Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 19 Dark Waves (Second Update)

(Add an update for the red ticket received!)

Xiao Mei, who was vigorously attacked, did not avoid out with Li Qingyan, but rushed to Li Qingyan, passed through the heat wave and grabbed his palm, and dragged him into the world. In order to avoid being found strange by people with intentions, she did not care about Li Qingyan's injury. A flash appeared in the strong wave of the explosion and was Rush into mid-air.

"Mier!" Li Tianyan screamed from afar and poked out an illusory palm shadow to grab Xiao Mei, who was dancing like autumn leaves, but he was fast and some people were faster. A man in black on the edge of the explosion wave appeared on the side with a strange smile, grabbed Xiao Mei's neck and carried her to the distance like a chicken.

Li Tianyan was furious and chased after him. At the same time, he commanded the master of the Li family to intercept him and surrounded the people in black only ten meters away from the south gate of Tongcheng.

Being besieged, the man in black was not afraid. His palms were split out in a row, and several people were shocked in an instant. Among them, only Li Yujie, a four-grade spiritual master, took a hard hand with him. However, the man in black fought against the five spiritual masters, including Li Yujie, at the same time, but only took three steps back, and his strength was definitely not inferior to Li Tianlai.

The upper body clothes of the tiger-backed bear waist guy's clothes were cracked by the palm wind, and his bulging chest muscles were like a hill, dark blue. At first glance, he practiced some kind of sinic skills. Li Tianyan was deeply afraid of him and anxious at the same time. Just at this time, Xiao Mei blinked his eyes, and his little mouth squeezed out shallow dimples without worry.

"The five spirituals of the Li family besieged the next person, which really made me feel flattered!" The man in black laughed wildly, but did not dare to take it lightly. He swept around with Xiao Mei in his hand and forced the besiege to rush forward. When he rushed forward, he took out a black gold iron gun and stabbed the nearest Li Tianyan.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Li Tianyan put his hands together and grabbed the tip of the gun like lightning. At the same time, he flew and kicked the chest of the man in black, as if he were afraid of being coerced by Xiao Mei.

At this time, not to mention the man in black, even the Li family thought that Li Tianyan didn't care about Xiao Mei's life or death at all. When everyone thought Xiao Mei was dead, Li Tianyan's foot passed through Xiao Mei's body and fell into the abdomen of the man in black.

The man in black is strong, and he can't help Li Tianyan's full blow. He was kicked to death and flew out, and Xiao Mei also fell firmly in Li Tianyan's arms.

"Dad's move is great to beat cattle across the mountain!" Xiao Mei blinked his eyes and smiled charmingly.

With a frown, Li Tianyan, the person concerned, knew the so-called "eating cattle across the mountain". In fact, when he kicked away, Xiao Mei escaped into the world with a thought. At the moment he closed his feet, another thought flashed. This is also because he knows the details of Xiao Mei to understand the truth of the matter. Otherwise, he will have to be beaten like one of the people in black and can't figure out the situation. Even so, he was also afraid at this time: if the cooperation is not so tacit, Xiao Mei's life will be saved!

No longer care about the man in black, Li Tianyan took Xiao Mei away. Anyway, he believes that with Li Yujie and the four spiritual masters, the injured man in black must have no way to heaven.

After returning to Li's courtyard and going straight to the study and opening the sound insulation array, Li Tianyan roared at Xiao Mei: "Why don't you stay in Yulang Huantian? If Dad takes a step down, do you know what the consequences will be!"

covering the buzzing ears, Xiao Mei kindly reminded: "Dad, even if there is a sound insulation array, you always roar at this voice, and there is no guarantee that someone will hear it!"

"No hip-hop smiling face!"

"Then you have to wait to see where Li Mutou is injured, and then come to discipline Meier?"

"Is Yan'er injured?" Li Tianyan was shocked and put Xiao Mei down and was about to run out, but she caught him and shook the jade pendant supported by him. Understanding what the girl meant, he stopped and let her drag herself into the world of jade that made people scream.

Biting his lower lip, Li Tianyan easily couldn't help screaming. He didn't see his son, only a glowing cocoon, and the aura around him was still pouring wildly.

"Dad, how did Li Mutou become like this? He won't be blown away by Reiki, will he?" Xiao Mei asked worriedly, and a serious face that was not in line with his age appeared on his little pink face.

"Although the influx of Reiki is very fierce, it is not crazy. It should be okay." After a pause, Li Tianyan said again, "You should be connected with this magic weapon. Will Yaner be in danger? You should have a sense of it."

Within't feeling that he picked up his arms, Xiao Mei said thoughtfully, "I don't feel uneasy. It shouldn't be a big problem. If only Li Mutou was sober and could share information.

staring at Xiao Mei in consternation, Li Tianyan felt that there was a bigger secret here that surprised him, but he didn't ask, but just said in a long breath, "Let Yaner stay here. Let's go out."

After taking Li Tianyan out, Xiao Mei asked curiously, "Why didn't Dad ask why?"

