides, he is still young. Even if he is worried about Qingran, even Su Siman can only wait for the news of Huangfu Chong, and he can't do anything. The more comfortable he is, the less comfortable Su Siman will be. According to her nature, she has long wanted to go out to find out the news in person, instead of hiding here as a turtle. But in the past few days, she also thought a lot and knew that it was dangerous to run out directly. Now she is in Pingyan City - maybe not only in Pingyan City, but also a wanted prisoner across the country. Her portraits are pasted everywhere. If you don't pay attention, you may be caught in prison.

The case of stealing money shocked the whole country and attracted great attention from the court. In addition, the four Turks were also confusedly involved. Su Siman shuddered when he thought of what happened to him when he was in the palace. Once you are caught, the consequences are unimaginable.

She only vaguely felt that there was a mystery behind the gold theft case, and she was familiar with the channel for transporting gold and silver, which showed that the operator must have a lot of background. It could never be ordinary people, but most likely to be court officials; she could steal gold and silver unconsciously. It was not noticed at all, which showed that the thief was extremely good and committed a team crime. Because of the huge amount of gold and silver stolen, one or two people could not get rid of it at all. It is said that all the officers and soldiers escorting the tribute were killed at that time, and there was no one left. It can be seen that the thief's heart is very cruel, which also makes this headless case more complicated and confusing. Su Siman also has an intuition that thieves can easily do it and attract no attention before they win. There must be a huge group behind it, and there may be not only local officials, but also capable people in the central government.

- The above is an inference that Miss Su, who has read many mystery novels, has thought about for many days. Although someone often infers errors, sometimes the analysis is well-founded, and occasionally there are times when credibility is high.

What makes Su Siman quite aprit is that the state officials here are too ridiculous. Even if no one sees the appearance of thieves, they can't involve innocent people in this big case with a piece of gold! Isn't it nonsense to treat a "weak woman" like yourself as a thief, especially Ding Xiaoqiang, a little child, as a wanted criminal? Dare to say that the state official surnamed Huang is not a good thing. Even if he knows that the wanted people are not real thieves, it is impossible to return their innocence. Think about it, if he is a small state official who can solve this big case, he will have a bright future and can make a smooth progress. Can he almost give up this great promotion? It is definitely impossible.

Su Siman is now very clear about the situation of Xiaoqiang and is likely to be arrested as soon as he goes out. And once you are caught in prison, there will naturally be no good fruit to eat. She is not very clear about Liang Guo's criminal law. She doesn't know whether once she goes to prison, she will be directly beaten and taken to the execution ground, or sent to Dali Temple for examination. Although from a general point of view, it is more likely that a big case that shocked the whole country will be sent to Dali Temple, she is really not sure that many things can't be seen from a modern perspective. However, even if she will be sent to the capital, I'm afraid that she can't withstand layers of torture and has to hang up without arriving at the capital. This is not her own scare. In the past, when she watched TV, the cruelty of ancient criminal law could be peeped more or less. In addition, the tourmaline she saw with her own eyes last time was tortured to be unable to get out of bed for months, which had a great impact on Su Siman. Now she has been convicted of such a felony, and if she is imprisoned, you can imagine the consequences.

So no matter how much she wants to go out to find out about Qingran, she can only spend time at Gao Yunqing's home and wait for the news. Alas, it turns out that the taste of being a mud bodhisattva is so difficult. The outside world is really too horrible for her, who is shrouded in guilt. Susman felt that he had to be careful everywhere, just like Germany, which was under the strict control of the fascist SS during World War II. If he was not careful, he could only wait for a click and return to the west.

I don't know where the brothers of Hezhega have gone. Have they been caught by the officers and soldiers?

This should probably be called a bloody case caused by an ingot of gold... Alas, it's really bad. She is still unlucky after leaving the palace. Should she be born with bad luck? It also involves innocent people...

What a resentment...

Although Su Siman tried not to show anxiety, sometimes he couldn't help staring at the brazier in a daze. When you have something on your mind, it's difficult to pretend to be nothing. Gao Yunqing looked at it and didn't ask much. Because, even if he didn't ask, he knew how to see those portraits on the street when he went grocery shopping. Since Huangfu Chong entrusted the two of them to take care of him, he will naturally take care of what he can take care of. At this time, there are some things that are inconvenient to explain clearly, and you can only help secretly.

