A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 65 Hope you are safe

In the end, it was not Su Siman who walked back to Anqin Garden alone. Zhong Ye was afraid that she could not find a way in the night, so he took her all the way to the wall. It was not until the secluded place put her down, and it was only a moment. It seemed that what should be said had just been finished, and he was relatively speechless along the way, and Su Siman's heart was a little heavy.

Sending her safely to Anqin Garden, he flashed away like a ghost and left without a trace.

This is on the edge of the pond. There are many small red carp in the pool. When he is free, Su Siman often comes here to feed the fish. In the past, the pool of Chuxiang Pavilion had been filled by the collapsed building in the fire and completely destroyed when the Anqin Garden was renovated. This pool was only completed in August. It was ordered by Liang Shaojun to build it. It is generally similar to the former pool in the Chuxiang Pavilion.

Su Siman stood quietly on the edge of the pool, and the old situation came and vividly.

She stood in the blazing fire and smiled at all sentient beings, the eunuchs who fled in panic, and Yulinwei with a bucket to fight the fire. Behind her, countless carved beams and columns fell down, and the raging flames opened their teeth and claws. In the thick smoke, she saw Liang Shaojun leading many bodyguards running. In the fire, he had a pale face and looked at her crackling through the thick smoke. She saw that Li Yuan beside him tried to pull him, and he struggled to break free from Li Yuan and rushed into the fire like crazy.

A huge pillar wrapped in flames hit her. She looked at the queen who came to hear the news and Liang Shaojun, who was close to her, and smiled like a spring flower in March. Countless fires splashed away, and the once glorious palaces collapsed. At the same time, her body finally fell down... She faintly saw his crazy look, desperate and sad eyes...

The two of them have experienced so many wanderings on the edge of life and death, and so many tragic separations. This time, why is he so stupid that he jumped down the cliff to find her?

He is stupid...

He is so stupid...

If time can go back, she must stop her.

Now, she can't tell whether he is sincere or hypocritical. She is his wife, but she can't really get into his heart. She really understands him and the stories that happened to him in the past. There must be an inside story for him to overthrow the Zhang family, but she just doesn't know.

He used to tell her that he didn't want her to be involved in the political whirlpool. She knew that he was so stubborn that he actually wanted to protect her and keep her away from politics. However, she does not want to be protected by him like this. What's more, her status is doomed that she will inevitably be involved in the quagmire of struggle and unable to extricate herself. The following things prove this. But he is still so stubborn and stubbornly wants to protect her behind him. No matter how big the storm is, he will bear it alone.

Perhaps this is the way he loves her, silent, stubbornly, but firm as a rock. So he kept secret from her about such a big thing in the court.

Liang Shaojun, you are such an asshole.

Unconsciously, tears surged up. With a blink of an eye, two lines of tears slowly slipped down and were blown by the wind. It was so cold and cold into the bones. She shivered and looked back. In tears, she faintly saw a man standing alone under the hazy orange lights in front of the door, like a strong wind, her face was slightly pale, her eyes were slightly soft, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

Su Siman raised his hand to wipe his eyes and looked closely, but there was empty. Only she stood there and sighed sadly. Su Siman suddenly felt that her legs could not support the weight of her body. She slowly bent down, squatted on the ground, and burst into tears in an instant.

At this moment, she felt that the road ahead was difficult, and a heavy burden was on her shoulder, which was heavy and could not be removed. She can't watch the situation develop in the worst way. She is like a helmsman who has decided to turn the tide on the surging sea and try her best to reverse the decline. She feels powerless and needs support.

Shaojun, where are you, where are you...

Shaojun, come back, come back quickly, come back...

The night is deep, the lights are bright, and I look forward to my husband's peace.

The autumn wind is strong, the grass is decaying, and I look forward to your return day by day.

What happened in the world is really unclear. At that time, he obviously had the intention to break with him and did not hesitate to use the whole gorgeous palace for burial, but in the end, he just circled a circle and returned to the original place. Unexpectedly, I would fall in love with him again.

Maybe I owed him a debt in my last life, and I came to pay him back in this life. Whether he is hypocritical or using deception, she has fallen into his hands all her life. She is tied up with him and is doomed to be inseparable.

There is a kind of fate called - God's doomed.

It's so quiet. It's really rare. The two orange lanterns under the porch swayed gently in the breeze, and the light and shadow emitted from the lanterns also swayed, reflecting dreamlikely on the door.

Su Siman looked there with tears in his eyes, but he could no longer find the shadow of the man. The autumn wind dried the tears on her face with a cold wind. Su Siman slowly stood up, raised his hand to gently wipe the changed face, and walked to the inner court with his head held high.

Before the sky collapsed, the earth was still rotating. He was not in front of the palace, so she carried this burden of society for him first. She wants to stop the foreseeable tragedy. She doesn't want him to bear the debt of conscience, and she doesn't want him to regret what he has done in the future. Although he was not at the center of this political power, she kept the position of prince for him and didn't let the young people take advantage of it.

She is not helpless. She has some right-hand assistants and some reliable allies around her. She can't be knocked down - even if there is a strong enemy like Liang Shaoxuan, Zhao Guifei, she must face all enemies with high will, like a cold plum blossoming in the wind and snow.

Previously, she doubted his love and cared about those who used deception and his hypocritical feelings, but sometimes, under the pressure of the situation, she had to do so. But who can say that hypocritical feelings will not become sincere? In fact, he entrusted his sincerity in the process of hypocritically, but he didn't know it and didn't want to admit it. But his actual actions are much sharper than his entangled mind.

She should have known that he is such a person. He will never say the word love.

In order to get rid of her from the fate of being reduced to medicine, he had been blind to Liang Shaoxuan and Feng Wanwan's instigation to leave the palace, and even helped her and hurt her ruthlessly, in order to let her leave him and leave the palace as soon as possible. But in the end, people are not plants. In the process of getting along with each other, they suffered and tortured, but they stirred a faint sweet fragrance, which made him shaken for a while. Until later, he finally made a cruel heart and made up his mind to die. That night, he forced her to have a final room. He used the man's roughest way to completely hurt her. She had the heart to kill him at that time, otherwise the bite on his shoulder would not have been so deep that she touched the bone. However, I didn't expect that the consequences of Dr. Li's "breaking the gi, inevitable qi and blood reflux blood vessels rupture" did not appear. On the contrary, the yin and yang mistakes completely offset the poison.

The way he loved her was to push her away. He subconsciously wanted to protect her, but this way was too cruel and tragic.

He is pitiful and his emotional intelligence is pitifully low. No one has taught him how to love a person, so he can only love her in the most clumsy way. He loves her hard and depressedly. For him, love may be more painful than hate.

And the way she loves him is to shoulder the sun and the moon with him and watch the wind, frost, rain and flowers. What she wants is that they guard each other.

I remember that when I got married at the beginning of last year, my mother-in-law insisted on a corner comb, squeezed her soft hair, and said, "A sparse white head and grow old. The second comb case is eyebrows. Sanka's children and grandchildren..." Although you were naughty at that time, teased me when you got married and asked the big cock to worship me on your behalf, I have never regretted it. You know, you combed my hair that day, and I was secretly happy for several days. I didn't tell you at that time that your hair was better than theirs. When will you comb my hair again?

Shaojun, where are you? Are you hurt? Come back soon.

Shaojun, when will you come back? I have a lot to say to you.

Su Siman raised her sleeves to wipe her face as she walked. The road to the inner court seemed to be far away. Although she did not walk much, she walked steadily.