Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 11 Yupe provokes trouble

The attitude of the captain of the sea guard changed, so that the man of the hat immediately became honest, and no longer cried and howled. He got up and prepared to go to the law enforcement hall. At this time, a brocade-backed sword man with a gold folding fan jumped down from the nearby restaurant, put away the folding fan and knocked on the shoulder of the bamboo hat man, and said slowly, "Isn't it too disgowning for me to bring my men into the law enforcement hall?"

The thief is the local snake of Tongcheng. When did he become Mr. Lin's subordinate? The captain of the sea guard looked suspiciously at the girl from Yancheng. The reason why he figured out this guy's painstaking efforts may be that he fell in love with the little girl like the jade doll, but the Li family and the Lin family were not a force in Tongcheng. He was happy to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, so he did not expose Mr. Lin's lies. He answered, "Since Mr. Lin said so It's good to solve this matter on the spot."

The man immediately said arrogantly, "Son, the little one was wronged by this little girl thief, and the jade pendant lost by the prince is hanging on her neck."

The jade pendant hung in his clothes and did not show it. The man's strength is not as good as the second grade of the spiritual apprentice. It is impossible to detect it with his spiritual power without being discovered by himself. The only reason is that the suddenly emerging Mr. Lin is a ghost. The snake rat can also be regarded as something that crawled out of a nest. Xiao Mei said contemptuously, took out two gourd-shaped vacuum bottles from the storage bag, threw them like a grenade, first pulled out the cork, and then shook his hand and hit Mr. Lin.

This gourd-shaped vacuum bottle is a new type of elixir explosive bomb developed by Ye Lu and Ye Fu when they were bored. The explosive power is said to be more than twice as strong as the ordinary explosive bombs sold on the market. At the moment when the two fire tongues rushed out of the mouth of the bottle, the bottle body exploded and turned into two basin-sized fireballs. Mr. Lin's face, who was the first to bear the brunt, hurriedly threw away the handsome folding fan, and pulled out a sword gas shield. The fireball collided with the sword gas shield and turned into waves, which shocked the onlookers to avoid it, and the man wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. He escaped, but the captain of the sea guard stared closely, and he could only avoid the shock wave while secretly scolding himself for not opening his eyes.

I have long understood that this is not a legal society. Respected by strength, the captain of the sea guard clearly let go. The strength of Lin is stronger than that of himself and Li Qingyan. Naturally, Xiao Mei will not give him a chance to breathe. Waves of gourd-shaped vacuum bottles are thrown out one after another, and the fireballs flew out in pairs, forcing Mr. Lin to The monkey jumped up and down like a circle, and a long sword had no time to fight back except to stimulate the sword spirit shield to protect itself.

"What a lawless little girl!" With a roar, a virtual palm appeared in mid-air and went down to the top of Xiao Mei, forcing Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan to move, and the qi and blood all over their bodies seemed to burst.

The shock wave disappeared invisible, and the fireball disappeared invisible. Mr. Lin got up from the ground: "Grandpa, this bitch robbed her grandson's jade pendant."

This scum is still thinking about his jade pendant! Xiao Mei was extremely angry, but she couldn't say a word.

"Do you dare to rob my Lin family in broad daylight? I have to discipline you for your parents today. The red-haired old man in a red robe screamed and flew from the restaurant like a big bird, but his head was too big to look out of proportion, and it was ridiculous to stand there.

"It's not my Li Tianyan's daughter-in-law, it's not your turn to teach me a lesson!" Almost at the same time, a blue shadow fell in front of Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan, and the energy that bound them also disappeared at the same time. Without looking at Xiao Mei, Li Tianyan stretched out his hand back: "Beg the jade pendant."

Li Qingyan said angrily, "Dad, Yupei is originally Mei'er's."

Xiao Mei has taken off the jade pendant and put it in Li Tianyan's hand and said with a smile, "Let Dad be safe, so as not to go shopping and be carefree by Lin."

He put the jade pendant in his arms and stood with his son like Li Tianyan, who was more like his brother than his father. He pointed to the red-haired old man and shouted coldly, "If you have the courage to covet my dead wife's relics, you must leave something behind!" Let's take action. I'll give you three moves."

Li Tianyan, who has won the five-city youth challenge for seven consecutive years, has an arrogant confidence because of his overage. However, in the face of the old Lingzun, his new Lingzun was also ridiculously crazy, and the scene was silent.

I was stunned for a moment, and the red-haired Lin Shen, who is famous for his bad temper, laughed angrily: "Haha, I've never seen anyone crazy as crazy as your boy."

"That's because the Lin family is rich in reptiles. I don't know what the backbone is." The crisp voice sounded, and in silence, it fell on Xiao Mei. She was not uncomfortable at all. She said, "Really, I have seen greedy people. I have never seen greedy people like the Lin family. Even the jade pendants worn by little girls like me have to think about it. If they can't be cheated, they will be robbed. It is clear that no one can control your Lin family on this one-acre of land in Tongcheng!"

