A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 24 Old Things Hurt

"No, they didn't chase me. I begged the prince to let me go. Miss, it turns out that you are not dead. I thought... Miss, you have lost a lot of weight and must have suffered a lot, right? I'm so useless that I can't take good care of the young lady... I..."

"Stupid girl, just say stupid things!" Su Siman smiled and nodded on the shiny and plump forehead, pulled her to her side and sat down, with joy on her face, "Don't stand stupidly, have you eaten?"

The tourmaline blushed a little: "I haven't eaten yet. I was just going to find a place to eat, but fortunately, I came here and met the young lady. With that, her eyes were hot again.

Su Siman waved and asked the boss to put down a bowl of wontons, swallowed his stomach, and said, "Let's eat first and talk about it after eating. There is some inconvenience on the street.

Bixi nodded and quietly wiped her tears. After eating the wonton and sett out the bill, the two got up and left.

Walking to a secluded place, Su Siman eagerly pulled the tourmaline and asked, "Bixi, why did you get here?"

"After Shen Xingsi was released, I rushed back to Chuxiang Pavilion, thinking that I could see my master again and was very excited. But when I arrived there, I found that the attic palace had turned into ashes and burned all the tiles. Because no one told me about this before, I looked at the deserted scene in front of me. Only a few palace eunuchs who cleaned up the ruins were busy. I thought I had gone to the wrong place in a trance. Later, I learned from asking that it turned out that ten days ago, Chuxiang Pavilion had an inexplicable fire, and the owner also fell into the fire. I couldn't believe that this would happen. I was stupid on the spot and couldn't react for a long time.

"Later, I found Xiang'er among the maids of honor cleaning. When she came forward to ask about the situation, she told me that she was also called to put out the fire on the day of the fire. It was her own eyes that the master was hit by a pillar at the moment when the palace collapsed. As the whole palace disappeared, even the bones were not found. Just three days before I released it, she was buried. Although I didn't see the funeral with my own eyes, I heard Xiang'er say that the funeral was very grand. His Highness even participated in the whole process regardless of injury and illness. Thirty-six legal events were done, and he did not fall any of them.

When Su Siman heard this, he felt like a person in the next two generations. He felt very subtle and even a little ironic. How solemn Mu Yunyun could still hear the situation after himself in other people's mouths. It's funny just to think about it. People are dead, and what's the point of how grand and solemn the future is. If you don't cherish it when you are alive, do you expect that you can make up for the sins committed in the past? Sure enough, those afterths are just for the living. She tilted the corners of her mouth slightly, and a sarcastic smile came from her lips.

"Has Xiang'er also been released?" Su Siman deliberately pulled the topic away from Liang Shaojun. Somehow, after listening to Bixi's words just now, her heart was a little blocked, and her heart seemed to have been beaten by some blunt object, and she was a little breathless.

"Hmm. After Xiang'er came out of Shenxingsi, she was sent to the chore room to do rough work. The original slaves in Chuxiang Pavilion had been assigned to another job, and one or two of them were dispersed. Bixi shook his head and sighed, probably sighing for the cold and warmth of the tree.

"Then... why did you come out?" Su Siman is still thinking about this problem, and even she herself doesn't understand why she is holding on to it.

"Well, just as I was talking to Xiang'er, I found that His Highness appeared by the original fish pond and was looking at the ruins. I heard from Xiang'er that in those days, His Highness would stand there for a while every evening. I went to beg him to let me guard the master's tomb..."

Su Siman sighed, talked about it, and then talked about Liang Shaojun. Alas, it has nothing to do with him...

"He sighed long and finally agreed to my request. Fortunately, he came forward to beg the Queen, otherwise, I would definitely not be able to come out. The master's tomb was buried in the imperial mausoleum, which was on the outskirts of Daliang City. When I came out, His Royal Highness also came. That day was the first seven days. I accompanied him to serve incense, which made me feel quite uncomfortable. I always thought that he was too ruthless to his master, but after listening to Xiang'er's words and what I saw with my own eyes that day, I felt that he might not be as ruthless to his master as on the surface. Especially when I saw his still hanging arm, because he had been standing in front of the tomb for too long, and there was blood on the white cloth, which made me really feel really uncomfortable. He stood so long and didn't say a word. Although the expression on his face was still as flat as usual, I still vaguely felt that he was shrouded in an unspeakable sadness, that kind of dead silence, and I still feel my scalp suddenly when I think of it. Miss, you haven't seen that. It's really worrying. Although it is a tomb, the tomb is very big, gorgeous and highly regulated. I guess he must be planning to be buried with you in the future..."

"Don't say it! Tourmaline--" Su Siman's heart ached, and quickly turned his back to wipe away the tears that fell quietly. What's the point of saying this now?

I didn't expect that Liang Shaojun was still injured because of her. In that fire, she was not injured at all. Instead, he rushed over desperately to save her. Finally, he was injured by a dumped building, and he didn't know if he was seriously injured...

