Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 165 Ups and downs

A flower in front of her, Xiao Mei felt that her body was caged by scattered fragments, and her hand was pulled out by Li Qingyan at the same time. After landing, her left body's clothes were broken and she walked in many places. Unfortunately, Lin Sanxia and others suddenly appeared in the open space in front of them, and everyone stared at her bare left half of her body.

It's gone! Xiao Mei was not embarrassed and subconsciously pulled the fragments of her clothes. Her eyes rarely appeared shy and embarrassed, like a newborn deer, looking so helplessly. Before Li Qingyan could react, Mei Ying threw out one of his clothes from the leader's order. At this time, Lin Sanxia took out a white robe and said to Xiao Mei, "I think you need this."

When Xiao Mei stretched out his hand to answer, Li Qingyan quickly put on the robe in his hand and said coolly to Lin Sanxia, "It's enough to do your job."

After rolling up the long sleeves, Xiao Mei tied the hem of the robe with a knot on each side and said as if nothing had happened, "So, Lin Sanxia, what happened to you just now?"

Pointing to the two people beside him, Lin Sanxia, who had an embarrassed face, returned to normal. "The three of us were dragged into a black hole and couldn't move. We were about to suffocate. Just now, the space suddenly shook, and then we were thrown here."

The rest of the people's statements are much the same. Unexpectedly, no one can see the situation outside from the hole like Xiao Mei. I guess it's not that Li Qingyan just hit it with the leader's order, and they can suffocate in it.

Before explaining the reason to Lin Sanxia and others, Xiao Mei's attention was focused on the barbarians crossing the river. With the help of the transparent display screen, she found that nearly 30% of the barbarians had snake-shaped light flashing on their backs. Under the snake-shaped light, there is a dark red text prompt: a dragonfly.

The 30% of barbarians seem to be scattered everywhere, but Xiao Mei stayed and looked at them. They always maintained the same formation and looked like a symbol. She felt that she had seen it somewhere and thought about it and got nothing. At this time, another sect task appeared on the transparent display screen.

First-level sect mission: eliminate the mirrage

Mission reward: hatching a high-level spirit animal egg

Mission Punishment: Spirit Beast Park downgraded to one level

"The rage devoured the sky was actually made by these barbarians, and they can run with them. I guess it won't work if the pontoon bridge is broken. Big brother, kill those barbarians with snake-shaped light on their backs and you can hatch that egg!" Xiao Mei pointed in front of him excitedly, and Li Qingyan also came over to look at it with excitement, which made Lin Sanxia and others couldn't help doubting where their brains were broken.

Throwing out the leader's order, Li Qingyan directly threw this difficult task to Mei Ying. Under the control of Mei Ying, the leader turned into an unpredictable streamer and flew up the pontoon bridge. Among the crowded barbarians, the place of the rage was accurately found and the snake-shaped light was directly taken away.

"Oh, is the worm only attached to the barbarian?"

"It is estimated to be a phantom spirit beast."

During a brief conversation between the two, the barbarians on the pontoon bridge made noise, probably discovering the disappearance of the worm. Many people were shouting excitedly. He Lianfei could no longer stay calm and jumped and shouted like crazy.

"Just now, I was still pretending to be forced, and my subordinates didn't even close their eyes to the siege. Now let's pretend again!" Xiao Mei was so happy that she shot several times at the image of He Lianfei on the transparent screen. This childish performance made Li Qingyan laugh. For some reason, she turned her head and had a desire to keep that smile deep in her heart.

Absurd, what a ridiculous! A burst of panic for no reason made Xiao Mei's smile suddenly lose his smile and shook his head vigorously, as if to get rid of the vague uneasy feeling.

"What's wrong?" Li Qingyan asked in surprise.

"None. Look!" Xiao Mei pointed to the position of the leader's order on the transparent display screen and found that the leader's order was competing with the thickest snake-shaped ghost light. The palm-sized leader's order was entangled in the snake-shaped ghost light, and the front half of the snake-shaped ghost light fell into the leader's order again, looking at some evenness.

He Lianfei also found the location of the leader's order and roared with a machete. The thin old man, who had been punished by him to kneel before, flew over and took the leader's order.

A dark shadow suddenly burst out in the leader's order, and half of the palm of the thin old man disappeared. He shouted and staggered back. Although the barbarians were not afraid of death, they were also afraid of unknown mysterious forces. The barbarians around were frightened by this strange situation. The barbarians on the edge of the pontoon bridge were squeezed off the pontoon bridge like dumplings, and finally the barbarians who went up the bridge turned around and ran away.

When the seriously injured thin old man turned around and wanted to run, the leader ordered the snake-shaped light and flew around at the root of his neck. His body was still running, and his head had already flown high with a blood spring. The headless body full of blood staggered a few steps, hit a savage and fell down and couldn't get up again.

