A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 22 Unexpected

Su Siman opened his mouth in astonishment, couldn't close it for a long time, and his face turned paler.

Originally, she also guessed that Yuan Si Niang might be related to the Yuan Festival family, but she never expected that she was a member of the Yuan Festival family.

In this way, Yuan Si Niang should have a grudge against herself, right? Although it was her emperor's father who had been buried and ordered the whole family to be killed, which had nothing to do with her, the ancients have always paid attention to the repayment of father's debts and son, and it was difficult to guarantee that the fourth mother of Yuan would not transfer all hatred to her.

I really can't tell what's going on in the world. Why is it such a coincidence? She didn't know the kindness and resentment of the previous generation, but it was always like a duckweed on the water being beaten by the wind and rain, and everything was involuntarily involved. Su Siman had a bitter face and sighed secretly that he was the one who had a headless debt.

In a very short time, Su Siman has turned countless thoughts in his mind, and many puzzled things in the past suddenly had a vague answer.

No wonder Yuan Si Niang would help her escape from the palace of Liang in exchange for healing her, but after leaving the palace, she refused to cure the bloodthirsty poison, probably because of the past.

Su Siman gently bit her lower lip and lowered her head. This time, she will probably be a cannon fodder again... She thought weakly, but she didn't know what happened when Si Niang brought her to the south of the Yangtze River. Shouldn't she forget the old feelings and go to Huangfu Chong's father Huangfu to talk about the past?

"What are you thinking about?" Yuan Siniang, who was rowing in the bow of the boat, noticed that Su Siman had nothing to say for a long time and turned her head and asked coldly.

"Nothing. I'm just guessing how you're going to torture me. Su Siman replied swayily.

"What, do you think you have suffered from me along the way?" Yuan Si Niang raised her eyebrows and sneered at the corners of her lips.

Su Siman couldn't figure out her mind for a moment, so she simply closed her mouth.

There was silence for a long time, and there was only the whimper of the river wind and the slight whining sound of the boat paddles.

Yuanniang lowered her head slightly, her shoulders stretched, and seemed to be immersed in memories, and her hand shaking the oars was much slower. Su Siman in the cabin was also thinking about something. When she looked up a long time later, she saw the river wind blowing the dark robe of Yuan Si Niang. She didn't know when her ricke shoulders had been straight as a fir tree, standing in the bow of the ship, and the cold wind blew her black and white hair scattered from her bun to hunt and dance. Looking at the back alone, the four women of abyss are graceful, and you can imagine that she must be a peerless and amazing beauty when she was young.

Thinking of this, Su Siman has a trace of doubt in his heart. If it is true that Yuan Si Niang said that she was a rival with her mother when she was young, then Yuan Si Niang should be about the same age as her mother. Even if she is older than her mother, she will not be much older. No matter how you calculate it, it is now in the early 40s at most, but it looks less than 50. Thinking of the ugly scar on her face, Susman got goose bumps. He shook his head vigorously. What does this have to do with her? Now the future is unpredictable, and he is still in the mood to think about these messy things. Su Siman is simply speechless to himself.

Finally, they arrived at the opposite shore and both of them got off the boat.

Su Siman stepped on the solid land under his feet and sighed in his heart. After struggling for several months, he finally arrived in the south of the Yangtze River.

arrived in Shuwan Town in the afternoon.

Although it is a town, it is larger than some small towns in the north, and there are all kinds of inns, gambling places and restaurants. Tourists who pass through the south of the Yangtze River almost have to rest here. In addition, the river transportation is developed and there are many business trips. The town is quite prosperous.

This was originally the territory of the State of Chu, and it has always been a rich land. Now it belongs to Wenzhong County. Wenzhong County is the largest county after the division of the State of Chu. It is close to Huanshui, with canals and vertical and horizontal canals, and fishery and agriculture are very developed. It is said that the prince of Wen, who is divided here, is the great-grandson of the ninth generation of the king of Chu, and the distant nephew of the last king of Chu. Although he is also a descendant of the royal family, he can be compared with several other princes who are brothers or princes of this generation, his identity is obviously extremely inconspicuous and humble. I don't know what the prince of the State of Liang, who fought against the State of Chu, actually made him a prince and divided such a fertile land to him.

There are various legends about the prince who was hit by the pie falling from the sky.

The prince of Wenzhong is very kind to his people. Since he took charge of Wenzhong County, he has carried out a tax reform within his authority, abolishing some previous harsh taxes, encouraging production, and actively establishing water conservancy projects. Although the country has changed its owner, the people have not suffered more harsh tax and miscellaneous exploitation because of this. On the contrary, they live a better life than before.

He is diligent and friendly, and often comes out of the palace for private visits. Because of this, the people who have seen him spread him very magically. It is said that he has been injured by sharp weapons on his face since he was a child, wearing a golden mask, and never shows his true face. Every time he travels, he only takes a few attendants. He has been to large and small counties in Wenzhong County, so many people have seen him with their own eyes. The people said that he was magnificent, and even if he ignored his face, he was still the proud son of heaven. He has been in power for only more than half a year, and his holy virtue has been widely praised in every street and alley, and he is deeply loved by the people.

Well, less than two hours after Su Siman and Yuan Si Niang stepped into Shuwan Town, their ears were filled with all kinds of legends about the legendary prince.

It is also a political achievement to be a local leader. Unexpectedly, Liang Shaojun was very discerning and chose such a great prince for this place. However, he promoted this inconspicuous little man to the prince at the beginning, afraid that he would eventually consider the power of the King of Chu. Su Siman listened to the shopkeeper's second talk while thinking to himself that Liang Shaojun was indeed very political and politically eye-catching. At the beginning, he was used by them step by step, and finally he was forced to die in despair. It was not that he was too fragile. Whether it's yin or Ming, I'm not an opponent. There are only two endings in the palace, either death or death. I think she is quite lucky. Although she has always been unreliable, there is a fairy who can still help her at the critical moment, so she can take a compromise from those two endings - leaving the palace namelessly.