Gao Yunqing just doesn't know anything and teaches Ding Xiaoqiang's martial arts every day. He can do whatever he should do. At night, he will also fly over the wall and meet Huangfu Chong. His nickname is "Yunzhongke", and his light skills are very good. Not to mention visiting the state government's official residence and prison at night, even if he breaks into the palace at night, he will not disturb anyone.

It will be the end of the year in a few days.

Recently, it snowed heavily. Sitting in the hut, Su Siman could faintly hear the laughter of children having snowball fights in the alley.

She has learned a lot these days. Ding Xiaoqiang not only taught her to make a fire, but also taught her to sew clothes through needles and threads.

At this time, she sat by the brazier to mend the clothes for Gao Yunqing and Ding Xiaoqiang. Gao Yunqing's torn dress was dried last night. She cut a small piece of cloth of the same color from the sleeve of the robe and pasted a few stitches to fix it. If you don't look closely, you can't see that there is a patch there. Xiaoqiang's dress is not very old and quite thick. There is a fur collar around his neck, which is exactly the one given to him by Jia Hezhe. In addition to being too big, this dress is actually quite high-grade. What Susman is doing now is to make the clothes smaller.

Originally, Xiaoqiang would have worn new clothes for the New Year. Alas, if she hadn't been angry for a while, she wouldn't have been in today's trouble... Well, this... It's really unclear...

Su Siman shook her head vigorously and continued to cut the cloth along the black straight line drawn by charcoal. The cloth was very thick. She cut it a little hard, and the blue veins on the back of her hand jumped out. Cutting out the shape of the small clothes, Susman took a thicker needle, put on the thread, put the thimble on his middle finger and began to sew it.

Early that morning, Gao Yunqing called Ding Xiaoqiang, put on a furry hat for him, smeared his little face, wrapped his whole body tightly, and took him out to go shopping. He said that he was going to buy some New Year's goods, and also bought some gifts for Miss Su, who has been working hard recently. So Su Siman is the only one in the family.

She sewed so attentively that she was very careful with every stitch and thread. She felt that she owed Xiaoqiang, so she tried her best to make up for it. She wanted to do all this before Gao Yunqing and Ding Xiaoqiang came back, which was also a surprise for them. She has secretly measured the size of Xiaoqiang's clothes before. After this dress is smaller, he must look good in it.

Thinking about this, Su Siman couldn't help smiling. Time passed slowly. After sewing the last stitch, she raised her clothes and looked carefully. She looked back and forth carefully. She felt very satisfied and finally smiled happily. I looked left and right for a long time before putting my clothes in the duster with needles and threads. At this time, she finally looked up at the window to see the sky.

Just looked up and saw Huangfu Chong standing outside the window.

In the evening, Huangfu Chong, who had not appeared for many days, appeared. He seemed to have been looking at her for a long time. His eyes were warm, and his bottomless eyes were as quiet as autumn pond, with layers of warmth. When he touched her eyes, he lowered his head slightly. Su Siman was quite surprised and quickly stood up to greet him in.

Extrary, he didn't wear a white robe today, but wore a soapy brocade robe, covered with black twill. The graceful and plumpness of the jade tree in the wind has not been affected at all, which adds a bit of stability and rigor.

"Huangfu, how long have you been here?" Su Siman looked at his red nose with cold and asked.

"Let's do it for a moment." Huangfu Chong touched his nose and answered.

"Why didn't you come in directly through the door? I haven't noticed it. It makes you feel cold."

"Looking at you so seriously, I'm afraid of disturbing you. If you enter through the door, you are afraid that it will affect the light. On this cold day, you still do needlework, which is the real suffering. Huangfu Chong smiled gently and then said, "Why do you seem to be alone?"

"Yes, they went out today, saying that they were doing some New Year's goods."

"Oh." His eyes fell on the small clothes in the dustpan, and his eyes were full of smiles. "I didn't expect you to do this."

Su Siman stood up, ran quickly to hide the dustpan behind him, bowed his head and said, "I didn't do a good job, let Mr. Huangfu laugh..."

The smile on Huangfu Chong's face became more and more, and his eyebrows were full of smiles.

This made Su Siman die. It took a long time to return to his normal face. He coughed dryly and asked, "Mr. Huangfu, is there any news about what I asked for?"

Huang Fu Chong nodded and sat down.