Iron Soldier

Chapter 83 Marshal's First War Will Burns the Unknown Valley

After Will sent away His Majesty the King, he ordered General Flancan, the general who had conquered the castle, to continue to perform and increase the number of blue flags. He even sent some magicians to monitor the movements of the orc army from the air. Now the orc army is stationed in Shuangzhu Mountain, and about 300,000 troops have arrived. On the right, the remaining 600,000 are passing through the keel wilderness into the territory of Auffrey.

The orcs gathered in Shuangzhu Mountain have weighed 330,000, not only 300,000 orc reinforcements, but also 30,000 remnants under Zamu's wrong hands. The Beast King still valued Zamu's mistake very much. He did not change his generals because of the defeat. He still let him command the whole army. More than 300,000 soldiers were fed by horses was not a small number, and it was impossible to station in place and wait for the next 600,000 people to come. This not only delayed the fighter, but also the consumption of food and grass was not affordable for the orcs. .

So after the army met, after only two days of rest, Zamucuo led 300,000 troops to conquer the fort, leaving 30,000 orcs to guard the Shuangzhu Mountain camp. As a famous orc general, Zamu's army is still very resourceful. The 300,000 troops were divided into the front, middle and the latter three armies by him. The front army was led by a five-level bear general Zahan as a vanguard officer. He opened the way at the mountain and encountered a bridge in the water. The central army was personally sat in charge of Zamu wrong, and commanded 200,000 soldiers, which was the main force of the attack. The rear army was A young general wolf of Zamu's own clan also led 70,000 horses to suppress the array first. The three armies are ten miles apart, and the teams are neat and dispatching.

As soon as the orc army pulled out of the camp, Wilde got the information, and Will immediately ordered, "Raising the account, click the general!" Now that Will is the marshal of the whole country, it really shakes down the mountain and surprises him! Time was not long, and the generals of the Conquer Castle gathered in the marshal hall.

The generals gathered in the general's mansion. Looking up, I saw Will sitting behind the marshal's case. Although the young marshal still looked normal, he seemed to be dozens of years older today, majestic, majestic and majestic! Behind Will stood the middle officer, the messenger and the seal officer, and the 500 guards stood on each side to represent the majesty of the royal family. Under the hall were tied hands, axes and executioners. The eldest princess Linglan only sat beside Will's hands.

The generals naturally stood in the two boxes and were dispatched after listening. After the three generals gathered together, the generals arrived, and Will began to send orders: "Where is General Flancan?"

"The end!" Franken stepped forward to salute.

"Today, Zamu mistakenly led 300,000 soldiers to conquer the castle. Now I will give you an arrow and order you to lead 30,000 troops. There is a mountain forest outside the unknown valley before conquering the castle. You wait to ambush in the mountain forest. The orc army passes through the mountain forest and do not attack. When the orc army is in chaos in the valley, let the orcs pass the head and cut off the tail of the orcs. There must be nothing wrong with burning its heavy grain and grass!"

"Order!" Franken got the order to go down and set off.

"Maxim listens to the order!" Will named another fifth-level general.

"The end!" Maxim came forward to salute.

"Now I will give you an arrow, and order you to lead 30,000 horses, prepare more sulfur, smoke and saltpeter, and ambush on the cliffs on both sides of the unknown valley. Wait for the communication gems in your hand to break, throw the firewood from the cliff and burn them with rockets. There is no mistake!"

"Order!" Maxim was also ordered to prepare.

"Ferrer obeys the order!"

"The end!"

"Now I'll give you an arrow, and order you to lead 10,000 horses, prepare more heavy vehicles, and wait for the enemy at the mouth of the unknown valley. One-third of the vehicles are loaded with grain and grass, and two-thirds of the vehicles are loaded with dry diesel cloth, containing sulfur, smoke and nitrate. When the orcs arrive, they will respond for a while, and they are only allowed to lose and retreat. Abandoned heavy vehicles one after another, first threw away grain and grass, then abandoned firewood and light oil, and lost in battle, and all the way back to conquer the fort. There must be no mistake!"

"The last general is ordered!" After saying that, Federer also went down to prepare.

Will passed the order and pulled Linglan's hand and said, "Come on, I'll take you to see the fireworks tonight!" Linglan was slightly blushed by Will's intimate behavior in public, but she didn't want to break away from Will's big hand, so she had to lower her head and let Will lead him out of the handsome hall.

At this time, the orc army had approached the nameless valley. Za Han of the former army saw the banner swinging at the opposite mouth of the valley. Only 10,000 horses did not dare to rush into the valley and waited for the arrival of the middle army in front of the valley. In the middle of the night, Zamu's army arrived and saw the banners of some people swinging in the valley. Under the details, he ordered the shaman to carry out divination with the army.

The result of shaman divination is that a 10,000-strong human army of people escorted a large amount of heavy grain and grass. They were blocked in the valley by the naive leading troops and were in a dilemma.

