Iron Soldier

Chapter 48 The Adventure of the First Battle Begins!

Will's side has just calmed down Lianna, the little demon girl, and Clark's side also came back from hunting. He saw Clark drag back a deer-shaped warcraft. Will has never seen it before, and he doesn't know what kind it is.

"Come on, everyone, you are blessed today!" Clark greeted everyone as soon as he came back.

"Brother Clark, what kind of monster is this?" Will asked the doubts in his heart.

"This is an ice elk, a very rare second-class warcraft. It eats grass for a living. Although it is a warcraft, it is timid by nature. Even ordinary jackals, tigers and leopards will retreat, which is very difficult to encounter! The biggest feature of this thing is its deliciousness! Known as one of the three treasures of Dwarf Kingdom cuisine, it is only available in the Soracha Basin where the Dwarf Kingdom is located!" Clark introduced happily.

"As for such exaggeration, how delicious can it be?" Will has tasted a lot of warcraft meat on the way to the college. Although he is not as good as his wet nurse's home cooking, so Will is not very interested in it.

"I won't argue with you, and you will know in a moment!" With that, Clark ignored Will and began to deal with the ice elk in his hand.

Several people did it together. When the time was not long, the ice elk had been washed, the internal organs were emptied and put on the barbecue rack. After the bonfire was raised, the seductive meat fragrance came out. After the spices were spread on the venison, the meat became more fragrant as the oil continued to ooz out.

The golden oil kept dripping from the venison with Clark's flip. After falling into the bonfire, it made a sneering sound. At the same time, the firelight jumped and reddened the faces of several people, and the fragrance of meat mixed with spices, so that several people, including Will, did not fast and move.

When the meat was cooked, everyone was an acquaintance, so there was no hypocritical politeness. Will first took a plate for Lilith, not only to cut a piece, but carefully from the slices of the barbecue, just like eating roast duck in his previous life. This technique was also specially learned from the master.

"Come on, girl, eat." Will handed Lilith the barbecue, which was almost the same thickness, and the favor was self-evident.

Withdrawing his hand and preparing to eat for himself, Will saw Princess Linglan sitting next to the little fox girl without taking it himself, so he sat so quietly and looked at himself faintly.

Will shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said to himself, "Well, even if I owe you!" Then he picked up a plate and gave a slice to Princess Linglan. Linglan, who took over the barbecue, smiled at Will, and her eyes showed a faint friendship. It's just that Linglan's inadvertent exposure, and Will didn't receive it at all.

It turned out that the little girl Lian na saw the treatment of the little fox girl and Linglan, and then looked at the plate handed over by her brother in front of her, on which there was a large piece of cut barbecue. The little girl suddenly felt that her vanity, self-esteem, arrogance, etc. were all compared, so on, so she took her brother He handed the plate in front of him and pushed it, then picked up a plate, ran to Will, held the plate with his hands, raised it high in front of Will, blinked his big watery eyes and didn't say anything, and looked at Will.

How could Will say "no" in front of his big watery eyes? So I had to take the plate and get one for Liana. Seeing that all the three women had eaten, Clark bit the barbecue on the plate with a big mouth full of black thread to vent his depression. Will couldn't help sympathizing. With such a faceless sister, this brother really has no status.

After doing it for a long time, Will was also hungry for a long time. He was too lazy to give himself thin slices. He went up and cut a few knives directly, got two or three pieces of venison, and took them directly to one side and took a big mouthful of it. Not to mention, the meat of this ice elk is really delicious. Although it is only simply roasted, it can melt in the mouth. The mouth is full of saliva, and the juice is delicious. After swallowing, the lips and teeth remain fragrant. It is indeed a rare delicacy. It can almost catch up with the delicious food carefully cooked by the wet nurse, and even get rid of hundreds of streets of those Warcraft banquets. Sure enough, it is one of the three treasures of the Dwarf Kingdom cuisine!

The ice elk is not very big, only the size of a lamb. Although there are three girls in the five, the food is limited, but the two old men are big-bellied men, especially Clark, a warrior, who eats an amazing amount of food. There is no whole ice elk left at all, and it has been eaten by the five people.

When he had enough to eat and drink, it was time to talk about something serious. Will first asked Clark if he had been to the creator's suspension platform. Will, who received a positive answer, was naturally overjoyed. Since Clark had experience in the trial of the creator's suspension platform, Will, who had never pretended to understand, immediately decided to hand over the command to Carat. Gram.

But Clark firmly disagreed. He only agreed to take everyone to practice on the periphery. When everyone is familiar with each other's tactics and strength, someone in Will or Linglan can take over the important task of command, and then everyone will continue to move inside. Clark's reason is very sufficient. As the only soldier in the team, it is naturally duty-bound to entangle with the enemy and prevent the enemy from approaching the magician. However, in the face of three-level and even four-level enemies, Clark will be tired of coping and have no leisure to command the battle!

As soon as Will heard it, he could only do so, and he could only take over the heavy responsibility of command. As for the two little girls, Lilith and Liana, one is naive and ignorant, and the other bold must not be able to give them the fate of the team.

