Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 138 Selection Criteria

The clouds wiped away the sun, and the rain falling in the air was much dense. The sky was dark and unclear, but everyone's enthusiasm did not diminish, waiting for Xiao Mei to say the selection criteria.

Intentionally wanted to hang everyone's appetite, Xiao Mei did not directly say the selection criteria, but said, "According to the selection criteria proposed by the Prussian army in the 19th century, I think that our disciples outside the Huaying Gate can be divided into four."

Only Li Qingyan can understand the words "Where is the standard for the selection of staff proposed by the Prussian army in the 19th century?", and those present did not know how to write those words and looked at each other in con'sient.

Regardless of how the people below reacted, Xiao Mei said to himself, "The first-class disciple is not ambitious and has strong ability. Such a person, who is safe and does his best, is the candidate for future executives. It's worth reusing."

As soon as the last four words came out, the quiet scene was broken by whispers.

"Quiet!" Xiao Mei gave an order, and the whole audience suddenly became silent.

"Second-class disciple, ambitious and strong ability. Such a person will bring new vitality to our group, but he is likely to stay soon and start his own business, and may not be incompatible with others. However, it is worth thinking about his possible contribution.

Speaking this, Xiao Mei narrowed his eyes like a cat and deliberately paused for a moment, but there was no more whispering, and everyone's ears stood up waiting to hear the following. With a silent smile, she continued to say.

"Third-class disciples, with small ambition and small ability, will not bring any new hope, but they will not cause trouble. He will do whatever he wants him to do. And in the outer door, there will always be some things that need to be handed over to people like them, so as long as they are honest and willing to do their duty, it is also worth investing.

There were many breaths in the crowd. Obviously, many people summarized themselves as third-class disciples, because Xiao Mei's words "also worth investing" were relieved.

"Fourth-class disciple, ambitious and small ability. This kind of employee is a real strawberry family. He talks big every day and can't resist pressure. Not only will he be promising, but he may also do something harmful to the company. It is absolutely impossible to give a heavy responsibility, and it is not worth cultivating at all.

As soon as this word came out, many people's hearts were like buckets of water, for fear of being summarized into the fourth-class disciples by Xiao Mei. Looking around the audience, she smiled, just like the previous sunlight that broke through the clouds, which was particularly bright, and her tone turned lively and pleasant: "Since I don't know everyone well, I won't classify you. So, now let's get back to the main story and start to freely promote our image ambassador of Huayingmen.

"Free recommendation?"

Someone asked in the crowd.

"Bingo!" With a snap of his finger, Xiao Mei said with a smile, "It's a free promotion. The eyes of the masses are bright. In short, let's not go out and be told that it's not your fault to be scary. It's your fault to scare people out. Of course, we can't go out and be said to be embroidered pillows. Anyway, I won't express my opinion and wait for the result.

Lin Sanxia, Yan Song and Bai Hong, the three captains of the defense team, have always had a tacit understanding. At this time, they exchanged glances and Bai Hong said, "I recommend Lin Sanxia and raise my hand for support!"

The promoted and elected are the captains of the defense team, and those defense members naturally cheered and raised their hands. Xiao Mei looked at it with a smile and did not express any comments.

Yan Song continued, "I recommend Lu Yunliang and raise your hand to support it!" Before he finished speaking, he raised his arms and was still dominated by the defense team.

With the two of them taking the lead, the defense team members recommend others or simply recommend themselves. Gradually, the disciples of Qinghutang and Blood Sword Hall also became noisy, but they were still three distinct camps.

Xiao Mei has never expressed his opinion, but just squinted and smiled. The mountain wind swept by, her dress was hunting in the wind, and her hair also played with the swaying rain, as if she wanted to help the wind fly away.

After a lot of noise, thousands of people gradually reduced the number of people elected to more than 100, which can be called young talents. Among them, Blood Knife Hall and Qinghu Hall each accounted for 40%, and the assistants accounted for only 20%.

The predecessors of Blood Knife Hall and Qinghu Hall are both local forces, and the cultivation resources obtained by their elite disciples are not comparable to those of the defense team members at all. Even if the defense players are not happy, they have to bear it.

If these hundreds of celebrities are selected and screened, no more than five assistants can be shortlisted. So Xiao Mei said, "Well, it seems that the result has come out. These handsome men also deserve the title of image ambassador of our Huayingmen. In view of this, the number of people should not be too large. There are ten places in the Blood Knife Hall and the Green Tiger Hall, and the headquarters is a little cheaper and six more.

In this distribution, the disciples of Qinghutang and Xuedaotang have no problem. In addition, they also know that Xiao Mei relies more on the defense team members and will not ask for boredom to doubt her decision.

Even those who lost the election were also happy for Xiao Mei's preference for the assistants.

"The person has been selected, Lin Sanxia, and the matter at hand is a reliable person. You are the leader of the Thirty-Six King Kong. Let's set the rules for them. Don't lose the face of our Hua Yingmen to the colorful hall on this trip." After ordering, Xiao Mei shook his hand and left freely. Lian Lin Sanxia didn't ask anyone what was at hand.