In the end, she still cares about him, although she doesn't even want to admit it.

She can't explain why. He seems to have a deep-rooted position in her mind, and no one can shake it. He is her lingering nightmare. It has always been a nightmare before. What will it be in the future? She didn't know. She just prayed that there would be no more contact with him in the future. The only way for things you can't control and manipulate may be to stay away.

"Then tell me, why did you come to Jiangnan?" After adjusting his mood, Su Siman turned around and smiled covertly.

"Since then, I have been guarding the mausoleum outside the palace. One day, I happened to see the list of the wanted gold theft suspect in the city. I looked at one of the portrait next to the list that was a little similar to the lady. I thought that they said that they had not found the bones at that time, so I suspected that the young lady was not dead at all. For a moment, I was excited and went back to the palace to tell His Royal Highness that I I want to come out to find you. His Royal Highness was very surprised when he heard this, but he didn't stop me. At that time, he was allowed to rearrange people to guard the mausoleum. I re- drew several portraits by myself, some fat and some thin. I asked all the way with portraits and met several villagers in a town. They told me that they had seen you and said that you and their masters were going to Jiangnan. I just came to the south of the Yangtze River. I just arrived yesterday. Fortunately, I met those people, otherwise I would look for them like me, just like looking for a needle in a haystack, and I may not be able to find them. The tourmaline's eyes were so excited that they were as bright as the shining stars in the sky.

"This really depends on fate. If there is fate, we can meet again. If there is no fate, we can only pass by."

"What's the miss said. After all, our master and servant are still predestined. Even if Miss wants to get rid of me, hehe. The tourmaline blinked his eyes mischievously and restored the girl's lively nature.

"Don't worry, I won't dump you. With you as a bodyguard, I can rest assured. Su Siman also swept away the depression just now, and his mood suddenly became clear and smiled lazily.

"What kind of bodyguard do you want, Miss?"

Seeing Bixi looking at himself with a pair of clear eyes doubt, Su Siman coughed and said, "There are no darts. Just keep me safe."

The tourmaline's eyes bent into a small crescent, and his white teeth loomed: "Naturally, Miss's safety is all on me!"

Su Siman patted her on the shoulder with a smile and was patting the shoulder strap containing many steamed buns. Then she suddenly remembered that she had come out for a while. "Bixi, what else do you need to pack? I have to go back to the inn, and there are still people waiting for me.

"I don't need to clean up. I'll go back with the young lady."


The two quickly walked back to the inn. Su Siman was really afraid that Yuan Si Niang would leave her and leave first. After getting along with her for so many days, she knew her quick temper.

I quickly went upstairs, but fortunately I found Yuan Si Niang sitting in the room with her back.

Before Su Siman could speak, Yuan Si Niang said, "You are good at it, girl."

"I don't know martial arts. Where did you get your skills? You are really good at joking." Su Siman said with a hippie smile, in a good mood, everything is good.

"I'm sentimental, and I'm not talking about you." Yuan Si Niang turned around and gave her a white look, "I'm talking about the girl behind you."

"How do you know?" Su Siman was stunned and looked at the tourmaline with a bag behind him and a steamed bun in his hand. Then he turned his head to look at Yuan Si Niang, "She is my girl tourmaline."

"It's a pity to follow such a purulent master." Yuan Si Niang curled her lips and twisted the scar on her face vividly.

"Old woman, be careful of your mouth! Don't say that about my young lady!" Bixi warned harshly with a serious face.

"This girl is good." Yuan Siniang praised, her eyes narrowed with a smile, and looked at the tourmaline three ways and three ways. "I like it at a glance. I have a good appearance and personality. Let's just be my daughter-in-law."

"You! ..." Bixi was angry and blushed, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Su Siman couldn't help laughing, because she suddenly remembered the joke that she said she wanted to give the Bixi to Zhong Yeli at that time, and remembered that before going back to Qin Yuelou, Zhong Yeli still asked her for Bixi with a smile.

"Look, your master was so happy when he heard my idea. He must have agreed. You must know my son, right? I think you two are a good match." Yuan Siniang looked at the little red face of the tourmaline, and was so happy that the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes were blooming.

"You are not ashamed! Who knows your son!" The tourmaline was angry and anxious, holding the belt of the burden in one hand, and his red face and thick neck were particularly cute.

Su Siman held a bad smile and interrupted, "You really know Zhong Yeli. We were also tricked by that boy, just in Qin Yuelou, remember? Well, after Grandma Snake mentioned this, I also think you two are a good match.

"Miss!" The tourmaline stamped his feet with anger, and his bright little mouth pouted high, and his face was full of grievance.

Yuan Si Niang also stared at Su Siman: "Why is it called grandma again? Am I that old? That's what you call me. What should my daughter-in-law call me?

Su Siman gave a cut and laughed out loud.