Iron Soldier

Chapter 9 Revenge of the First Princess

Although Xingmei issued a sealing order, the effect was obviously not so satisfactory for the princess guard composed of children from the aristocratic family. Three days later, different versions of Will and the eldest princess had to tell, the story that Will and the female officer had to tell, and the story that Will and the princess and the female officer had to tell began to circulate among the nobles.

The spread speed of gossip, especially gossip among boring noble women, is absolutely comparable to the speed of light. On the fourth day, all the nobles of the king knew that Will and the eldest princess had a female officer; on the fifth day, the nobles in the middle of the kingdom knew that Will and the eldest princess were about to be engaged; on the sixth day, Quan The nobles of the kingdom knew that Will and the eldest princess were engaged by a son; on the seventh day, there began to be rumors on the mainland that the grandson of Yuantang Lawrence, the eighth-level strongest, was born!

The ninth day, Will's perverted father actually believed it and confirmed it in a letter! And poor Will actually got the news from his father that he was a father.

Although these rumors made Will a little unable to laugh or cry, it seemed to have no practical impact, and he also received the gift mailed from afar. However, for the girl who is the other two parties, it is a big deal. Although the female officer named Xingmei is wronged, she is completely unable to deal with it because of her identity. Neither clarification nor suppression can be done by her. However, for the eldest princess who became an unmarried mother overnight, this grievance was not for nothing, but when she cried to her father, the king always took care of him. In the following days, Princess Linglan even found that her father did not seem to play a glorious role in this rumor incident.

Since things can't be stopped, Princess Linglan's anger will naturally be borne by someone. As a suspected spreader and the father of the king, Princess Linglan obviously can't be sanctioned, so the remaining three protagonists, Xingmei, who is her good sister and little lover, will definitely not be able to do it. And I don't have the tendency to abuse myself, so the choice of punching out is very clear.

Therefore, after the eldest princess stole the seal of her father and tampered with the transfer order of the military department, Will, who was happy to receive the congratulatory gifts at home, received an order to be transferred to the northwest border gate of Zabuharak and immediately departed without military law within seven days. Princess Linglan, who completed everything, seemed to have not calmed down and sent a letter to General Viera, the guard of Zabuharak, asking to take good care of Will.

Originally, he has read too many novels, and Will, who intends to make contributions, immediately has a high morale. Although it is a little tight to reach Zabuharak City, more than 3,000 kilometers away in seven days, it is not a problem in front of the white bone chariot. He packed his luggage hastily, said hello to the housekeeper, took a staff that I didn't know how many levels, got on the white bone chariot, and Will set off.

At noon on the sixth day, Will rushed to Zabharak City. Zabharak said that it was a city, but it was actually a semi-civilized small military fortress. Part of the defense facilities of a standard small military fortress were demolished and converted into private houses, which is now the city of Zabuharak.

Because the city opposite Zabharak is the Dracalon Fortress of the Orc Empire, which is known as the first strong city on the mainland, the castle that will never fall, the impossible to destroy the barriers, etc. After being slaughtered by Will's father, the strongest man of the orc empire was reduced to the orc kingdom. Naturally, the orcs who were afraid that Yuantang Lawrence was afraid of death did not dare to use force against the Ofre Kingdom, which led to Zabuharak from military fortress to semi-civilization and the title of forgotten city in the past hundreds of years.

Due to the semi-civilization, farmland has been reclaimed outside the city of Zabharak, which is basically self-sufficient. In addition, it is remote and absolutely safe, so the kingdom's attention to this place is getting lower and lower. Up to now, the messengers have come here not every Monday but once a week but once in March. It can be imagined how popular the generals assigned to this city are among their colleagues.

So he went directly to the military headquarters for orders, and the general who had not received the secret letter from the eldest princess for the time being was still enthusiastic about Will. After all, he was connected with his life. As for Will's name, in this place where the news is blocked, hum, I really haven't heard of it! Because there was no war, there were only 10,000 defenders in the whole city of Zabharak, and there was no vacancies, so Will, the commander, was assigned an idle position, but all positions here were idle.

In a blink of an eye, Will has been here for a month, and Will is basically familiar with life here. Except for routine practice, he really has nothing to do. The only fun is to take people to hunt orc scouts. Of course, if he is unlucky, he may also be hunted. But if you want to get ahead when you join the army, you have to make military achievements, but this broken place doesn't even have a chance to kill good people, unless you kill the only few people who are willing to come here to farm and cook for themselves, and then nibble on the yellow mud by themselves. So we can only attack the orc patrol.

