A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 54 Escape from Death

Her call full of affection and expectation is always unconsciously played back in her mind. If I remember correctly, this is the first time she called him "Shaojun". His name was called out by her, but it was so sincere.

He had always hinted at himself and was just pretending about her. I'm afraid that he was really sincere in getting along with him.

Otherwise, why do you have to find her this time?

Only at the critical moment of life and death did she understand her heart. It turned out that she didn't know when her life and death had become so important. The significance of her existence is far from being a hostage. Her identity is first of all his wife, and the rest are floating clouds.

If only he had understood this earlier...

The water of the Luo River was so turbulent, the yellow river was rushing and roaring, and the reefs were shallow, and the people who followed him were scattered. Some people were involved in the whirlpool. At first, they could see the ups and downs, and disappeared in a moment.

Liang Shaojun's arms and legs were scratched when they fell off the cliff, and they were hit by underwater reefs. His clothes have been torn to pieces, and they are simply bruised all over. He was not injured when he jumped off the cliff, but now he has fallen into such a field. It can be imagined that the situation of Su Siman and Wang Xiaojue will only be worse.

Su Siman was slaughtered, and his upper body was tied tightly by ropes. No matter how good the water is, it won't help. If he is not killed by a reef, he will be drowned. Liang Shaojun realized that this time he really pushed her to death with his own hands.

If she dies, he can't forgive himself.

It was he who killed her.

This cognition made him feel like he was hit by a stuffy stick, and his heart was so painful.

But he was obviously worried. Susman's life was very big. Hebanxian, a second-time immortal, hasn't come forward to call her soul. She can't die even if she wants to! What's more, she is a little greedy and afraid of death. As long as she still has a breath, she will try not to let herself see the king of hell. Since she couldn't fall to death on the cliff last time, she will still die this time.

Wang Xiaojue is really determined to die together, but he was seriously injured. He had already lost too much blood, his consciousness was a little vague, and his vigilance was not as strong as usual. Before falling into the Luohe River, she took advantage of Wang Xiaoyu's attention to grab the dagger pinned to his waist and wanted to cut off the rope tied to her body. You know, she was tied twice. Cutting the rope with her backhand was originally a technical job. In addition, she was still falling rapidly at this time, and her hands were in a hurry and boring. Su Siman was busy working in a hurry, but Wang Xiaoyu suddenly woke up and came to grab the dagger. Su Siman was almost about to throw away the dagger. Before Wang Xiaoyu touched the dagger, the two fell into the fierce Luo River at the same time. At this time, a sharp wave came, Su Siman choked a large mouthful of muddy water, quickly closed his breath, and the five-finger loosened the dagger was washed away by the torrent.

It's a pity that Wang Xiaoyu tied her twice with a rope before. Su Siman had cut part of the rope, and the bondage had been loosened a lot, but there was another bond that had not been cut off. In a hurry, she struggled hard and got the rope to her waist, and her two arms finally got rid of the bondage. Wang Xiaoyue grabbed the rope that fell on Su Siman's waist and controlled him within two feet. Now it is impossible to tie her back to her original state.

If you want to say that Wang Xiaojue, this boy is really vicious. Unexpectedly, he pulled the rope and didn't let go. Su Siman felt that his little waist was almost strangled. After the two fell into the water, he still held her tightly, and Su Siman struggled desperately and could not escape from his restraint.

The waves are rolling and always flooding people under the water. Su Siman is like a fish that is about to suffocate with the tide, hitting the sharp edges and corners of the reef from time to time. She felt that the rope on her waist had been moving, but the underwater world was dark and she couldn't see anything.

Su Siman choked a few mouthfuls of water one after another, quickly stepped on the water, and rowed desperately with two arms that had been struggling to break free from the bondage. As soon as her head surfaced, Wang Xiaoyu, who was still buried in the water, pulled her down desperately. Su Siman was so angry that he just wanted to kick him a few times, but he had to step on the water and didn't have time to kick people. The two fought to the death in the water, and Su Siman was also injured. Women were born with less strength than men, and they really suffered a lot. She knew very well that if it went on like this, both of them would die in this water. Wang Xiaoyu is trying to pull her as a cushion. Damn, black-hearted, but he can't let him make up his heart.

After finally coming out of the water, Su Siman took a greedy breath, because he didn't know when the next wave would fall. In this situation, which could be knocked to death or submerged at any time, every breath became extremely rare.

At this time, Su Siman found a strange thing. It had been more than three minutes since he fell into the water, and the kidnapper had been buried underwater without his head. And he is not like ordinary people, who plummeted after falling into the water. Su Siman understood that this person is not only good at water, but also a master. He can close his breath for so long, not a master! But if this swimmer holds his mortal heart and wants to pull her back... Then she won't want to live anymore. As long as he keeps pulling the fetters on her waist, she will definitely drown.