He leisurely returned to the Huaying Villa, which coincided with the invitation of the Li family, saying that they were going to attend Li Tiansheng's wedding. Xiao Mei couldn't help but wonder, "Isn't the day on the invitation?"

Qiu Yueqin said coldly, "It's ahead of schedule."

The leader of the Li family is Li Qingzhang. He also did not explain, and was obviously reluctant to take the job. In fact, Xiao Mei could also guess that he had to come by the order of his mother-in-law. Er, the mother-in-law wanted to give up her old face and invited Long Haiqing's group to the Li family to build momentum for the Li family and make Li Tiansheng beautiful.

Pianzu's mother-in-law was full of painstaking efforts and knew that Li Qingyan would definitely not go. Qiu Yueqin's mother and daughter were also embarrassed to go. Xiao Mei said, "Senior Ning, the owner of the Caiyi Temple, are guests here. Qin'er can't take care of this Zhuangzi's matter for the time being. Her granddaughter can't go to congratulate her. My brother also has to accompany Senior Ning, and I will do it. Represented, right? When?"

Li Qingzhang said indifferently, "It's today."

"Is it better to choose a day than to hit a date to marry?" Xiao Mei blurted out and didn't wait for Li Qingzhang to answer. He covered his mouth and smiled and said, "I didn't say that Tong Yan is taboo, haha."

smiled slightly, and Li Qingzhang was silent: "It seems that the chosen day is indeed not as good as the day you bumped into."

I always felt that Li Qingzhang was sarcastic, and Xiao Mei didn't wear it. She told Qiu Yueqin to send a congratulatory gift to the Li family, and she took the lead with Li Qingzhang and the others.

Walking on the road, Xiao Mei asked like a chat, "It seems that your qualifications are not bad. Why didn't you go to the Sword Sect?"

With a slightly bitter smile, Li Qingyan asked, "Why do you have to go to the Sword Sect?" If a family with good qualifications goes to Bajianzong, who will take care of the family affairs?

I really haven't paid attention to why Li Qingzhang didn't join the Ba Jianzong before. Xiao Mei started to find a random topic. At this time, he became interested: "But for me, the advantages of joining the Ba Jianzong sect outweigh the disadvantages. You don't think about yourself."

"It's not necessarily possible. If you are not a talented disciple like uncle and enter the Bajian Sect as an ordinary disciple, you might as well stay in the family. He also didn't understand why he had the desire to pour out. Li Qingzhang didn't wait for Xiao Mei to ask and said to himself, "That is, Qing Ruige and Qingli's brothers, because of their uncle and the care of Zhiqiu's ancestor, the situation is different from ordinary disciples. However, the uncle has not returned for a long time. When the ancestors and immortals go, they are getting worse and worse in the sect. In comparison, I am much better than them.

"It's better to be a chicken head than a cow queen." Xiao Mei gave a comment. Seeing Li Qingzhang's silent inquiry, he smiled and said, "Actually, under your gentle appearance, you are unwilling to succumb to others."

Facing the clear eyes like looking at the fire, Li Qingzhang had a feeling that there was no way to escape. He smiled unnaturally and said, "Well, it's just that he is sparse and doesn't like restrained."

"Pret install it, just install it." Without arguing with Li Qingzhang, Xiao Mei automatically skipped this topic and talked about the identity background of the bride of the Li family. This detailed question shocked her: "Well, it's actually Long Congxuan's daughter, the fiery tequila, did I hear it right?"

"Long Yulan, the name of the new aunt." Li Qingzhang corrected and looked at Xiao Mei's eyes with obvious surprise.

It seems that Hua 19 does not intersect with Long Yulan! After making a secret speech, Xiao Mei hurried to make up for it: "It doesn't matter what Longlan's name is. What matters is that she is actually Long Congxuan's daughter. Sister Long Congxuan has an impression, she said very young. How could he agree to such an old cow eating tender grass?

With a clenched fist and coughing, Li Qingzhang reluctantly defended Li Tiansheng: "The governor of Long is indeed young, and his actual age is not much different from my third uncle."

Recalling the cute appearance of his loving sister Long Yulan, Xiao Mei held an imperrand for her: "Is Long Congxuan crazy? Daughter's unsalable is not this kind of dumping.

It amused Xiao Mei's strange but vivid statement. Li Qingzhang laughed and said, "The third uncle is not so bad. Among his peers, his qualifications are inferior to uncle and ninth uncle."

"Cut! Not to mention older, er, less qualified than your uncle. Even if your uncle marries Long Congxuan's daughter, he is still an old cow eating tender grass. Regardless of what the Li family looked like, Xiao Mei sighed to herself, "Tut, a watery flower is inserted into the cow dung like this."

Finally, with the consciousness of the children of the Li family, Li Qingzhang shouted with a smile, "Do you want to ruin our Li family so much?" Anyway, my third uncle's ability and ability are also obvious to all.

"Blow, you just blow hard."