Thinking of this, she was a little depressed. She only ate a little at dinner in the evening, and she hasn't had a good appetite recently.

She held her chopsticks for a long time and suddenly heard Yuan Si Niang sitting opposite sigh slightly. However, Su Siman can be sure that her sigh is by no means sympathy for herself. Yuan Si Niang's face is schettering and her eyes are bright. She must also be thinking about something.

The two finished their meal silently.

When taking a break at night, the two are still in the same room, but Susman is on the floor. It's really a feng shui turn. In the past, it was the maids who slept with her on the floor, but now she is on the floor*.

Su Siman lay on a hard "bed" with only a quilt, full of thoughts. For the first time after leaving the palace, I no longer stopped thinking about the people in the palace.

How's the tourmaline recently? The body should be well, right? Will it have been released from Shenxing Company? Which palace do you work in now?

Speaking of which, Bixi is the first person she met when she crossed into the world, and she is also the best and most considerate person for her. No one can replace her in her heart. Her feelings for her have long surpassed that of her master and servant. If she is not a sister, she is better than a sister. In the past, Bixi would arrange anything for her, and she hardly had to think about anything. Although the later development made her suspect whether Bixi had betrayed her and collude with the people who framed her, it was one of the pushers who led Liang Shaojun to misunderstand her and then made her guilty. Although now that I think about it, some of the actions of Tourmaline are still questionable. Of course, the most suspicious thing is her deliberate concealment of her and her approach to her purpose. But now Su Siman doesn't want to pursue those. After all, Tourmaline is different from others, at least for her.

She thought that their sisterhood must be true. Bixi was the only one in the world. When she was a fool, she risked her life to protect her and treat her heart and soul well. She is willing to tell her stories, teach her how to make lights, and is willing to punish her. If it hadn't been Liang Shaojun, but Bixi at Wanfu Temple that day, she would have blocked the sword for her.

She was originally a golden branch and jade leaf like her, and her status was noble, but she was willing to serve her as a slave. Bixi must have experienced many hardships and setbacks. With the body of a princess, he has always kept himself safe, and how much patience and pain should he have in his heart. She never tells people that she looks much more vulnerable.

Su Siman turned over and sighed sadly. He seemed to hold something in his heart, which was a little uncomfortable.

"Not asleep yet?"

The sudden voice startled Su Siman, and then reacted that it was Yuan Si Niang who was talking to her.

"Hmm." Su Siman nodded and forgot that the four women in the dark could not see it at all.

"Why are you still thinking about it? In the past few days, my old lady found that you are often distracted and distracted, and still worried about the boy Huangfu Chong?

"No." Su Siman did not have the energy to talk back to her at this time and honestly denied it.

"What's wrong with that?" Yuan Si Niang may also be bored and can't sleep, and she has nothing to say.

"Do I have to report anything on my mind to you?" Su Siman said angrily and answered one-on-one, completely disturbing her faint and sad mood of remembering the past.

Yuan Si Niang was not angry, but smiled, "You little girl film is more interesting than your mother. If you are willing to say it, I would also like to listen.

Su Siman hummed: "You don't have the ability to take care of your own man. You can only blame yourself. Don't always blame my mother."

"Oh, that's insightful."

Yuan Si Niang smiled instead of anger, and she could hear that she really agreed. Su Siman was a little confused, which was not like the style of Yuan Si Niang.

After stopping for a while, Yuan Siniang sighed, "I was too stupid when I was young. In retrospect, I really did a lot of stupid things."

"Oh, isn't it? What stupid things have you done?" Su Siman casually answered and was a little interested.

"Alas, at that time, Huangfu told me that he wanted to elope with me, but I had no doubt about it, so that he had a child and returned home without face. Do you remember that I told you that I went back to Yaoyun Villa after giving birth to A Ling? Do you know what I saw? That day, Huangfu got married, and the whole Yaoyun Villa was full of lanterns and colorful gongs and drums. I was stunned at that time and felt that the sky and the earth cracked in an instant. I covered my face among the guests and finally took a look at a gap and pulled Huangfu to the side. I wanted to tell him that our child was born. But without waiting for me to speak, he asked me to leave immediately, saying that he no longer liked me and that he was married today and that I should not have come to him. He was afraid of being suspicious and kept urging me to go down the mountain with a cold face when talking to me. At that time, I really thought he was the most ruthless man in the world, but I was so stupid that I wanted to touch him with infatuation. This scar on my face was scratched that day. I thought he could change his mind in this way. Ha ha, in retrospect, it was really stupid at that time.

"What happened later?" Su Siman was a little moved, but she didn't expect Yuan Si Niang to be so strong when she was young.

"Later - he was naturally indifferent and only told me coldly that my mother was going to die of illness. If I still have some conscience, I should go down the mountain to have a look, instead of making trouble in Yaoyun Villa. Yuan Si Niang's tone is bitter, and she is still worried when she recalls this scene.

"If he hurts you like this, then you must hate him, right?" Su Siman sighed.

"Hate, of course. But what I hate the most is myself. Later, I foolishly sent A Ling to his hands, and my son finally became a sharp weapon for him to threaten me. Do you think I'm too stupid?

The endless desolation and resentment in Yuan Si Niang's voice made Su Siman's heart cry fiercely. A woman needs to love a man more before she can make those crazy actions! Love, hurt, hate and die, but finally find that Shaohua has passed away and his life is old. Love is really crazy!