A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 13 Breaking the Rape

For the prince to copy the female precepts for the crown princess, the relationship between the prince and the queen was once very unpleasant, but later, somehow, the queen issued a secret order to exempt the punishment, so the prince did not copy 400 times in the end.

Since it is a secret order, of course, it can't be too publicized. Su Siman would not have known it. It was really a coincidence. That afternoon, she was idle and ran to the royal garden alone to enjoy the flowers. After wandering for a while, she lay down and slept at the place where she met Liang Shaojun for the first time. The grass on the ground is relatively thick, and the wind blows by the lake from time to time, and there are thick willow trees on it. It is really comfortable to lie there. While sleeping in a daze, I heard a slight footsteps. Because he had been to this place many times before, Susman hardly needed to open his eyes and knew that the footsteps were in the direction of the gazebo.

"Sister Gu, I happened to meet you here. I'm about to find you." Su Siman recognized this voice, which was Yu Rong, the queen's maid.

"Oh, Miss Rong, what's the matter with me?" Gu Xiulian asked.

"The empress said that the affairs of the crown princess have been abandoned, and the punishment has been exempted." Yurong sighed.

"How could this happen? His Royal Highness is so rebellious to the Empress, how could the Empress make such an order? Gu Xiulian is obviously puzzled.

Not only was she puzzled, but Su Siman, who inadvertently eavesdropped, was also puzzled.

"Why else? The Empress just doesn't want to rush the prince. There is something wrong with the mother-child relationship." Yurong sighed again.

"So that's it. Alas, it's not biological after all, across the heart." Gu Xiulian also sighed a little.

"Although it is not his own child, does His Highness know how the Empress has treated the prince for so many years? It used to be fine. This time, she actually contradicted the Empress like that for the affairs of the crown princess. She was so angry that she couldn't sleep for a few days. I can see that His Royal Highness has really changed, and I don't know which one has poured him into the ecstasy soup and provoked discord. I haven't seen the Empress so heartless with others. As long as it's about the prince, which one is not bothering herself? Your Highness is now like that to the Empress, and I feel sad for the Empress.

"Maybe His Royal Highness is just young for a while, not as complicated as you think. For so many years, His Royal Highness has always regarded the Empress as her biological mother. His Royal Highness is talented and intelligent, how can she be easily provoked? However, to be honest, sometimes the Empress is too strict with His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is now an adult. Many things are measured by herself. Too much interference will inevitably annoy him. Miss Rong should also persuade the Empress more.

"I know." Yurong said sullenly, "Well, I won't delay much. I have to go to the imperial hospital."

Gu Xiulian sat in the pavilion for a while before leaving.

Su Siman knew at this moment that Liang Shaojun was not the queen's biological son. She was a little ashamed to think that she knew so little about him. She thought that his withdrawn nature must have something to do with his past experience. So she had an idea and she wanted to know his past.

She has now given up those struggles. What happened in the past is a fait accompli and can't be changed. She can only continue to suffer endlessly. Now it is unclear who owes whom and who should pay them back. They have been paid for each other by blood, or they have been cleared. During this period, she has seen through one thing, that is, hatred can't make people happy.

He said that he wanted to start from scratch. In fact, that was also the most real idea in her heart, but she didn't dare to face it before. With the shackles of national hatred, personal feelings are insignificant. Now, she no longer wants to put herself in such a high position. She just wants to be an ordinary traveler and live an ordinary life. The right and wrong here have nothing to do with her, and she has no grand ambition. Although the State of Chu was destroyed, the people no longer have to suffer from swords and soldiers. Isn't this a good thing? Those national hatreds are just floating clouds for her, who may leave at any time. What she wants to do now is to hold on to the happiness in her hand. She wants her journey through this trip.

Su Siman did not go directly to Anqin Garden, but went to Qingyan Hall.

But Liang Shaojun was not there. The maid of honor reported that His Royal Highness was invited to Zimingju by Xu Baolin.

This reply made Su Siman somewhat frustrated. At this time, she really realized for the first time that it was really a fucking thing to share a husband with another woman. She took advantage of this stuffy stick and came back in a bad way.

Why did I have this feeling and don't have much resistance to Feng Wan Wan's colleagues in the past, but now I can't stand it so much that I only feel full of grievances. Su Siman despised himself in his heart and wanted to pretend to laugh at himself generously, but it just increased his heart.

