Iron Soldier

Chapter 81 Shuangzhu Mountain Rescue Holy Driver 800 Breaks 100,000

"Ah!" Linglan was so shocked that she screamed and fainted. Will hurried to rescue her and saved Linglan after a while. Go and save my father!" Linglan asked Will with a pale face.

"Good boy, don't worry, I will definitely save your majesty!" Will comforted him, and then turned around and asked, "Your Majesty, how many people are there now?" How much food and grass? What's the situation now?"

"Well, my lord, there are still 50,000 guards under your majesty's command, and the grain and fodder are less than five days left. Due to condescending, the orcs are worried about excessive casualties and are now besieging and not attacking." Although Tanma didn't know Will, he reported the truth when he saw the general nodding.

"How many orcs are besieging Shuangzhu Mountain? How is your strength?" Will asked again.

"About 100,000 orcs, most of whom are first-level low-level orcs!" Explore the horse road.

"General, how many troops are there in the fort now?" Will asked the general again.

"There are nearly 200,000 defenders in the city, but if they encounter the enemy head-on, it will be difficult for these 200,000 troops to defeat 100,000 orcs, and once they fail to conquer the fort, the whole of Orfrey will have no danger to stop the orcs' attack!" The general also wanted to rescue the king, but his military strength was limited.

"Can you ignore my father?" Linglan shouted hoarsely.

"Good boy, don't worry. What the general said is also reasonable. I'll find a way to save your father." After appeasing Linglan, Will comforted the general and said, "Her Royal Highness is just too worried about her father's comfort. I hope the general doesn't mind."

"How dare you? The last general is only loyal. Please don't be surprised. If Her Royal Highness insists, the last general is willing to lead the soldiers of the city to rescue His Majesty." The general guarding the city also hurried to salute.

"So how many soldiers are available in the city without affecting the city defense?" Will asked.

"Only 800 rides." The guard replied.

"Okay, then ask the general to order these eight hundred riders, and I will lead them to rescue!" Will said.

"Isn't it too thin for you to bring 800 people? It's not..." It's the general's turn to be a little embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. Eight hundred rides are enough, and the cavalry can be faster. General, go and do it as soon as possible." Will interrupted the general and replied directly.

"Well, wait a minute, sir." Seeing Will's resolute attitude, the general went down to order troops.

"Can you save my father?" Linglan asked Will with full of hope. Although there was no reason, she still felt that Will had the ability.

"It's hard for me to say if I don't see the specific situation. Let's take a look at the situation first, and we'll talk about the details then." Will didn't dare to guarantee it this time.

"I'll go with you!" Linglan said.

"No! You stay in the castle of conquest honestly. Will refused.

"If you don't take me, I'll follow myself!" Linglan made up her mind to go there in person.

"If you insist on going, I will turn my head and go back to Pompeii now. It's up to you!" Will also did not give in. This action was too dangerous. He said anything and would not let Ling Lan go with him, so he had to threaten.

"Well, you must save my father, and you should be careful yourself!" Linglan knew that she couldn't help much if she went there, so she had to compromise.

Soon the general who defended the city ordered 800 horses. Will led the 800 men and horses out of the conquest castle. Shuangzhu Mountain was only more than 100 miles away from the conquest castle. Will and his party were all cavalry and soon arrived near Shuangzhu Mountain. Shuangzhu Mountain, as its name, stands on both sides like two pillars. In the middle, a canyon extends a road to both sides, and there are large forests on both sides. At this time, the orcs have surrounded a mountain peak, and there is Ofre's flag shaking on the peak. It seems that His Majesty is still safe for the time being, and the orcs have no attack. Signs.

The camp of 100,000 orcs at the foot of the mountain is completely connected, dozens of miles away. Now it is upright and half a night, and the smoke in the camp is curling. The orcs were not very guarded. It may be expected that O'Frey's army was not enough to go out of the city to fight, but they sent a few waves of sentshaos to investigate. Will's number was very small, and hundreds of people were difficult to be found in the dense forest.

"Tell me about the human geography here." Will said to a ranger who was familiar with the local situation.

"Your Excellency, this is the only place for the orc kingdom to enter Auffrey. The Twin Towers are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Both mountains have our strongholds. Looking at the current situation, His Majesty's main force should be the mountain on the left. There are few people on the peak on the right, and they dare not go down to the mountain to rescue. There is a deep old forest on both sides of Shuangzhu Mountain, and there are many monsters in it. It is difficult for us to bypass and pick up His Majesty the King from behind the mountain. Unless we can fly, we can't get close to Shuangzhu Mountain at all. The Rangers replied.

"You can't fly! We are not a flying force. I am the orc masters flying to the opposite side by myself and will definitely fly a group of interception. Will denied it.

"Do you think there are many monsters in this forest? Are they awesome?" Will had some thoughts in his mind and confirmed to the Rangers.

"Of course, it's awesome. Didn't you see that those orc armies dare not go deep? With our ability, you don't plan to sneak into the jungle." The Rangers replied.

