Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 253 The Pursuit Again

The horn horse is getting faster and faster, just like flying, and there is no need for Hua Qing's urging at all. After shaking off the pursuers, she observed that although Xiao Mei was in a coma, her arm had been stretched forward to the horse's head and held the drinking bottle tightly in her hand.

It should be the bottle that attracts the horned horse. The horse's head keeps looking up. I really don't know why it didn't run into the ditch on the roadside. What surprised Hua Qing more and wanted to cry was that Xiao Mei had been in a coma, but she had been maintaining such a posture, using that unusual bottle to lure the horned horse to run wildly.

Tried to take the bottle from Xiao Mei's hand, but found that the bottle seemed to take root in her hand. Hua Qing cried and said, "Let go. Now that the pursuers have dumped it, we can soon rush back to Zhucheng to save the door master."

As if touched by the words in Hua Qing's words, Xiao Mei actually woke up and asked weakly, "Can you go back to Zhucheng soon?"

"Yes, that's right, we just rushed out of the encirclement!" Hua Qing smiled in surprise, and tears flowed to her heart's content.

"Do you rush out?" Xiao Mei didn't dare to believe it. He wanted to turn his head to see it. As a result, the pain nerves of his whole body were infinitely enlarged. When he turned his head a little, he felt a surge of pain all over his body. With a szzle, she closed her eyes in pain and said, "There must be masters chasing and intercepting. The goal of the horned horse is too obvious. If you are surrounded again, you can't have such good luck again. Let the horned horse run by himself, and we will find a place to hide.

"Didn't we get rid of the pursuers? The horse seems to be running faster and faster. Huaqing is still a little reluctant to part with this horned horse. After all, such a handsome horned horse is still very rare.

"It's necessary, fast, I'm afraid." Xiao Mei urged weakly.

"Okay." Hua Qing looked at the horned horse with regret and waited for the horned horse to turn, holding Xiao Mei to jump off the horse's back, swept down the roadbed, and flew to the southeast village.

Unexpectedly, after the horned horse rushed out, it suddenly turned and rushed down the roadbed to catch up.

"What should I do? Do you want to kill it?" Hua Qing asked reluctantly.

"Forget it, it's not malicious." Xiao Mei sighed. Anyway, the horned horse just saved them. Even if it was an angry bottle, it was a fact that they got out of trouble because of its power. She really couldn't do anything about revenge. If it hadn't been for the fact that the bottle was related to the recovery of Yulang Huantian, she would have wanted to give the bottle to the Horn Horse. Er? Now that I can get in touch with Yuhuan, why don't you take it into Yulanghuan? It's really dizzy!

Yuhuan's voice sounded in Yulanghuan: Boss, now the space is compressed, and the inside is about to collapse, and the horned horse is too big.

"Forget it. Sister sent that bottle to it as a reward." Xiao Mei sighed helplessly.

No! Yuhuan screamed, which was more sad than his father being killed - if the instrument also had a father.

"Why, with it chasing, the target is too significant to be found by the pursuers." Xiao Mei sighed. This is true, but it is also fighting Yuhuan's army. She doesn't believe that adding another horned horse can make space collapse.

Okay, give me the bottle and let the horned horse in! Yuhuan finally compromised.

"This bottle is Shenma Dongdong. It seems that you haven't told my sister yet." Xiao Mei asked curiously.

This is also part of the jade pendant. Didn't you see a defect in the pattern on the back of the jade pendant? The reason why you don't say it is that, boss, your strength is too low to repair the jade pendant with fragments! Yu Huan seemed to be very resentful, so he didn't save face for Xiao Mei and said it quite directly.

He curled his lips, and Xiao Mei didn't squeak. After all, Yuhuan is right, especially her low strength, and she almost closed the space of Yulanghuan. If Yuhuan hadn't worked hard to maintain it, the people inside would have turned into space particles. As soon as she learned of this situation, she was really moved. Even if she hated the whole Li family now, she was grateful for what Yu Huan had done.

Surely, he threw the bottle in his hand into the world, and Xiao Mei asked Hua Qing to wait for a moment. In fact, it was just a place with an arrow. Hua Qing's body was slightly stagnant, and the horned horse caught up with her and was taken into the jade world by Yuhuan.

Hua Qing looked shocked, but she cleverly pretended not to know.

"Find an inconspicuous place, and I'll take you to hide." Xiao Mei no longer hid it from Hua Qing, but did not deliberately explain anything to her.

has arrived at the pear forest outside the village. In the sparse forest, several children are playing. They saw Hua Qing flying in with Xiao Mei in their arms. Other children were a little cringeed. Only a tiger-headed boy came up and asked, "Are you monks? A very powerful monk?"

With his vertical finger on his lips, Xiao Mei pretended to be mysterious and said, "Shh! Sisters are playing hide-and-seek with people. Don't talk. Pret to see us. Don't say anything if someone asks?