It can be said that the little girl is angry to scold the Lin family, but the last two sentences are to provoke the local forces in Tongcheng to be hostile to the Lin family, which makes it impossible for the heads of all factions in Tongcheng to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. At that time, several figures came and fell between Li Tianyan and Lin Shen. Among them, a young man in a silk shirt smiled at Li Tianyan and said, "Master Li, give Hai some face. If you continue to make trouble, everyone will not look good. You take the children first. Let's deal with this matter."

Zhucheng is the dominant family, competing for the strength of a single family. The Li family stabilizes the major families in Tongcheng, but this is on the territory of others. Li Tianyan also has to give face to the host family, nod, and fly away with Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei.

Pulling out the hair that was blocked by the wind, Xiao Mei shouted excitedly, "Wow, this is much more enjoyable than flying. Li Mutou, you have to work hard and try to learn to fly in the sky as soon as possible. It's not that she doesn't want to learn to fly by herself, but that Li Qingyan has stabilized the realm of the second grade of spiritual scholars, and it is more likely to reach spiritual respect first.

Li Tianyan, who was pierced by the sentence "Li Mutou" and frowned, heard his son's "um". He looked at his son in surprise and couldn't see his cultivation, and his heart was moved: Is it possible that this boy has an adventure, and now he can practice, and there is a hidden magic weapon, so that he can't see his real cultivation? He guessed infinitely close to the facts, but he laughed at himself and was whimsical.

A group of people gathered in front of an exquisite house, and Li Tianyan fell down with two small ones. Li Qingyan, who is the same age as Xiao Mei, hurriedly asked, "Second brother, Xiao Mei, where is the injury?" She has lived at her grandmother's house for a long time and has never been lukewarm to her waste brother. Today, she shows her true feelings when she sees that the two are embarrassed. However, Li Qingyan didn't appreciate it and just glanced at her coldly. However, Xiao Mei replied, but she was so arrogant that she tickled her teeth: "I'm disappointed. The little reptile of the Lin family can't hurt us."

Li Tianyan, who saw the three visiting brothers, turned around and scolded coldly: "It's embarrassing to brag. Don't stand like a wooden and wait to be beaten just now. Humph, if you can cause trouble, you have the ability to take over!"

The air at the scene seemed to be frozen. The juniors of the Li family, who were chatting with the visiting guests, closed their mouths, or worshipped, or looked at the dirty Xiao Mei with gloating.

Li Qingyan said indifferently, "Mayer didn't cause trouble."

"That's right, I'm defending myself. If it hadn't been for the old insects of the Lin family, I would have cleaned up the little reptiles of the Lin family.

Li Qingyan secretly pulled Xiao Mei and whispered, "Don't be stiff with your father. Your grandmother went back to the colorful clothes hall, but no one helped you. Let's go in and change clothes." Then no matter what, he forcibly pulled her in.

The people who thought Li Tianyan was going to be furious heard him slow down and said, "Qingyan, come and visit the three uncles." Even his brothers showed strange expressions. They knew the same cold and domineering style as the Li family.

Li Qingyan, the only one present with the same expression, arched his hand and said faintly, "Qingyan has met three uncles." Even if it was finished, the cloud stood sideways and regarded the people around him as air.

Yuntian, who has the strongest relationship with Li Tianyan, rubbed his moustache and asked with great interest, "Is this your useless son?"

This made Li Tianyan, whose expression rarely changed, couldn't help rolling his eyes and said in a heavier tone, "This is my second son, Qingyan. He can't practice, but it's not a waste material. His level of alchemy is still good."

The juniors of the Li family are aware of the inside story of the so-called Li Qingyan's alchemy, and there are more or less strange expressions in their expressions, which makes Li Tianyan's face hot. In order to hide his embarrassment, he coughed dryly and invited the guests into the house.

After being ordered to bathe and change clothes, he went to accompany the guests. Li Qingyan, who changed into his father's clothes, appeared in front of the guests again. His long black hair was tied with a blue ribbon, dressed in a blue shirt of the same color, and the collar and cuffs were embroidered with gold thread embroidered with the exclusive embroidery of the legitimate children of the Li family. There was no ornament all over his body, but he was as dazzling as the stars in the night sky. There was a luxurious and elegant style between his hands and feet, and his elegant demeanor directly pressed his father in the same dress, which made the Huaichun girls present look straight.

Li Tianyan, who was sighing that his sick son had finally grown up, heard Yuntian say bluntly, "Let this boy choose a daughter-in-law among the brothers and grandchildren. The girls are dumbfounded." All the tea he had just had in his mouth spewed out.

The younger generation did not dare to be presumptuous, and Lu Yunpeng, who sat next to Yun Tianqing, laughed. Yun Tianqing's three precious granddaughters lowered their heads in shame, as if they didn't mean to blame their grandfather, and secretly glanced at Li Qingyan.

"Brother Yun, don't joke." He knew that this brother's nature and his three granddaughters were of the best. Li Tianyan did not take his words seriously.

Yuntian said gently, "I'm not kidding. Even if this boy can't practice, I'm optimistic about him. The elder brother knew that Yan's sister had appointed a daughter-in-law for him, and my granddaughter would be an ordinary wife for this boy, and Yan's sister would not be dissatisfied.