Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 264 Alliance

Xiao Mei exudes pressure, and the poisonous man is the first to bear the brunt. Unlike the plateau with spiritual armor protection, he relied on his strength and hard to resist. As a result, his inner body could not resist the rupture and bleeding of high pressure, but was suppressed by him. At this time, he was stimulated by Li Qingyan's words and spit out two mouthfuls of blood one after another before roaring: "God, thief, Don't let people live!"

In full view of the public, Xiao Mei was also inconvenient to inquire carefully and ordered the plateau to clear the scene according to the instructions of the door owner.

Wipe the blood stains on the corners of his mouth, and the poisonous man scolded, "Dead girl, you really want to fight!"

He ignored the poisonous man and pointed to Gao Shan on the No. 1 platform. Xiao Mei smiled and said, "Li Mutou, how about that girl?"

On the stage, Gao Shan's opponent Ye Liangjun was also abused violently at this time. A mountain axe was chopped in succession, and the axe shadow shot endlessly like a river.

On Gao Shan's back, there are also dark wings that will only appear in the early stage of practicing the nine ghosts. The dark wings, as light as gray shadow, gently fluttered, driving the dark and cold airflow, like the light tail of a meteor tearing the night. The black airflow tore the dense network intertwined with axe shadows, forcing Ye Liangjun to jump away halfway.

Several swirlings in the air and getting rid of the dark airflow from the pressure, Ye Liangjun took a deep breath and roared, "Pray me up and cut the sunset!" An axe waved out and chopped down with the momentum of opening the mountain and cracking the ground. The black airflow spread like a water wave and quickly disappeared, and the axe was not able to cut down to Gao Shan.

"That's nothing more than sunset." The dark wings flashed, and Gao Shan slipped around, and a black airflow spiraled up, colliding with the axe shadow, like fireworks, the black gas and the axe shadow dispersed, covering the platform, and the bodies of the two could not be seen clearly.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the defense shield covering the stage shook violently. Ye Liangjun first appeared, his clothes broke, the speed of swinging the axe soared, and countless axe shadows scattered around him. Behind him on the right, Gao Shan appeared like a ghost shadow. She flicked out a series of spiritual knives and swayed along the gap of the axe shadow, as fast as thunder in the sky.

There was a warning in his heart. Before Ye Liangjun could turn back, he hit it with an axe with his backhand, and the flying spiritual knife hit the axe blade, bursting out a dazzling spark. The continuous spiritual knife and axe shadow, and the Mars formed by the impact of the two, dazzled the audience and shouted endlessly.

In a dense impact, Ye Liangjun suddenly roared, and his body suddenly exploded in mid-air, and his clothes on his upper body also collapsed into pieces, revealing the tight armor inside, and his hair flying into chicken coop head, which made his face a little ferocious. Another roar, he swiped his axe and split it out.

The shadow of the axe is like a mountain, Gao Shan condensed into a long spiritual sword horizontal frame, and the spiritual sword was shattered, and she flew backwards with the power of dark wings. Before wiping away the blood from the corners of her mouth, Ye Liangjun had caught up and chopped with another axe. She hurriedly condensed another spiritual sword horizontal frame. Without waiting for the two to hit each other, she had flown away and retreated.

When the spiritual sword was smashed by the mountain axe, the airflow stirred and flew out of fireworks-like spiritual fragments. As soon as a touch of color appeared on Ye Liangjun's face, Gao Shan shouted, "Take me the blade of the dark prison!" She hit a dark spiritual power with her right palm, dragged a dark arc light on the stage, slid flat against the axe blade, and flew to Ye Liangjun's neck.

Ye Liangjun stood still: "I admit defeat."

Gao Shan waved her hand, and the blade of the dark prison flew out obliquely and dissipated silently in the air. This exquisite spiritual control skill won a lot of cheers for her.

"She is also practicing the nine ghosts." Li Qingyan said casually and commented: "The strength is a little weak, but the understanding is good. I have touched the devouring law of the skill."

"Can Li Mutou see her practice?" Xiao Mei was overjoyed.

Huh? Is it strange? I'm also practicing the nine ghost soul-eating formula. Li Qingyan asked puzzledly.

People next to him showed doubtful eyes. Xiao Mei didn't want Li Qingyan's intellectual damage to be publicized. He deliberately exaggeratedly smiled and said, "Gao Shan's cultivation is different. It's the green version of the nine ghost soul-eating formula downloaded by her sister. Li Mutou, you didn't see it?"

"Green version, I want to have a look." Li Qingyan asked with great interest.

The poisoned man, who was completely ignored, turned around and walked. As he walked, he said angrily, "Ok, when your father wakes up, let's see if I don't slap him 800 big ears."

The poisonous man really wanted to leave, but as soon as he flashed, he was gone. Such a posture just wanted Xiao Mei and Li Qingyan to keep him. Li Qingyan naturally ignored it. Xiao Mei smiled stiffly and shouted, "Say it clearly, what's wrong with dad?"

He also ignored Xiao Mei. The poisonous old man waved his black-bone chicken claw-like hand and shouted, "Li's rabbits, why don't you leave, wait for others to catch up with a big broom!"