Zamu, who got the shaman's information, was overjoyed. What did the orcs lack most? Food and fodder! Now that the human race has been sent to the door, how can there be no reason not to accept it? If these human beings escape back to the conquest castle, they will not be able to get supplies in a short time, and the orcs are all big-bellied men. These days, the food robbed from human cities has almost been consumed, so immediately ordered the whole army to attack!

The army of orcs, like a tide, suddenly rushed towards Federer's 10,000 horses. As soon as Federer saw it, he dared to fight. He turned around and ran away with his sergeants. All the way according to Will's instructions, he began to abandon the carriages and horses one after another. At the beginning, what he abandoned was full of real food and grass, and the orcs grabbed the latter one. Look, as the shaman predicted, he chased more closely. Along the way, Federer kept ordering his men to abandon the heavy vehicles, and the orcs began to be too lazy to check. Federer lost farther and farther, and the orcs chased deeper and deeper. It was not until Federer had seen the conquest of the castle that Zamu was mistakenly aware of something wrong.

It's so smooth. These materials are just like human beings gave them. Immediately, Zamu wrongly ordered to check the harvest. It doesn't matter. When the results of the inspection were reported in front of Zamu wrong, Zamu wrong's clothes had been soaked through cold sweat, and Za Mu wrongly roared: "Concentrate the captured heavy vehicles together!" The whole army retreated and withdrew from the unknown valley!" But in order to defend their trophies from being robbed by their companions, orcs are guarded on the spot. Now it is not easy to concentrate the vehicles distributed within dozens of miles!

At this time, Federer had run to the fortress of conquest and formed a defense. Will saw that the orc army began to be chaotic at the head of the city. He knew that the orcs had detected his plan, but now he realized that it was too late! Will smiled and crushed the communication gem in his hand.

Maxim, who received the news, immediately ordered, and saw the human soldiers ambushed on both sides of the cliff standing up one after another, throwing the dry wood in their hands down the valley, and then throwing the sulfur smoke and soot he carried with him into the valley. After that, he saw meteor-like rockets falling into In the valley, the sulfur smoke was originally the thing that started the fire. When I saw a spark, it was full of dry wood. Together with the fire, there was thick smoke. There was no one on the opposite side. After the sulfur was ignited, the poisonous smoke was everywhere, which made the orcs cry and it difficult to breathe.

At this time, it was autumn, and the autumn wind was scorching. It should have been a good weather for war, but at this time, the wind took advantage of the fire to borrow the power of the fire, and the fire became more and more powerful. In the blink of an eye, the whole valley was full of fire, black smoke rolled, golden snakes, and yellow fog wrapped around, and the orcs were smoked and burned, running back. The back rushed forward, and some of them were burned. Where did the fire go? There were also some smart orcs looking for water everywhere, but the water came from the bare valley? Some smart orcs knew that the earth could defeat the fire and rolled around to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but before the fire was extinguished, they were trampled to death by other orcs and trampled into mud. The orcs were burned and howled. At the beginning, Zamucuo was still doing his best to rectify the retreat to defeat, but soon the fire became bigger and bigger. Zamucuo's battle skirts were on fire. His subordinate Zahan and three seven-level worshipers quickly kept him to escape out of the valley. As for the ordinary orc soldiers, they couldn't care about it. That's it.

Before Zamu accidentally threw out of the valley, he saw a wolf general running towards him. It was the wolf who commanded the rear army first. It turned out that the wolf also saw the chaos in the orc army in front of him. He thought he had been ambushed by the enemy and specially came to help. The wolf also arrived so angrily that he shouted, "I'm confused! At this time, there is a fire on all sides. What are you doing here? Do you want to die?" The wolf also had the intention to make contributions. At this time, he was speechless when he was wrongly scolded by Zamu. Seeing that the orc sergeants he brought were also burned and fled everywhere, he was even more shameless.

The wolf also left first, and the rear army immediately became empty. Just as Zamu cursed the wolf first, he heard the three cannons of "nagging". Franken led 30,000 horses out of the mountain forest, ignored the chaotic orc army and went straight to the orc army's food and fodder, and the burned dizzy orcs were flawless. Gu, Franken ignited the orc's grain very smoothly, and then Franken, who completed the task, began to lead the men and horses to cover up all the way behind the fleeing orc.

When Zamu accidentally killed the Unknown Valley under the protection of the seven-level strong, there were only dozens of soldiers around him. Seeing that Zamu was wrongly escaped by several seven-level strong protectors, Will had no choice. He was only Hughes, a seven-level mage, and several of them were opposite the seventh-level. Even if the other party was defeated, in terms of advanced combat power, Will was still at a disadvantage. But in any case, this battle killed 300,000 orcs, and there were only 600,000 enemies left, and the situation was much easier. Will couldn't help smiling.

Zamu was saved and fled all the way back to the camp of Shuangzhu Mountain. He felt ashamed to meet His Majesty the Beast King. He drew his sword and was about to kill himself. At least, he was persuaded by his subordinates. There were still 30,000 people left in the army of more than 300,000. It was impossible to attack, so he had to stay in place and wait for His Majesty the Beast King to lead the army to arrive and flatten it again. Conquer the castle!

(strongly ask for collection, red tickets! This week's almost naked run depends on your great support!)