A foreign reckless

Chapter 94 Quality

Obviously, Rocky overestimated the cultivation of the cold realm and overestimated a long time.

But in any case, Rocky will not take action because of this. Although Qihan was not shocked by his own mental pressure, in the same way, Qihan did not have a particularly strong momentum to suppress him, which is generally in the case of similar strength.

So Rocky took action quickly.

The attack is very simple. The palm waved out through the air, and a gorgeous flame spewed out of the palm and shot towards the cold. This flame did not condense any form, but in the shape of an ordinary flame, but it was constantly rolling and spinning, coming fiercely, heat wave. Forced people, the air burns for it.

The power of fire's Xuangong lies in combustion and temperature. This seemingly ordinary flame is attacked by the nine heavens of the super divine realm. For the current cold state, it must not be despised.

So Qi Han quickly hid to the side and tried to avoid it directly.

But what he didn't expect was that the flame would turn and track. After he dodged, he immediately came from another angle, which forced him to resist head-on.

In desperation, Qi Han punched directly from his arm and immediately condensed a golden whirlpool that kept spinning, trying to spread the flame apart.


The flame hit the cold golden whirlpool and immediately dispersed along the rotation of the whirlpool. It was about to spread, but the cold face changed, and his arm felt hot pain, which was the pain generated by burning.

Looking carefully, I found that Rocky's flame was also melting his mysterious energy in the process of being dispersed by the whirlpool. Gradually, the flame was about to wrap around his arm.

And the flame is extremely strange. Once the arm is wrapped, the whole arm may be burned to ashes.

"Get out!"

Pyo Han shouted angrily, woke up the dragon gate in his body, pulled all the flames into the body, and absorbed them into the dragon gate, which was resolved.

Seeing that Qi Han resolved his attack, Rocky was a little surprised and at the same time felt at ease.

Because the performance of Qi Han just now is not too powerful, his tentative attack has been effective. At least Rocky can be sure that he is fully capable of subduing Qi Han.

So, Rocky shouted in vain and rushed towards the cold.

The cold face was fierce, which aroused anger, and the dragon soul began to be angry.

"Dragon God Armor! Luo Han is coming!"

In a row, Qi Han performed two Xuangongs. Zhou's body was immediately wrapped in a layer of golden armor, and his body instantly doubled. On top of the armor, it was also covered with a huge arhat, and the body of the arhat circled a dragon.

In an instant, Qi Han seemed to have completed a transformation, from a slender and thin teenager to a mighty dragon general in an instant.


With a long roar, he held his dragon gun in his hand and hit it with all his strength.

Almost at the same time, the arhat on his body also changed to eight big hands, each of which also held a dragon gun and attacked together with the movement of Qi Han's arm.

Under one blow, there are thousands of shadows.

The plane attacked, and the ground was shoveled out of deep ditches.

Rocky was almost a little dumbfounded on the way to kill. He thought he had found out the strength of the cold realm, but he never thought that he would become like this in an instant, and his breath immediately increased tenfold.

Especially the shot, as if it could pierce the mountain.

He was so scared that he quickly tried to avoid it.

However, the volume of Pei Han's Xuangong is huge. Luohan alone is like a giant, and Luohan also has eight big hands, almost dozens of meters in front of his attack range.

Lodge can't escape at all and can only resist head-on.

A thick wall of fire appeared in front of Rocky. The wall seemed to break with a stab, but the temperature in it was so high that any attack would melt through the wall of fire, which was also the key to fire defense.

Eight dragon guns stabbed on it, almost as soon as the head of the gun was stabbed on it, and it melted. The condensed dragon gun fell to the ground like metal melted.

All the way to the gun body, it is fused.

Lodge was slightly relieved: "This person is so strange. The strength of Xuanqi is very huge and can threaten me, but the mystery of Xuanqi still seems to stay in the extraordinary world, and the Xuangong exerted can't compare with me..."

Before he finished thinking about it, Rocky's expression suddenly changed, because he saw a gunhead break through the wall of fire.

is a real dragon gun held by Qi Han. Through the wall of fire, it was not stopped at all.

Because Rocky stood behind the wall of fire and his sight was resisted, he couldn't see it. Now the dragon gun suddenly stabbed out and instantly hit him in the chest, flying him more than ten meters away.

Unfortunately, in less than a few seconds, Rocky stood up again.

This made Qi Han frown, as if his attack could not cause deep practical damage to him.

Xiaoqing said, "It's because of the mysterious temperament!"