The little baby clapped his hands and laughed, "Wow! I like hide-and-seek so much! I'll take you to hide!" After that, he covered his mouth and laughed in a low voice, "Don't talk, pretend you haven't seen it, and don't say it if someone asks."

I have faintly heard the sound of horses' hoofs. I believe that the master will come before the cavalry arrives. Xiao Mei quickly said, "You take your friends out of the forest to play for a while. We will find a place to hide by ourselves, but we must remember to pretend not know that we have been here. If you can do it, my sister will teach you how to practice in the future.


Several timid children also shouted together, and then were greeted by the boldest child and ran out of the forest. As soon as the children left, Xiao Mei pulled Hua Qing to a shallow pit with water, and Yuhuan pulled them into the Yulang world together. There is only one small stone left in the original place.

As Xiao Mei estimated, the horse team did not arrive, and a group of masters had come empty. They observed the traces left by the ground horned horse and found that the traces of the horned horse suddenly interrupted. Half of them continued to chase forward, and the other half landed on the ground and quickly spread out to search around.

Pear forests are naturally listed as the focus. It is estimated that this group of pursuers also guessed the function of Yulang Huantian to change its appearance. They did not let go of each tree and searched quite carefully, which made Xiao Mei in Yulang Huantian very speechless, and Yu Huan even despised it infinitely: it would be strange if these idiots could find us!

"That's not possible. They scraped three feet of the land here and took it back to slowly eliminate it. It's not surprising to find Yulanghuan.

Xiao Mei's worry is really not superfluous. Among those people who are regarded as stupid by Yuhuan, there is such a best. They actually ordered to dig three feet of the ground one by one, so small as not to let go of a grass and a stone, and they also brought spiritual weapons that detect spiritual power. Any flowers, plants, trees and stones containing spiritual power can emerge when put on it. Attribute light.

Yulang is even more funny: spiritual weapons test fairy treasures, these idiots are really the best of the best!

"Don't be careless." Xiao Mei reminded.

is also a master who is about to open a dyeing room with three points of color. Xiao Mei's attitude is rarely soft, and Yuhuan has to show off. He said carelessly: Boss, you are too bowed and snake shadow.

"I told you to be careful, just be careful and talk less nonsense!" After resting in Yulanghuan for a while, Xiao Mei's spirit recovered a little. With a roar, his aura was still full.

I have been looking at the surrounding environment. Hua Qing, who was shocked, was shocked and subconsciously said, "Yes!"

"What are you? Huaqing, I didn't say anything about you. Xiao Mei slowed down his tone. Looking around, the cold water lake changed the appearance of the pool again, the water palace disappeared, the square disappeared, and the cabin emerged again. She said, "Go to the room over there and have a rest for a while."

The room can't be crowded, and the people who came in before are crowded inside! Yuhuan said in a hurry.

"How many people are crowded in such a small hut?" Although he understood that the space in this fairy treasure was different from the outside world, Xiao Mei still couldn't understand Yuhuan's words.

It's all squeezed in! He quickly answered. Looking at Xiao Mei's bad face, Yuhuan quickly explained that their consciousness and physical changes stayed at the moment of entry. Boss, there was nothing he could do.

also understood Yuhuan's helplessness, and also hated the Li family. Except for a limited number of people, Xiao Mei did not care about the rest of the Li clan as before, and then asked, "What about them?"

Looking at Xiao Mei's face, Yu Huan said carefully; their situation is similar.

"Well, you did a good job. Thank you for your hard work." Affirming Yuhuan's efforts, he looked at the people outside digging the ground enthusiastically and couldn't get out for a while. Xiao Mei asked again, "What's wrong with you? How did you completely cut off contact with me?"

Yuhuan said with lingering flinity: That immortal drunk was definitely from the upper world. If it had not been damaged before, I could basically ignore it, but now under the serious damage, there is no way to resist its toxicity.

"Well, I understand. I will let you recover as soon as possible." Xiao Mei's attention shifted to the outside again. She saw that the children were taken into the woods for interrogation. As long as you say a wrong word, even if Yulang Huantian is not found, these innocent children are likely to be poisoned! She thought quite anxiously.

The group of children were so scared by the battle in front of them that even the boldest little boy didn't dare to squeak. After being asked several times, the other children were so scared that they cried, and the boy said timidly, "We saw a horse running over and ran away, and it disappeared."

A man in black said coldly, "Oh, where did you see it?"

The little boy was so scared that he didn't dare to squeak.

The man in black shouted sharply, "Speak quickly!"

"Yuhuan, depending on the situation, I brought these children in, and my sister went out to attract them away. Damn, a bunch of scum, even children want to scare!" Xiao Mei said angrily.

Yuhuan disagreed and said, " boss, it must be difficult for you to fly in this situation. It's so easy to escape and then throw yourself into the net. It's not cost-effective."

"Do you want to watch these children be abused or even killed?" Xiao Mei rebelled.