"You girl, you are not afraid to bite your tongue." Squeaking his lips for joy, Li Tianyan said with a relaxed face, "It's also a burden to know more secrets."

"No wonder Dad always has a stone face. It turns out that there are too many secrets to be kept." After saying it quickly, Xiao Mei smiled again and said, "For a moment, Dad made a mistake and thought I hadn't said anything."

"If you can, tell me what the dragon claws do."

"If you want to say it, you have to start from the beginning. If Dad doesn't care about keeping more incredible secrets, I don't mind talking about it."

"You girl." With another smile, Li Tianyan dispelled his curiosity and let Xiao Mei go out. He waited for Li Tianjie and the others to come back in the study.

As expected, the man in black failed to escape, but the guy didn't know which big force the dead man was. Seeing that he was going to be captured alive, he actually blew himself up Yuanying, which made Li Yujie and the others injured.

"It seems that the Li family has been targeted. Everyone should be careful in the future." Li Tianyan didn't say much, and his face was as stiff as a stone. Just when I thought of Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan, there was a moment of softness and relaxation on my face, and I secretly said to my heart: Even if something happens to my father, you can protect the Li family.

After everyone left, Li Tianyan looked out of the window in a daze. The handsome face was extremely complex, with strong unwillingness, long-term suppressed anger, deep helplessness, relief, and heartbreaking sadness. Xiao Mei's unintentional joke was right. There were too many secrets hidden in his heart, which made him almost overwhelmed.

For a long time, he sighed lowly, "Yan'er, you are always the one who loves me the most, so you went to find the child Mei'er and take on the responsibility of almost crushing me for me. It must be like this." He said, his eyes were wet, and his affectionate eyes glued on the bright ice wheel outside the window, as if to send all the thoughts in his heart to the moonlight.

A dark air emerged from the study and condensed into a humanoid black shadow hanging three feet on the ground. He said in a hurried and insensitive tone: "A man in black met secretly with the ancestors of the Hai family, just before and after the attack of the Red Leaf Firm. After the man in black came out of the Hai family, he also contacted the owner of the Lin family, and then lost his sight in Lin's villa.

"The Lin family, the Hai family, hum, two ant-like things also dare to think about the Li family." Li Tianyan's face was cold and ordered to the shadow: "Draft a plan to assassinate important people of the Lin family and the Hai family. The action plan is code-named 'Red Fox'. At the end of the challenge, immediately implement the 'Red Fox' plan and make the Lin family and the Hai family chaotic as soon as possible."

"Yes." The tone of the shadow did not change. When Li Tianyan waved his hand, he turned into a black smoke and ran away.

Sitting alone in the study, Li Tianyan went out and couldn't see that he had been awake all night, and even the folds of his clothes had not changed. He steadily walked to the front hall, and the descendants of the Li family were ready to go. They couldn't wait to go to the stadium, and what they discussed most was whether the dark horse would do any miracle.

He glanced at Xiao Mei, who had been dragged out by Li Qingyan and yawned for a long time. Seeing the girl shrugging her shoulders, Li Tianyan understood that his son was still in the world and breathed imperceptably. In his mind, his son can't compete today, so he will stop in the top 50, which can also make him not have to worry.

In fact, Huayi's opponent in the top 20 list went to the stage and directly announced that he had won the game without waiting for Huayi to appear. The referee also forgot that Huayi himself did not appear and announced that Huayi had won the game. This made Li Tianyan laugh outrageous.

holding his cheek, Xiao Mei muttered in distress: "It's the top 20, but it's one step closer to the top three. Alas."

After pounding Xiao Mei with her elbow, Li Qingyan asked curiously, "What are you muttering about?"

"I'm saying that the handsome man is going to capture the hearts of many ignorant girls again." With his lips curled, Xiao Mei said seriously, "Qingyan, you are not allowed to join the army of Huayi's fans so retarded."

"What are you talking about!" Li Qingyan was so embarrassed that she twisted Xiao Mei's pink smile and was still puzzled. She pulled her ear and whispered, "You are not allowed to be fascinated. Remember, you are a wife of the Li family."

Guarding a group of Li's family, Xiao Mei smiled arrogantly and said, "Everyone loves beauty. As long as Li Mutou doesn't care about me, others are not qualified to care whether I admire a handsome man or not. It attracted a group of children of the Li family to look sideways, but she still unconsciously and proudly spread the fallacy of "beautiful men are picturesque".

The corners of Li Tianyan's mouth twitched and scolded: "Quiet." Xiao Mei, who was still waiting to talk nonsense, continued to spread fallacies that were not conducive to the growth of the Li family's daughter.

He made a grimace at the petrified back of Li Tianyan sitting in the front row. Xiao Mei waved his hand behind him and left a faint red spiritual power in his tender fingertips, which could barely distinguish the three big words "old-fashioned" like an earthworm, which made Li Qingyan couldn't help laughing. She laughed and hurriedly covered it up. Live.