A red apricot climbs the wall

Extra Tourmaline 4

She is the pawn he is ready to go. She does things neatly and never drags - of course, emotional matters are not included.

If you mix feelings with business, this is a confused account, and you can't figure it out. She is a very loyal slave. He asked her to set a trap for the nominal master, and she could be fascinated to frame the person who had always trusted her.

Liang Shaoxuan manipulated behind his back and sent Zhong Yeli to spread false news several times, asking Su Siman to believe in the turmoil in the State of Chu. But if it hadn't been helped by Bixi, there might be room for a turn around, but because she inserted it, finally made Crown Prince Liang Shaojun no longer open his eyes and closed his eyes. . In order to achieve the purpose, she even risked herself and deliberately attracted the attention of the queen's eyeliner, just to lead the contradiction to the crown princess.

And her painstaking efforts were not in vain. In the end, she forced the crown princess to a dead end and broke with the prince at the cost of her life. Isn't the tourmaline acting as a pusher to help the waves? It was she who tampused in the black fish soup sent by the crown princess to the Qingyan Hall. The tired princess took the black pot of killing her own husband in vain, and finally let the innocent Xiang'er be a scapegoat. It was also her deliberate performance that she deliberately met with the envoys of Yongliang on the way to go to the court. Of course, this seemingly irrelevant and elegant behavior, and the consequences caused by feedback to the queen were all expected by her.

She played a very disgraceful role in the whole incident, and she betrayed the crown princess who trusted her. From a conscience, this is enough to make her despise herself, which is why Bixi resolutely asked to go out of the palace to find her when she learned that Su Siman might still be alive - her conscience has not been completely destroyed, and she still wants to make up for her mistakes.

In this world, maybe she is not sorry for others, but the only thing she is sorry for is the princess - this is also her master, but she has repeatedly plotted to betray this person. Although she doesn't want to admit it, the fact is that she is ungrateful. The right and wrong have been deeply investigated, because whether it is right or wrong, she is suffering in her heart. For the sake of love, she abandoned her conscience, but abandoned it completely. When she dreamed at midnight, she always sweated profusely.

At that time, she could not think of it. In the end, the person she worked for still abandoned her ruthlessly. Instead, the person she had betrayed forgave her and treated her kindly as usual. Things in this world are so ironic. Changing the heart does not apply to anyone, because some people have no heart, so she can turn a blind eye to other people's enthusiasm and take everything she has done for granted.

He will say that subordinates are subordinates, and they should not be delusional and have feelings for their masters beyond their master and servants. If you think nonsense, you will only humiliate yourself.

Self-humiliation. He is clear enough and cold enough.

Obviously, it was not that he didn't feel her heart, but he clearly told her to kill that feeling and cut off the idea. He said that she would only humiliate herself.

However, in the matter of emotion, besides him, who else has the right to make her feel humiliated? He obviously... dislikes her...

She just hid a heart and didn't even show it to him that she had been rejected by him. He even erased her wishful rights, which showed how place she was in his heart. He may never know how long she has been sad for his words.

Although later, he once seemed to explain to her that it was a summer day, just after the evening. On the boating lake, she half knelt on the cabin board to drink wine, and the boat was quiet. In such a quiet evening, the sunset shone, the clear water was long, and the reeds on both sides were leisurely swaying in the breeze. The scenery of Bitan really lives up to the reputation of Shazhou, and it is especially charming when the sun sets in the west.

Except for the prince, there is only him and her on the ship. She only had such a comfortable time in her dream. When she drank wine, she was a little absent-minded and always felt that it was not real.

Liang Shaoxuan drank and enjoyed the scenery, leaving her a beautiful and noble side face. She knelt on the side, only dared to secretly look at him a few times, and did not dare to look at him blatantly.

He seemed to be aware of it, but he didn't say anything, which was a tacit acquiescence to her recklessness. I don't know if it's a matter of angle. She saw that he seemed to have a shallow smile on his lips, which was extremely calm and looked really gentle and kind.

He suddenly put down the white jade cup in his hand, sighed and said, Bixi, I understand everything. Some things, some words may be just angry words at that time, don't worry about it. I'm just worried that you are distracted by other things and can't do things without distracting, do you understand? He turned his face and looked at her gently.

The orange light of the sunset was hidden in his eyes, like the sun jumping and flashing on the calm lake. The breeze shocked a wave and slowly fainted, as if to suck her in and surround her tightly.

Unsurprisingly, she struggled fiercely in her heart, but finally fell.

He said, come here and come to me.

