A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 27 Bored

The collection of disaster relief has come to an end.

Liang Shaojun just calmed down and went to Fuwang Mountain to participate in the blessing ceremony.

Wangfu Mountain is located in the suburbs of Beijing 70 miles away from the imperial city. There are many accompanying people. No matter how fast it is, it will take at least two or three days to go back and forth.

Because she went to the temple to pray for blessings, except for the queen of the mother of a country and the favored noble concubine, other women could not accompany her, so Su Siman also stayed in the palace.

Before leaving, Su Siman was worried to ask Liang Shaojun's accompanying people whether they were safe and repeatedly told him to pay attention to safety. Then Su Siman realized that she had not seen Li Yuan for several days. After asking, he knew that Li Yuan was still ill, and he could not accompany him to Wangfu Mountain this time.

The queen is not there, and Su Siman can have another few days of free and happy days, and even saves morning and twilight.

On the first day, I slept in. When I got up, I had three days. After breakfast, I went to the Royal Garden for a walk, and then returned to the East Palace. The morning was over. After taking a lunch break, I began to take a nap. When he opened his eyes in the afternoon, before the sun had set, Su Siman suddenly felt bored. Why is this day so long?

Suddenly, I feel that this life is quite boring. It's a difficult problem to find some fun to pass the time.

Su Siman stared at the carved bed pillar and the top of the Babao Cuiluo tent. His arms were placed behind his head and the ordinary quilt was lifted. One leg was bent, and the other leg was folded on the stilt, and his face was a little confused.

The breeze came in through the window, mixed with a faint floral fragrance, which was very pleasant.

I don't know how long I kept that posture. It was not tiring to change my posture until Bixi came in and called her.

Bixi has long been surprised by her master's strange sleeping posture. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. As long as there is nothing important to see, she is too lazy to remind the master of his sleeping posture and so on. Anyway, she also knows that the master can only be in the ear. The left ear has not finished, and the right ear has been filtered synchronously. In fact, she tried it in private and found that although those sleeping postures were not elegant, they were indeed quite comfortable.

"Bixi, it's so boring." Su Simman turned over, put his arm under his cheek, and glanced at the tourmaline listlessly. This looks like a plague or something.

"What does the princess want to play?" Bixi asked with understanding.

"It's boring if you just don't know." Su Siman grabbed the drooping forehead painstakingly.

Bixi thought for a moment and suggested, "Why don't we go out of the palace at night?"

"Good idea!" Su Siman's eyes lit up and immediately sat up from ** with excitement. "It happens that there is no master in the harem. Let's sneak out and no one can find it." Su Siman suddenly thought of something again. He grabbed the tourmaline's sleeve and asked, "Is today a festival?"

Bixi shook his head: "No, today is an ordinary day." Seeing Su Siman's disappointed face, he quickly added, "However, it will be a festival in a few days."

"Uh... How time flies. It's going to be the Filience Festival..." Su Siman sighed. Tourmaline told her this before. The Incense Festival is Valentine's Day of this era. On this day, young men and women can express their feelings. Young people can boldly confess to their beloved girls, and girls use sachets to tell each other whether they accept it or not.

Every day, the court of Chu will give the young maids a holiday. You can go out of the palace at night, and it's okay to see people or play. However, in the State of Liang, the Family Incense Festival is only a folk festival. The courts of all dynasties believe that this festival is not suitable for etiquette and cannot be elegant. If something happens when the maid of honor comes out of the palace, it will be lost in the face of the royal family. This festival can't be held in the court. If young women's family members use sachets as their names and secretly communicate with people, this is not good. Where can the royal face be put?

Su Siman has never passed this festival, but what Bixi said seems to be very interesting. Unfortunately, although it is a very good festival, it is not well received by the court. The maids of the court of Liang seem to be imprisoned in the palace 365 days a year. Unless specially approved, they don't want to contact the outside world at all. In and out of the palace, there are two separated worlds. Those maids who had their sweethearts before entering the palace can only hold their secretly embroidered sachets and silently miss the lovers outside the palace wall on the day of the fragrance festival. These maids must work for five years before they can be released from the palace. The woman's youth has only been a few years, and almost all of them have been buried in the deep palace. After leaving the palace, what is waiting for them is often not a happy family life. Her former lover may have married and had children, and she also missed the best years of her life and could not find a happy home.

Thinking of this, Su Siman felt uncomfortable. If she is uncomfortable, she can't change anything, at least for now.

Su Siman adjusted his mood and then said, "I heard that Li Yuan is ill. Let's go out tonight and see him."

The tourmaline's face turned red and bowed his head and replied, "Yes..."

"What's the matter? You don't seem to be happy?" Su Siman got off the bed slowly, and the tourmaline naturally came forward to change her clothes.

"No." Bixi denied it.

"Yes, Bixi, how old are you this year?"


