Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 204 Great Power

is a three-point poison. If you take too much elixir, it will form elixir in the body. If it is not removed in time, it will cause serious consequences. This is common sense. Suddenly I heard that there is an elixir that is full of mental strength but has no side effects. How can it not make people jealous? Long Xiaotian said bluntly, "Long is here and wants to trade some elixir with your family."

"Well, just let people talk to Qin Er. The quantity can't be too much." In a good mood, Xiao Mei agreed happily and turned her head to order, "Qin'er, go and invite the patriarch Mobao copied by the elder."

When Ye Can heard this, he almost sprayed out a mouthful of tea. He thought he could see the authentic Mobao of the ancestor of Huayingmen. Who knew that all he could see was the copy, and he couldn't help glancing at Long Xiaotian angrily.

Returning with a slightly calm and dry look, Long Xiaotian looked at the drifting Qiu Yueqin with expectation, and let Ye Can look forward to it, muttering to himself: I hope it won't be too much.

Qiu Yueqin walked to the pavilion in the west and disappeared in the sky. This made everyone notice that there was a transmission array in the original pavilion. Previously, when the person who brought the food came out from there, everyone didn't pay attention.

Not long after, Qiu Yueqin, with two disciples of Huayingmen, came out with a delicate single screen solemnly. The calligraphy and painting that Long Haiqing and others had seen before was framed on the screen.

"From spring to Changmen, the grass is green, and some red plums are broken, and they are not even. The blue cloud cage crushes the jade into dust, leaving a dream and breaking through the spring. The shadow of flowers weighs on the door, and the curtains spread the light moon. It's so dusk. He has been defeated by Dongjun three times in two years, and he is also thinking about this spring.

Standing sideways on the left side of the screen, he recited it word by word with some meaning. Xiao Mei said proudly, "Is Li Zushi in this family extraordinary?"

Long Xiaotian answered the question and said, "Sure enough, the pen can see the spirit, and the words reveal the soul."

"The strokes are collected and released freely, and in the elegant and flexible, we can see the ancient wind. The three words Li Qingzhao have a profound meaning. Fortunately, we can see it!" Ye Can came out of his seat and bowed deeply to the screen.

With Ye Can's action, Xiao Mei also looked at the screen and made her find a rusty sword handle stuck in the hollow flower space under the picture shaft. She found it with sharp eyes and pulled it out.

"What?" This sword has an impression of depression. At the beginning, she and Li Qingyan had just come back from trouble and went into the Treasure Pavilion to look at the new things. Yu Lao passed on her idea and asked her to collect the dusty sword in the corner. After collecting the sword, the set of "Floating Flower Swordsmanship" appeared in her mind, which saved the process of learning swords and jumped to become a kendo master. At that time, she secretly had fun: Sure enough, people who travel through time have benefits!

I remember to use this sword to fight with the disciples of the Fire Hall. Xiao Mei really doesn't remember where he received it later. At this time, he held the sword in his hand, and he still had an inexplicable skill.

"How can there be this sword?" Qiu Yueqin was stunned. The two disciples who raised the screen were swept by her cold eyes and quickly shook their heads to show their ignorance. Obviously not?" She said again, but her tone was not sure.

"Maybe it ran out by itself. Don't worry about it, Qiner." Xiao Mei smiled carelessly. The transparent display screen appeared in front of her again, showing three people in black lurking on the island. It should be that she sneaked in before she came with everyone and hid in three bridge caves respectively. They were all high-level spiritual masters, but they didn't know if they were a group.

Nima, Lingzun has been sent to do this kind of cheating job! Xiao Mei was annoyed for a moment, and the aura poured into the sword body, and the inconspicuous sword body suddenly glowed with a strange glow of ice and fire.

"Good sword!" Ye Can lost his voice and shouted, and at the same time, he was ashamed to look away.

Long Xiaotian didn't say anything. He just solemnly took out the dark sword embryo, which seemed to have more treasures, but the sword he casually put aside was of this quality.

"That's natural, and the product produced by Huayingmen must be a good product." Xiao Mei laughed, flew out of the pavilion lightly and danced on the corridor bridge between the two pavilions. Like a bird playing freely in the wind, as she dances, it drags out beautiful light arcs and emits around her as the center.

The beautiful sword arcs are sometimes as gentle and transparent as the wind, showing a comfortable, hazy and nostalgic attitude, and the taste is leisurely. Sometimes it seems to accumulate layers of ink, thick and virtual spirits, seemingly real and unreal, and the ancient wind is vividly revealed. When it really surprised the viewer, he was also intoxicated.

The man in black in the nearest bridge hole found that the whole bridge hole was covered by the sword arc after a moment of distraction. It was found! He didn't dare to take it lightly. He jumped out and came out of his sword like the wind to fight fast. At the same time, his body retreated backwards. However, the sharp sword spirit was stimulated, but silently disappeared into the sword arc, and he still failed to escape from the range of the sword arc. The more he fought, the more shocked he became, and he couldn't help roaring.

Have you summoned your accomplices? Gee, they can't hide without your soul. Xiao Mei sneered, threw out two ice and fire Taiji pictures one after another, and hit the two people hidden in the bridge hole.