The barbarians on the pontoon bridge are even more chaotic. The leader's order, which took all the snake-shaped light, began to kill. The barbarians couldn't even see its shadow and didn't even have a chance to struggle. They only saw their heads washed up by blood springs. They didn't even have the courage to draw their swords and turned into a gang of rabble. This token is a complete killing machine. Xiao Mei sighed.

Li Qingyan looked at it indifferently and said nothing, just like sitting in the cinema watching an old movie.

Lin Sanxia and others knew that the killing was made by Li Qingyan, but they didn't know what means he used. For this young man with an indifferent expression, they felt fear for the first time, and a chill came out of their courage.

At the head of the fortress, Longjiangzhu looked at the incredible scene on the pontoon bridge and forgot to pay attention to the tragic fighting under the root of the city. There was no ecstasy. There was only inexplicable fear.

What performed normally was Long Peng, the son of Longjiangzhu, who waved his arms and called Lu. It was not until he scolded him for "shut up" that he calmed the boy down. After all, the fighting under the root of the city is still going on, and there are continuous heroic sacrifices of imperial soldiers, which is not exciting.

He Lianfei was as dull as a wooden chicken at this time. He didn't care much about the death of several masters of the Spirit King, but he couldn't get in touch with all of them. How to tell him when he went back? His dull face gradually twisted, "No matter who you are, you will die!" He gritted his teeth and roared, raised his arm, and a black beam of light flew over the fortress. In the direction of the fortress, seven or eight spiritual weapons flew towards the black beam. The black beam is one arrow and three carvings. After piercing three spiritual weapons, it unfolds into a five-ghost flag, painted with five blue-faced fangs demon faces, fluttering in the wind, seemingly powerless, but the remaining spiritual weapons came into contact with them with harsh metal knocking sound. At the same time, Fan Yufei flew straight into the fortress and hit the defense array in the inner city of the fortress.

The smoke-like black air rose into the air and enveloped the whole fortress. Where the ghost flag arrived, there were yin soldiers accompanying them. On a bright moonlit night, you can see shadows. On a sunny day, there is also a gloomy atmosphere coming to your face. For a moment, the ghosts cried and the wind roared. Many of the defenders outside the fortress were scared out of their souls, and many people fell straight down from the city. What is that?" Xiao Mei screamed.

Yu Lao said, "It's actually the five ghost-eating flags. Why did they flow to this Lingchen mainland? It seems that this Lingchen continent will not be calm. Well, girl, this thing, stupid wood can be used.

grinned, but Xiao Mei did not argue with Yu Lao. She doesn't like others to say that Li Qingyan doesn't say a word, and the call of wood is that she shows intimacy, kissing, and scolding is love. Yu Lao really doesn't like Li Qingyan, which is completely unreasonable. Seeing Yu's kindness, there is something suitable for Li Qingyan that can remind her that she feels that the old man is a petty person.

"Hurry up and let Mei Ying collect the five ghost flags!"

"Uh, okay."

I don't understand what the five ghost flag is. Li Qingyan just answered subconsciously. Anyway, Mei Ying can also accept Xiao Mei's intention. All he has to do is to share the information.

At this time, there was also black smoke in the outer city of the fortress, and the soldiers fell one by one. There was a defensive array on the gate of Longjiangzhu, which was safe for the time being, but they were also very frightened. Today's situation is completely out of their understanding. Their heads have begun to numb and they don't know how to deal with it.

"Destroy!" Today, Helianfei, who has been frustrated repeatedly, is crazy, and his long hair is blowing itself without wind. Perhaps it took a lot of effort to control the five ghosts. His seven orifices were oozed with blood, and he was a fierce ghost from hell.

The unfavorable leader flew over the fortress, and the long whale absorbed water and greedily swallowed the dark fog. The black fog that had completely enveloped the fortress quickly faded, and five ghosts appeared.

The leader immediately rushed down like a cat that smelled fishy, dispersing a layer of black light on the surface of the ghost flag, but failed to damage the ghost flag at all. The leader immediately burst out a violent breath, making people feel like seeing a peerless beast. Under this violent breath, the gloomy ghost flag was completely gone in an instant, and the weight suddenly became much lighter, like a leaf floating into the head of the order

"Fate! What is that! Who will tell Ben Shuai what that is!" Helian roared hoarsely and wanted to destroy everything. His eyes were quickly congested, the aura around him quickly converged, and his body became bloated, and soon expanded like a ball. He rose from the air at a high speed and fell like a meteorite. The sound of breaking into the air was like an air raid alarm. Look at the momentum smashing the whole fortress to solve his hatred.

stared at the transparent display screen and saw that the ball was only half a foot away from the leader's order. Xiao Mei stretched out his finger on the spherical image and said gloatingly, "Fools, fools who throw themselves into the net, there are idiots every year, especially many this year!"

Lin Sanxia carefully asked, "That is the violent skill inherited from the bloodline of the barbarian royal family. One blow is powerful enough to open the mountain. Liuhua Fortress should not be able to withstand this blow, right?"