On this day, the messenger finally made up three months of letters. In fact, he did not complain about the messenger. It took three months to collect a total of seven letters. With the current popularization of culture in the mainland, the families of ordinary soldiers are unlikely to be able to read, so only a few officers occasionally receive letters. At this time, General Vieira also received a letter called a turning point in the operation of other people's lives - a secret letter from the eldest princess: clean up Will to death!

The so-called cleaning up the death of the naive princess is actually suffering and so on, but for Vieira, this is a rare opportunity to flatter and show loyalty. If this matter is done, the eldest princess will hook up, and he can be transferred from this place where the bird does not shit!

So the honest Vieira faithfully carried out the order of the eldest princess and cleaned up Will in "death"! The next day, Will received the task of leading a 50-person team to patrol the border, which is actually to hunt orc patrol. Will has been waiting for this day for a long time. Although he usually leads a 100-person team, Will didn't think much about it.

Because the terrain near the border line is so complicated that the carriage can't move forward, Will can only walk forward like a group of big-headed soldiers. Although there are only 50 people, Will is also very satisfied that he is strong and energetic. You should know that this is a death task, so Vieira's choice is full of all kinds of unconvinced thorns in the army, and the people who can be thorns are obviously two times.

The orc patrol is basically composed of five half-orcs. Almost all adult orcs have about one level, and the captain may be a higher level or a second level. Human soldiers are basically strong, so they are all second- or third-level junior officers with a hundred-person team to ambush orcs. Once they meet orcs who are ten-person teams, those books are annihilation. It is unrealistic to want to beat the orcs with their legs.

Although these people led by Will have two subordinates, those two subordinates are human beings. For orcs, they are no different from ordinary strong men. And Will, who has never seen an orc, will not understand this. After all, the whole army is a rank of soldiers. This situation is only available in the two poor and ruthless countries, the orcs and barbarians.

Will's greatest advantage is that he can't pretend to understand, so as soon as he approached the border, he ordered a soldier who had participated in the hunting of orcs three times to temporarily replace the command. Soon, the group came to the only way for the orc patrol. After hiding, they began to quietly wait for the arrival of the orcs. During this period, Will also learned the basic situation of the orcs. If they had five or four first-level or four first-level and one second-level, they could deal with it by themselves. After all, after nearly two months of deep sleep, they have I have reached the second level, and I have learned all the second-level light magic. But if it is a ten-person team, even if these 50 strong men are added, they will not even have a chance to escape!

While Will was thinking about countermeasures, the soldier in charge of sentry came over with trembling, "Long, sir, beast, orcs are coming!"

"How many people?" Seeing such a strong man scared so much, Will suddenly had an ominous premonition.


"What?!" Will grabbed the magic telescope in the soldier's hand and looked along the direction. Sure enough, 16 orcs were coming this way, including 12 first-class orcs, three second-class werewolf captains, and a fox girl. Their formation was obviously protecting the fox girl.

"All hidden! No one is allowed to make a sound. Even if your buttocks are on fire, don't make any noise for me!" Will immediately gave the order in a low voice.

As the orcs keep approaching, Will racked his brains to find a way. After all, even if he is silent, the smell of human beings at close range will definitely be found by werewolves, and 15 orcs will definitely destroy themselves!

"God, Buddha Mary, come and kill these orcs!" Will was thinking nonsense.

"To destroy fifteen orcs, wish level N, need to exchange point 1, insufficient points, wish failure!" Such a message suddenly came out of Will's mind. Wishing!" Will was shocked, "But what are you doing at this time!" But then Will was stunned by his other idea. I want to defeat a second-level enemy." Will immediately began to experiment.

"Eliminate the second-level opponent, wish level O, need 0.5 points, insufficient points, fail to make a wish!" Ha! That's true!" Will, who got the answer, is overjoyed. At present, there are two good news. First, the wishing technique, which he thought was useless, has now become an "intelligent evaluation technique", so that he can be much more sure of what he will do in the future! Secondly, you need 0.5 points to kill your own second-level fifth level. It takes 0.5 points to kill the opponent of the same level, and 1 point to eliminate 15 combat orcs. If you add 50 strong men, it will not be too low to kill your opponent even if it is not 5 or 5!

With confidence, Will began to think about how to expand his winning rate. There must be a good start! Otherwise, these demoralized soldiers have no combat effectiveness at all!

Just as Will basically finalized his plan, the orcs and his party were less than 30 meters away from Will and the others. One of the werewolf captains seemed to have found something and began to wrinkle his nose and sniff everywhere.

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