Iron Soldier

Chapter 66 Proposal Battle

Put down how Will prepared not to mention it. The king has been busy these days. The next day, as soon as Wenwu came up, he told him about Will's intention to propose to the eldest princess. When the hall was neutral, there was a sound of joy. Next, all national events stood aside, when to get engaged, when to get married, and the ceremony. The specifications are the theme of today's discussion of politics all day. After all, the most important thing for the country is stability, and the identity of the in-laws of the strongest is the guarantee of stability!

The opinions of the ministers are held grandly, but there are different opinions on how grand they are, but one thing in common is that they must be made known to everyone. Pascal, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, insisted on the great cause of the strong man's family, and the king's palace would be the venue, and the rest would be arranged by Will. I don't think it would be shabby. Foreign Secretary Kubo believes that this move is not royally dignified and should be handled by the king. Pascal insisted that he had no money! The two sides have the support of ministers and can't compete with each other. In fact, the king is more supportive of Pascal. After all, it is beneficial to him to save a lot of money, and it is not shameful to be robbed of the limelight by the strongest family.

So in the end, His Majesty decided to take out the royal palace as the venue for the engagement ceremony, and the details were arranged by Will himself. When the special envoy sent the king's decision to Will, Will didn't care. The king was not willing to spend money, and he also thought that the king was in the way. Now he had to do it at his own right. In addition, the king also took out the palace as a venue, which was also an unexpected harvest.

Time is like water, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles. Five days passed in a blink of an eye. On this way, Linglan and Lilith are dusty. The two women did not encounter any danger, but Linglan is homesick. Lilith also wants to reunite with Will as soon as possible, so in addition to the necessary rest, the two have been on their way and hungry halfway. He filled his hunger with the already prepared dry food. When he was thirsty, he found a mountain stream to get some clear springs to quench his thirst. He stayed overnight all the way and drank dew. At noon on the fifth day, he rushed back to Pompeii. As soon as the two women appeared over Pompeii, there were soldiers on duty to report, so Will got the news at the first time. Fortunately, Will Prepare non-stop for a few days, otherwise it may not be finished.

Because Pompeii is the capital, it is not easy for the two women to ride flying monsters directly into the city, so they landed not far from the gate and took the magic pet and walked into the city.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, Linglan and Lilith heard a gunshot on the head of the city. The two women were shocked and looked up and saw the colorful flowers hanging on the city that had just been calm as before. Then there was a big red brocade hanging down like mountain water on both sides of the gate. The brocade was more than 30 meters long and more than three meters wide. On the left "One day of parting is sad and heartbroken", "Two beauties in the heart*" written on the right, and a banner is opened on the head of the city, with the writing "Welcome home".

At first, the two women were blushed by the bold confession of both sides, and then looked up, and couldn't help but feel sweet and warm in their hearts. The two women blushed and shamelessly, and then stayed at the gate of the city. They quickly walked in and ran into the city in the narrow eyes of the gatekeeper. It was okay for the two women not to escape, because the gate was punished. There are many members, and everyone doesn't know why. When the two women run away, everyone naturally knows what the book of the city gate is, and they can't help but cause a burst of laughter.

With this smile, the two women were even more ashamed. They accelerated their speed and ran to the city before they could not run far. Two hundred military schools appeared in front of them, and they lined up in two rows along the shops on both sides. The two women and the military academy converged and walked separately. When the two women came to the middle of the military academy, the two sides of the military academy He shouted, "Beauty, stay!"

Linglan and Lilith were shocked by this loud shout. They immediately stopped and turned their heads to see the military academy on both sides laughing and opening the giant banner in their hands. The left banner said, "Suzulan, Linglan, I love you, and you have to hold the little fox girl!" The banner on the right says, "I want princesses and fugitives to send them into the sedan chair together!"

As soon as Linglan saw that she couldn't stand this, she scolded Will, an asshole, who dared to write everything in public. She was so ashamed that her face was about to bleed. While covering her face with her sleeves, she pulled up the little fox girl who was also too ashamed to look up and quickly fled to the palace.

After that, the wind and waves along the way were surprisingly calm, and the two women took a secret breath, but at the same time, they couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Just as the two women were about to arrive at the gate of the palace, "nagging" three times in a row, and then they saw suddenly hanging lights on both sides of the street, colorful flags and red flowers, a festive dress, and then It was the sound of three cannons, and the whole city was dark, like a dark cloud on the top, and like a dog eating the sun. At this time, the colorful lights on both sides of the street lit up. For a time, the whole street was colorful and beautiful. Then tens of cannons were fired, and fireworks exploded in the sky. The fireworks gradually formed, forming the faces of Linglan and Lilith, which was stagnant. Obviously, this was not an ordinary fireworks, but a military magic signal bomb.

