Iron Soldier

Chapter 72 The Little Fox Girl

After returning to the Magic Martial Arts College, Will settled the wet nurse, he began to help the little fox girl arrange a meditation array in the room. Although Linglan and Liana were also a little envious, they could not force it after Will's explanation. They had to wait until they had a chance to talk about it later. After getting the meditation array, the little fox girl worked very hard and practiced according to the meditation method taught her by Linglan all day long. She almost never left the magic array except going out to eat. Even if she slept on it, she slept on it. Will was heartbroken, but the little fox girl, who had always obeyed to Will, made up her mind not to delay Will this time. No matter how he persuaded Will, he insisted on raising his strength to level three before he was willing to change to normal practice. Will had no choice but to leave it to her.

Since the wet nurse came to the college, Will's food has greatly improved, and he doesn't know what ingredients the wet nurse uses, which are rich in magic elements. Will and the three girls obviously feel that the speed of cultivation has accelerated a lot, especially the little fox girl's fastest progress, reaching the second intermediate level in just three months, although However, the meditation array has helped a lot, but it can also be seen that Lilith's talent is much better than Will.

In the past three months, Will has not been idle. He went to his teacher Stark to learn magic skills and other knowledge every day. In the past three months, Will's combat skills have improved a lot, and his knowledge has made great progress. He is no longer as blinded by all kinds of common sense as before.

With the strengthening of Lilith's strength, another problem also came to Will. Although the little fox girl now has second-level magic, she still can't do any magic. In this world, magic is taught by words. If you get magic spells, you can release magic, which is not called learning this magic. Many Details need to be carefully corrected, including Will, who also went to Mr. Stark for advice after learning the spell.

So the top priority is to find a teacher for the little fox girl. She is not a student of the Magic Martial Arts College, so she can't go to the corresponding classroom, and Will is not sure about this one-to-many teaching model. If Linglan hadn't had a Dharma teacher, he would have found a way to get his master to help recommend a one-on-one to Linglan. The teacher.

So that day, when Will was about to leave after class with the teacher, he asked Mr. Stark, "Master, do you know if there are any teachers in the college?"

"Secret recruiter? This profession is too rare. There may be more dark parliaments. There are no special teachers in the school, and they are generally guided by dark teachers. Stark answered Will, and then asked curiously, "Why are you asking this?"

"Well, I have a sister who came to school with me and recently found that she has the talent to become a secret recruiter, so I want to help her find a teacher." Will didn't dare to hide it and told Stark truthfully, but when it came to Lilith's identity, he used his sister to pass by.

"The sister you mentioned is your orc fiancee, right?" Stark looked at Will and smiled.

"Master, do you know it?" Will was embarrassed to be broken by the teacher.

"Ha ha, people are not romantic and young, and they are also young as teachers! What's more, you are so noisy in Pompeii, and you have heard that you have more than one fiancee!" Stark joked at his apprentice.

"Well, it's Lilith." Will saw that the teacher knew it and admitted it.

"There is no teacher in the school who recruits secretly, but there is a strong man who recruits secretly, but this person is not easy to talk!" Seeing Will admit it, Stark did not continue to make fun of him, pondered for a moment and then said.

"Oh? Who is the strong man? Will asked curiously.

"You have also seen this person, who is the divination mother-in-law of the big library!" Stark said.

"Oh, the divination mother-in-law is actually a secret recruiter!" Will was also surprised. He didn't expect to be the best in the seventh level. This is a cruel man!

"This is easy to do and not easy to do!" Stark thought for a moment and continued, "It's easy to worship her as a teacher. Just give her money!" But the difficulty is also here. She doesn't accept items and equipment, artifacts, only gold coins, and the amount is amazing. You can ask her for the price yourself, but no matter how large the number is, I don't think it's a problem for your father.

"Thank you, teacher, I'll ask." Will knew that the teacher was implying that his father was the biggest drug lord in the mainland, so he was naturally not short of money.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Stark, Will went straight to the big library, but when he arrived at the big library, he was dumbfounded, because the library was too big, and there were nine buildings covering an area of 1,000 mu. Where can he find a divination mother-in-law? Just as Will was around and helpless, someone patted him on the shoulder behind him. Will turned his head and saw that it was the obscene teacher Wu Tian!

Will was so happy to see this old man for the first time. He was really sleepy and fell from the sky. The old man came so timely! I happened to find out where his sister was from him. So this time, Will changed his usual and took the initiative to greet and salute enthusiastically, "Ah! I haven't seen Mr. Wutian for a long time!"

"Ha ha, what are you looking for here?" Teacher Wu Tian asked.

"You asked exactly. I was just about to ask you where to find a divination mother-in-law?" Will replied.

"What are you looking for her for?" Teacher Wu Tian is obviously afraid of this sister and is reluctant to involve her.

"I have a business to do with her." Will told a lie that was not a lie, and it was indeed a business.

