Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 1 Wolf's Rest

The rain swirling slowly down from the clouds, soft as fluff, moistening things silently. Gradually, the rain became heavy and turned into diagonal rain arrows. The rain stars splashed on the dense branches and leaves turned into water mist, and the sky was full of white, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

Xiao Mei had never looked at the clouds and fog in the rain like this. For a moment, he was fascinated and did not notice that a silver giant wolf with demonic blood came from the depths of the forest and fell on her side without being shocked. Of course, even if you see her, there is nothing you can do. You should know that she has become a baby now. Except for the word "Xiao Mei" on a white jade pendant on her body, there is only a big red belly pocket all over her body. Except for the light emitted by the jade pendant forming a shield to protect her from wind and rain beasts, she was waterless, foodless and powerless to move. No one could rescue her, so she had to respond to the sentence, "Living is to wait for death."

crossed, and it was difficult for her to confirm this. In the past, Liang Li's old leftover woman shouted to travel through the alien world to be an alien heroine with 3,000 heads when she hated to get married. Unexpectedly, Liang Li didn't catch up with this trend and let herself catch up. It was said that she was struck by lightning, but she was also shot while lying down. Only when her little niece Lele played a game of cultivating immortals, she helped the little girl wipe the juice on the keyboard. As a result, a white light flashed on the screen, causing a thunderbolt in the sky, and she gloriously joined the time-traveling army.

The silver giant wolf stretched out its front paws, but was blocked by the white light mask and stopped less than half an inch away from Xiao Mei's small face. She was still unconscious and looked at the clouds in the sky until the depths of the dense forest shouted "Evil beasts dare!" Only then did she look back and found the giant wolf close at hand, which was shocked.

A woman in a white ancient costume dress holding a long sword came to the forest. She was as beautiful as the person in the painting. She was awe-inspiring but like a god emitting red light. She saw Xiao Mei's eyes straight throat and dry hair. She was more sure of one thing: This is not a dream. She really entered the world of immortal cultivation. She listened to Liang's bloody plot. Li's beautiful life in the alien world has been set 800 times without a thousand times, and her ears are cocooned.

It's not bad to think about it. Even this alien world is also in the era of father competition. According to Liang Li's beautiful settings, as a time-travelling heroine, she has the strength to sweep the world and the blessing of making the alien masters jealous. Anyone who has an eye-catching girl provokes us will be killed.

Lin Xiang, thinking about the man who made a vow with her at the beginning, changed his mind much faster than her short hair. That was her purest and most sincere first love. She tried to save it, but after losing her heart, she arched her hand and offered her self-esteem. The past is unbearable to look back on. Xiao Mei believes that he should cherish this opportunity to start again, and there will be humane destruction of scum such as Lin Xiang.

When Xiao Mei began to wander around again, the silver giant wolf's fierce howl resounded through the sky. The body like a hill bag rose ten meters high and shattered into a ten-meter-square-square blood fog like a paper lantern.

stupidly watching the blood fog burst, Xiao Mei did not notice a red light coming, and she took a white light mask and rolled into the arms of the beautiful woman in white. A soft sigh "poor daughter" made her come to her senses, slightly turned her head, and a pair of gentle water-like eyes, and indulged in the motherly glowing eyes. She did not realize the murmur of "mother", but let the beautiful woman in white hear it, but only muttered unconsciously as a baby.

The white light mask that can block the invasion of wind and rain beasts seems to be defenseless against the beautiful woman in white, allowing her hand to reach out to Xiao Mei's face and press her head into her arms. Before Xiao Mei understood, her mouth had been blocked, and the sweet and mellow milk gushed out, making her almost too late to swallow.

After a full meal, the hungry Xiao Mei looked at the savior and found that her eyebrows were tight, with shocking blood stains on the corners of her mouth, and her complexion was also gray. She couldn't help but be anxious. Unfortunately, she couldn't do anything and could only scream.

"What a smart girl, can you be my daughter-in-law?" With a low moan, the beautiful woman in white changed her hand and hugged Xiao Mei, kissed her on the face, frowned, and smiled, "That's all right, daughter-in-law, my mother will be gone in the future. I will help my mother take good care of Qingyan."

Just looking at the beauty that made the world pale with a smile, Xiao Mei sold herself without any position: Isn't it just to be a child daughter-in-law? My sister recognized it. That little brother named Qingyan, I will cover you in the future!

A sudden violent cough made the beautiful woman in white spray a few mouthfuls of bloody blood one after another, which made Xiao Mei very worried, but a surge of fatigue, and she fell into a lethargy, so she didn't know how the beautiful woman in white took her out of there. She only knew that she was already in a gorgeous carriage when she woke up, covered In addition to the beautiful woman in white holding her, there is also a cold but handsome blue-shirted young man in the same car.

The beautiful woman in white who swung in the arms of the blue-shirted young man looked more gray, which made her more lovely. But her face was full of the unique wisdom of innocent girls, and she stroked Xiao Mei's pink little face and said softly, "Brother Yan, my daughter-in-law has a life-saving kindness to Ye Yan's chivalrous woman, so she should treat her the same as the direct son of the Li family."

