A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 45 White Face and Blushing Face

Liyuan's dark and deep eyes like the spring water of Liyuan Lake, like the deep water with slightly ripples that has just melted the ice in early spring, just stayed firmly on the face of tourmaline. Bixi couldn't stand this eye power, and her heart beat in a mess. In the early morning, it was obviously cool and strong, but she sweated on her forehead, and her forehead was slightly oily, and she even forgot to grab the sachet.

When his eyes were staggered, Tourmaline's face was already crimson, and he hurriedly turned his face away to avoid his gaze.

He didn't say any more, just quietly, as if waiting for her answer.

The panic feeling of Bixi is like the sea surging up at high tide, stained with clothes and soaked into the limbs and bones. While she was in a hurry to serve her master, she was ashamed that her mind was broken by him. She was ashamed and anxious, so she simply raised her foot and stepped on him to teach him. Li Yuan was completely unprepared. This time, he was stepped on by the tourmaline. All five innocent toes of his left foot suffered, and the bottom of his foot simply hurt. Bixi took advantage of his stunnedgong fu and shook his hand to break free from him, as light as Yan's escape.

Li Yuan looked at her sparrow-like figure and walked away lightly. The smile on her lips finally couldn't help grinning and grinning alone. It was not until the back of the tourmaline disappeared in sight that he lowered his head, patted his boots, withdrew the sachet in his arms, put it close to himself, touched the hilt of the sword and left. The slight smile remained on his lips.

I don't know what the prince has been busy with in recent days, and often disappears for three days.

Su Siman has also been to the Qingyan Hall several times, but Liang Shaojun was not there. He heard from the maid of honor that the emperor often summoned him in the Taihe Hall. They didn't know what they were planning. All the eunuchs of the palace were screened. Otherwise, I will go out of the palace to meet my ministers and return to the palace very late every day. Hearing such a reward, Su Siman felt a little uneasy. There was always a premonition that something big was going to happen, and he was still restless when he returned to Anqin Garden.

However, she quickly dispelled her doubts. Previously, she always felt that something big would happen. The result was not safe, and the collection of disaster relief funds was also successfully resolved. In short, there was no way out. It doesn't make sense to think so wildly.

Thinking so, Su Siman put his heart back, turned his head and went to the warm pavilion. She is a little inseparable from the child now. If she doesn't see him for a day, her heart will be empty. I don't know if Liang Shaojun knows that she won't see him for a day, she can still sit still. If she doesn't see the baby for a day, her heart is like a cat scratching. Will she be jealous?

The wet nurse is basking in the sun outside with her highness in her arms. Today, the sun is bright and cloudless, and it is not too hot. It is really cool and pleasant in autumn. Su Siman looked down at the sleeping child and couldn't help scratching his pink face that seemed to be able to pinch water. He unconsciously remembered what Liang Shaojun said when he stayed overnight last time--

"Xinger, when will you give birth to a baby for me?"

Looking at his expectation, she nodded shyly, couldn't help pushing his shoulder again, and said shyly, "It depends on God's will. I can't give birth if I want to, and I can't decide alone."

What a smart person Liang Shaojun suddenly thought about her words: "Why, do you think I'm not hardworking enough?" Look at that serious look. Hey, do you think you are well disguised? Your mouth is about to bend to the sky!

Su Siman couldn't take this stubble and made a big red face. This guy must have done it on purpose! When did he become so sinister and cunning? Obviously, he just enlightened him not to paralyze him. Why was he teased by him? Isn't she usually teasing him?! This script is wrong!

As a result, Liang Shaojun was indeed very diligent that night, working harder than the old cow who ploughed in spring. He ploughed again and again, and sowed seeds without hesitation. Look, if this doesn't work, it can't be blamed that the cultivated cattle are not diligent, but that the land is too poor.

Su Siman held the child in his arms, and his eyes couldn't help but glance from the milk doll's pink face to his flat belly like a pot lid. It's really strange. The two have been getting together for several months. Why is there no movement at all? Is it true that her land is not fat enough?

In fact, this problem has also troubled her for a long time. Since she had a crown, she is also eager to have a child, which only belongs to her and his child. But why can't you always get pregnant? She has never drunk any shelter soup. Several times she deliberately chose to have sex during the ovulation period. It is said that the probability of winning the prize is very high, but there is still no movement, which is really a little strange.

After spending most of the day in the warm pavilion, Su Siman planned to return to Anqin Garden. When passing by the small garden, I saw a little maid hurried away with her head down and hurried away. Naturally, it was even more impossible to salute her. Su Siman is not a polite person. Usually, she will not delve into this situation. What's more, she is full of things at this time and doesn't notice it at all. However, the accompanying tourmaline was not a vague master. He whispered a few words to Su Siman and nodded.

The tourmaline took the first half of the step and raised his voice, "You stop!"

As soon as the little maid heard someone calling, she seemed to be shocked. Her hand shook, and something in her hand fell out and spilled to the ground.