Ye Can and others were really ashamed. They were sneaked to such a close place by several spirituals. They didn't even know it. It was simply a slap in the face. Others were fine. Ye Can directly snorted angrily, emitting a frightening pressure.

"Senior Ye, please sit down and drink for a while. These little miscellaneous fish don't need to work to get your hands dirty. Xiao Mei said with hatred. When she needed to take advantage of the situation and let the head of the Bajianzong realize the power of Huayingmen, this bastard came from nowhere to make up. If she didn't show a little means, wouldn't it make her fail!

Ye Can heard the sound and dispersed the pressure and sat down with everyone.

"Administrator, die for my sister!" Xiao Mei roared, dancing the sword in her right hand, and the sword arc gushed out like thousands of light snakes. Her left hand smashed out one by one mini version of the two poles of ice and fire. She trapped the three spiritual masters with her own strength. Ye Can's eyes were about to fall out, scolding whether it was a person or a demon!

There is a yawning little beaver's head on the transparent screen, with typewriting next to it: What else to do? Didn't you prompt you to locate the foreign enemy?

"Tip a P, I'm going to destroy the soul of the bear's heart and leopard!" Xiao Mei said angrily.

The words next to the little Ali's head quickly changed: This is not beyond my scope of work!

"How dare you try to put another P!" A little crazy, Xiao Mei narrowed her eyes and looked at the head of the little Ali. Unexpectedly, she was scared. After the little Ali's head disappeared, a row of prompts appeared on the transparent display screen.

The seven-killing soul array-oriented attack program has been updated. Will it start immediately?

Xiao Mei chose without hesitation.

Another row of prompts appear under the transparent display: guide the seven-killing soul array to attack the target, using the ice and fire Taiji diagram, or the sword arc as the guide.

Is there any difference! Xiao Mei is going to leave. I really want to cut the transparent display screen with a sword, if I can.

typewriting has been added to the transparent display: if you need intelligent selection, you must wait for the system upgrade to complete. Do you need to upgrade?

"If you don't upgrade, choose the sword arc!" Xiao Mei completely squeezed these words out of his teeth. When the system upgrade is completed, the cooked ducks will fly 108,000 miles away. You always have to upgrade at critical times. Damn it, can't you upgrade all the programs that can be upgraded in your spare time?

A row of words has been changed on the transparent display: the game program is set up, will it run immediately?

"Yes!" Gritting his teeth and spitting such a word gently, Xiao Mei secretly made up his mind. When Mei Ying came back, he changed the passive administrator.

A beautiful sword arc dragged by, like falling petals. Where the petals fell, in addition to the three spiritual-level people in black who were first trapped, there were at least 20 black shadows jumping up from the hidden place and were pierced by a white light hole that seemed to come from the void, smashed down like a dead fish, and died.

The strange scene in front of them made Ye Can and the others stunned.

The three trapped spirits were even more frightened, and one of them roared fiercely: "The girl is so fierce. You really think you can leave us all!"

"Don't scream. You can't come and go today. If you are allowed to break out of this seven-killing soul formation, my sister will have your last name!" Xiao Mei laughed angrily, and the laughter was arbitrary and flamboyant.

"Arrogant!" The man also went out and sacrificed an umbrella-shaped spiritual weapon. After leaving his hand, he suddenly opened it. The thunder flashed on the surface of the umbrella, and the thunder roar could be faintly heard.

"Thunder umbrella? Lei's!" Ye Can said in surprise. Qiu Yueqin and Long Xiaotian looked at him, but he no longer squeaked and his eyes flashed. He didn't know what he was thinking.

There was a vigilance in his heart. Xiao Mei was about to dodge. The umbrella had flown above his head, and suddenly, purple thunder fell like rain. With enough time to shout the four words "Pearl of Rice", she disappeared into the thunder with the following four words.

"Master!" Qiu Yueqin drew her sword and rushed out. As soon as she flew out of the pavilion, she saw Xiao Mei shooting out of the thunder, her hair upside down like a hedgehog, and the crackling sound of purple thunder.

"Go back!" Qin'er can't help this level of fighting. In addition, Xiao Mei is also completely hairy and has to take action in person to vent her hatred.

Qiu Yueqin could only return to her place, biting her white lips and looking straight at it. She has always been managing Zhuang's affairs. Master and Master have trusted her so much that she didn't expect such a big leak on such an important occasion today. Before the thunder light dissipated, Xiao Mei's sword inspired nine sword arcs, three or three groups, and shot at the three spiritual masters. Her speed was very fast, but Lingzun's speed was faster. Before the sword arc flew, the two had already dodged and avoided it, that was the Lingzun, who had fallen from the thunderbolt, did not avoid it.

As a sword arc hit the thunder umbrella, the white light that seemed to come from the void appeared again. It accurately split in the same position as the sword arc. The thunder umbrella was torn by the white light, and a purple thunder light burst out. The other two sword arcs hit the big Lingzun through the thunder light. At the same time, two white lights pierced his body, and one of them directly blew off his head. Before even the dying screams could be made, he died.