Iron Soldier

Chapter 55 Clark's real strength!

After receiving Will's order, everyone began to move towards the dwarf generals. Before Will and others approached, the three dwarfs roared and began to shoot. Their shooting accuracy was much better than that of ordinary dwarfs.

"Clark, you go and pester two bodyguards. Linglan and Liana, you two cooperate with Clark to kill two bodyguards. I'll lock the general!" Will shouted and began to cast spells.

At this time, Clark had rushed up and jumped directly over the general to the bodyguard. He still trusted Will very much. Linglan and Liana were not idle and began to chant spells to hit the two bodyguards.

"The thunderous carriage, the gap between the spinning wheel, and after despair, the light cluster gathered and divided into six - six sticks light prison!"

The light spot appeared, divided into six, and the dwarf generals were among them. Will let go and prepared to help kill two bodyguards as soon as possible.

At this time, an accident appeared. The short hammer of the dwarf general's left hand waved, and the red light soared, and the light was smashed with one hammer. After smashing the cage, the dwarf general raised his hand to Will and fired three shots. The dwarf general's rifle was obviously much higher than that of the ordinary dwarf. What he fired was not an ordinary bullet, but a fireball, and the speed was extremely fast. Will had no time to dodge at all and could only rely on the magic shield to resist.

Not only did Will underestimate the strength of his opponent, but also Clark was in trouble. These two dwarf bodyguards were obviously much better than ordinary third-level elite dwarfs. They were flexible and avoided many attacks by three people. It was only that Linglan hit several dwarf bodyguards by relying on the wind blade, but because of their attack power. Not high and scattered attacks have not achieved much results. Although the three of them have the upper hand, it is impossible to make any effective progress in a short period of time.

Although the progress of the three is slow, they are still in the upper hand, but Will's side can't do it. The light source shield has been broken, so Will has to add the twilight wall to himself and let Linglan retreat. Once she encounters an attack, she can only rely on the blue heart to provide the shield.

But even so, Will can't hold on for too long. The dwarf general shot left and right, and the firing speed is very fast. Will, a mage, has no ability to dodge, and hard resistance is not a way at all. The recovery speed of the magic shield can't catch up with consumption at all.

"Will, go and kill the bodyguards with them, and I'll play with this!" Just when Will couldn't stand it, Clark shouted at Will and then rushed to the dwarf general.

Will had no choice but to do so at first sight. He hoped that Clark could use the speed of the soldiers to pester with the dwarf generals for a while and cooperate with the two women to kill two bodyguards as soon as possible.

After exchanging positions, Will immediately used six sticks to lock a dwarf bodyguard again. This time, the effect was not satisfactory. The bodyguard was locked in place. Although it was a long-range attack, it could still shoot out, but Will and others relied on the running position to avoid the dwarf bodyguard, three people and another bodyguard exhibition. Open the shot.

Clark has thrown away his sword on his way to the dwarf general and roared, "Let you also see how powerful Uncle Clark is!"

"Rotating the cradle! Go! Hahahaha!" Clark laughed and rushed to the dwarf general, hugged the dwarf general, and then rolled up with the dwarf general. During the entanglement, his elbows and knees constantly attacked the dwarf general. In addition, in the process of rolling, under Clark's deliberate control, joints such as the dwarf general's head and elbows hit the ground at high speed.

After a few seconds of rolling, Clark jumped back from the dwarf general, and the dwarf general angrily raised his gun and was about to shoot.

"It's not over yet! Franken will kill!" Clark laughed and bullied him again, jumped gently, clamped the head of the dwarf general with his feet, then moved the center down, twisted his body, turned over and fell the dwarf to the ground, and then jumped up with his hands, "What's more! Fire flashing elbow!" Clark, who rose up, applied all his fighting spirit to his right elbow, and then hit the chest of the dwarf general's collar fiercely. He only heard a click, and he didn't know that the ribs of the dwarf general's collar were broken a few times.

