A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 68 Sincerity

Su Siman already has a plan for the next step.

Originally, I wanted to ask Bixi to find Qingran directly, but as soon as Bixi left, she immediately came back. Su Siman knew that she had met Huangfu Chong, who was Yi Rongcheng's doctor. Huangfu Chong wanted to see her as soon as he heard that she had returned safe and sound.

Su Siman had many doubts in his heart, and he wanted to talk to him about something, so he did not hesitate to meet him. On the other side, he ordered Bi Xi to find Qingyan immediately.

When we arrived at the meeting place, I saw a person standing in the hazy night, looking at her side. After seeing her, the meteor strode towards her.

When he came to her and saw her face, the visitor's face was a little doubtful, and his eyebrows frowned.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, Su Siman suppressed his joy and asked in a low voice, "Is it Brother Chong?"

How can't Huangfu Chong hear this voice? She is the only one who calls him Chong's brother in this tone and tone.

The man was stunned and looked at her carefully. A surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes. He stepped forward and grabbed her arm tightly and said, "Xiaoman, is it you?"

Su Siman's eyebrows were relieved and he said with a smile, "It's me. Zhong Yeli changed his face for me. Didn't Bixi tell you?

Huang Fu Chong loosened his hand that grabbed her arm, and his face turned slightly red in the dark: "Maybe I was anxious and didn't pay attention to it for a moment. I was relieved to see that you safe."

"Thank you for taking care of Brother Chong in the palace these days, otherwise you may have been detected as a flaw. Thank you very much." Su Siman said sincerely.

Huangfu Chong said lightly, "You don't have to thank me. I'm not only looking for the whereabouts of Grandpa and Dad."

Su Siman asked in surprise, "Are they... in the palace?"

"Probably, probably in the queen's hands."

Su Siman became more and more surprised: "Isn't it in Liang Shaoxuan's hands? How can she be the queen?"

"I don't know, but I have checked Liang Shaoxuan for the past few months and there is no clue or sign. A few days ago, I met Xiaoqiang. According to him, although Liang Shaoxuan sent someone to Yaoyun Villa, my father and grandfather had been taken away before his people arrived at Yaoyun Villa, so he was so angry that he washed the villa. Xiaoqiang was also present at that time. I don't think what he said should be a lie.

"No way? How did things turn out like this? Didn't you say before... How could they be in the hands of the queen? Su Siman opened his big eyes and still looked unbelievable.

"I'm not sure if they are in the hands of the queen, but the possibility is very high, because there are various signs that Grandpa and they are indeed not in Liang Shaoxuan's hands, but it is more likely to be the queen or the prince."

The last half of the sentence made Su Siman completely dizzy, and he could only look at Huangfu Chong dumbfoundedly. She felt that her consciousness was so chaotic. Her previous cognition had been repeatedly overthrown in a short period of time. This abrupt feeling has often hit her mind recently. I felt like I had escaped from death. When I returned to the palace, I suddenly found that the world had changed! The sky turned upside down... It's all messy... Su Siman felt like the grass in the strong wind, which was blown upside down.

Huang Fu Chong looked at her infinitely messy expression and didn't know how to tell her for a moment. In fact, many of those words just now are just speculation, and there is no conclusive evidence. If I had known that she would react like this, I wouldn't have told her. Alas, women really don't understand.

After touching for a long time, Su Siman did not return it. Huang Fu Chong felt slightly guilty. A beautiful woman was stunned by herself. She was really sorry, so she had to choose a new topic to divert her attention. So he thought for a moment and said, "Xiaoman, everything is complicated when you come back this time. If you need any help, just ask."

"Well, I will. At that time, you will definitely need Brother Chong's help. Don't bother me."

Huang Fu Chong only smiled gently and didn't talk to him.

Su Siman said, "Has Brother Chong just come out of the bedroom? There are no flaws over there, right?

"Don't worry, no one doubts. I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Huangfu Chong looked a little hurried. He turned around and took a step, stopped again, and slightly turned his side face, leaving her a beautiful side face. "Xiaoman, I'm really glad to see you safe and sound." After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Su Siman watched his back disappear quickly into the night, stood for a while, and recalled the feeling when he had just met. The kind of good impression she had before has disappeared, but now there is only complete appreciation and trust. In her heart, he is more and more like a big brother and a close friend. So many things have happened during this period since he left Yaoyun Villa. He has also experienced so many things and he has become more mature. Perhaps his feelings for her have quietly changed.

Time is really a magical thing, changing a person so quietly and unconsciously. But this is also good, both for her and for him.

If you can't let it go, there will be no new beginning, and the emotional confusion will not be settled.

If you say that you still have some negative emotions and a little unbearance when you left Yaoyun Villa, now Su Siman sincerely hopes that everything goes well, marrying a satisfactory wife, and will be peaceful and beautiful in the future. To this day, Huangfu Chong is still perfect in Su Siman's eyes. If even people like Huangfu Chong can't get happiness, it would be too cruel to be naive.

She blessed him silently in her heart.

A gust of autumn wind blew, and Su Siman felt cold. He remembered that he still wanted to see Qingran and left here immediately.

Qin and Qingran are dating in Qinxin Lake, that is, the place where Su Siman accidentally overheard Huigui playing the piano in the middle of the night last time. It is a secluded place in the imperial garden. Now it's autumn night, and few people go there at night, so it's safer to meet there.

When Su Siman arrived, Bi Xiqing's two maids had already been there. Seeing the master coming, Tourmaline consciously went to the side to look at the wind.

When Qingran saw Su Siman, he was about to make a big salute. Su Siman quickly stopped her. When will it be? It's a waste of this set of false gifts.

Bang helped Qingran up, and Su Siman said bluntly, "Qingran, Bixi told me where is he? Do you know? Don't hide it from me. It's very important. You and I can't afford to delay it. If you are careless, you will be a sinner for thousands of years. Do you understand?

Hearing her say this, Qingran's face turned pale for a moment, biting her lips tightly, and lowered her head without saying anything.

Su Siman gently grasped her two thin shoulders and softened her voice: "Qingran, take me to see your brother. Don't worry, your brother is like the prince's own brother, and I won't do anything to hurt him. What's more, your brother has saved me many times. He is my lifesaver, and I can't hurt him. But this time, some truths must be explained to him. I'm afraid it will be a big mistake if it's too late. At that time, those who will be scolded and laughed at by the world will not only be His Royal Highness and your brother, but also many people, and there may be many innocent people among them.

Qing dyed her sleeves and lowered her eyebrows. Su Siman could guess from her trembling thick eyelashes. The little girl must be fighting fiercely in her heart. She obviously understands the current situation, how critical her brother is, and it is easier to be targeted because of the key. It is difficult to imagine the consequences of taking a wrong step. On the one hand, he saved his old master, and on the other hand, he is a relative who has been separated for many years, which is really embarrassing. Although she knew very well that Susman would not hurt her brother, she was always worried that the threat of possible insecurity would come from other related places. At this time, we must not take it lightly.

Su Siman said nothing more, but looked at her gently and sincerely.

Finally, Qingran nodded heavily.