Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 197 Daddy Return

"Old--" wanted to call him father, but the man in front of him looked different from his memory, so that the word "father" stuck in Xiao Mei's throat. I want to say that this man pretended, but his eyes suddenly flashed with shame in love, and another voice in her heart shouted: "It's Dad! This is really Dad!"

"Mier." Obviously, he also suppressed his excitement. After a pause, Li Tianyan said with a shame, "It's all my father's fault that he didn't think well and made you suffer."

"It's not Dad's fault. Whoo, Dad, you're alive. Bah, it's great for Dad to come back!" Xiao Mei was so excited that she couldn't stay calm anymore. Qiu Yueqin, who walked around the way like a butterfly, and Ye Qingyin and Li Qingyan, who rushed to her, rushed to her feet, rushed over and hugged her father and cried.

After that, at the reception banquet, Li Qingyan commented on Xiao Mei's crying scene: "That's simply unprecedented, which can be called a tragic wolf howl, earth-shaking."

Rubbing his crying red nose, Xiao Mei retorted: "Aren't you crying? Sister, that's howling. You're just a chicken that is about to break her neck. At least she's crying with momentum. How about you?

Ye Qingyin said sourly, "Mayer is just biased. Seeing the old lady so miserable, I haven't seen her cry like this. After a generation, it's still different!"

Grandmother also got involved, and Xiao Mei turned the topic to Li Tianyan's experience of breaking through the sea of flames.

"There is nothing to say." Li Tianyan said lightly about the situation of the undercurrent sea of flames, which is similar to what is described in the book. Everyone knew that he was perfunctory as soon as they heard it, understood that he must have suffered a hard time on this trip, and didn't want him to recall it again, and didn't point it out. After sipping wine, he solemnly told him, "Mier, if the children of Juebao threaten you with their father, don't give in. Dad didn't admit his identity in front of them.

"Dad, why are you so serious? Those guys who came from the castle are still short of Taoism. Looking at his father's frown, Xiao Mei hurriedly explained: "The reason why Mei'er gave them some sweetness is that they want to use it as a shield. With them, the evil intentions of the Sword Sect, the Youhuo Hall and the Colored Hall, you have to think about whether they can afford to provoke the flower shadow door at the same level with Juebao. Of."

Although it was the first time to hear about Juebao, Li Qingyan cleverly said, "Huayingmen is also a huge thing like Juebao. Dad, just relax. Meier is the best at pretending to be a ghost, and you won't be able to see the flaws.

"Sister, that's called taking advantage of the situation, do you understand!" Xiao Mei gave a contemptuous look.

"Well, the essence of taking advantage of the situation is to pretend to be a ghost, and you are an nerd." Li Qingyan didn't lose face.

"Okay, I dare to be sarcastic!"

Looking at the two girls laughing, Li Tianyan said to his tearful mother, "Mom, I'm sorry to worry you. My son is really unfilial."

"You are unfilial. If Mei'er hadn't come back and gone to the Caiyi Hall to steal your mother back, can you still say two things until now?" Tears couldn't help flowing down. I didn't want to say it today. Somehow, Ye Qingyin couldn't help telling her own experience.

Li Tianyan's eyes were round, he got up without saying a word, and knelt down on his mother's side.

knocked hard on his son's head, and Ye Qingyin leaned down and hugged his son's head and cried, "If something happens, how can this family live?"

Li Tianyan is speechless.

Xiao Mei took Li Qingyan to kneel next to her father and said with tears, "Grandma, don't scold your father. Dad is worried about Meier and Li Mutou. If you want to fight, just wait for Li Mutou to come back and hit him.

Originally, I was very sad. I don't know why I felt funny when I heard Xiao Mei's words. Li Qingyan sucked her nose and asked, "Why did you wait for the second brother to come back and hit him? Isn't it the same?"

"I shouldn't have let you out of the colorful hall and let you be the mouse in the bellows there. No, it makes you more unlucky than the mice in the bellows." Xiao Mei scolded resentfully.

When I was made a scene by these two little girl, Ye Qingyin's sadness continued to brew. She wiped her tears and laughed and scolded, "Well said that you two dead girl are making trouble again."

"Okay, the alarm has been lifted." Xiao Mei jumped up, pulled his father up, and stretched out his hand and said, "Dad, you owe Meier a favor."

"Let's save it and make up for it."

Of course, it was not Li Tianyan who said this, but Li Qingyan.

Li Tianyan asked, "Mier, you said earlier that Yan'er went out. What's the matter? Where is it? Do you want your father to pick it up?"

He told the reason why Li Qingyan went out. Xiao Mei said, "I'll contact him to see where he is now. Do you need to pick him up?"

Called the administrator of the cultivation system and contacted Mei Ying. What appeared on the screen this time was not a word, but a synchronous live broadcast. Xiao Mei was surprised and said, "It seems that it has been upgraded again?"

A sweaty little beaver's head appeared in the upper left corner of the screen, and a row of words flashed next to it: It has always had this function, but you don't know whether to use it or not!