"Well, sixteen, sixteen..." Su Siman slamed his lips thoughtfully.

Bixi was really afraid that his master would ask some messy and headache questions. Fortunately, Su Siman repeated himself several times, laughed a few times, and only commented on a sentence of "good age" and talked about the topic. Then he was relieved.

For how to sneak away unobtrusively at night, Tourmao has long been an old hand, even with Susman's "reladen", it still does not affect efficiency.

There are still candles on both sides of the street that are also open at night. After all, it is the capital. On ordinary nights, the whole street will not be dark and blind. Scattered vendors dot the market, and the lights are as bright as stars. There are not many people on the street, and there is far less traffic than day.

When he got to the street, Su Siman seemed to suddenly remember something, suddenly patted his forehead, stamped his feet and said anxiously, "Aren't we going to see Li Yuan, Bixi, do you know where he lives? I don't even know!"

Bixi flattened his mouth and hesitated for a moment. Seeing that Su Siman's inquiring eyes were still on his body, he had to whisper, "I know."

"Then you lead the way." Su Siman smiled and then squeezed his eyes. Bixi was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to look directly at her, and she was secretly glad that she didn't ask much. To be honest, sometimes she can't stand Su Siman's bottom of the question.

The tourmaline used to fly straight to the destination, but this time it turned around the ground and took a lot of effort.

The place where Liyuan lives is an independent courtyard. There are not many residents nearby, and there are only a few scattered households. Many people have turned off the lights and went to bed early. There are no street lights here. It's dark and quiet.

Bixi looked at several low houses nearby, and then looked at the slightly more spectacular house in front of him, leading Su Siman to walk slowly forward. It should be here.

The dark courtyard door is closed, and the left and right door rings are faintly distinguishable. Bixi did not intend to disturb his neighbors. He jumped up the tile with Su Siman and flew to the front yard. There is no lamp in the courtyard, and the doors and windows are closed. Somehow, Bixi vaguely felt that the situation was abnormal. Li Yuan should not have fallen asleep at this time. According to his usual habits, he should have been burning a lamp and leaning on ** reading at this time.

Su Siman was about to move forward when he was pulled by Bixi. Bixi gestured and motioned Su Siman to wait here and explore by himself. Su Siman nodded intently and stopped where he was.

Today is the end of the month, and there is no residual moon. In addition to a few sparse stars, there is only a gray sky. The branches and leaves of the old tree not far away trembled in the evening wind, making a slight rustling sound.

The tourmaline gently approached the window. She felt that it had been passive, and a leaf inserted on the window lattice last night was missing. Bixi held his breath and half squatted under the window and listened carefully to the movement in the room, silent. Holding the dagger in her hand, she slowly stood up, pushed open the window with one palm, and pushed open with a sharp swirl. Her body had turned over the window and made no sound when she landed.

"Don't move!"

With this sound, the blue, who was about to straighten up, suddenly felt a chill in her neck, and she immediately stopped moving.

The room is dark and rumbling, completely out of sight. Tourmaline couldn't see the face of the man with the sword against her neck, but she recognized his voice.

"Prince Huangfu." She gave a low voice.

Huangfu Chong didn't talk, restrained her acupuncture point with lightning and took back the sword.

"Tell me, where have my father been?" Huangfu Chong lowered his voice and forced to ask.

"I don't know." The tourmaline couldn't move all over, and his eyes moved. He looked at the inside of the room. It was faintly visible that there was a person lying upright. She withdrew her eyes and stared at Huangfu Chong. In the dark, there was a cold light in his eyes. She asked, "What did you do to him?"

"Answer me, where did my father get them by you?" Huangfu Chong squatted down and looked at the tourmaline. Although his voice was not loud, he felt full of pressure.

"I said I don't know. The only thing that can be sure is that this has nothing to do with General Li Yuan."

"I don't believe it. You are already in the same group." Huangfu Chong glanced at the inner room and locked his eyes on the tourmaline again, with a complicated look. Of course, he doesn't believe Bixi's words. He still holds the iron plate in his arms, which is hard evidence. How can it have nothing to do with Li Yuan?

Bixi calmly defended, "No, if I were with him, I wouldn't have hurt him and almost killed him."

Huangfu Chong pondered for a long time and was not sure whether Bixi's words were true or not. When he just had just fightd with Li Yuan, he did find that he had been injured and poisoned. If not, he would not have been able to subdue Li Yuan so easily. Unexpectedly, he would have been a poisonous hand under Bixi? He was puzzled, and his previous fixed thoughts swayed a little.

"Since it's not a group, what are you doing here?" Huangfu Chong stared at the tourmaline and did not let go of any expression on her face.

"The crown princess took care of the prince's subordinates, and I was also ordered to come." The tourmaline said coldly.

"She's here too?" Huangfu Chong's face was stunned.