Susman's back is full of cold air.

The wave is high and urgent, and there is nowhere to escape with its teeth and claws. It can only rise and fall under its claws. When a huge wave came down, both of them were submerged, but they hit the reef impartially. At this time, Wang Xiaoyu seemed to suddenly enlighten and changed the idea of dying with Su Siman. He actually pushed her out, and the impact of hitting the reef almost all fell on him. Su Siman was pushed by him to avoid the impact of the reef, but his head was a little stunned.

He must have been dizzy by muddy water, so he changed his mind for a moment. It must be!

Su Siman's heart was ecstatic! Don't throw away this burden at this time and wait for him to kill her. Su Siman immediately swam to the right. As soon as he swam less than two feet, he suddenly found that he could not swim and his waist was strangled to death. Reaching out and touching, the rope wrapped around his waist collapsed tightly, and it was faintly visible that the rope was connected between the two through the turbid river. Su Siman's heart suddenly lit up like a mirror, and this time she finally couldn't help scolding.

Mary next door!!! Mary's next door!!!

I was shadyed by this bastard!

Dare to say that the boy had been buried in the water and did nothing, and tied the other end of the rope to his hand. This means very clearly. The two are tied together and want to die together and escape for their lives. Su Siman can't leave him alone. Su Siman finally understood his intention. He knew that he was seriously injured and decided that it was impossible to swim back to the shore on his own. Su Siman's injury was lighter and watery. As long as he was tied to her, she could not leave him alone. He had already seen that Su Siman would take him desperately to swim to the shore in order to survive, so that he could escape.

also understood this, and Su Siman finally cursed. She herself was stabbed in the arm next door to Mary, and she had to take the dead ghost who cut her away for her life - but the dead ghost is still an old man of more than 100 catties! She really regrets throwing away the dagger. If the dagger is still in her hand, she must not hesitate to make up for the boy first, and then break the rope!

Su Siman also understood why he hit the reef for her. It turned out that he wanted her to save some physical strength to take him to escape for his life. Fortunately, she just thought he was confused. Next door to Mary, there is really no free lunch in the world!

This dead boy is so hurt that he dares to shade her. He is really calculating.

Su Siman was really angry and dizzy. He choked on muddy water while scolding, until another wave covered her and forced her to the bottom of the water again. Su Siman stepped on the water desperately and paddled desperately. Finally, she held the sinking force and gradually surfaced out of the water. After going back and forth several times, she had no strength to curse and rowed the water obed obediently. He choked, and his head was still awake. He was somewhat glad that Wang Xiaoyu suddenly wanted to open up and changed his mind without dying. To be honest, she would rather drag such a burden and swim back to the shore than be a wronged ghost on his cushion. This guy is hateful. After all, he is not exactly a bastard.

Wang Xiaojue was seriously injured and may fall into a coma. At first, he could step on the water by himself, but then there was no movement. Su Siman swam very hard, and her clothes were almost hung up. Her sleeves were torn off, and the wound was exposed outside. The meat was soaked and rotten and bleeding all the time. Blood loss and heavy burden, Su Siman struggled desperately under the beating of the storm. Many times, she felt that she could not swim and was about to die, and her body was extremely heavy. The turbid river seemed to be out of sight and kept roaring, and she was like a small piece of wood, which could only rise and fall with the stormy waves and had no resistance at all.

Whenever she wants to give up, she keeps cheering herself up. From time to time, she thinks about Liang Shaojun's voice and smile, and when she thinks about Mian's young face, her will to survive is stimulated again, and the strength that has been pulled away will gather back little by little to support her to swim for a while.

Finally, I passed the Jiudaowan section of the Luohe River with high wind and waves, and arrived at the Yaoshui section where the water was much gentle. Su Siman has been tossed to the point where he has no strength to swim any more. He can only reluctantly hold a piece of driftwood and let his fate go.

If you are going to die, you will die. She has done her best. If God wants to accept her, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be useless.

Su Simman looked back with painstakingly. Wang Xiaoyu looked up to the sky and closed his eyes unconsciously, and there was no trace of blood on his pale face. Somehow, Su Siman's nose was sore and tears fell down. This time he really escaped from death. Fortunately, there was such a person around her. Although her life and death are unknown now, if it hadn't been for him, she would have been knocked unconscious by those reefs, and he had silently endured those impacts.

If she had really left him at that time, she might not have lived to this day.

Wang Xiaoyu's wrist tied to the rope sank and floated weakly on the water, and Su Siman's body holding the driftwood was also a little turbulent. She didn't have time to experience the bitterness of the rest of her life after the disaster. Her eyes were dark, and she finally fainted exhausted.