Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 236 The Situation of the Li Family

"Jang Mei, do you pretend to be confused?" Second Master Li sighed.

"Hee, second uncle, this can't be blamed on Mei'er, saying that it's a big trouble. We can't stick to the Li family. We can't post it inexplicably, and it's as if we have been exposed to the Li family. With the conscience of heaven and earth, our little husband and wife don't care about the Li family. If we hadn't considered that Li Mutou had shed the same blood as you and the rise and fall of the Li family, we wouldn't have been too lazy to worry about it. Xiao Mei said with a smile like fried beans, which was fast and crispy, which also made the Li family full of taste, but no one could refute it.

Sixth Master Li smiled and said, "Mier, this is very good. Although you are a daughter-in-law, you grew up in the Li family. Don't mention that Qingyan is the son of the Li family, even if it is you, can you watch the Li family suffer? And Qingyan, we are elders anyway. Even if your father is here, he didn't say to take his buttocks to us.

Li Qingli smiled and quickly lowered her head and rubbed her nose.

Li Qingrui snorted coldly and looked at Li Qingyan's eyes with jealousy and hatred.

turned around and glanced at the whole audience without wave. Li Qingyan said indifferently, "The rules of Huaying Gate are limited, and the disciples of the Inner Gate must be women. This cannot be changed by Qingyan. However, the male of the Li family, in the name of the outer disciple, is treated according to that of the inner disciple. The direct children of each room, whether or not they have joined the sect, have the right to enter the secret place of Huayingmen for cultivation. Cultivation materials are distributed by the owners of each house as appropriate from the quota of each house.

The men of the Li family were overjoyed when they heard it, and Li Qingrui was even more jealous.

She glanced at Li Qingrui with a smile. Xiao Mei thought about whether to find an opportunity to put him under house arrest, but she gave up when she thought about it. After that, she said slowly, "But there is a premise that don't play tricks. It is understandable that there are sects loyal to the teachers, but those involved in the internal affairs of Huayingmen are not allowed to leak secrets.

"You still need to say this. Unless the brain is kicked by a donkey, someone will leak the secret. Seventh Master Li laughed. In the past, in addition to tilting the cultivation materials of the family to the long room, the third master of the stew also weighed the third room, and the second room could also be picked up from it. The rest of the rooms were dry and oil-water. At this time, Li Qingyan's words clearly showed that they treated each room equally and still opened the supply.

"But you also have to guard against some people who have a firm mouth and like to brag and fart. They leak secrets outside and cause trouble. It's better to deal with this matter in a low profile. Second Master Li said cautiously.

"No matter how cautious you are, it will be difficult to keep secrets." Fourth Master Li said worriedly, "Qingyan and Mei'er broke into the imperial capital. This matter is too much trouble. As soon as the Li family has wind and grass, they can spread all over the imperial capital."

"That's not afraid. As long as there is no insider to disturb the trouble, no matter how strong the foreign enemy is, it will be a soldier to block it. There is nothing to be afraid of. Xiao Mei said easily.

"What do you need to prepare for entering the secret world?" Master Li asked. He is old and has no progress in cultivation for more than ten years. He is more eager to practice in the secret place of Huayingmen than his younger generation.

"Li Mutou can make a transmission array later." After saying that, Xiao Mei remembered and asked, "by the way, where is the manpower transferred by Li Tiansheng from Huaying Villa?"

When Second Master Li heard the words, his face sank: "That bastard Tiansheng, contrary to the ancestral precepts, took the whole Li family on the Seventh Prince, and the people drawn from Huaying Villa participated in the armed support of the Seventh Prince. The seventh prince was defeated. The person who did it was besieged by the previous emperor. His mother-in-law and Zhiye Laozu died in battle, and 30% of the children of the Li family died. After the disciples of Huaying Villa, there was no one in ten, and the survivors were captured. It was not until the late emperor died of an emergency and the seven princes proclaimed himself emperor that we were released. The disciple of Huaying Villa returned under the leadership of a man named Lin Sanxia.

The more he listened, the more ugly Xiao Mei's face became. Finally, he said in a hateful voice: "It's really cheap for him to let him die so quickly!"

Fourth Master Li sighed, "Qingyan, Meier, it's not that the fourth uncle wants to talk about you. Why did you come back openly before? If you had identified your identity earlier, there would have been nothing to do later.

"Alas, it's hard to say." Xiao Mei ended the topic depressedly and asked Li Qingli, "Has Dad been caught by your master of the Sword Sect? Did you hear any news?"

The Li family was shocked, and several people asked at the same time, "The owner came back from Zhongzhou?" The words are exactly the same.

"Well, Dad came back with the disciples of Juebao. When he picked up Ying Limutou, he had a fight with a group of people. Later, it was not clear where he went." Speaking of this, Xiao Mei stared at Li Qingrui angrily and had the impulse to beat him.

I didn't want to answer Xiao Mei, but I couldn't stand the condemnation in her eyes. Li Qingrui said angrily, "Look at me! Is it the master of the Sword Sect who caught his father? You can't do it very well. Go and check it out!"