"I don't know how to use it, but you don't know the hint!" Xiao Mei roared and saw that everyone was looking at him in surprise. He smiled and said, "I'm contacting Li Mutou's magic weapon. I got in touch, and it's still broadcast live.

Hearing this, the three of them were speechless. Xiao Mei described the image on the transparent display.

It is a small coastal city without the glitz and noise of inland cities. The wind slowly blew the guise of the shops on the street, the fluffy fishermen slowly walked through the long streets, dozed vendors, etc., which made Xiao Mei feel that the speed of time suddenly slowed down.

Listening to Xiao Mei's description, Li Tianyan said doubtfully, "How long has it been since Qingyan went out in a small city near the sea?"

"Hee, I don't want to hit you. Li Mutou is also a spiritual master now, and he will soon surpass his father. Dad may not be better than Li Mutou in a long-distance flight alone. Seeing that his father didn't believe it, Xiao Mei gave another sudden news: "Although Dad is now the king of spirits, he may be able to take the lead in a short time at most."

"Just brag, the spirit king is better than Lingzun, but can he take the lead in short-distance flight?" Giving Xiao Mei a white eye, Li Qingyan screamed like a chicken with a burning tail: "Ah! Dad is the king of spirits!"

What shocked Li Tianyan was more than Li Qingyan. He was so excited that he didn't know what to say. After a long time, he sighed, "Dad is really old."

It seems that the blow is a little stronger! Xiao Mei stuck out his tongue and quickly pointed to the transparent display screen that the three could not see: "Look, Li Mutou is fighting with people!"

"We can't see it. You're stupid!" Li Qingyan shouted depressedly.

"Er, administrator, is there any way to solve this problem?" Too happy, Xiao Mei's attitude towards the administrator of the immortal cultivation system is also gentle. If this girl is a human, she may have goose bumps.

The administrator, who was scared once and became honest, was probably flattered. A beaver's head appeared on the top left of the display screen, and two colored words flashed next to it: wait a minute.

Before Xiao Mei praised, the screen was unexpectedly blurred, and she couldn't see it. She was so anxious that she scolded: "Damn it, what the hell are you doing? Why is the screen blooming!"

"Don't worry, Meier, maybe it will be better later." Li Qingyan said guiltily and guiltily.

"It's better to be good, otherwise I won't let that girl know that Prince Ma has a few eyes." Xiao Mei said sadly.

In the anxious waiting, the time seemed to be so long as a century ago. The flower screen of the transparent display screen was first black, which made Xiao Mei think that the thing was completely scrapped, and the screen turned blue again. Then the administrator's smiling head flashed in the upper left corner of the screen, and there was a typo next to it: The upgrade is complete.

"What kind of monster is that!" Li Qingyan screamed.

"Like Firefox." Ye Qingyin followed.

Have you seen it all? Xiao Mei didn't say a sound, his eyes fell on his father's face and asked silently.

With a slight head, Li Tianyan was slightly surprised, "Is the little red fox appearing on the blue square the spirit of Yaner's magic weapon? Well, it's changed."

Xiao Mei turned around and the blue screen had been replaced with an image.

Image shows that Li Qingyan is being besieged. With a wave of his hand, a row of black arrows flew out and disappeared into the chest of the strong man opposite. The strong man was struck by lightning, and his strong body flew out like a piece of paper. At this time, a knife was cut to his head, and when it was not allowed to go, he shook his body and floated out. When the strong man fell down, he stretched out his knife to pick it. He easily picked up the strong man's body of at least 200 catties and hit the tip of the knife he cut.

With a scream, the unlucky strong man was cut off half of his head.

The besieger who killed his companion by mistake, roared repeatedly. Before he could start, Li Qingyan's Jiuyou knife pointed diagonally. He was not mediocre. He quickly formed a solid light shield in front of him. Ignoring his light shield, Li Qingyan cut straight in without any fancy skills, easily breaking the crime of defense of light. With a slight sound, the close-fitting spiritual armor was pierced, and his left shoulder blade was pierced into a hole. Blood flowed out with the knife, and he felt pain.

"Wow, the second brother is so cool and handsome!" Li Qingyan shouted out and suddenly remembered the old things. She pinched Xiao Mei's tender and smooth face with her backhand and said viciously, "Huayi is the second brother. You still want me not to be a nymphomaniac!"

When she was fascinated, she was distracted by Li Qingyan. Xiao Mei slapped her hand and asked aggressively, "Do you want to be a nymphomaniac?"

"Well, it seems so." Li Qingyan subconsciously answered and said doubtfully, "But I still don't think it's right."

"Silation." Li Tianyan scolded gently.

Looking at Xiao Mei with resentment, Li Qingyan asked silently: Which of us is the father's biological birth!

Ignoring this girl, Xiao Mei asked, "Dad, can you see what force besieged Li Mutou?"

"Disciples of the Blood Rune, but it's strange that why don't the disciples of the Blood Rune Gate use the charm? Are they impersonating?" Li Tianyan said inexpprehensively.