Iron Soldier

Chapter 102 Against Draksalon

As expected, on the third day of the return of the patriarch Aix, the orc's grain team arrived near Draxalon. Three thousand orcs escorted 50,000 soldiers in the fortress, saying that it was a month's ration, but this time the beast king played a word game, which was a month's ration for 50,000 human soldiers, but Although the orcs are highly effective, they are all big-belly men. The five human rations are not enough for an orc to chew, so these foods are not necessarily enough for the soldiers in the fortress to eat for a week.

In fact, the beast king was also forced to be helpless. This food is still squeezed out. The orcs are now said to retain more than 200,000 troops, but in addition to the 50,000 full-time defense of human beings here in Drac Salon, the rest of the army began to stop training and scattered around hunting. A series of wars made the orcs obvious It is not enough to make ends meet, and now all ethnic groups have experienced famine to varying degrees.

The patriarch Aix got the news of his detectives and knew that the grain team had passed outside the mountains and forests where the fox people lived in seclusion today. He was overjoyed, and then said to the stewids at all levels in the clan, "The grain team is coming now. Let's do it."

"Let's get it!"

"Let's get it!"

These fox clans have long known that their whole tribe has defected to the little demon of human beings. Since they don't wear a pair of trousers with the orcs, now they are hungry and send food to their mouths. There is nothing to say, let's go!

So Aix led a group of fox warriors to kill them from the mountain forest. Although the fox clan is less than 100,000, as one of the orcs who are all soldiers, it is not difficult to raise 30,000 to 40,000 soldiers. Thirty-four thousand fox warriors surrounded the 3,000 orc guards at once. As the patriarch of the fox clan, Aix was a veritable old fox. When he did this kind of thing, there was nothing, "I opened this mountain, and I planted this tree..." and he cut it down with an order. Billy, who was 10 to one, let him fight. There is no suspense. Although the fox clan will definitely be at the forefront of the storm, it is better not to leak the news about things such as looting the food of compatriots and killing compatriots. Therefore, the fox warriors who have been told by the patriarch in advance will not stay alive at all. Whether it is the resisting orcs or the prisoners who kneel down and surrender, they will all be killed, and for To ensure that there would be no survivors, Aix even ordered a leader regardless of life or death.

Because of the great disparity in strength, the battle soon ended. Aix ordered his clan to dig a big hole in the depths of the woods to bury the bodies of these orcs. It was not that he respected the bodies of these compatriots, nor was he afraid of breeding plague, but simply wanted to destroy the corpses, and finally asked people to transport some loess to cover the blood stains. In this way, even if someone passes by, they will not find that they have experienced a battle here. These orcs who carry food can be said to have disappeared unconsciously.

As a liaison officer, the little fox girl has been shuttling around the fox clan and Will these days, which can not only keep in touch with the fox clan across the Drexalon Fortress, but also let the little fox girl bring some food to the clan and bring closer to some ordinary fox people and human feelings. So Aix got the news from Will as soon as he robbed the grain.

After Will knew that Aix was successful, he immediately ordered: "The whole army, steam steamed bread!" After the middle officer passed on the order, everything from the generals to the soldiers sounded fresh, and he said to himself, "What else is our god of military play?" But now that the marshal has ordered, let's steam it!

So the smoke and steam soared throughout Will's camp. Human beings have been rich for a long time, and the people of Li can be full, and the army supplies more fine grain, all of which are rice and white flour. They are not comparable to the poor orcs who have to save food when they see sticks and noodles. Therefore, with Will's order, these soldiers have also joined the army of gangsters. Although these novices have accelerated steamed steamed buns. The speed of the head, but it is inevitable that there will be some defective products. Those that are big, yellowed, sour, and solid, are all thrown aside by these old soldiers who are used to big hands and feet.

When Will came out to inspect, he saw that it would be a pity if all these things were thrown away. Don't waste it, so he ordered the soldiers to put them in a large basket and hit the Drac Salon fortress with a catapult. Although the human soldiers were puzzled, they still did it. Anyway, it didn't take much trouble.

When the orcs saw a lot of dark things flying from humans, they thought that humans had finally begun to attack the city. This was a boulder thrown by the catapult, so they dodged around and found shelter to protect themselves. But when those dark things fell to the ground, it was not stones. The broken baskets were torn apart as soon as they touched the ground, and then the orc soldiers were all over the ground. They didn't know why, so they ran over and picked them up, and then smelled them again, and then found that it was a white-faced steamed steamed bun! How can the beasts who have been hungry for a long time see this? Now I can't help but put it into my mouth.

