Aijie child daughter-in-law

Chapter 272 Soldiers in the Imperial Capital

"Should I say something?" The plateau asked rhetorically, with some temptation.

"Oh, I feel that you will say something. For example, you shouldn't attack this miscellaneous army. With a faint smile, Xiao Mei said calmly, "That's my sister's feeling that something is wrong." Only people who are particularly familiar with her can hear the melancholy in her tone.

I believe that it is not easy for a person, especially for Xiao Mei, who has experienced ups and downs and experienced complex things. It is especially difficult to believe an outsider like the plateau who does not know the roots. Therefore, when this trust was betrayed, she felt particularly uncomfortable. Yes, the identity of the plateau is about to come out in her heart, but she doesn't want to pierce through this layer of window paper.

"The deputy master is very talented. It's good for his subordinates to follow their orders and dare not comment." The plateau said with a sincere face.

"Well, I just want an absolutely deterrent effect, so as not to have some eye-catching fish and shrimps jumping out on the road and delay time." Xiao Mei took the initiative to explain.

"The deputy master is wise." Plateau gave a flattery, but both he and Xiao Mei felt that after this conversation, the trust between the two had disappeared, and there was a thick wall between them.

As Xiao Mei expected, taking advantage of the power of the victory of the red grass swamp, 50,000 cavalry accompanied by Lou Daoming, coupled with the slaughter of the miscellaneous army in Jiangzhongfu, pushed all the way, and no local forces dared to jump out. And the regular army of the Tianchen Empire did not know whether they had received orders or not came forward to stop them.

The revenge army was unimpeded and drove to the white horse slope ten miles outside the capital of Tianchen Emperor. Hearing the sound of horseshoes rolling across the ground like muffled thunder from far to near, Xiao Mei ordered to stop moving forward.

Standing in front of the team, Xiao Mei stared at the official road extending to the imperial capital. It didn't take long to see a galloping iron horse coming into a rolling torrent.

"Tianchen Forbidden Guard!" The plateau blurted out. After saying that, he peeked at whether Xiao Mei on his side paid attention and found that her attention seemed to be completely attracted by the torrent of the iron horse opposite, and he couldn't help but breathe out a long breath.

The plateau doesn't know. In fact, Xiao Mei can monitor his every move through a transparent display screen. She still doesn't want to expose it. After all, in the most difficult days of the wild plateau, when even Li Mutou became a heavy burden on her, he shared the burden that almost overwhelmed her. She can't give him the love she wants, but she hopes to keep the friendship with him for the rest of her life. Now hope has become a luxury, but she hopes that the day of hatred will come later.

Xiao Mei also knows something about the Tianchen Imperial Guard: Tianchen Imperial Guard is the most elite army in the Tianchen Empire. Its duty is to defend the imperial capital. The generals in the army are at least strong people who have achieved great spiritual skills. Such strong men, placed elsewhere, are elites who can stand alone, but in the imperial guard, it is only An unknown ordinary member.

It is better to meet than to meet. The powerful murderous atmosphere emitted by the team in front of us made the space distorted and the earth shake. Even the disciples of Huayingmen and the disciples of Poisonmen who came out of the wild plateau stared at the approaching team with awe in their eyes.

"It's just this kind of long-standing battlefield, the murderous spirit cultivated in the sea of corpses and blood can actually distort the space, which is worthy of being the most elite army." The poisoner came from the car and said beside Xiao Mei.

"A dog that doesn't bark bites people. My sister thinks it's just Long Tianlie's bluff. The sinister and cunning Timberwolf should be afraid of the miscellaneous revenge army in my sister's hand. Xiao Mei smiled an interesting smile on the corners of her lips, as if it was such a fun thing.

He couldn't help looking behind him, and the poisonous older said, "This miscellaneous army, the whole Lingchen mainland, I don't want to say that I'm not afraid. There is a wave of poisonous beasts commanded by dragons. Hey hey, it's enough to kill Zhongzhou.

"Let alone the group of fire wolves born for killing." The plateau took over the conversation and then reminded, "The Tianchen Guard is not just a bluff."

"Ha ha, I don't look down on the combat effectiveness of the Tianchen imperial guard. I don't believe that Long Tianlie has that courage and dares to fight with my sister to break the net and burn the jade." Delintively looking at the plateau, Xiao Mei squinted and asked with a smile, "Do you dare to sit in Long Tianlie's seat?" Or, do you have the power to eat the revenge army at hand?

"Well, subordinates, how dare you?" The plateau replied with a guilty heart.

"Ha ha, you don't dare. Long Tianlie doesn't know the reality of his sister, and I'm afraid he doesn't dare." The smile on Xiao Mei's pretty face ended with a smile. After that, she stared at the transparent display and stopped talking.

On the transparent display screen in front of Xiao Mei, the galloping Tianchen Guard, the murderous spirit of all the soldiers gathered together, like an invisible giant hand, kneading their murderous spirit together with the surrounding air into a bundle, coiled like a dragon over the army, just like a flying dragon totem.

