Iron Soldier

Chapter 98 Continental Situation

The next day, Wilban returned to the court and returned to the royal capital with 100,000 guards. Along the way, where the army passed, the people welcomed it. These people all rewarded Will's army with various local specialties. The imperial guard army was disciplined, and there was no crime in autumn. In addition, Will defended his country and saved the people from the suffering of knives and soldiers, so these people were still very grateful to Will's. Will led the men back to the capital.

There has long been a Ma Lanqi who rushed back to the king's capital to report the good news. When the kingdom heard about Will's great achievements, he was a little surprised and a little worried. He was happy that the kingdom was saved, and he was still the king. Worried that Will is now a great minister. The title said that Will is the guardian of the country and Wucheng King, and he was already a royal titleless. It is said that no one is bigger than him except himself when the national governor calls for the marshal of soldiers and horses. So the old king is worried about this, so he can't move his buttocks to give up his seat to Will, can he?

So the old king summoned the Wenwu of the Manchu Dynasty before Will came back to discuss how to seal Wil. When the old king said this, Pascal, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was happy and came out of the civil and martial arts and said, "Your Majesty, do you mean that Marshal Will is now sealed, so you are worried about it?"

"Yes, what can you do?" The king asked.

"This is simple!" Pascal said with a smile.

"Oh? Then say it." The king was very happy to hear that he had an idea.

"Your Majesty doesn't need to be an official, just give more gold and silver, and then choose a day to marry Princess Linglan and the marshal!" Pascal said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, Pascal's words are reasonable, and I will second it." Foreign Secretary Kubo also supported it.

"I'm seconded!"

"I also seconded it!"


"Up to the top floor!"

Anyway, after someone took the lead, the ministers said everything, but their opinions were unanimous. They all supported the princess to get married quickly and tie Will to Overrey's chariot. Although Lord Yuantang is no longer here now, the safety of the kingdom has to point to the Lawrence family. Take this time as an example, Both sides of the kingdom were shaken by the enemy's wind and rain, and both were at a critical juncture. The king was ready to surrender. As a result, Will was born, and the orcs in the west refused to be bright, establishing the reputation of the young army with weakness and strong, so that the mainland countries did not dare to underestimate Ofret.

Although Will's reputation on the mainland is not urgent for his father, he is also a few young heroes. The name of the military god resounds throughout the mainland, letting everyone know that Auffrey is still not easy to mess with after he lost the first person in the world!

As soon as the king saw the rare consensus of literature and martial arts, he was very happy to make a judgment. After all, he also wants Linglan to marry Will now. This is not only in the king's desire to attract capable ministers, but also the father's love for his daughter. Now the women around Will are not only his precious daughter, but also If you can't organize other girls around Will, it's also a good idea to get your daughter married and Will and help your daughter take the position of boss.

No matter how much the king was preparing for the eldest princess's wedding, there was a saying that several families were happy and several families were happy, but the whole country of the Bright Empire could mourn. Two million troops were buried at the bottom of the river, and dozens of generals died, which shocked this bright empire.

Since the establishment of the Bright Empire, it has always been a bully. When did you suffer this kind of loss? The five giants of the whole Bright Empire and the people of Li were stunned by the news. It's unbearable that little O'Frey can cause such a big loss to the empire!

As a party, Montgomery has been criticized by the whole country. Although his status is still stable, he can't take off his hat of incompetence. Although the revenge of the whole country is high, the minds of the senior officials are clear. Now the imperial navy is almost completely destroyed and can't attack the O'Frey Kingdom, which is blocked by the Jialing River, so the first task now is to appease the domestic people. Under the deliberate guidance of the official, the contradictions directed to the high levels of the church were led to only * with Orfrey.

Although the eyes of the people have been temporarily diverted, the high-level officials who have survived the crisis are still clear-headed. They deeply remember the purpose of attacking Overrey - they have to accelerate their expansion under the threat of the business alliance and accumulate strength to deal with the commercial alliance with a large number of dragon knights.