Fortunately, these officers still have some insight. They are worried that humans will poison the steamed buns, so they immediately punched and kick all the steamed buns, but there are still many orcs who ate some. These officers have to explain to these soldiers. If you don't explain clearly at this time, these hungry orcs really dare to make you. Reverse.

As soon as the orc soldiers heard the officer say that the steamed bread may be poisonous, they couldn't help but believe it when they thought that it was thrown over by humans. So the officers put away all the steamed bread. A day later, the orcs who ate the steamed bread were fine. Now the orcs knew that the steamed bread was fine and could be eaten, and That's a white-faced steamed bun. Although it is a failure, how many of these orcs have really eaten white-faced? So these are all good food! But when the soldiers went to the officers to get their steamed buns back, the officers turned against them.

The reason is very simple. The grain team that was originally expected to arrive did not come! These officers are not ordinary stupid soldiers. They have some knowledge about the current situation of the orcs. There is not much food that the orcs can squeeze out now. There is almost no food in the city now. If the grain team is not available today, they will have to slaughter the mounts to satisfy their hunger, but the mounts are limited and can't support themselves for a few days. Within a week These people will starve to death even if they don't die in the hands of human beings, so how can they send out the steamed bread they get?

The next day, the situation on Will's side is much better. After a day of contact, the steamed steamed buns were good. There were fewer defective products, and the orcs got fewer steamed buns. This time, the officers did not dare to intervene or even dare to participate in the robbery. These orcs did not hesitate to fight for a steamed bun. Fortunately, everyone still has a trace of rationality and does not hurt people's lives.

Human nature is like this. Everyone suffers nothing, but I have suffered, even if you have suffered, but it is a little better than me, so the contradiction comes, so ordinary soldiers and the officers who still have grain in their hands have many conflicts, grabbing steamed bread and those that have not. Soldiers also dislike each other. The whole Dracalon fortress is like a burst crystal on a bumpy carriage, which may break out at any time.

On the third day, Will felt that it was almost done, so he ordered to set up countless large dumplings in front of the camp, which were full of steamed buns, and then picked a thousand strong soldiers, each with big arms and round waists, licking their chests and folded their belly. These people had a common feature - loud voices!

Under Will's order, the thousand soldiers lined up not far from the city, and then began to shout in unison: "Brothers of the orcs, don't be oppressed by the Beast King! Stop the needless resistance, and now Marshal Will is out of law. As long as he surrenders, he will have enough to eat! The marshal said that it was limited to three days, and the meat buns surrendered on the first day! The next day, he surrendered and ate white steamed buns! On the third day, you can only eat nests! If you don't surrender after three days, don't blame the marshal for killing again!"

It doesn't matter. The orcs inside immediately get up as soon as they hear the shouting, and the white-faced steamed bread is enough. Have these ordinary stupid soldiers ever seen meat buns, a delicacy that is only in the legend? In particular, the last sentence scared the courage of these orc soldiers. Although Will, the little devil, was born for a short time, he killed nearly one million orcs in less than two years. His 50,000 people were not enough to be stuffed by others. Now Will's name is no longer mythical in the orcs, and it's no wonder these soldiers are afraid. .

On the one hand, it was a delicacy that had never been seen before, and on the other hand, it was starving and had to lose their lives. These stupid soldiers were not stupid enough to calculate the account, so someone soon took the lead and went to Wil Camp to surrender. Secretly opening a crack in the gate, several orcs ran out. The general at the head of the city saw where they could let them go. Once this precedent was opened, he would have to become a light pole commander in less than an hour.

So the general bent his bow and arrows and shot several arrows, shooting the deserters one by one in front of the city. However, when he withdrew the long bow in his hand and looked around, he couldn't help but have a cold war. Nothing else. The soldiers around him stared straight at him, and their eyes were a little blue. The most important thing was that not only the soldiers, in addition to his cronies, the generals also looked at him ferociously.

"What are you going to do! Do you want to rebel?" The general roared fiercely.

"It's better to kill him than to get his first skill than to die!" I don't know who shouted in the crowd.

Once the intensified conflict is stimulated, it is impossible to suppress it. I don't know who was pushed by the people behind him and then robbed it forward. The general's adjutant thought that this guy was going to do it, afraid that the general would be injured, so the adjutant was better to do it first and cut the officer to the head of the city with a sword. This is great. Who hasn't had a tight kiss? Even the orcs have several good friends. At this time, there was a sworn brother of the killed officer in the city. As soon as he saw his god brother being killed, the orc officer's eyes turned red. The orc was already irritable. How could he care about anything else? He picked up the sword and rushed. Go up.

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