A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 71 Enhence

Second update

Su Siman couldn't open his mouth for a moment and only asked him what had happened during this period, and Li Yuan also unreservedly told him the context of what had happened during this period.

It turned out that Liang Shaojun had long found that the emperor was a fake, but this fake was unwilling to become a puppet and wanted to seize the real power, but the father and daughter of Empress Zhang Cheng, who planned this day-changing plan, could never allow this to happen. The fake emperor was obedient to Zhang's father and daughter on the surface, and secretly colluded with the Noble Concubine Zhao for a long time.

The fake emperor intends to use the noble concubine Zhao and the force behind her to completely eliminate the power of the Zhang family, so that he can sit firmly in the country. After all, as long as Zhang's father and daughter are there for a day, his life will be in their hands. It can be said that although they are grasshoppers on the same rope, their status is not the same, which is completely different. Although it is a cooperative relationship, there is no equality. What Empress Zhang favors is his transfigurement, which can seamlessly disguise himself as a real emperor, while Huangfu has to be worried day and night. First, she has to worry about when the real emperor will be found, and secondly, she is worried that Empress Zhang will find someone else to replace him at any time. Since he has participated in such a rebellion, he will be kicked out. At that time, in order not to reveal the secret, the queen is bound to kill people and clean up all traces about him in the world. No one dares to doubt this. The queen's means have always been fierce and decisive, never dragging the mud and water.

Huangfu has been a puppet for many years. On the surface, he enjoys the honor and nobility of the ninety-five. In fact, he is restrained everywhere without any real power. The strong contrast between the flashiness on the surface and the emptiness inside finally slowly awakened his sleeping sense of resistance and ambition. He looked at the individuals and camps that were at odd terms with the queen, and secretly provoked the empress dowager, resulting in the empress dowager's extremely bad attitude towards the queen and intervened several times to deter the queen's decision. However, the queen is not a fuel-efficient lamp. She can still give in once or twice, and again and again can't make concessions. Therefore, later the queen couldn't stand it anymore, so she used the topic to play the Empress Dowager's condoning her relatives to occupy the land and wide range of property. Her attitude was very tough to seize the power of the Empress Dowager, forcing the Empress Dowager to retreat behind the scenes and no longer interfere in the dynasty. Politics. Since then, the Empress Dowager became more and more old and weak, and she had no intention to ask about state affairs again. No matter how much she asked for a minister, she would not receive her, but only dedicated herself to the Buddha. Huangfu's strategy of trying to move out the empress dowager to suppress the queen has been ruined. The only effect is that there is a gap between the empress dowager and the queen, and so far the beam has not been solved.

These things happened before Su Siman married the State of Liang, and no one had mentioned them to her, so she didn't know it at all. It turned out that the empress dowager made a relationship with the queen, but it was because of these interests entanglement and power struggle. Alas, the queen's tricks are really powerful! The empress dowager is the leader of the harem. Whether in the previous dynasty or in the harem, her status is extraordinary. The queen can force the queen to retreat behind the scenes without doing anything. You can imagine the fierceness of the queen's methods!

No wonder the empress dowager is so un favorable to see the queen and doesn't give the queen a good look.

The narrative after Li Yuan did not surprise her.

In order to protect himself, of course, Huangfu is multi-pronged. Anyone who is not on the same front with the Zhang family can use it, and he will encircle and provoke him. The two most important parties are the Empress Zhao and the prince.

No wonder after that, Liang Shaoxuan finally sent someone to chase and kill her and Liang Shaojun. He must have found himself fooled.

For so long, she was confused about what she couldn't figure out, and suddenly became a little enlightened, and she was enlightened.