After a pause, Xiaoqing's tone was a little sad and said, "Han, although your mysterious spirit is so large that you can compete with such a super-divine world, which is a difference in a realm, it is far from enough to defeat, because the quality of Xuanqi will change in the process of breaking through the realm. Now you are only a large quantity and quality. It has not been upgraded to the level of the super divine realm, so there is a very obvious defect in competing with the super divine realm, that is, it is not good to fight.

Hearing this, Qi Han was stunned. He didn't know this. He thought he could try to challenge the small divine realm with the hugeness of the mysterious spirit. Now it seems impossible.

In addition, Lodge stood in place and touched the hit part of his chest. There was only some pain, but there was no actual injury, which made him very confused. Generally speaking, stabbing him away would at least cause him to be seriously injured.

Gradually, Rocky also realized what Xiaoqing said just now and instinctively exclaimed, "Is your realm extraordinary?"

"Impossible, how can his realm still be extraordinary!" Before Qi Han could speak, Luo Qi exclaimed in disbelief?

Extraordinary? It is impossible to compete with the super divine realm, let alone as powerful as Qi Han.

At this time, Rocky had not continued to take action. Several groups of people appeared in the valley, who were also brought by Luoqi's brothers and sisters. At this time, they had explored the whereabouts of Longgu.

As soon as these people came in, they stood on the side of Rocky and Luoqi, in contrast to the sharp position of Qi Han.

However, these people have not figured out what's going on. They thought they were robbing each other's treasures in the Dragon Valley, but they didn't take action, because their father had given orders not to fight without permission, so it was meaningless to fight.

But when they saw that there was only one person in the cold, they were all confused.

Several Luo Qi's brothers or sisters went to Rocky and looked at Long Han together. One of them said doubtfully, "This man is not our fire worshiper, is he?"

Rocky came with these people, put away the posture of attack, and said, "This is a foreign master, peeping at the treasures of Dragon Valley, robbed Luoqi, and wanted to steal the treasures of Dragon Valley, but I blocked it here!"


Hearing this, the rest of the people were shocked and looked at the cold, full of enemies.

Lodge didn't say that Pang Han was found by Luo Qi and was defending his sister.

"Good boy, there are at least hundreds of upper-class masters in the super divine realm, hit a bird feather."

When Yong Han saw this scene, he scolded secretly. Although he insisted on fighting to the death, there was really no need to fight in this situation!


Pian Han is not the kind of person who wants money and wants life, but when he looks up, he finds that the sky over the Dragon Valley is not so simple, as if he is isolated by a transparent barrier.

He didn't test it, because once it did, it would arouse the vigilance of the disciples of the fire worship.

So, he threw his eyes into the cave behind him.

At the same time, the new Luoqi brothers and sisters asked one after another, "What is this man's cultivation!"

Lodge frowned and shook his head: "It's hard to say. According to my estimation, it seems to be extraordinary, but it seems to be a little different..."

"Extraordinary? No way? An extraordinary world will force the second brother to put on a posture?" In addition, someone interrupted in surprise.

Rocky smiled bitterly, and it was really difficult to infer his cold cultivation.

And while they were discussing, suddenly, Qi Han turned around and ran towards the cave at an extremely fast speed, and the whole person immediately entered the cave.

His run made everyone's first reaction to be stunned, and the second reaction was: chase!

Hundreds of fire worshipers seem to pour into the cave. Although things are dark, this does not prevent these fire worship disciples from automatically floating fireballs one by one.

There is a cave in the cave. As soon as you enter it, you will immediately feel different.

The cave is like another world, as if the whole mountain peak has been hollowed out, and the cave inside is extremely complicated. When Qi Han enters it and randomly enters an intersection, there is no one chasing behind him. Obviously, other people are entering other intersections!

The cave is dark and the route is complicated.

Obviously, the treasures in the Dragon Valley are not placed there for nothing. They need to be explored and searched, and even there are not necessarily organs inside.

However, I don't know why, when Qi Han got rid of the fire worshiper and calmed down, there seemed to be a force guiding him standing in the cave. His footsteps unconsciously walked around. Even he didn't know where to go, but his body was telling him.

Especially the dragon blood on his body is constantly boiling at this moment, which seems to be affected by the smell in the cave.

After all, this was once the place where the dragon stayed, and the breath left by it naturally had an impact on the half-human and half-dragon.

PS: Damn, I went to get a haircut this afternoon, came back to the toilet, unbuttoned my trousers, and found that the zipper was not pulled~~ No one reminded me all the way~~ The earth is too bad bird, please collect and comfort~