Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 98 Tiger Head and Snake Tail

Even Xiao Mei himself was stunned and forgot to manipulate the ice and fire Taiji to bombard the old man in gray robe, but Li Qingyan tacitly captured this rare opportunity. When she threw out the jade pendant, she also threw the Jiuyou knife as a dart. Originally, he did not intend to break the old man's strong defense with a knife. After all, he was the cultivation of the spirit king. Unexpectedly, at the moment when the old man was attacked by Yu Perry's mysterious energy and his defense ability was sharply reduced, Jiuyou knife was actually nailed to his shoulder blade.

Although it is a pair of two, the gap in strength is so big that it can be described as a difference between clouds and mud. The injury of the old man in gray robe is not only his own accident, but also shocked by others. Even Li Qingyan did not expect to be so easy to win, but Xiao Mei laughed extremely happily: "Big brother, it is worthy of our Huayingmen. Talented star!"

"Flower Shadow Gate?" The old man in gray robe muttered, quickly searched his mind for no relevant information, and then looked at the jade pendant that automatically flew back to Xiao Mei's hand. He couldn't help but ask, "Are you from the ancient prison?"

Taking the jade pendant in his hand, Xiao Mei narrowed her eyes like a cat. She didn't say anything, and just smiled: "Old man, it seems that we haven't finished this fight yet."

Looking at the ice and fire Taiji map that is much closer to him, he still maintains a self-centered equidistant, and the devouring power is significantly strengthened. The old man in gray robe finally no longer doubts: If it hadn't been for the disciples from the ancient prison, how could he have the capital to fight with the Lingwang at such a young age! Thinking of this, he arched his hand and said, "How about stop fighting?"

The old man in gray robe suddenly changed his words, which surprised Xiao Mei and immediately thought secretly: the "ancient prison" seemed to be a very simple place, and this person was actually afraid of it. After a little meditation, she turned her head and turned her eyes to Li Qingyan, which was self-evident and wanted to see his decision.

Although Xiao Mei's behavior was subtle, it was still found by those who watched her closely. They thought that although she was arrogant, Li Qingyan was still the main thing.

Others fell, but Long Tianlin and Li Qingyan's rivals felt very differently.

Long Tianlin is naturally jealous of blood dripping in his eyes - although his eyes are indeed dripping blood. Li Qingyan is extremely warm, even if he has always been ahead of her and obedient to her, but the feeling of being respected, especially the woman he loves with all his heart, is still extremely happy to be able to show respect for himself in public.

"I won't interfere in anything here anymore." His eyes flashed, and as Xiao Mei moved to Li Qingyan, the old man in gray robe arched his hand and said solemnly.

glanced at Xiao Mei and smiled warmly. Li Qingyan looked at the old man in gray and said indifferently, "Today's matter is a misunderstanding. Since the senior said so, I will naturally not be entangled again." He has always disliked to use his brain, but it doesn't mean that he can't use his brain. He knew that the old man in gray robe would be polite to them, entirely because of the ancient prison, and it was the best ending to take the opportunity to shock them off. Naturally, he also behaved politely.

Hearing Li Qingyan say this, the old man in gray robe breathed a sigh of relief. With his strength, he does not pay attention to the two little dolls, even if both of them have good performance, but there is not much suspense that he really wants to let go to destroy the two little ones. However, the forces behind the two small forces are not what he can compete with, and he can't help but treat the current matter cautiously. Even if his reputation is damaged, he can only choose to retreat in dismay.

"Order!" The ancestor of the Hai family shouted in astonishment.

It was as if he had not heard the cry of the ancestors of the Hai family, and also ignored the surprised eyes around him. The old man in gray clenched his fist and then turned his eyes to Xiao Mei. With his worldly wisdom, in fact, it can be seen that she really made the decision between the two small groups. She didn't get her promise and was a little uneasy after all. He said, "I hope today's matter is just a little misunderstanding that can be exposed."

Linghui is like Xiao Mei. Naturally, he understands why the other party said something, squinted, and said slowly, "I also hope that today's matter will be solved. Otherwise, maybe one day I will visit your nest!"

His face changed slightly and returned to normal. The sleeves of the robe were raised, and the space behind the old man in the gray robe was turbulent, forming a twisted space crack. In an eyes, his figure disappeared into the twisted space crack.

Looking stunned at the place where the old man in gray robe disappeared, the ancestors of the Hai family finally panicked. They didn't know that the gray-robed old man was only concerned about the "ancient prison", and they all thought that he was unmatched by Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei.

Suddenly, I felt that the space imprisoned by me was shaken, as if the dragon sky of the blood statue was slowly moving in the imprisoned space, with signs of getting out of trouble. The ancestors of the Hai family were shocked again. His body moved decisively swept ten meters away, and the space beside him was also a turbulence to form a space crack.

Just as the ancestor of the Hai family was about to escape into the space crack, a bloody figure appeared strangely beside him, and the bloody palms were clasped on his shoulder blades. Do you still want to escape?" Long Tianlin gritted his teeth and said.

