Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 160 Ugly Truth

When it comes to the attitude of the temple owner's attitude, it doesn't look like a bluff. Looking at the mastiff on one side, Ning Caixia swallowed the sentence "Our temple lord can be seen by anyone" and changed it to: "In that case, you can stay in this valley for a few days and wait for our lord to come back. "

It was expected to stay in the valley. Xiao Mei did not object, but just complained: "What on earth is that girl Ning Caiyun doing? She hasn't returned for a long time. It's enough to take the teleport array and run back and forth ten times to Zhucheng.

Ning Caixia directly ignored this and dodged away. After walking a long way, she spat: "She dared to think about it ten times in the teleportation array!"

With the door god of the mastiff, there was no one who knew what Xiao Mei was doing in this valley, and she was able to enter the world with confidence and boldly.

Ye Qingyin, who was sitting against the jade tablet, saw Xiao Mei coming in and asked in a trembling voice, "Meil?"

Tears surged like a spring, but Xiao Mei smiled exaggeratedly and said, "Oh, besides the smart, cute and beautiful Meier, who else could it be?" When Ye Qingyin slowly opened her arm, she cried and ran to her grandmother.

"It's really Mei'er, heaven has eyes!" Ye Qingyin cried and laughed, pulled away Xiao Mei, and two withered hands like eagle's claws were on her shoulder, as if they were going to pinch her meat.

Looking at his grandmother's bark-like old face and the shocking white hair with tears in his eyes, Xiao Mei tried his best to get a sentence from her throat: "Mae'er is unfilial. It's late. Grandma is suffering!"

"As long as you're fine, as long as you're fine. Is Yaner all right? Well, he must be fine too." As he said, Ye Qingyin wiped Xiao Mei's tears, but more and more, the two finally hugged their heads and cried.

It's not anzu sun, it's better than an ancestor. An old man cried until Yu Lao interrupted and said, "There is a master nearby, girl, to make a long story short, go out quickly after saying it." They just stopped crying.

"Meier, the colorful clothing hall is not good. When you see Qingyan, let her find an opportunity to escape. You and Qingyan also hide anonymously. Well, I also have to tell Qingrui and Qingli, and try not to be idle with life in the Ba Jianzong. Holding Xiao Mei's hand, Ye Qingyin did not mention his own situation at all, but only poured out his love for his grandchildren.

"Qingyan is fine, and both the boss and the third brother are fine. You always leave them alone and talk about your situation." After interrupting his grandmother's words, Xiao Mei asked directly, "Why did you take poison elixir? Is it related to the old woman in Yin Song Pavilion?"

"Have you ever been to Yin Song Pavilion?" Ye Qingyin was shocked, and Ji'er said in panic: "Mayer, don't worry about your grandmother's affairs and leave the Caiyi Hall quickly. Grandma will be fine here."

"Of course you will be fine in this world." In order to appease his grandmother, Xiao Mei specially introduced the situation of Yulang Huantian, and also stressed that his father had also come in to practice.

"No wonder your father wrote that Yan'er and you are definitely not in danger. The reason why he didn't come back is that he was sent to a place other than the Lingchen mainland by the transmission array and insisted on crossing the sea of flames to find you." Ye Qingyin suddenly realized, and Ji'er said sadly, "But when you come back, he doesn't know if he can--"

covering her grandmother's mouth, Xiao Mei smiled with tears and said, "Oh, don't worry about salty rice. Who is your father? How can you not even pass through the small sea of flames safely? Isn't that more waste than Li Mutou?"

Knowing that this girl wanted to relax her heart, Ye Qingyin didn't want to brush her mind. She smiled cooperatively and asked, "Is Li Mutou really a waste material?"

"Well, it seems that if he is a waste, it is no exaggeration to say that the world, including his father, is a waste." Xiao Mei said incomparablely.

She said that her grandson Li Qingyan was not a waste, and Ye Qingyin agreed, but she said that her grandson was more talented than her son Li Qingyan, but she couldn't agree. Although she didn't say anything, her expression was full of meaning.

"Facts speak louder, and Meier doesn't brag about her husband. Anyway, her grandmother can see it in the future." Xiao Mei blinked mischievously and returned to the topic: "Did the old witch threaten you? What on earth are you afraid of? Say it!"

Under Xiao Mei's soft and hard foam, Ye Qingyin, who was afraid of implicated her children and grandchildren, finally failed to overcome and tell the truth.

It was similar to Xiao Mei's guess. Ye Qingyin took poison elixir when she rushed to the customs because it was because the old owner of her own master's old disease relapsed and was powerless to return to heaven. She was ready to give up when she succeeded in rushing to the customs. She accidentally learned the secret, so Lan'er, the maid she brought into the colorful hall, also died.

When it comes to Lan'er's death, Ye Qingyin's surface is very calm, but the sadness in her eyes makes Xiao Mei understand how painful her heart is.

Mentioning that in the past years, she was deeply loved by the master of the palace, and Ye Qingyin's voice was even more gloomy and powerless, as if she was suffering heartbreaking pain.