"Oh, there is business, then I'll take you there." Hearing that she had money to make money for her sister, Teacher Wu Tian did not dare to neglect it, otherwise she would let her sister know that she had cut off her way of wealth, and she would have no good fruit to eat.

Will followed Mr. Wu Tian to the top floor of the building in the middle. The divination mother-in-law was still sitting on her crystal ball. Teacher Wu Tian and the divination mother-in-law explained that Will had business to talk to her and then left by themselves. Obviously, they didn't want to get along with her sister too much.

"I heard that you want to talk to me about business?" The divination mother-in-law spoke in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, please say you are a secret recruiter?"

"Is that right? What does this have to do with business?

"Of course, I would like to ask you to accept a disciple and teach him carefully."

"Well, if you bring her here tomorrow, I'll charge for the qualification!"

"Yes, then Will won't bother you. We'll see you tomorrow!"

said goodbye to the divination mother-in-law Will went to her villa. Unexpectedly, the conversation with the divination mother-in-in-law was so smooth. It was really the same as what the master said. This divination mother-in-law loves money very much and is easy to say anything with money!

When he returned home, he was speechless all night. The next day after breakfast, Will took the little fox girl to the big library and went straight to the top floor of the building in the middle. As soon as he reached the door of the divination mother-in-law's room, the door opened by himself. Will took the little fox girl in and saluted the saluted the divination mother-in-law: "You OK, divination mother-in-law, Will will come with Lilith as promised. Look, this is the disciple I recommended to you.

"Well, hand me your hand." The divination mother-in-law said.

"Well" At Will's sign, the little fox girl timidly handed her pink hand into the mother-in-law's withered branch-like palm.

The divination mother-in-law closed her eyes and didn't know how to test the little fox girl's talent. After a while, the divination mother-in-law opened her eyes, but she didn't let go of the little fox girl's hand, and then said to Will, "Well, that's right, I want this girl. You can make a price!"

"Ah?" Will didn't understand for a moment.

"This girl belongs to me. How much do you think? I won't bargain with you." The divination mother-in-law affirmed.

"I won't sell any amount!" Will took the little fox girl's little hand, rescued her from her divination mother-in-law, and then refused.

"Why?" The divination mother asked angrily that she was very satisfied with the little fox girl's talent. Although the little girl looked unable to practice, in fact, it was because the dark magic contained in the little fox girl's body was too dense, and a little space magic elements blocked the body's meridians, but she was There is a way to solve these problems and let the little fox girl transform the magic elements in her body into magic. In this way, the little fox girl's strength is naturally thousands of miles away. It happens that she has no hope to be promoted to the eighth level, and Shouyuan, who has lived for nearly 2,000 years, is also nearly exhausted. If she can find a manor at this time, she will not give up. Of.

"The Lawrence family has no habit of abandoning their own women!" Will's appraisal replied, and at the same time, he did not forget to carry out his father to deter him, so that the old woman would not turn against him.

"Okay! But this girl wants to be with me for a year. I will take her out of here and go somewhere else to practice. A year later, I will give you a strong man of at least level 6!" Maybe Will's firmness moved the divination mother-in-law, or the father's deterrent divination mother-in-law. Anyway, in the end, the old lady made a compromise.

"All right!" Will also nodded and agreed. After all, he and the little fox girl are still young. The age of 15 or 16 is just the beginning in this world where ordinary people can live two or three hundred years old. In the future, there will be plenty of time to stay together, and there are not many opportunities for the little fox girl to make rapid progress in strength. However, as soon as Will agreed to divine her mother-in-law, the little fox girl hugged his arm and looked at him with pleading. The little fox girl gently bit her lower lip and hugged Will very reluctantly and said, "Brother Will, Lilith, don't leave you."

"Lilisi, a year is very fast. You have to listen to your mother-in-law's words. My brother will prepare enough magic crystals for you later. Remember to use the meditation array and give your brother a surprise a year later, okay?" Will gently comforted the little fox girl.

"Hmm!" Although the little fox girl was full of reluctance, she thought that she could help Brother Will in a year, so she decided to go to practice with her divination mother-in-law.

Then Will taught the little fox girl to arrange a meditation array, and then went to Xiong Buyer's small grocery store. He almost emptied all the magic crystals in the small grocery store, stuffed all these magic crystals into the little fox girl's space ring, and told the little fox girl for a long time until the divination mother-in-law became impatient and pulled it. The little fox girl, and then the crystal ball under her flashed, and the two disappeared.

After being stunned for a long time, Will adapted to this feeling of empty chatty. Although the little fox girl has only been with him for about half a year, his doting for the little fox girl is self-evident. From the initial guilt, it gradually changed to the innocent love for the little fox girl. It was not until the little fox girl left that Will understood himself. Lilith has long been spoiled not as a sister, but as a lover.

(Please collect, please collect! Ask for red tickets, ask for red tickets! It's still the old saying, as long as the collection and red tickets are awesome, then add another update!)