The secret art called "Fighting Star Shift" is a secret art that can only be used by direct blood elders to seal their own spiritual power in the body and use it with blood as the guide at a critical moment. It is a unique trick for Longtian to save his life. Today, it is used here. Although it does not damage its own foundation, because this secret art can only be used once in a lifetime, so His indignation is conceivable.

Hearing Long Tianlin's angry shout, Xiao Mei also looked over. Her eyes were always different from the past. At this moment, her eyes were full of cold. Since the Hai family attacked her father in those years, she and the Hai family are in an endless situation. As for the black hand behind the scenes, she has no strength now. Let it go for the time being. When her strength is enough, she will naturally give teeth for tat and blood for blood.

The spiritual power sealed in Long Tianlin's body formed a thick blood-colored light sword in front of him and hit the ancestors of the Hai family fiercely. However, under a light knife, the ancestor of the Hai family in the Lingwang level separated from the middle, and then a dazzling blood light exploded. He disappeared in the blood light and did not even leave a trace of fragments.

When the ancestor of the Hai family died, Xiao Mei threw away the three ice and fire Taiji pictures. Those officers and soldiers, whether or not the children of the Hai family, lost their fighting spirit and dispersed as birds and beasts.

Long Yu didn't chase him. He rushed over and held Long Tianlin, who was nailed to the ground like a wooden stake, and asked anxiously, "Are you all right?"

After the secret technique, most of the qi and blood of the whole body have been damaged, and Long Tianlin can't answer.

Xiao Mei said leisurely, "For the sake of fighting side by side just now, don't say that I don't remind you too much nonsense. If there is anything to replenish qi and blood, it's better to eat it for him now, otherwise, it will not be an ordinary trouble to recuperate in the future."

Obviously, it's a good word, but it makes Long Yu's teeth itchy. He stared at Xiao Mei with hatred. He hurriedly took out the elixir he had carried with him, chose some Guben Peiyuan's elixir to heal wounds and replenish blood, and was about to stuff it into his mouth. She shook her head, but didn't say anything. He roared angrily, "If you have something to say, and fart!"

"Yeah, it stinks!" With one hand covering his nose and the other hand fanning, Xiao Mei snuggled into Li Qingyan's arms and said, "Big brother, I'm so tired! Let's go."

He hugged the beautiful woman skillfully, and Li Qingyan glanced at the dragon and walked east without saying a word.

"Hey, are you leaving like this?" Long Yu blurted out. With his arrogance, when Li Qingyan and Xiao Mei ignored him, he unexpectedly picked up Long Tianlin and chased him.

Dr. Zhou Shen, who was shocked, also hurriedly caught up with him.

"Big brother, a naughty dog is catching up with him. Do you want to knock off his leg?" Xiao Mei said in a sulking voice.

Long Yu's heart beat wildly when he heard this and shouted, "I just want to help you get the Starlight Auction for Your Highness. Don't worry, we will naturally leave when this matter is done.

"I can't see that you are quite good at maintaining the reputation of that leopard." Xiao Mei's head poked out Li Qingyan's shoulder, and his smart eyes were full of joking.

"Your Highness has always been speechless. Even if you can't speak at this time, that's what it means. Long Yu said seriously, but secretly said fiercely: Dead girl, let you be proud. Let's see how I will treat you in the future!

"Starlight Auction, it seems that we won't collect it. It's still a problem." Wrinkled his nose and made a cute grimace to Li Qingyan, who looked down. Xiao Mei said lazily, "Well, okay, let's lead the way." He didn't even have a name. He completely regarded Long Yu as a handyman, but he was not angry.

Your Highness, the situation is not good at this moment. Looking at the face of the peak king accompanying you, I have put up with it! Long Yu controlled the sound of grinding his teeth and went forward without saying a word. He was really a handyman who led the way.

It's okay to lead the way. Before walking a hundred steps away, Xiao Mei shouted again, "Hey, hand over Long Tianlin to Dr. Zhou and lead two horned horses." There was still no name, or the voice that summoned the handyman made Long Yu's anger rush to the top, but he didn't attack like this.

After all, he was dizzy just now, and he didn't expect that there was still a magic doctor. Long Yu's evil feelings for Xiao Mei were slightly relieved. After handing over Long Tianlin to Dr. Zhou, he swept over the protagonistless horse scattered beside him and quickly drove back a few horned horses back.

Xiao Mei has another opinion: "I'm sick. Why are you doing so many horses? Don't you want to be a horse dealer?"

"You can choose the most desirable one in the middle." Long Yu said with a blank face.

Such difficult and almost insulting calls can't make this royal disciple out of control. His control is very good! Since he couldn't shake off his tail, Xiao Mei didn't need to do meaningless detection. First, he asked Dr. Zhou Shen to pick out the horse, and then he and Li Qingyan chose a horned horse to ride and followed Long Yu's horse.