Closed, you can see the heavenly guard soldiers in mysterious gold armor, awe-inspiring as the god of war, and you can also feel the ensuing cold murderous atmosphere, like the waves that almost suffocate people.

The soldiers in the front row were only 100 meters away from Xiao Mei. The Tianchen Guard stopped neatly and shouted in unison: "Tianchen is powerful!" The loud sound of thunder rolling through the sky was deafening.

The horses of the Tianchen Praetorian Guard are all white dragon horses, and they are extraordinary. In the face of high-level spirit beasts such as saber-toothed dragons and fire wolves, they are not as timid as Horned horses. At least, they can still maintain their formation steadily.

In the imperial capital, there was a shocking noise, and a golden beam of light flew in the imperial capital. Look, it's like rising from below the horizon and rowing towards the air.

This golden beam is extremely fast. After takingoff, a distance of more than ten miles will come in an instant. In front of the Tianchen Guard, it turned into a flagpole and inserted on the ground. The golden flag was windless, and a vivid yellow dragon leaped on the flag, emitting a terrible atmosphere.

After the flag unfolded, there was a "kaka" sound, which turned out to be the sound of space being torn by the high-speed flying of the flag. It's just that the yellow dragon flag flew so fast that the cracking sound was delayed.

In the imperial capital, there was another roar of giant beasts, shaking the world.

In the revenge army, everyone except Xiao Mei stared in the direction of the imperial capital.

Two rows of brightly armored cavalry galloped in the crowd waiting. After that, the gorgeous chariots surrounded by a long guard of honor slowly came.

Seeing the chariot pulled by four unicorn beasts, in an instant, the vast pressure covered the world, and the power of the whole world squeezed towards her. Even Yulang Huantian failed to protect her in time. Xiao Mei's mind was shocked. Her eyes seemed to see four unicorns high in the sky, pulling more dazzling light than the sun, chasing the wind and swimming in the sky.

Sabre-toothed dragon made a high-level dragon roar, and the anger was also a shocking howling. Driven by them, the beasts howled together, and their voices could withstand the vast pressure.

In the approaching light mass, Xiao Mei saw a man sitting in it. His body exudes an extremely noble breath, as if a god came down to inspect the world. The divine power is full of heaven and earth, which makes people dare not face it.

"Longteng chariot, actually let him ride in Longteng chariot!" The plateau screamed in a low voice full of hatred and anger.

It was the exclamation of the plateau that brought Xiao Mei back to her senses. Her heart was extremely shocked. At this time, she even felt that the air around her had become extremely hot, like boiling soup. The man in the car could not see her appearance with the help of a transparent display screen, and the more she wanted to see clearly, the more she felt that there was pressure from the man in the chariot, which made her unbearable weight, as if the whole person It will be pressed into powder.

The sound of the four hoofs beating on the slate, with some strange rhythm, also clearly appeared in Xiao Mei's mind, and a wisp of blood quietly flowed out of the corners of her mouth.

"Don't look at that dragon chariot! This chariot is a spiritual treasure sacrificed with the soul of the ancient dragon, which has the effect of deterring the mind. The plateau shouted in a hurry. Xiao Mei didn't seem to hear it. He slapped her on the back, so that she almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

With a long breath, before Xiao Mei could speak, Li Qingyan came out of the world. It was Yulang who felt that Xiao Mei was in a wrong state and threw him out to help.

It happened to hit Xiao Mei on the plateau, and Li Qingyan suddenly looked like a star from hell, and the black air around her was like fog. As soon as his hand was raised, Jiuyou knife appeared in his hand.

"No, Li Mutou, the plateau is helping me." Xiao Mei shouted quickly.

"Huh? He obviously hit you." Li Qingyan roared angrily. This tone suddenly made Gaoyuan realize that there seemed to be something wrong with his intelligence, and his eyes flashed brightly.

"Li Mutou, I will explain it to you later. Now that the strong enemy is in front of us, let's deal with the guy in the chariot first. Well, don't go to see the chariot. When Xiao Mei stretched out his hand to catch Li Qingyan, he had already flown out with a knife.

"Death!" Li Qingyan flew to the front of the chariot in an instant and waved his knife. The black lightning-like knife light, with a fierce and murderous atmosphere, broke through the light that enveloped the chariot and cut it on the chariot.

Almost at the same time, the surface of the chariot rose like sunshine and rushed to Li Qingyan. He felt the scorching sun-like light explode in front of his eyes and became blind in an instant.

At this time, Xiao Mei saw the light that exploded in front of Li Qingyan, like a flood radiating on all sides, with the momentum of burning out the eight wildernesses, which made her heart beat and hurriedly shouted, "Li Mutou come back!"

Li Qingyan did not retreat and made progress, and he cut it out again. At the same time, he subconsciously shook his hand with the dark lines of the leader's order, which flashed, suspended like a shield, and had a great suction. The scorching sun-like light was continuously absorbed by the long whale of the leader.