Since O'Frey can't fight, another barbarian kingdom bordering the Light Empire has become the only target. On the pretext that the Barbarian Kingdom played an unbright role in the war between the Light Empire and the Ofre Kingdom, the Light Empire couldn't help but divert the people's eyes and found the barbarian king. An excuse for the country to go to war.

Montgomery, the only war gifted among the five giants, was still appointed as the grand marshal and commanded 3 million troops in the Storm Mountains.

The war between dwarves and commercial alliances has also entered a new stage. The pressure of the 300 dragon knights is extremely great. Although the dwarves rely on low mines to fight tunnels and merchants, these merchants have launched a tough strategy of clear fields under the unbearable harassment, and consolidate the ground with magic wherever they pass. Burying the mine, countless dwarves were suffocated in the mine by sudden magic.

The entire Soracha basin has been flattened by businessmen with this tough and clear field tactics, and the space for the dwarfs has become smaller and smaller. However, the strength of the two sides is very different, and it is impossible for the dwarves to compete directly against the dragon knights of the commercial alliance, so the defeat of the dwarves is inevitable. Perhaps in a few months, more than 90% of the dwarves on the mainland will become tools for merchants to mine and iron.

The war between the dark empire and the orcs is also in full swing. Now, due to the westward expedition of the Light Empire, the barbarians have withdrawn from the war with the orcs and run back to the east line of the Storm Mountains for defense. Now the pressure of the dark empire has increased significantly. The impoverished orcs don't feel good in the keel wilderness, but they are spoiled. The young soldiers of the Dark Empire suffered greatly. Although the supply line was still unblocked, the roaring north wind in the middle of the night made the soldiers of the Dark Empire hiding in the tent tremble and difficult to fall asleep. Want to find some dead wood and grass to light a bonfire? Sorry, the winter in the dragon bone wilderness is even more desolate. Not to mention the dead branches, there is no grass and hair. The beasts even rely on drying the domesticated animal feces and making fires to let the civilized people of the dark empire pick up feces? You can't do it even if you kill them!

So the dark empire has obvious advantages, much more strength than the orcs, and the front is gradually advancing, but the progress is slow, and it is impossible to conquer the orcs in a few years. But the dwarves can't last for a few years, and they will be completely conquered by merchants in a few months, and the dark empire has secretly provided some help to the dwarves, but under the great pressure of the 300 dragon knights, these help seems to be a drop in the bucket.

So at this time, the dark empire is in a dilemma. If it retreats, its previous efforts will be wasted. This march not only did not get any benefits, but also some gains are not worth the losses. But if it continues to consume, once those damn merchants have swept the kingdom of dwarves and have a large number of free senior blacksmiths, their strength will definitely increase greatly, and then the dark empire bordering the Soracha Basin will face the pressure of merchants. At that time, if the dark empire is still trapped in the mud pond of the orcs, it will face the danger of a two-sided war, then the empire will be in danger.

So now that the senior officials of the dark empire have a plan to break their wrists, they have decided to give up the difficult bone of the orcs, withdraw the army to attack the dragon bone wilderness, and prepare to respond fully to the upcoming attack of the commercial alliance.

In fact, the orcs are also struggling with their spirit. Now the number of orcs can't help but be beaten only less than 200,000, and few of them have been killed in a loud voice. In addition, the beast king still has three seven-level strongmen and less than ten six-level masters left. Even the general Zamu wrong died in the dragon bone wilderness. Now The orcs have fallen to the point of relying on the little general wolf to support the scene first, and the bear man has also become the general vanguard.

Barbarians have a lot of old benefits. Because they have fought with orcs for a long time and know the orcs very well, so these barbarians are different from the dark empire. They can also suffer from the Storm Mountains and are not affected much in the keel wilderness. Because they understand the habits of the orcs, they repeatedly attack the orcs repeatedly. The camp was successful and robbed a lot of good things.

However, due to the intervention of the Light Empire, I had to give up the good fat meat of the orcs and retreated to the Storm Mountains to prepare for the army of the Light Empire.

(red ticket!! Red ticket!! Collection!! Collection!! Please!!)