What rice? Obviously, it's good for you to be saved! Xiao Mei wanted to be honest, but she could only spit out Yiyi's baby murmur, which no one else could understand except herself.

The blue-shirted young man did not move. The beautiful woman in white immediately turned her face, reached out to hold his ear, and shouted angrily, "Li Tianyan, did you listen to me!"

Khan, Ye Yaner, who is as beautiful as the immortal, can also be as fierce as the Hedong lion! Xiao Mei's eyes flashed with a bright light, and the cherry's little mouth also opened and laughed, which made Ye Yaner scream: "Oh, Brother Yan, I found that my daughter-in-law understood my speech!"

"Yan'er, can you get some sleep?" The stone face finally changed. Li Tianyan's stiff stone-like face showed deep grief. When he begged in a low voice, he brought out some uncontrollable sadness, which made Xiao Mei understand that Ye Yaner's physical condition was so bad that she was weak, and her tears suddenly gushed out.

"Why did Meier cry? Are you hungry? My mother forgot to breastfeed you.

"Wow--" The sad cry was blocked back by the milk, and Xiao Mei's tears flowed even more fiercely. Ye Yanran's body gradually became cold when her tears surged out.

"For the waste of Qingyan, you don't care that you have just given birth thousands of miles to find medicine, where did you put me to put his brother and sister!" A quiet voice with a strong hatred squeezed out of Li Tianyan's lips and teeth, and his face was also gloomy.

Xiao Mei was scared and his throat was dry, but his body seemed to be made of water, and tears surged wildly.

Next, the carriage was frighteningly quiet, and the driver seemed to realize something. The car was flat and steady.

About a day later, the carriage stopped, and the door opened. Li Tianyan took Ye Yaner, who was holding Xiao Mei in her arms, and threw Xiao Mei up like a chicken to the butler standing by the car. He said without pause, "Xiao Mei, Qingyan's wife, treats her as a direct disciple." Then he took Ye Yaner into the castle-like gate of Lifu to avoid the plague.

This Li Mansion is really elegant. The corridor leading through the mountain corridor runs through three gates. There are three stone steps under the door, carved with patterns. According to Xiao Mei's speculation, this should imply rising step by step.

Through the three hanging flower doors, the dazzling Xiao Mei was taken to an exquisite courtyard. The eaves were carved with the pattern of phoenix opera and fairy peach, and the arches of the doorposts were also carved with peaceful and auspicious patterns. The main room is seven rooms wide, with corner gates in the southeast and southwest, which are connected to the side courtyard and corridor. Except for the places laid with carved blue bricks two feet square, plum blossoms are planted.

The plum blossoms gushed out from the top of those dark and dead branches, and the condensed petals became transparent under the shining sun. The wind swept away the branches, and the fragrant wind hit people. The girl who swept and folded the plum branches in the yard was wearing a pair of cyan silk and a long jade silk skirt, looking at the refreshing Soli. Seeing the housekeeper come in, they saluted one after another. Xiao Mei looked at the expressions on their faces with expectation, speculating that they were probably hoping to be taken out of the courtyard by the direct boss of the housekeeper.

Just as Xiao Mei was thinking nonsense, a well-dressed maid came over. She is not a beauty, but she has an outstanding temperament. After the ceremony, she asked gently, "Is the housekeeper here?"

Look, even a maid of the Li family is like a boudoir who is knowledgeable and reasonable. Maybe Hou's door is as deep as the sea, and it's hard to be brought in! Xiao Mei was extremely entangled and helpless to listen to the housekeeper say, "The wife of the young master Qingyan should be treated as the same as the direct children, and should be taken care of carefully." The old man put down his words and let go, and she was left in the fragrant and vibrant yard stained with wax plums.

Xiao Mei, who was so hungry, took a deep breath of the fragrance of flowers and looked at the woman holding him pitifully, while the other party was looking at her jade pendant that he didn't know when it would disappear and said, "Xiao Mei."

Outside the yard, a maid carrying a medicine bag rushed in like a gust of wind and shouted, "Sister Qiaoer, Madam is back to heaven!"

The woman holding Xiao Mei floated out and slapped her. In the crisp slap, she shouted vigorically, "If you dare to chew again, take your life carefully!"

A maid ran in outside the yard and sobbed with tears on her face, "What Orchid said is true. Li Cheng beside me said in person that his wife was seriously injured and died. I vomited a mouthful of blood and is now in a coma."

Qiaoer staggered back two steps and held the porch pillar to stabilize. She looked up at the sky and knelt down and mourned, "Madam, I have been restless these days. I thought it should be on the second young master, but I didn't--"

"Sister Qiaoer, this is not the time to cry. We have to think about the way out. The second young master has no cultivation talent and no wife as a backer. I'm afraid that he will be deprived of his identity as his legitimate son before he is 15 years old. In the future, he will also be a handyman to stay in the Li family.

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