A red apricot climbs the wall

Chapter 82 Ice Melting

Out of the West Palace, Su Siman's doubts did not subsided, but deepened a lot. Only Qingran is around, and there are some things that you don't need to ask her. After all, Qingran is Huifei's personal maid of honor. She must know a lot of things and may get answers.

Qing Ran is also hesitant, his words flashing, and the polite words in his mouth are obviously insincere.

Su Siman couldn't help frowning secretly, increasingly believing that there were tricks in it, and carefully persuaded him, "Qingran, do you have anything difficult to say? Does my question make you difficult? Qingran didn't dare to look at her at all. He only glanced elsewhere and frowned. Su Siman stopped, looked up at the western sky, and sighed, "You and I once known as a master servant, but it was better than sisters. I also miss the past, so I went to the West Palace to see you. In the future, you go back to the Turks, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to meet..."

Qing Ran suddenly knelt down without warning and said astringently, "The princess treats me as much kindness as a mountain, and I dare not forget it forever. Today, I should have been confidant and knew everything, but the maidservant did have difficulties. I hope the princess can understand. Tears also fell, and the cautious appearance was pitiful.

Today, she was doomed to be unable to ask anything. Susman couldn't bear to force her anymore and had to give up. Su Siman helped her up and walked forward silently. Qing Ran didn't dare to say more. On the way, Su Siman asked her to go back, but she stubbornly followed Su Siman. The atmosphere between these two people is dull and weird.

When he arrived at the gate of the East Palace, Su Siman said, "Okay, let's send it here. It's getting late. Let's go back. You will leave with your brother in a few days and live a good life in the future, okay?

Qing Ran nodded hard and said with tears, "I will. I will always think of you in the future."

Su Siman smiled and gently touched her plump and elegant forehead with her fingertips, looking like a sister who loved her sister.

Qing Ran said again, "Before I leave, I will come here to say goodbye to the princess." She paused, bit her lip, and seemed to struggle for a while. Finally, she opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "Princes, there have been many major events in the palace recently, so don't leave the palace."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

In the evening of the second day, Liang Shaojun came over. The emperor gave permission and ordered the newly appointed general manager Xu Zongmao to marry. Li Yuan made great contributions in this coup, so the emperor took this opportunity to greatly reward him.

In fact, Liang Shaojun didn't have to tell her in person about this matter. He just wanted to see her and took this opportunity to come to her. Perhaps in his impression, if he takes the initiative to show his goodwill after the quarrel, it is very contrary to his identity, and it is even more harmful to his pride as a prince.

Su Siman actually saw that he had made concessions, but she didn't buy it. After so many ups and downs, her heart is much colder and hard, and she is not as easily moved as before. People will change.

Bixi saw that the atmosphere of the two people sitting opposite was not right. She sat dry and didn't say anything. The princess still pretended to be embroidered, completely looking at the prince like air. She quickly came to round the scene, looked up at the dark sky outside, and said, "The sun is short in winter. The sky is going to be dark. Has Your Highness ever had dinner?"

Liang Shaojun coughed softly: "Not yet."

Bixi stared at Su Siman tightly, waiting for her to open her voice.

Su Siman rolled his eyes and had to say insincerely, "Then let's have a meal in Anqin Garden." She turned her head and stared at Bixi again. The ghost girl had a small face and was very proud. Su Siman was angry and scolded, "Why don't you go and pass the meal? Don't starve your Highness."

"Yes, the maidservant is going." The tourmaline automatically filtered Su Siman's angry eye knife and went down happily.

When walking after dinner, the two walked side by side. Su Siman didn't want to talk, so he kept silent. Liang Shaojun seemed to have no intention of breaking the silence. The two walked like this for a long time.

Su Siman secretly admired him for being calm and neglected. He thought that he was a prince. How many people dared to show his face all over the world? Now that he is so cold to him, he still hasn't brush his sleeves away, which is strange. He can't help but feel a little touched and feel a little sorry for him.

He must have never loved a few people in his life, nor did he really treat a few people, and she was lucky and unfortunately one of the few people around him that he really cared about. So she treated him slowly. He endured, and even came to Anqin Garden under the guise of replying to him in order to see her. He has made concessions and shown his goodwill to her, but he has only received her cold treatment. No wonder she saw him in the wind several times, and her face looked very lonely. Her attitude probably hurt him. Why is he so stubborn? Isn't it enough to turn around and leave? It's better not to see, so as not to panic in both compartments. But he didn't. Even if he was secretly unhappy, he still stayed here, which was really annoying.

Alas, how did you meet such a guy! Su Siman was also secretly unhappy.

If I don't speak, you won't say anything, right? OK, let's wait and see who suffothes! I still don't believe it. Except for the letter, you really have nothing to say to me (do you have nothing to say and leave early? As for still having dinner in Anqin Garden? Well...)! Su Siman rolled his eyes three times and unconsciously kicked the bluestone slab on the ground.

Intentionally, she didn't notice that there was a gap in the bluestone slab in front of her. Su Siman happened to get down on the gap, and the pain made her immediately scream.

"What's wrong?!" Liang Shaojun quickly stepped back and grabbed her arm, with a faint anxiety in his tone.

"It's okay." Su Siman shook him away and squatted down to rub his toes.

Liang Shaojun also squatted down and asked with concern, "Is it something?" Does it hurt? Is it here?" As he spoke, he took Su Siman's hand away and took off Su Siman's shoes and socks.

"What do you do?" Su Siman quickly withdrew his foot.

"Check the injury." He answered without raising his head and reached out to catch him again.

Su Siman hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!"

"Let me see." He insisted.

"This is outside. It's not good to be seen." Su Siman said again.

"You are my wife. I'll check the injury for you. What's wrong? So what if someone sees it?"

Su Siman was a little anxious: "I said it doesn't matter!" As soon as she was in a hurry, she sat on the ground in her buttocks, and she simply kicked her legs. Er, this bluestone slab is really cold, and the buttocks are cold.

Liang Shaojun finally took the time to look up at her, and his eyes were full of worry and concern. His black eyes were as gentle as the spring water. He said, "It doesn't matter. It's not up to you. Let me see." With that, she strongly put her slender feet into her palm and couldn't help removing her shoes and socks.

What a hard seed!

This is good, not only the buttocks are cold, but also the feet are cold.

Liang Shaojun lowered his head. I don't know when he changed his posture and half knelt on one knee, and checked very attentively. The two were almost head-to-head. From Su Siman's perspective, he could only see his golden hair and black hair, and there was a place in her heart that suddenly softened.

Su Siman broke a piece of skin on his right thumb, but there was no bleeding. The situation was really not serious. Liang Shaojun was so re-intentioned that he helped her put on shoes and socks.

"I said it didn't matter, but I don't believe it." Su Siman complained, bending his legs and shivering, "I'm dying of cold. You stupid boy, there's a strong wind outside. Let's see how I'm frozen!"

Liang Shaojun blushed and squeezed the corners of his mouth shyly: "I don't know why, every time in front of you, it seems to be much more stupid than usual."

Su Siman rolled his eyes and said, "It's my job if I'm not smart." But my heart is about to die.

When he walked here the next day, Su Siman accidentally found that the gaping bluestone slab had been replaced by someone.