"Wait, let's go when the words are clear!" With a flash of his body, Xiao Mei stood in front of the poisoner and shouted coldly, "Dad fell into your hands, didn't he?"

"Are you asking the old man?" Pointing to his nose, the poisonous oldman asked an unyance, "What's your attitude!"

With a cold look, Xiao Mei said coldly, "From now on, if you talk nonsense, you will die a son of the Li family. Sister, this is not just a threat.

He opened his mouth, and the blue veins on his forehead were so angry that the poisonous old man did not dare to say a word. After confronting Xiao Mei with big eyes for a long time, he said, "Your father is in the poison gate."

"Did the poison gate catch Dad?" Xiao Mei gritted her teeth and asked.

"It was sent by the Li family to treat poison injuries." Fearing that Xiao Mei's hair would go crazy and pick up the poison gate, the poison old man suppressed his anger and took the initiative to say, "There is also a little girl and two mastiffs who also sent the poison gate together three years ago. Your father is not allowed to disclose his situation. This is definitely not to fool you."

"You are a pig brain! The poison family hasn't cured my father for three years, and let my father stay there to wait for the poison to die!" Xiao Mei roared and pointed to the poisonous oldman's nose and scolded, "What poison can poison the immortals!"

"We have also tried your immortal drunken antidote for your father, but it doesn't work." The poisoned guy said it embarrassmently. As a descendant of the poison family, it is really a shame for him to secretly learn the immortal drunk antidote formula developed by Xiao Mei.

I didn't care that the antidote formula of immortal drunk was stolen. Xiao Mei scolded, "Stupid, I dare to try the wrong medicine for my father! It's really strange that the poison can last until today!"

was scolded so that he lost his temper, and the poisonous old man simply said nothing. After Xiao Mei's stormy scolded, he asked angrily, "Has the girl finished scolding? Continue without scolding.

After the threat formed a habit, Xiao Mei naturally shouted, "Send Dad here. And the little girl and the mastiff, hurry up, or my sister will kill the poison door.

The poisoner is speechless. He was not angry with Xiao Mei, but was surprised to see a green man appear in front of him.

The green shirt man smiled and said, "The child bride of the Li family is really arrogant. So far, no one has dared to boast about killing the poison door."

The poisonous boss quickly bowed and said respectfully, "The master of the door is angry. Xiao Mei has always been heartless. Please look at the face of the younger brother and forgive him."

Instead of receiving the feelings of the drug lord, Xiao Mei scolded wildly: "Old man, who wants you to plead with me? Do you still need this green bamboo pole for forgiveness? What a natural slave. With descendants like you, the ancestors of the Li family should jump up from the ground and hit the tofu to death!"

"Green bamboo pole, does it refer to the owner of this door?" The blue shirt asked blankly.

"If it's not you, is there any other mentally retarded who deserves this title?" At the same time, Xiao Mei rebelled, and his momentum rose sharply. The huge and magnificent invisible power that can defeat the soul spread out, and caused the aura in the surrounding space to ripple, and the condensed pressure was a strong and long-lasting breath, which once again shocked and frightened all the people present.

The green shirt man's face showed a solemn color. First, he held up a black spiritual cover to protect his body, and then shouted, "Sure enough, there is a little crazy capital!"

The deterrent effect has been achieved. Xiao Mei doesn't want to fight with this guy. When it's good, he put away the momentum and asked with a smile: "My sister has always said nothing. Poison Gate, I'm not interested in provoking, but if there is a reason to provoke, I have no scruples.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Lian Zan three "good" words, and the expressionless face of the green-shirted man suddenly seemed to thaw, and he actually smiled, "Xiao Mei, yes, Huayingmen is qualified to form an alliance with the Poison Gate."

Alliance? What an international joke, green bamboo pole, your brain is really crazy!" Xiao Mei mocked.

"Mier, don't be rude."

That familiar voice made Xiao Mei's ridicule stop abruptly. She looked at it unbelievably and saw four poisonous disciples carrying a black soft sedan chair on the outside of the field directly opposite. The sound came from the sedan chair. Dad, is it you?" She choked, swept down the high platform like a swallow, and rushed straight to the black soft sedan chair.

Li Qingyan also swept down. Between the actions, there was naturally a dark atmosphere under his feet, holding him down and following Xiao Mei to the side of the sedan chair. He didn't care about the people in the sedan chair, but asked with concern, "What's wrong with Meier?"

Looking up, it was already full of tears. Xiao Mei choked and said, "Li Mutou, it's Dad."

Wrathering his eyebrows, Li Qingyan said very unhungryly, "I hate my father."

"Don't be silly." With that, Xiao Mei suddenly lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. It was not her father Li Tianyan. She cried with a "wow" and said, "Dad is not dead!"

"Your father is not dead. What are you mourning about?" The poisonous guy smiled strangely.

Guarding his father, Xiao Mei could only ignore the poisoner as a fly and said to Li Qingyan, "Bring Dad in."

"Okay." Li Qingyan reluctantly agreed, but she didn't even bother to sweep her father at the corners of her eyes.

Zhi'er was as unknown as his father. Li Tianyan immediately noticed his son's abnormality and cast his inquiring eyes at Xiao Mei.

"Let's go first and talk later, Dad."