In fact, she was within three feet behind him, but he asked her to go there. Her heartbeat was messy, and she knelt down and moved a few steps. Her skirt rubbed against the wooden board and made a slight rustle, like the beautiful rhythm of spring flowers.

What a good day. He sighed and did not look at her, but looked at the place where the water and the sky were connected. She guessed that there should be a soft smile on his face at that time. He looked at the distant place, perhaps not only the sky, water, but also his broad future. She suddenly became excited. She thought, can she be less involved in the process of creating his future? No! No! Even if the strength is weak, even if he doesn't care, she still wants to do her best to help him without regret. She was very excited about this idea.

Liang Shaoxuan withdrew his eyes, gently held her slender and white little hand, and his thin lips opened gently, but now you should go back, go back to her side, and continue to play the role of her personal maid. Pay attention to everything in the East Palace for me, and she is about to return to the palace. I don't trust the people around me. Only you can reassure me. I need your help. You are very important.

He finally admitted that she was important and he needed her.

When she heard his words, she suddenly sobbed in a low voice out of control, and she didn't expect to be so excited that she couldn't control herself.

Silly girl. He smiled and pulled her into his arms.

At that time, she looked forward happily. They relied on each other all their lives, hoping that time would stagnate at this moment.

But the happy time is so short. For a short time, she can't think about it, and the world has changed sharply.

She was wrong not to appear in Huichun Tower, let alone be defeated by Li Yuan. Even if she stole Li Yuan's waist card and offered a plan to frame the blame, in his eyes, her behavior was still a naked betrayal.

Betrayal or not is actually secondary. What made him angry was actually the failure of his plan, which was flattened by the prince. According to his original plan, he used the crown princess as bait to lure the prince to come out to save him, and then kill the prince's party in one fell swoop to eliminate future trouble forever. Unexpectedly, the prince did not appear, only a Li Yuan came. Bixi also took a foot without permission, and finally made him crazy and moved all his anger to her head.

She finally understood that she was actually not important to him. She is too stupid to break his hypocritical feelings. If he really had a little sincerity, would he be so angry with her? Will you regard her as grass and trample on her without mercy? She should have seen him clearly, but she has been delusional, hopeful to move him with absolute loyalty and tenderness. The final fact is just proof of how stupid she is.

A cold and ruthless man can easily hurt a woman's heart. At the moment before, I also said fancy words to you. As soon as I turned around, I could draw a knife to face each other.

This is a man.

He ordered someone to drag her, who was seriously injured and bloodless, to the peak of Qiandie Peak, pointing to the cliff and telling her that you were loyal to me, but in fact you betrayed me again and again. If you are really loyal, jump from here.

He clearly wants her to die.

Although the ant is small, there are still compassionate people who can't bear to trample on her, but although she was born as a human, she is not even as good as an ant in front of him. He doesn't care that she is seriously injured, just to vent his anger, he can force her to die.

He wants her to die.

The moon in the sky is very bright, but it is dark in front of her. The bottomless cliff was like a devil wrapped in black cloth, and his teeth and claws poured into the eyes. She was held by them, they pressed her head hard, and she was forced to face the endless darkness. Even if you close your eyes, the pervasive strange horror will not dispel. The cold wind under the cliff seemed to surge up, making her shudder, and her whole body was cold, like falling into an ice cave.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of life than death.

Big tears burst out, but no one saw them. They fell silently into the thick darkness.

Pear her up. His cold voice seemed to come coldly from a distant place.

Her body was suddenly pulled, and the violent movements tore the wound, with a heartbreaking pain, but she gritted her teeth and endured, neither shouting pain nor crying.

If your highness wants to see the loyalty of the tourmaline, then the tourmaline will show it to your highness. She smiled sadly, and somewhere in her chest was already crying blood.

There is no greater sorrow than death.

Without waiting for a reaction, she quickly pulled out the dagger from her boots and stabbed it accurately into her chest.

Only she knows that there is no kindness after this knife.

If you die, it will be a common thing. If you are lucky enough not to die, you will be ruthless.

Is that the person who gave her warmth? If life is just like the first time...

The once blooming love fire, as gorgeous as the fireworks in the sky, was finally extinguished by his own hands, and even had to make up a hole in her heart.

No matter how sincere it is, it can't stand squandering. No matter how young you are, you should not waste your time.

If you love the wrong person, you will be full of broken bones and scars.

It's really not easy to love someone.

What I'm most afraid of is the wrong payment.

The side story of Bixi is finally finished, scattering flowers!