As early as eight years ago, Xiao Mei saw clearly that under the appearance of Ye Qingyin's domineering, it was a fragile heart. Of course, this vulnerable was aimed at people close to her. Lan'er, who grew up together, was regarded as a brother-brother by her, and the master made her love her very much. Therefore, Lan'er's death, especially the discovery of the master's hidden face, coupled with the disappearance of her grandson and son, and the death of her husband, almost made her whole spiritual world collapse. Xiao Mei understood that she really worked very hard until now. Hold on.

"Leave the following matters to Meier. You are always here to study with Yu Lao how to treat poison." With aggravated tone, Xiao Mei stressed, "Remember, don't think about anything else."

"No, Meier, the dark curtain of the colorful clothing hall is too deep, you can't care." Ye Qingyin shouted in panic, but Xiao Mei had already dodged out, and her cry echoed in the much larger space.

Yu Lao, who had been watching for a long time, slightly nod his head, as if he recognized her because of Ye Qingyin's heartfelt concern for Xiao Mei, and took the initiative to say, "It's okay. With the mastiff, no one can hurt the girl Mei in the colorful hall."

Ye Qingyin also knew the mastiff, but he didn't get it all of a sudden. At this time, Yu Lao reminded him that he suddenly thought of the majestic mastiff he had seen before and said suspiciously, "Is that the legendary canstiff suppressed under the land of the peerless spirit? How could it follow Meier? No, it even killed its own clan. That's a fierce beast!"

"The mastiff is still Li Qingyan's wooden contract pet." After curling his lips, Yu Lao expressed his disdain for Li Qingyan's good luck. In his opinion, the reason why Li Qingyan has this luck is all due to Xiao Mei.

"Is there something wrong with my hearing?" Ye Qingyin rubbed his ears stupidly.

"In a word, you can do whatever you want to say." Yu Lao said impatiently and said, "Now lie down."

Huh? This lonely man and woman, don't have any bad thoughts! Ye Qingyin was first stunned, and then thought that his appearance was not what it used to be, and a burst of sadness surged up.

Mr. Yu is impatient: "Mier wants the old man to treat your injury. What are you thinking about?"

Huh? Does this old man know how to read minds? Ye Qingyin was shocked again and still didn't know how to deal with it. Yu Lao didn't have the leisure to tell her again. He grabbed her in front of her from the air.

His body lay uncontrollably on the ground, Ye Qingyin's eyes darkened, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness. She didn't know that her body was supported like a ball by the crazy aura. The crazy aura was like a group of blown horses in the body, but it did not hurt her muscles and veins like the general aura. However, on her paper-thin skin, every pore was stretched out by Reiki, oozing black matter, and It decomposes into tiny hand dissipation under high concentrations of spiritual power.

Under the control of Yu Lao, Ye Qingyin's body is like a barrier lake that has been dredged and injected with clear water. The toxic substances are quickly cleaned, and the body is full of rich and pure aura. Looking at Xiao Mei's face, Yu Lao did not stop, but spent his energy to guide Reiki to cut her hair and wash her marrow.

The difficult technical work of cutting hair and washing marrow is not easy for Ye Xinghe and Long Haiqing, but Yu Lao doesn't take it seriously. Maybe he doesn't have a deep relationship with Ye Qingyin, or maybe he is a skilled and bold person. Under his guidance, the surging aura washed Ye Qingyin's body over and over again like a tide.

Under the erosion of this aura over and over again, Ye Qingyin's body is also undergoing earth-shaking changes. Although she is still amazingly thin, her skin color has become ruddy, and her skin is still full of elasticity. A silver wire has changed from white to green, and the grandmother who is familiar with Xiao Mei has returned.

Yu Lao did not deliberately cut off Xiao Mei's contact, so she could also know the situation in Yulang Huantian and was very grateful to Yu Lao. At the same time, because of the changes in her grandmother, she hates the colorful clothes hall even more. She sat in the gazebo with a sense of murder. Ning Caiyun came in a hurry, and it was a little uneasy to meet.

"I heard that you had a conflict with my little uncle?" Ning Caiyun asked bravely.

Anyway, sooner or later, he always has to tear his face with the Ning family. Xiao Mei is too lazy to deal with Ning Caiyun and said stubbornly, "Stealing the secret recipe of my flower shadow door should be punished. The young master doesn't mind."

Thinking of the reply from the aunt of the palace, she wanted to treat Hua 19 well. She must stay in the Caiyi Hall and wait for her to come back to meet her. Ning Caiyun felt that Hua 19's beginning was very big, which might be big enough to make her aunt afraid. That is to say, the power behind Hua 19 is not what Caiyi Hall can compete with. Because in the past, even the only son of Ye Xinghe came to the Caiyi Hall, at that time, my aunt sent her to receive her, but I did not come out to meet her in the name of retreat.

"Well, I heard about this matter. Let's wait for my aunt to come back to deal with it." Ning Caiyun avoided the virtual support and said, "Don't worry, no one will disturb you until your aunt comes back."

"When will she come back? I don't have so much time to wait for her in the United States." Xiao Mei roared impatiently.