A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 34 Children are difficult to raise

When the stable woman came in with a clean baby wrapped in a fluffy blanket, Xu Jiao lay there motionless. She didn't even have time to look at the little life she had sacrificed for and left in such a hurry.

Su Siman silently took the child from her mother-in-law and put him next to Xu Jiao, which was also to make the mother and son separated from yin and yang close.

The tourmaline was quietly released by Huangfu Chong this day and night.

The little baby seemed to have a sense. He kept crying all night. Su Siman didn't sleep all night, and the tourmaline had been coaxing the child, but it still didn't work. He cried breathlessly, and his little face wrinkled purple, as if he could not pick up at any time and go with his mother. Naturally, the imperial doctor did not dare to leave, for fear that if he was not careful, His Highness would have an accident. Xu Baolin has passed out. It would be too sinful if he hadn't even kept the child.

When the wet nurse came, the child refused to breastfeed, but only cried, which was extremely pitiful. After all night, he was finally cured by Taihe and stopped near dawn. Su Siman was able to be clean for a while and fell asleep with his head next to the pillow. When she woke up, it was already three poles in the sun. Su Siman remembered the child's situation. Hearing the maid of honor say that the child had just breastfed and had fallen asleep, she was still restless. She ate breakfast hastily and did not rest her breath. She immediately went to the warm pavilion of the side hall without touching her feet.

When Su Siman arrived there, the child woke up again and cried. The wet nurse held him around the room, but she couldn't coax him and kept crying.

The wet nurse hummed a small tune to coax the child and patted him to comfort him. She was probably too distracted to find Su Siman coming in.

Su Siman looked quietly at the door for a long time and did not disturb the people inside. The maid outside was also silent. The wet nurse walked to the front with the child in her arms before she found her.

"I want to see the princess!" The wet nurse was frightened, and she didn't like to give a gift in her arms, so she had to bend her knees to bless her body.

"Get up quickly. I just heard from the maid that the little prince had fallen asleep. Why did she wake up so quickly?

"Princess, Her Royal Highness has been stimulated in the womb. In addition, she is born in full term, which is naturally weaker and more delicate than ordinary children, and it is normal to cry easily." The wet nurse replied, seeing Su Siman's face sad, and continued, "But please rest assured that she will get better in a few days."

Hearing her say this, Su Siman finally felt a little relieved and sighed, "Yes, this child's life is miserable. As soon as he is born, he has no mother, and his body is weak. He has to bother to raise it." She glanced at the wet nurse's pale face and dark eyes and said, "Are you tired last night? Thank you for your hard work."

"It's all the servant's job, and I dare not say it's hard." The wet nurse bowed her head.

"Come on, hug this child." Su Siman took the child from the wet nurse's hand. The child seemed to be very close to her. Gradually, he stopped crying and fell asleep in Su Siman's arms. His sleeping face was very beautiful.

The light was bright in the daytime, and Su Siman looked at him carefully with the bright light, and his eyebrows were exactly the same as Liang Shaojun. When I watched it last night, my little face was wrinkled and wrapped in thick blue-purple. Today, it looks much better. The skin still looks a little wrinkled, but the blue-purple has faded. It is white and tender, more tender than tofu. It makes people want to touch his little face.

Su Siman held him and had an unprecedented feeling in his heart, which was awe and gratitude for life. People are such a small one from the beginning, slowly growing up, although at first they are as delicate as flowers under the wind and rain. Life is so wonderful, so sacred, so twists and turns, winding like a rushing river, endless.

Before she came out of the warm pavilion, a maid came to ask Zi Mingju what to do. Su Siman is the master of the palace, and naturally she has to take this idea.

Su Siman had to give the child to the wet nurse and told her to take good care of the child. Before leaving, she kissed the child's forehead, just like the child's mother.

Su Siman has never encountered such a thing. He asked Bixi how to deal with white things in the palace. Bixi said that it was better to ask the concubine who can be in charge of the palace. When Bixi said this, Su Siman understood that in fact, to put it bluntly, he was looking for a helper. Even if he didn't handle it well, at least many people would stand up. The first thing Su Siman thought of was naturally to discuss with the empress dowager, but the empress dowager has been unwell recently and has left for Fuyuetan to recuperate yesterday. Obviously, she can't count on it. The queen and Zhao Guifei are not in the palace. Now the highest rank in the palace is Liang Shaoheng's mother, Concubine Yun. Su Siman did not hesitate much. He left the warm pavilion and went straight to the Baiyue Pavilion.

When she arrived at Baiyue Pavilion, Yunfei was not there. The maid of honor reported that she had just gone to Hui Guiren's place and was afraid that she would not come back for a while. Su Siman thought for a moment. It's better to go back first. It's boring to wait here. She ordered the maid of honor to wait for Yunfei to come back and tell her that she had come to discuss something with her.

It's not far away. When they met Liang Shaoheng, who came back from Taixue, the two had to gossip a few words. Liang Shaoheng was so happy that he heard that a new man had been added to the East Palace. Although it is not the first time to upgrade to be an uncle, this time Tianding is his favorite second brother's house, which is naturally happier than other families. At present, he said that he wanted to see his little nephew. Su Siman agreed with a smile and went back to Anqin Garden with him.

Today, the people who came out of the palace should also come back. Su Siman's mood is a little complicated, mixed with worries. In just a few days, so many things happened in the East Palace, especially Xu Jiao has died, and the death is a little miserable. Alas... He has to fall into the handle and is said by people. The lord of a palace is not so good. Ah.

Forget it, things have happened and can't be recovered. In short, she has done her best and has a clear conscience. She can't control what others want, but please rest in peace.

What should I do? What should I do? I can only take one step at a time. There must be a way to get to the mountain.

In the afternoon, Su Siman heard the news that the guard of honor had arrived a few miles away from the capital and should be ready to welcome him. Sure enough, as soon as she changed her clothes and cleaned up, a little yellow door came to send a message asking her to go to Deshengmen with those concubines.

Su Siman and Feng Wan Wan, who had not appeared for a long time, finally met face to face. Both of them looked pale, and they simply exchanged a few words and stood up.

When the sun was about to set, the imperial guard finally entered the Desheng Gate, and the people who came out of the palace came back.