"Look at how much waste you have lost! You are so stupid that you collude with the bastard of Long Tianduo to frame your own brother. What good is it for you that Li Mutou died?

"I don't know what to say!"

Although he roared loudly, Xiao Mei still caught a trace of panic in Li Qingrui's eyes, strengthened his guess, and roared louder: "If you have the courage to do it, you don't have the courage to admit it!" If it weren't for saving you, how could Li Mutou not have been able to help his father! Stupid, if Dad hadn't been caught by the people of the Sword Sect, he would have fallen into the hands of the bloody prison!"

"Save me? It's ridiculous!" Li Qingrui looked at his second brother disdainfully and said contemptuously, "If he has the ability to save me, he will be trapped in the palace--"

"You know that Li Mutou was trapped in the palace, and not many people know this secret." Xiao Mei smartly grabbed Li Qingrui's words and forced him to shout, "What kind of black heart do you have! Li Qingrui, you actually framed your own brother for the tiger!"

"slander!" Li Qingrui shouted, "Xiao Mei, don't go too much!"

"I'm too much, or are you conscienceless! If you hadn't pretended to be controlled by Long Tianduo, would Li Mutou have been lured from Liuhua Fortress to the imperial capital and trapped in the palace? He shouldn't have saved you. No, your parents should have strangled you when you were born! Why didn't Ray kill you!" I didn't know how to express my indignation, and Xiao Mei's voice was a little trembling.

Seeing that the second brother looked at the eldest brother, Li Qingli quickly jumped up to stand between the two and begged, "It must be a misunderstanding, second brother, second sister-in-law, you should also listen to the eldest brother's explanation."

"No need to explain!"

"Explain a P!"

Xiao Mei roared with Li Qingrui, while Li Qingyan stared at his brother without saying a word, chilling.

"You have guts, you can kill me now." Li Qingrui put down this sentence and proudly turned around and walked out.

"Do you want to leave like this?" Xiao Mei sneered.

In a hurry, Li Qingli roared, "If you want to kill each other, kill me first!"

Second Master Li is also not easy to look on the wall and said, "Maeer, Qingyan, there may be some misunderstanding here. Let's find out first. It's really the right thing, and it's not too late to deal with it."

Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan didn't say anything, but they didn't stop Li Qingrui from leaving.

With a sigh of relief, Li Qingli said, "I will go back to the teacher's door to find out about my father's affairs. I'll let you know as soon as I have any news.

"Forget it, let's find a way about Dad. You don't have to go back to the Sword Sect, just improve your strength in the secret land of Huayingmen, and talk about other things." Fearing that Li Qingli would still be strong, Xiao Mei said bluntly bluntly, "You are so weak now. Outside, you are not only unable to help, but also a burden."

"Do you want to say it so directly?" Li Qingli wanted to show indignation, but she looked resentful.

"The mountain rain is coming and the wind is blowing all over the building, and the flowers in the greenhouse die quickly. Rotten wood, don't be so delicate. You can't even bear the truth. Intentionally to ease the atmosphere, Xiao Mei said half jokingly.

"Don't call it rotten wood, it's terrible." Li Qingli, who has always been trying to dress up as mature, is rarely shouting childishly.

"It's called rotten wood, and it's my sister who looks up to you." Xiao Mei smiled, but there was an inexplicable sadness in her heart. She thought that it was caused by worrying about her father. Soon after, she understood that it was a reaction to the crisis. Unfortunately, she didn't understand at that time and ignored the past, so that a disaster happened.

"Okay, sister-in-law, don't joke. Your business is very big, and you have to take some remedial measures quickly. Otherwise, I'll ask my teacher to come forward and help me make a way. Li Qingli said worriedly.

"The master doesn't have that much face. We have our own opinion on this matter. You don't have to worry about it. I believe that Long Tianlie's attitude has represented the attitude of the senior officials of Ba Jianzong. My sister is not worried about the attitude of Ba Jianzong. As long as the compensation is reasonable, they should be willing to calm down. At present, I only worry about my father. Xiao Mei's eyebrows couldn't help tightening.

In the current situation, there is no need for Ba Jianzong to secretly imprison their father. They are more willing to control the Huaying Gate through their father. Xiao Mei believes that Li Qingrui's return to disturb the situation, whether it is from Long Tianlie's instructions or the order of Ba Jianzong, it is enough to show that his father is not in the Ba Jianzong.

After hesitating, Li Qingli said, "Second sister-in-law, the same door said that Huaying Gate was actually made by you and your second brother, saying that you opened the address of a sect in ancient times and got the collection of that sect."

The rest of the men present in the Li family pricked up their ears. They also heard this and wanted to ask, but under the pressure of Li Qingyan, they did not dare to ask.

Feeling that his younger brother was really worried, Li Qingyan rarely rushed to answer, although he scolded: "It's none of your business, just concentrate on cultivation."

smiled. Li Qingli's mood was particularly good because her second brother took the initiative to answer. He said happily, "Well, it's none of my business, I don't care. Well, anyway, there is no time for me to go back. I'll go to the secret place to practice now.

Li Qingyan said a cool "um" and stopped squeaking.