A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 19 One Time

"Princess, let's hurry up. It looks like it's going to rain this day." The tourmaline reminded his master while wiping his sweat.

"What the hell is this weather? It has been sultry since last night. Why is it not raining?" Su Siman reached out and took the handkerchief and wiped it himself.

It seemed to confirm the inaccuracy of Su Siman's words. As soon as she finished her words, a bean-sized raindrops fell down and fell to the ground with a sound of a Thunderbolt.

At this time, a few people didn't care about their image and ran quickly. Xiang'er and Bixi raised their sleeves left and right to protect Su Siman from the rain. Su Siman thought they were in the way, so he pulled her back legs and said quickly, "Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself." After saying that, he rushed forward like the arrow that left the string.

Although Su Siman now has thin arms and thin legs, he doesn't run very fast, especially his poor endurance. This can't help but make her recall the glorious situation of winning the championship in modern time and change her body. Sure enough, everything is very different, or it can be said that she has been reborn.

Bixi and Xiang'er caught up with her in a short time, and Su Siman simply slowed down. At this time, although the raindrops are smaller, they are more dense than before, ticking on the body.

Su Siman had a whim and wanted to get caught in the rain. She hasn't tried the feeling of rainstorm. Although she was also caught in the rain last time, the rain was never as good as this time. I have seen a short film before, and the protagonist likes to run in the rainstorm, which looks very free and easy. It happens that she has been very stuffy recently, and maybe the depressed mood after getting wet in the rain will also be diluted and evacuated. In fact, when the downpour hits the body, the feeling is really wonderful. Especially when the dense rain hits the head, it is more energetic than the modern shower. In the past, when she was in a bad mood, she liked to sprinkle the flowers to the maximum and enjoy the refreshing feeling.

It's rare to indulge without any destination.

Seeing that the master slowed down, Bixi and Xianger naturally followed him closely.

"Princess, I'm afraid it will be bad to get caught in the rain like this. Let's find a place to shelter from the rain." Xiang'er said anxiously.

"You don't have to accompany me with Bixi. Find a place to shelter from the rain by yourself. Don't worry about me, I'll take a shower for a while." Su Siman looked at the overlapping white rain, and his face was full of excitement.

"How can that work! Princess, if you are sick, how can the maidservants afford it!" Xiang'er is very frightened.

"It doesn't matter. Who dares to punish you if I'm here?" Su Siman wiped his forehead, brushed a strand of wet hair behind his ear, and shook his hand, which was very chic.

Xiang'er had to turn her eyes to Bixi for help and rely on her to help persuade her. After all, Bixi has been following the master for many years. How can she not know her waywardness and make up her mind? Even nine cows can't pull them back. Bixi only whispered a few words to Xiang'er. Xiang'er looked embarrassed, and finally nodded and left quickly.

The tourmaline followed Susman slowly and paced behind his back.

"Bixi, have something on your mind recently?" Su Siman turned his head and asked.

"Yes, I have a lot on my mind." Tourmaline smiled, and the cold rain poured into her mouth. She spat as if nothing had happened, raised her sleeves and wiped her mouth.

"Yes, let's hear it." Su Siman looked at her seriously.

So the tourmaline also looked serious: "I've been thinking that the princess and the prince obviously love each other, but why can't they always be together smoothly? I'm very anxious."

Su Siman laughed dumbly: "I guessed that you can't spit ivory in your dog's mouth. Which pot doesn't open? I haven't scold you for a long time. Is itchy?"

"Yes, yes--" The tourmaline dragged a long tone and was serious. "The slave maidservant has a dog's mouth, but even if she gives her a few pieces of silver pimples, it won't turn into ivory."

"Dead girl! Nothing has changed!" Su Siman laughed and scolded and pointed his forefinger on her forehead.

Su Siman caught a glimpse of a pale red on the clothes on Bixi's chest, against the tender green background, which was particularly eye-catching and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "Bixi, are you hurt?"

Bixi was stunned and followed the master's eyes. She was also shocked. It was just a little skin injury, and it was about to heal. She didn't pay attention to it at all. She didn't expect to be drenched by the rain, and she actually bled again. She quickly thought about how to fool her, but in turn, it occurred to her that the current master is no longer the fool at the beginning. If you want to fool her, don't be self-defeating, you have to be silent.

Su Siman looked at her with a complex expression, and the rain dripped from her eyelashes, like tears like transparent pearls.

Bixi didn't dare to look at her, so he had to look elsewhere. At this moment, she also understood that the seamless deception she thought might not have escaped her eyes. She may have noticed it early, but it has not been broken. So, does she know all about the betrayal she has ever had? It's just that she has been pretending to be stupid, pretending not to see it, not aware that nothing has happened, and chose to trust herself as always.

The eye socket was hot, and almost in an instant, Bixi had the impulse to kneel down and confess.

He once regarded that person as his benefactor, but he never gave himself such 100% trust. On the contrary, this person, who was only regarded as a "pawn" at first, repeatedly forgave and almost indulged. Is she too smart or too aware of the weaknesses of people's hearts? Maybe it's time to be glad that you have recognized the reality and lost your way back, otherwise it will be too late to repent.

However, this move did not come true after all. Just as Bixi's knees were soft and she was about to kneel down, Xiang'er found Liang Shaojun and rescued her in time.

"You're crazy!" Liang Shaojun grabbed Su Siman's hand and was anxious and angry. The little eunuch who gave him an umbrella could hardly keep up with his pace, causing his shoulders and arms to be soaked.

"Why are you here?" Su Simanqi said, "Is it down?"

"When I was discussing things with my grandfather, I saw Xiang'er running over in a panic. How dare you ask. How old are you? Why are you so worry-free? Haven't you been sick enough in the rain last time? Liang Shaojun scolded with a blue face and frowned tightly.

Su Siman looked at his expression and was obviously very worried, but he looked annoyed and couldn't help laughing. But when she heard him mention the last rain and illness, she couldn't help thinking that he gently fed her medicine, but she stabbed her and killed an innocent life. In retrospect, he did treat his kindness as a donkey's liver and lungs, which was not only ruined, but also severely**. At that time, he must have been very uncomfortable... She thought that in fact, he was a gentle person, but the way of expression was different from ordinary people. He was tolerant and hidden in the bottom of his heart. But this does not mean that his feelings are one point less than others, and even what he feels is stronger than ordinary people, because he lacks a person to share his joys and sorrows with him.

Such a man is actually more fanatical and persistent. But whatever people and things he identifies is to protect.

And she was lucky to become the person he wanted to do everything he could to protect.

How much is he hiding from her? I really want to know...