The two little girls are also self-aknowledgeable about this. The little fox girl herself listens to everything and rarely makes decisions by herself. Although Liana is naughty, how can a girl with strict aristocratic education be unreasonable in business?

So the plan was made smoothly. Everyone decided to rest early and flew to the creator's platform the next morning to start this training journey! So the three girls entered the big bedroom of the space tent to rest. Will entered the small bedroom to sleep, leaving only the poor Clark silently took out the tent and was sad outside.

Due to the freshness of the first bed and the need to refresh themselves for the next day's adventure, the three women did not engage in any hot activities today, but went to bed early, so Will was able to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, after everyone got up, had breakfast, packed up everything they needed, and flew to the creator on the platform. Even Liana was forcibly pulled to her ghost bat by Clark, while Lilith and Linglan rode their own eagles.

The creator's platform is not very high from the ground, only a few hundred meters, but it covers a large area, covering an area of 100 miles, enough to the scale of a large city, so lonely suspended in the air. So far, the strong men of the Xianyue mainland are also not only lamenting the magic of the creator, and The power of admiring the creator is unexpected, and the floating principle of the city is completely unclear.

Because Clark came to the creator suspension platform, he easily took Will and others to find the entrance to the suspension platform. This is a huge platform, more than ten mu in size. At the other end of the platform is a huge gate. After Will and others landed, they walked to the gate under the leadership of Clark. According to Clark, there were no puppets or monsters outside the city and 100 meters inside the gate, and low-level began to appear. Monsters and puppets.

After entering the huge gate, Will found that his worry was fulfilled. The creator platform behind the gate appeared as a castle. Although the interior is very broad, because it is a closed structure, the height is limited. It is difficult for these air pets to play, that is, Clark's pets because Because of the long-range attack, 80% of the combat power can be maintained, but the war eagles of Will and the three are almost useless.

Will simply asked the two women to collect the war eagle together. After Clark came in, he also put away the bat. Although it could help, there were basically first- and second-level cave monsters and low-level puppets in front of him, and there was no need for the help of war pets. So Will and others began to walk forward.

The team was led by Clark, and Lilith, who had no strength, was protected. Linglan and Liana protected each other. As another man in the team, Will took over the responsibility of the break.

Because the team is composed of 90% of rookies, Clark still let the team move forward slowly in the face of first-level enemies and let everyone maintain a high degree of vigilance. Sure enough, just 100 meters away, a huge rock puppet rushed over. This guy is four or five meters tall and all over his body Made of rocks, it looks extremely powerful.

"This kind of rock puppet is the conventional arms of the creator's hanging platform and the main enemy we have to face. This is just patrol. The patrol puppet will be one level higher and elite than the puppets in the current area! So be careful, we may be facing second-level elites, that is, almost third-level strength. This kind of puppet is nothing special, but extremely powerful, but it is slow and easy to deal with, but the patrol puppet will summon ordinary puppets to help the battle after being seriously injured, so everyone must be cautious. Clark rushed up with that and waved his sword to intercept the rock puppet. With Clark's first-level strength, if he really fought, he would definitely crush this second-level elite puppet. However, in order to cultivate the actual combat and command ability of Will and others, Clark only defended but not attacked, and then asked Will and three other mages to allocate the attack. At least one person remains on alert and responds to emergencies at any time.

Because it has just started the war, the first thing you need to cultivate is tacit understanding, so the three magicians did not use any powerful magic, but use the basic magic * attack to cultivate tacit understanding.

Will and Linglan simply stopped releasing magic, but took out their wand and shot with the magic bullets released by the wand. Clark brothers and sisters were surprised to see the wand. Clark was fine and resisted the doubts in his heart and did not immediately ask, but Liana didn't care so much.

"Brother Will, you use..." As soon as Liana opened her mouth, she was interrupted by Clark.

"Shut up! Liana, you can't be distracted during the battle, and you can't underestimate your opponent under any circumstances! If there is a problem, ask when the battle is over!" This is the first time Will has seen Clark roaring Liana.

Liana pouted her little mouth, but did not contradict her brother, and she didn't even complain. It can be seen that the little girl is usually naughty and naughty, and she is still very obedient on formal occasions.

But distinguishing right from wrong and listening to her brother's instructions does not prevent Lian na from playing her little character at all, "haoyue - kill!" A very short spell, a golden light flashed, and a one-month-shaped metal blade appeared out of thin air and was fiercely cut on the rock puppet. It was the golden fire double talent Lianna's specialty magic, the second-level mixed magic - moonlight saw! Liana, who released the moon saw, did not stop, "Indestructible gold, hot and bursting fire - bombardment!" A cross light appeared in front of Lian na, and then the light magnified and rushed forward. It bombarded the rock puppet and directly smashed the rock puppet - a cross-caliber cannon, another stunt of Lian na, three-level mixed magic! Finally, Clark, who was originally entangled with the rock puppet, ran fast enough, but he was also disgraced. Because the patrol puppet was killed instantly, he didn't even have time to summon his younger brother, so Will's battle was temporarily over!

"Can I ask questions now? Brother Will, tell me what you are using?" Liana glanced proudly at her brother and then asked Will.

(Ask for collection, red tickets, comments)