With the anti-earthquake force, Clark jumped up and took three steps away from the dwarf general again. The dwarf general also took the opportunity to get up, and there was continuous blood flowing from his mouth. Obviously, he suffered a minor internal injury.

"Can you still stand up? Do you think it's over? Let you see Uncle Clark's stunts! Super Argentina's back fall!" Clark roared and rushed to the dwarf general, dodged the short hammer waved by the dwarf general, then grabbed the dwarf general's body, threw it up, and then grabbed the body of the dwarf general with the acceleration of gravity when falling, and made his back hit his shoulder full of fighting spirit. With a click, it was obvious that the spine was broken! At this time, Clark still did not stop. He grabbed the dwarf general with both hands and fell to the ground, flew horizontally along his inertia, and instilled the fighting spirit into his elbow again. "Let's have another fire shining elbow!" Hahaha!" Clark laughed again and hit the heart of the dwarf general with his elbow. With a louder click, he saw that the chest of the dwarf general had completely collapsed!

Clark jumped up and looked at the dwarf general lying on the ground and spitting blood. Because his spine was broken and he lost control of his body, he couldn't help but take a breath of evil and sweep away the depression that had been brutally abused by the female giant before!

Seeing that Will and the others were still entangled with a bodyguard, Clark strode forward, and a super Argentine back fell and a fiery flash elbow killed a bodyguard in seconds, and then Will and others also killed another bodyguard.

"I'll go! Brother Clark is really hidden!" Will looked at the abused dwarf general and praised Clark in amazement.

Clark picked up his sword, cut off the head of the dwarf general, and then said to Will, "It's not hidden. My real profession is a fighter!" Speaking of this, Clark is obviously proud!" However, I can't use martial arts skills to deal with soldiers. After all, those skills are very exhausting fighting spirit. The guy I met last time, even if I show the posture of a martial artist, is useless? More than four meters high, dozens of tons, how do you want me to throw it? How to fall? Martial artists are best at dealing with human creatures of similar size as humans.

"Well, indeed, close skills and joint skills are indeed attack methods designed for human beings! Specialization means specialization, and fighters must have a great advantage in the battle between people!" Will affirmed.

"Let's not talk about this, let's take a break. The short hammer and firearm in the hands of this dwarf general are good magic equipment. Although no one uses them, we can also sell them at a good price." Clark smiled and picked up the gun and hammer that the dwarves' collar fell to the ground, and then talked to Will.

"Well, let's take a break first. If it hadn't been for your great power, I would have left it if I couldn't do it just now. It seems that we have to move forward carefully. I didn't expect the third-level elite and fourth-level generals to be so powerful. It seems that we don't have a chance to go to the fourth-level area this time!" Will took Lilith back, asked her to wrap the torch and hammer into the space, and then sighed.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect you to want to go to CET-4. Let me tell you, don't dream of it. It's all places that seniors above the average level 5 will go! We don't have to go out if we go in!" Clark explained with a smile.

"So powerful? Brother Clark, where did you go last time? Lilith asked curiously.

"Me? It's embarrassing to say that last time I was brought here to open my eyes. The whole city didn't make a move. I visited all the way. There were three levels in the team, two levels three plus me in the second level at that time. At that time, we just retreated after killing the fourth-level general who was the gatekeeper. The general was very powerful, omnipotent and defensive. At that time, we seriously injured a teammate in order to kill him, so we had to retreat. Clark recalled.

"So it's amazing that we can go so far for the first time?" Liana said excitedly.

"Well, it's really powerful, and our average level is still so low. I thought it would be amazing to enter the third-level area. Kill the little monsters, hone you, and then we can go back. I didn't expect that we would even kill the fourth-level generals." Clark is also a little excited to say this.

"Don't be too proud. The reason why we are so smooth is partly because of our strength and partly because of our luck. In the third-level area, we have no problem facing small monsters, but for generals, unless there are obvious weaknesses in these two times, if we encounter a stone giant that attacks from a long distance attack, we will be in trouble! " Will saw that everyone was not in a good state and had a tendency to be complacent, so he quickly poured some cold water on everyone to calm down.