Iron Soldier

Chapter 12 The Great Hero of the People

On the 17th, countless large and small pits were dug outside the city gate, and the ground with a radius of five miles was dug into a hemp by this thousand people. This big project exhausted these thousands of Will's men and did not even have the strength to curse. But Will didn't let them rest. "If you don't want to die, get up and work!" If you can't finish the work before the orc comes back, you can wait to be cramped and skinned by the orc!"

Stimulated by death, a thousand soldiers began their career of hard work again, following Will's command, carefully moving out the fuel magic crystal used for the magic cannon, put it into the previously dug pit, and connected it with a special rope according to what Will said, and then covered the surface with dirt, and finally After removing the traces, it was noon on the 18th. Will ordered the soldiers to return to the fortress, close the gate, and then rest freely. Tired, I don't know that the soldiers in the southeast and northwest randomly stuffed two mouthfuls of dry food, drank two mouthfuls of water, and fell asleep no matter where they fell down.

Only Will dares not sleep, because he doesn't know whether the orcs will come back today or tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. He dares not gamble. Once he sleeps and the orcs come back, his previous efforts will be finished. And only he exists as a magician, and no one can replace him at all. Will can't help complaining about his perverted father for only studying evil props, instead of studying some gain by the way.

Fortunately, the orc did not let Will wait for a long time, and the orc rushed back that afternoon. The third orc prince found that although there were banners flying at the head of the fortress, it was not seen, which was a little strange, but he still came directly to the city with less than 80,000 soldiers left after defeating the dead.

At this time, Will showed his head from the female wall at the head of the city. He saw the third prince, an orc of the Bimon clan, standing in front of him riding a Bimont giant beast, wearing a sun and moon wolf beard hat, wearing golden beads, and scaly armor under his ribs, with a slight light in his eyes, which was indeed powerful!

"Human!" The third prince and others are also different.

"I said, you and other evil people need to be purified, and they will die in the fire and flame!" Will, who remembered the majestic great prophecy in the previous novel, shouted loudly! Then the right hand secretly stimulated the magic crystal underground.

"What is he talking about?" The unknown third prince turned back and asked the other orcs.

But before the orc behind him could answer, the stimulated magic crystal exploded violently. Like a chain reaction, waves of explosions swept through the whole orc army. The explosion came and went quickly. In less than a minute, the explosion stopped. Looking at the field, there were only broken limbs and broken arms. The whole army of 80,000 orcs, including the third prince of the orcs up to level six, were completely wiped.

Will, who had been expected, was also stunned. The limbs all over the ground stimulated Will's stomach, and the strong feeling of vomiting hit Will's nerves. It was really miserable! Is this the life you want? Build a contribution? Sure enough, it's a great success!

At the same time, he was shocked by the rushing god Hughes and the Griffin Knights led by him. These arrogant young men were almost stunned by the teenager who was much younger than themselves. Are the genes of the strongest people really so good? Excellent enough to be a teenager to wave to destroy 80,000 orcs, including the six-level strong, and occupy the invincible fortress Dracsaron alone? Hughes was even more shocked, because he could launch such a devastating attack with such a short spell at all! Is the Lawrence family a double strongest? 16-year-old strongest? This joke is not funny at all! But the truth is right in front of you!

Will, who slowed down a little, also found the Griffin Knights, "The Orcs and the Air Force! It's over. If you kill so many orcs, there will be no way to survive even if you surrender!" This was Will's first reaction, but then he found that the griffin was a human. I said, why is there such a pure death task? It turns out that there are reinforcements, but this reinforcements seem to have come a little late! But at least it's safe now! So sleepy!"

By this time, Hughes had rushed over with the Griffin Knights. You're here. You take care of the rest. I'll go to rest first. Will casually said hello and climbed into the carriage to sleep. Lilith, who had woken up in the carriage, was playing with the jigsaw puzzle that Will made for her. Looking at Lilith with a happy face, "Maybe ignorance is the happiest!" After such an idea came to his mind, Will fell into a deep sleep.

Hughes and others began to work on the aftermath. Hughes understood Will's behavior very well. After all, launching such a large-scale destruction magic must be huge, and it requires immediate meditation to restore mana. So naturally took over the work and sent a magic message back to Wangdu: when the rescue team arrived on July 18, Viscount Will had captured the fortress of Draksalon and launched destruction magic to destroy 80,000 orcs, including the third prince of the six-level strong orc!

