A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 43 Unreveal

In the middle of the moon, the stars are sparse at night, the moon is as bright as silver, and the sky is as blue as indigo.

The palace is no different from usual. Several lanterns are hanging high under the main corridor, swaying slightly in the night wind, causing the flame to sway.

At the end of the winding corridor leading to the side hall, there is a person reclining under the majestic marble column. The body is slender, the back is very slim, and the face faces outside the corridor. The lazy posture is a little leisurely and a little wanton. It seems to be waiting for people and seems to be enjoying the night scenery alone.

As usual, Liyuan sent a group of subordinates to leave first, and then carefully checked all parts of the East Palace.

Seeing a man leaning against the end of the corridor from afar, he immediately increased his vigilance, reached out and pressed the hilt of the sword, and accelerated his feet. The pace is fast, but it is like feet without touching the ground, and there is no sound.

When he was seven or eight feet away from the man, he recognized the slender figure.

Li Yuan unconsciously slowed down, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword also loosened.

"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly.

"Isn't it okay to enjoy the moon?" Tourmaline turned his head, looked at him at the end of his eyes, turned his face and continued to look outside the corridor. He didn't know whether he was looking at the sky or what he was looking at.

Li Yuan squeezed the corners of his mouth and looked at her indifferently. His voice was as straight as a thin ice lake: "Then you can do it yourself." After saying these four words, he turned his eyes without squinting and strode forward, with windy wind on both sides.

As soon as Bixi saw this, her body jumped up like a spring, and the leisure just now was gone. She stamped her foot and said, "Hey, wait!"

Li Yuan was slightly sluggish. After a little hesitation, he still stopped, his waist was slightly twisted, and his back left a shallow profile on her: "What's the matter?"

Somehow, Bixi was a little dissatisfied with his four words that were obviously alienated. In the past, he used to say "what" and "what" and so on. Today, she suddenly changed his words, which made her feel very strange. In the past, she always felt that the shorter and more estranged she said, the closer the long sentences always seemed to appear, but now she feels as if she has subverted her previous cognition, and she is a little uncomfortable. Especially thinking that he was still taking good care of him a few days ago. Although they didn't talk much, they always got along well. What's his attitude today! What annoyed her more was why she inexplicably made an extra sachet and gave it to him! If time can go back, she will definitely not do this. Isn't it boring? God-killed man!

"Nothing!" Tourmaline's heart suddenly made a nameless fire. He took out the sachet from his sleeve bag, waved his arm angrily, and threw the thing in his hand into Liyuan fiercely. Liyuan did not dodge and was smashed. Seeing that he was unresponsive like a wooden nerd, Bixi couldn't help stamping his feet and turning around angrily and galloping in the opposite direction.

Looking at the figure of Bixi leaving quickly and the sachet on the ground, Li Yuan stood there for a long time. She didn't know why she was so angry that she couldn't touch the door at all. She only felt that the woman's heart was really undersea needle and unpredictable.

When I returned to Anqin Garden, the moon was slightly oblique, and the princess's bedroom was still brightly lit. Obviously, she had not gone to bed yet.

The tourmaline walked briskly. When he entered the inner room, he found that Su Siman was lying with his clothes and fell asleep.

"Princess! Wake up!" Tourmaline shook her shoulder gently.

Su Siman frowned, pulled the corners of his mouth, woke up soon, looked at the tourmaline sleepily, and casually asked, "What time is it?"

She often asked this question in a daze. Bixi already knew that it was the time to ask, so she replied, "It's Hai. Is the princess ready to go to bed?"

"Why hasn't the prince come yet?" Su Siman's eyes were slightly disappointed. He pouted, unconsciously rubbed the sachet in his hand, and whispered, "Well, go get ready. I'm going to bathe."

"Yes." The tourmaline bowed and retreated.

In a short time, the bath water was ready, and Su Siman sat in the bathtub under the service of Bixi. She picked up all kinds of ** petals floating on the water, but she couldn't help thinking about it. Her thoughts uncontrollably returned to the situation of her first reunion with Liang Shaojun, and she couldn't help smiling.

The tourmaline looked at her happy and rippled look, flattened her mouth and her face was depressed.

Su Siman rippled for a while, restrained his smile, and raised his words: "Bixi, what do you think the prince did? He hasn't come so late. Will he not come tonight?"

"I dare not make extrajury speculation." The tourmaline replied rigidly.

Su Siman asked casually, just to break the silence. She didn't know it herself. How could Bixi know? However, the chagical tone of Bixi attracted Su Siman's attention. She looked up slightly, rolled her eyelids, and smiled, "What have you suffered? You are as listless as an eggplant."

Bixi touched his cheek unnaturally and smiled covertly: "Is there?"

Su Siman straightened his color, looked at her carefully, shook his head and looked serious: "You must have been hit. Find a mirror yourself to have a look. How ugly you look now. It seems that you haven't recovered your debts and are full of fire. Look, the eyes are yellow and the liver is very hot. However, the slightly raised curvature of the corners of his mouth revealed the secret, which was clearly a joke.

How couldbi Xi not know the master's intentional ridicule? His face was slightly red, his eyebrows were entangled, moistened his slightly dry lips, and he didn't buy it. He seemed to mutter to himself, "Your Highness has not returned yet, and I don't know whether the sachet embroidered by the crown princess can be handed over to him today. It's a pity to spend such a good night. "

Sure enough, Su Siman's pain was so angry that Su Siman stared, but he finally stopped the momentum of ridiculing.

The master's problem really gives Bixi a headache. Obviously, she also has a basket of troubles, but she can often put it aside and happily play with people. Unfortunately, she has not learned this. Really, what on earth are you irritable about? What's wrong with me? Where is the previous joy and longing? Is it worth it for such a cold-blooded person?

But why do you think of giving him a sachet? This question made Bixi a little panicked. No, no, this is definitely not that meaning. It's just a goodwill to make up for what I did before. Yes, that's it! It doesn't mean anything else! Oh, it's true, why did Liyuan, a dead wood and stinky wood, ruin other people's kindness!

Bixi thought so wildly that he unconsciously put strength into his hands, and Su Siman grinned and was very dissatisfied.

"Woth, what's wrong with you today? Don't vent your anger on me if you have nothing to do! I'm thin and tender, and I can't stand your pinch.

The tourmaline was embarrassed, and his face was full of shame. Fortunately, at this time, Liang Shaojun appeared at the door of the bedroom in time and immediately removed the attention of the two people in the room. The tourmaline restrained his mind, quickly cleaned up his master, and withdrew knowingly.