"I... I want to see the crown princess!" The little maid trembled and knelt down and kowtowed desperately. The girl was also sincere. Every time she kowtowed, her forehead bloomed.

Su Siman looked at her and made no sound.

The tourmaline asked, "Which palace are you from?" Why do you look at it?

When the little maid heard the question, she banged her head twice, and then replied in a trembling voice, "The maidservant... The maidservant is Qing Yixuan."

The voice of the tourmaline immediately increased, and the power increased a little: "In front of the crown princess, you dare to believe in opening the river!"

"I don't have a maidservant, and I don't dare!" The little maid has been stunned and completely doesn't understand what she said wrong.

Bixi's voice was fierce: "What kind of slaves does Qing Yixuan have? You don't even know what kind of princely you are? Do you know the crime of bullying the master?!"

At this time, the little maid had been scared so far away from her body and kowtowed. Bixi's words were undoubtedly a head stick, and the frequency of her kowtowed down. She lay on the ground and cried, "I deserve to die, I deserve to die... I was only recently transferred to Qing Yixuan. Maybe the superiors had not been notified. What about me? I don't even know..."

Su Siman curled his lips when he heard this. The girl was really not very clever.

Sure enough, I heard Bi Xi say, "In this case, isn't it your master Feng Liangdi's? What a bold slave, do you have such a slave? Seeing the crown princess, but deliberately avoiding bad etiquette is the first crime; it is the second crime to do something wrong and betray the master without repentance; the palace has always been stable and neat, but you are sneaky and evil, which is the third sin. Do you know that these crimes are enough for you to be cautious for the rest of your life?

The little maid of honor has been completely paralyzed, and her mouth is only "begging the crown princess for help" and trembled like a sieve.

Su Siman saw that the maid of honor had been scared and felt that it was enough, so he motioned to the blue with his eyes. How understanding Bixi is. There is no need to remind him. With just one look, he can communicate with the master's heart. He stopped and retreated behind Su Siman.

"Okay, okay, don't kowtight, look up." Su Siman said gently that it was already good to sing the doublehuang with the tourmaline. Of course, every time the tourmaline sings white face, she sings red face, the crown princess, how can she be a villain?

How dares the little maid of honor to get up? She still kowtowed, and the floor was dyed red.

Su Siman lost a wink at Bixi again. Bixi quickly rushed forward to help half of her body from the ground: "How can you disobey the order of the princess let you get up?"

The tone is gentle, and the attitude is pleasant, as if the person who has just been fierce like a dominatrix is not her at all.

Su Siman is secretly proud. Look, is it still my subordinates? The performance is in place. You ask her to sing white face, she will never sing black face, you ask her to catch the mouse, and she will never catch the wrong chicken. On the other hand, Feng Wan Wan's first confidant, Caixia's biological sister, is too far away! It has become like this. How can it become a climate?

The little maid had already been messy in the wind. She was helped by the tourmaline, and the only remaining soul was also scared away. She only trembled and said, "Thank you very much, Princess!"

Su Siman glanced at the medicine bag wrapped in brown paper on the ground and continued to gently ask, "What is that on the ground?"

"I don't know!" The little maid shook her head like a rattle, and the blood flowing from her upper mouth also fell obliquely in response to the centrifugal force, stained on the green dress of the blue, and several eye-catching small red dots appeared.

Su Siman asked kindly, "Do you really don't know?"

The tourmaline looked at her with deep meaning at the right time. The little maid happened to meet her eyes, and fear appeared when her eyes were neutral. Bixi's eyes seemed to warn her again: It's a felony to deceive the Lord!

The little maid knew that she could not hide her from the sea, so she could only tell the truth that she only hoped that the very gentle-looking princess would let her go. She quickly fell down again and said, "Go back to the princess. It's the medicine that my sister ordered me to go to the imperial hospital to get."

Su Siman is very good at grasping the key points, and his attention suddenly fell on the words "sister" and "taking".

In fact, since she returned to the palace this time, she has deliberately begun to cultivate her power in the East Palace to prevent herself from being plotted by others. That day, she broke through the adultery between Feng Wan Wan and Liang Shaoxuan, which strengthened her determination to insert eyeliner into Qing Yixuan. However, Caixia, Feng Wan's confidant's confidant, Caixia, was not easy to fool. She did not succeed in inserting people several times and was prevented to death. Later, I thought that it was better to force Caixia to cooperate with her. As long as she had a chip that could bow her head, she would get a strong help. First, Caixia is Feng Wan's confidant, and Feng Wan won't doubt her. Second, because Caixia is Feng Wan's confidant, the secrets she knows are more detailed, and what she takes out of her mouth is more valuable.

The problem is how to subdue this Caixia. Caixia is a soft and hard person who doesn't eat it. It's useless to lobby and force all of them. For this, Su Siman has a lot of nerves. Later, Bixi found out that Caixia still had a biological sister working in Liang Shaoheng's mother's Baiyue Pavilion, and transferred her to Feng Wan Wan after a relationship.

Wait and wait, after all, it's a good time.

Su Siman couldn't help smiling and ordered, "Take her away."