The huge changes made the people of the whole city go out of their homes. After coming out, they coincidentally saw the beautiful fireworks in the sky and the two beautiful women who finally gathered. Just as everyone was talking, a thick golden beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped the two women. The two women slowly rose in the beam of light and went straight up to nine days to echo the head composed of fireworks in the air.

The two women were stunned by this sudden change. When they were at a loss, they were led to the sky by the beam of light. In this way, Princess Linglan calmed down and knew that it was Will's ghost, so she gently held Lilith's little hand and told her not to be afraid. These are all tricks made by Will, the little fox girl Hearing this, I was also relieved and began to be curious about everything around me.

At this moment, a silver light flashed in front of the two women. Will suddenly appeared in front of the two women, scaring them. Will was wearing a dress and holding two bunches of red roses in his hand, looking at them with a smile. Although they were in the air, because they didn't know what magic was, the three of them seemed to be standing on the flat ground. Wei You stepped forward, held flowers in his hand, knelt down on one knee in front of the two women, and said affectionately, "Linglan, Lilith, marry me!"

Although Will's voice is not loud, under the influence of amplification magic, the whole people in Pompeii can hear it clearly. At this time, these people knew that they had made such a big move to propose! The people who lacked entertainment themselves shouted at the same time: "Promise him! Promise him!" Although it is far away, the three of them are high in the sky, and the people below can't even see the appearance of the three people, it still does not hinder "kiss one, kisses one!" And so on.

Listening to the coaxing voice below, Linglan blushed with a pretty face. Although she had already agreed to Will in her heart, she was angry that he made such a big move without saying hello, which made himself such a big embarrassment, so she wanted to make it difficult for Will, but she listened to it before she had made up her mind. Seeing that the little fox girl around her had replied shyly, "Brother Will, I do!" Then he grabbed a bunch of roses and threw himself into Will's arms, and the voice of the little fox girl had also spread with the help of loudspeaker magic, causing the voices of the people below to rise higher than the waves.

Seeing that her comrade-in-arms had disarmed and surrendered, Linglan could not continue to make things difficult for Will, otherwise she seemed to be spoiled and proud. At present, she took over another bouquet of roses, leaned into Will's other side of arms, and gently "um" in her mouth and agreed.

The people below saw Will's two victories, and the sound of the coax was louder. Linglan was even more ashamed to listen to the sound of coaxing. She immediately pinched Will's waist fiercely. Will grinned in pain, and Linglan, who felt puzzled, remembered her untiless comrades-in-arms. At present, she was also fierce to the buttocks of the little fox girl. Pinched it.

Seeing that the marriage proposal battle had been successfully completed, Will did not want to continue to be watched. He hugged the two women and whispered, "My two little babies, close your eyes and I'll give you a trick!" The little fox girl has always been obedient to Will's words and closed her big eyes without much thought. Linglan looked at Will doubtfully. Although she was puzzled, she saw that the little fox girl had done so, she closed her eyes.

Will saw that the two women closed their eyes, pecked quickly on the cherry lips of the two women, and then pressed the magic ring in his hand. With a flash of light, the three disappeared from the air, and the beam of light soon dissipated. The images of the two women in the sky gradually turned into starlight, and then disappeared, and then black The clouds dispersed, and the sky returned to the previous Qingming.

Linglan found that her lips had been attacked by Will, and immediately opened her eyes. Seeing that the little fox girl blushed, she obviously did not escape Will's poisonous mouth, but her eyes were still closed vigorously and she was still waiting for Will's order to open his eyes. Looking around, the surrounding red walls and green tiles were obviously in the palace. There was no one around, and Will still hugged himself and Lilith. Thinking of the shame of being surrounded by everyone along the way, he couldn't help stepping on Will fiercely.

Will also came to his senses by this step and looked at Linglan and Lilith with a smile. Seeing that Lilith's eyes were still closed, Will couldn't help but play big. His big mouth gently pecked the little fox girl's seductive red lips again. The little fox girl still didn't open her eyes, but her little face turned redder. Will couldn't help but feel happy, a bad Her hand grasped the little fox girl's big tail from behind, and Will held the big red tail. The little fox girl couldn't help trembling all over, but Lilith, who squeezed her little mouth, still didn't open her eyes. When Will touched Lilith's little buttocks along the tail and began to play wantonly, the little fox girl finally couldn't stand it. , opened those big watery eyes, opened Will's bad hand, and looked at Will with some grievance and said, "Brother Will, you are the worst. They are so obedient, and you still bully them!"

(please collect, red tickets, please recommend, if there are enough collections, there will be updates later)