"Well, let's do that first. You can eat some dry food and have a rest first. I'll check the terrain around and see if there is anything I can do after dark!" With that, Will walked aside and took the bamboo dragonfly and flew away between the treetops. Although the speed of the bamboo dragonfly was not as fast as that of the Airbus, it was flexible and hidden enough to use it in the forest.

No matter who rides to rest in place, Will flew around the forest to explore, and he did not dare to fly too high. The orc's eyesight is too good. Now it is upright in autumn, and the leaves have almost fallen. If he flies too high, it is easy to be found by the orc's whistle. Flying back and forth, Will found that as the Rangers said, this forest covered about 100 miles and just surrounded Shuangzhu Mountain. If it hadn't been for the middle of this avenue, he would have made a nearly a thousand-mile detour through this place.

When Will came back, it was already dark. At this time, Will had made a plan in his heart. After returning, he arranged his riders to follow the plan. Although these riders were amazed by Will's great hand, it was still important to rescue the car, so they did not hesitate to follow what Will said, taking advantage of the night from the forest. The edge sneaked past.

The next day, Will was flying around to help his riders locate, allowing them to lurk in the designated place until half night, and it was dark again.

Since dark, Will has been lurking in the distance of the orc camp. It was not until nearly early in the morning that Will crushed the messenger gem, which is a commonly used information reporting tool in the army. One group is divided into several pieces. As soon as the main gem is broken, the other auxiliary gems are broken.

The rangers distributed in the forest received a message, immediately lit the torch in their hands, and then set fire everywhere with the sulfur smoke they carried with them. At this time, in autumn, the leaves were withered and yellow, coupled with the gale autumn wind. It was the wind that took advantage of the fire and the power of the fire, and the fire suddenly broke out. Due to the previous power You let the Rangers lurk on three sides of the forest, so together, the direction of the orc camp is the only safe place.

The fire began to spread, and the speed was not very fast, but the beasts in the forest couldn't stand it. The fire-fearing beasts and monsters fled around, but there was fire on three sides. In the end, the herd was gathered into a tide of warcraft and rushed to the orc camp.

The frightened Warcraft didn't care about it at all. Both the trees and the rocks in the way were smashed by them by magic. They resolutely did not delay the time to escape from the fire. In fact, the fire that Will asked the Rangers to set did not burn too far. Although it was upright in autumn, this kind of deep mountains and old forest was very humid, and there was no sulfur and smoke. The support is difficult to burn, but because there has never been such a fire, these monsters are more afraid of the power of this forest fire.

Even if Will's fire has been extinguished, once the beast tide is formed, it can't stop. Theseye shous with little wisdom are constantly chased by their companions behind them. As long as they run slowly, they will be attacked. They will slow down and run forward with no life. As long as they dare to block themselves, they all use magic. Booming.

The speed of the warcraft running was amazing. When the orcs found out, the beast tide had reached the door of the orc camp. The frightened warcraft did not know what it was to knock on the door. All the obstacles in front of them were flattened. In the blink of an eye, the orc's front fortress was razed by tens of thousands of warcraft. On the ground, the ignorant orc soldiers escaped everywhere. The advance speed of the beast tide was very fast, crushing the orc camp all the way along the open road in the middle and quickly advanced. It was not that there were no masters among the orcs. Zamu, the commander of this march, the famous wolf general, was a six-level master, and there were also three with the army. Seven-level orcs are worshipped.

But these masters are not enough to resist these tens of thousands of warcraft groups ranging from level 1 to 6. At this time, unless the strongest take action, as mortals, they are likely to die here after killing tens of thousands of monsters.

Because these monsters are moving forward in a straight line, Zamu mistakenly tried to rectify the orc army and let the army make way for the beast tide. However, at this time, the orc army was in chaos, and they could not find generals and would not find soldiers. Moreover, the orc army was mainly composed of orcs with low intelligence. These simple-minded guys saw it at first sight. There is a Warcraft chase behind him. He doesn't know how to dodge to both sides. He only knows how to turn his head and run away. You should know that the army is actually very similar to Warcraft. Once it opens, others will naturally run down, so a retreat is formed.

The army of 100,000 orcs were chased hundreds of miles away by tens of thousands of monsters. When the tide of beasts dissipated, Zamu began to restrain the scattered orc army. In a moment, only a few thousand soldiers gathered. The rest of the orcs fled to nowhere and knew that at noon the next day, Zamu mistakenly collected the people and horses. As a result, under the inventory, there were less than 30,000 orcs left. When he rushed to Shuangzhu Mountain, it was already gone.

It turned out that when the orcs were scattered by the Warcraft last night, Will ran to Shuangzhu Mountain, took His Majesty and the remaining less than 60,000 horses down Shuangzhu Mountain and took them back to the Conquest Fort.

(Please collect! Ask for red tickets! If the increase of collections and red tickets reaches 10, there will be another update in the evening.)