If you really care about a person, especially when you know that the other person also loves you, the ideal state is to have each other completely. Only when you love someone can you want to possess him. Although it is a little selfish, love is selfish.

In particular, she is a person who has traveled from modern times. How can she accept that the man she loves has married another woman and has children with other women? In the past, she didn't care, because at that time, she was just wishful thinking. When she liked him, she just liked him without any possessive desire, so she could completely ignore the woman standing beside him, even the woman he liked. Because those external factors have nothing to do with her, and because he doesn't like her. To use the modern saying, "I like you, but it has nothing to do with you", so she can be so open-minded. But now the situation is different. They like each other and they should stay together, but now it is suddenly found that the two of them are separated from each other.

She used to be able to self-proportionate, but now in retrostor, it has become a naked irony.

As a man who grew up in a patriarchal society, he is willing to copy women's rings for her, which is something that many men can't do in this era, and he is a prince, but he is willing to do it for her. What else can she ask for? Can he say that he doesn't love her? No, it can't be so unfair. But she is a woman with modern consciousness. How do you tell her to adapt to this polygamous system for a while? But she has no choice but to accept and adapt, and the biggest contradiction is here.

Su Siman was powerless. She just wanted to find a place where no one would cry. In fact, she did the same.

At this time, she really can't think of any better way to vent her emotions than crying.

The partial hall has been rumored to be haunted. It has always been quiet and no one has gone. Su Siman knew, so that's where she went.

At this time, the sun has set in the west, and the partial hall under the dusk is particularly lonely, leaving a few traces of light from the eaves.

Su Siman sat in the corner of the wall, hugged his knees and cried for a long time. The grievances that were depressed in his heart finally came out happily.

Liang Shaojun is the prince. He has only three wives and concubines. I don't know how much better he is than his concubines. She should be glad that he is not the kind of person who is greedy for women. What's more, he loves her, which is the most important thing. Born in the emperor's house, but asking for "one couple in a lifetime" is a joke in itself. Although I hinted at myself like this, I felt uncomfortable after all.

Looking up at the sky, it was completely dark. Su Siman wiped his tears, stood up, patted the dust on his buttocks, and planned to leave.

Before he took a step, he heard the sound of small footsteps from far and near.

Su Siman was shocked and shocked. She almost immediately withdrew to the corner and sat down, with some furniture beside her, which just blocked her tightly.

Thinking of the rumors in the palace, is there really a ghost?! As soon as he turned around the idea, Su Siman secretly scolded himself for superstition, but his heart was still very hairy. Although she had never believed in ghosts and gods, she could meet immortals and then travel through time. Those things that she regarded as superstitions had been shaken in her heart. In surprise, the footsteps were a little closer and clearer, and they had arrived in the hall. Only then did she dare to be sure what the hell it was. She shrank again and wished to disappear at this time. She didn't want to be seen at this time. She just cried like a rabbit and was seen! She doesn't want to be seen. It's too humiliating!

Su Siman peeked at the man. The hall was dark and could not be seen clearly. He only vaguely recognized that it was a woman. She has been walking uneasily, as if waiting for someone.

Not long after, I heard a burst of rapid footsteps, steady and light. Judging from this step, this person must have practiced martial arts.

Su Siman held his breath and stared at the door.

A tall and straight figure appeared there, obviously a man. And the woman waiting in the hall almost rushed over like an arrow and rushed straight into his arms.

"Why did you come here!" The woman beat the man's chest with a sob and acted coquettishly.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Good boy, don't cry." The man picked up the woman's face and sealed all the woman's complaints with a kiss.

"I thought you had forgotten that today is the day we met again..." The woman was kissed unevenly, almost gasping, sad and loving.

"How can I forget? I've been too busy recently, but I've never forgotten." The man lowered his head and another long kiss fell.

There was a unique sound of sucking in the dark, which made Su Siman blush, but this was not the most important thing. There was another reason for her blush, which was shock and anger. Because she knows this pair of men and women.

Although she couldn't see their faces clearly, she could tell the voice and could never be wrong.

She never thought that there would be any entanglement between the two people, but the lingering kiss clearly showed that what she heard and saw was true.

This discovery was like a bolt from the blue, which shocked her like a wooden chicken.