Because the content of the magic letter is too shocking, the king ordered people to reply with expensive magic letters to confirm! And the reply of the Griffin Knights is also quite concise: Lord Hughes, the magic god, and the Griffin Knights all witnessed it with their own eyes and confirmed it!

The kingdom's response was also quite rapid and immediately notified the whole country! He celebrated and ordered the nearby troops to be quickly transferred to the fortress of Dracalon to be stationed. All the troops of the Griffin Knights were ready to be garrisoned before returning to the capital. Hughes personally escorted the kingdom hero Viscount Will back to the royal capital!

Will, accompanied by Hughes, returned to the royal capital. He saw lights everywhere, water splashing the streets, loess pads, tens of thousands of people welcome them, and there were various banners hanging on the street, such as "Miracle Will", "Magician Lawrence", "The Great Hero of the Kingdom", "The Great Hero of the People" and so on.

The king and many ministers greeted him outside the imperial city, and the momentum was particularly great! Because the Ofre Kingdom, which has been comfortable for too long, has begun to decay, and most officials are immersed in the power and interests. Corruption is becoming more and more serious, and the people have already complained. Now, the hero Will has captured the city of Drac Salon Fortress and become the first minister to expand his territory in 300 years. The great joy is enough to divert the attention of the people for a long time. Many officials are also convenient to get their own benefits from the celebration, so this celebration has been carried out.

Will obviously enjoys this feeling of a people's hero, which greatly satisfies Will's vanity! From time to time, he waved to the crowd on both sides along the way, causing the girl students on both sides to scream repeatedly, "Ah! Viscount Will, I love you, just like a mouse loves rice!" Ah! The viscount smiled at me!"

General Lawrence, you are as great as your father! In the future, my son will also join the army, join your army, and go with you to make achievements!"

"Is there a war? Ha ha, aunt, maybe one day you will point to my nose and scold. Why don't you let my relatives go to the front line? Will remembered the 80,000 people in front of the Draksalon fortress, and suddenly had an inextricable disgust with the war.

"Good job, my lord! If my daughter hasn't married yet, I will definitely send her to the Duke's Palace to serve you!"

"Ah ha ha, that's a pity!" Of course, not all the problems make Will feel heavy, and there are many happy conversations like this.

After saying a few words casually with the king and a certain officials, Will was arranged to return home to rest. The next day, a grand promotion ceremony was held for Will in the central square of the capital. After all, it was inevitable that such a great contribution was made to become an official.

The next day, Will came to the central square of Wangdu early. After all, Will has always been very positive about receiving rewards. At this time, the square is still a sea of people. In this era of lack of entertainment, this huge ceremony is obviously very attractive.

At ten o'clock sharp, a waiter shouted in his unique sharp voice: "His Majesty Dink III, the king of the Ofre Kingdom, who dominates the whole kingdom, the ruler of the whole people, the protector of the order and laws of heaven, has arrived!" Then the drums and music sounded. After the grand honor guard, Dink III, dressed in a dress, walked to the square. After a large amount of nutritious nonsense about the people living and working in peace and prosperity of the kingdom, Will was invited to the square and knelt down on one knee, waiting for the king's imperial seal.

"Inheriting the great fortune of Orfrey, the blessing of the gods•••••• Due to the outstanding achievements of Viscount Will, he was awarded the title of captain, awarded the title of count, the golden town of the land, the blue sky logging farm and the three towns of Yinxi, changed its name to Yangwei Ling, rewarded millions of gold coins, and granted the enrollment quota of the Magic Martial Arts College, and went to study together with the eldest princess in September. "

Other rewards are just enough. It's just to add an official title. The admission quota of this magic martial arts college is amazing. There is only one in the whole continent that dares to directly call the magic martial arts college without prefix - the eighth-level strongest Irina Bokova, is in charge of the mainland's highest university known as the cradle of the six or seven strong!

The enrollment quota of 50 people every year allows mainland countries to break their heads. Every year, at least 30 strong talents graduated from level 6 or even level 7 produce production, which makes countries tighten the only quota in their hands, because once the people sent fail to complete the entrance examination, the quota will be divided among other countries. Therefore, the powerful and nobles of various countries dare not send their waste descendants away because of their own selfishness.

This time, the king made a big deal in order to promote the matter of his daughter and Will. After all, judging from the news from the magic god Hughes, Will's "strength" can at least destroy the six-level strongmen and 80,000 orcs. It is a waste of places to send such strength over, but in order to be able to climb with the eighth-level strongmen. Relatives and Will, a strong potential stock, is also an important reason for the king's capital.

(red ticket! Red ticket! Collection! Collection! Bring it all up!!)