Iron Soldier

Chapter 105 The King of Beasts seizes power!

"You mean to drive away wolves and tigers?" The Beast King suddenly realized.

"The king is wise!" Huang Shulang smiled.

"So we should drive the wolf to chase the tiger?" The Beast King asked again, and at this time, he was already looking at Huang Shulang with new eyes.

"King Hui, our orcs have always been in power by one royal family and five nobles. Now there are only four nobles left in the fox rebellion, so the king should start with the four nobles of the eagle, tiger, bear and wolf!" Huang Shulang replied.

"These four aristocrats are powerful, why did they start from them? What if it is forced to reverse? The beast king is puzzled.

"The king, now the turmoil in the hearts of the orcs is provoked by the four nobles. The four nobles, except for the other small clans, naturally obey the king's orders, so that the orcs can block the pace of that!" Huang Shulang said for a moment and continued, "And these four nobles may not dare to rebel!"

"Oh? Why did you say that?" The Beast King said curiously that he was worried about the rebellion of the four nobles. Now some people say that the four nobles may not dare to rebel. Of course, he wants to know the reason.

"Although the four nobles are rebellious, they are still afraid of the king's prestige. As long as the king changes his previous gentle attitude, forces the wolf clan with a strong posture, let them leave women and children, and take the army to resist that man's words, I expect that these four nobles will be different, and most of the other three families will stay on and see. Come on, this nobleman is only defense but not attack. With a glimmer of vitality, they will never openly resist the king. When their army leaves the tribe, the king will send a royal army to defend his tribe in the name of protecting the small soldiers. The name of protection is actually house arrest. With hostages in the hands, the king is still worried about the wolf clan. Do you obey the king's orders?"

"What a wonderful plan! So what about the other three? The Beast King also cheered up when he heard it.

"Since Your Majesty has mastered a nobleman, why let them die in front of that man? Naturally, it is a paper order to let them come back and station outside the royal city, and then you will force another nobleman in the same way. Here I suggest that the king force the eagle clan until the king controls the two nobles, Then the remaining two families can only honestly hand over the army to obey the king's dispatch!" Huang Shulang smiled and was happy with the beast king, as if the four clan had been taken down by him.

"Then why force the wolf clan first and then the eagle clan?" The Beast King asked.

"King, firstly, it is because the wolf clan is united internally, but aggressive externally, which makes the wolf clan appear very isolated. The king puts pressure on the wolf clan, and most of the other three clans will watch the fun; secondly, it is because there are many cunning people in the subordinate race of the wolf clan. If you don't hold them in your hands first, wait for you. When they put pressure on another clan, they can probably see through this plan, and it will be a trouble for the three clans to connect in series. As for the second intimidating eagle clan, it is because they belong to birds and are born to be separated from the two tribes of beasts of bear and tigers. In this way, the short-sighted bear and tiger clan will not stop them, which may make the king's plan more ensure success!" Huang Shulang explained.

After listening to Huang Shulang's explanation, the Beast King felt that this plan was feasible and said, "Okay! In this way, I will order to convene all ministries to hold another military meeting tomorrow. I will force the wolf clan first!" Then the Beast King looked back at Huang Shulang and said, "I think you are resourceful and talented as a military advisor. Stay with me as a counselor in the future!"

"Thank you for your grace!" Huang Shulang was overjoyed as soon as he heard this. Didn't he wait for this sentence? Huang Weasel's group has a low status among the orcs because of his strength and status. He, the young patriarch, does not even have the status of civilians of those forcibly fighting races. How can Huang Shulang, who is unwilling to be willing to be reconciled by others? Now he is now the king of the Beast. Appreciate it one step to the sky. From today on, even if he has soared, even if he has a great position, although he does not have an official position, he still has seven officials in front of the prime minister's door. Do you still worry about others disrespecting him when he becomes a cronies around His Majesty the Beast King?

The next day, the Beast King really acted according to Huang Shulang's plan and summoned the patriarchs of various tribes to discuss the matter. After all, the Beast King is still the nominal leader of the orcs. Before there is no blatant rebellion, all races still have to obey the call of the Beast King, but the patriarchs of all ethnic groups have brought more guards. However, he has become more distrustful of the Beast King.

The Beast King had no intention of cutting on these patriarchs. He looked at them one by one as if they were following the execution ground, and smiled disdainfully. With the convening of the meeting, the Beast King really changed his previous gentle and stable attitude. The momentum was aggressive, and the spearhead was pointed directly at the four nobles, which made the four nobles secretly slander themselves. At the same time, those small clans were even more cicada, making these little patriarchs who had forgotten the power of the Beast King began to recall the sword pointing at the world. His Majesty the Windy Beast King is coming.

When the Beast King set off his momentum to the extreme, the words turned around and pointed to the wolf clan. In the face of the powerful wolf clan of the royal family, he could only retreat, but his eyes for help had to come with cold eyes of gloating. At first glance, the Beast King did not expect Huang Shulang. Usually, the wolf clan was used to being arrogant and offended other races. Now when it is difficult, others will naturally not lend a helping hand.

In this way, under the strong pressure of the beast king, the wolf clan does not want to be destroyed by the royal family now, so they can only agree to send troops to the front line as the first barrier to defend Will. Now that the task was completed, the beast king immediately put away the aggressive momentum and began to comfort those small and medium-sized races, assuring them that as long as they were loyal to the orcs, they could get a stable living environment and even be protected by the royal family.

In this way, except for the wolf clan, all other ethnic groups are very happy. In fact, it is not that there are no smart people who can detect the mystery, but these people are in different positions, so the things they consider are also different: there are capable people in the wolf clan who know that this is the plan of the beast king, but their racial status is awkward, and they are not popular among other races. Well, no one is willing to help themselves. Even if they know the conspiracy of the Beast King, they are powerless to resist. Some small clans have smart patriarchs to detect it, but what does it have to do with him as a small wolf clan? In the end, no matter whether it is a war or a surrender, what the result is, you will always be suppressed by the wolf clan. If the wolf clan destroys the status of their own race, why not do it?

In this way, under the pressure of the beast king, the wolf clan could only send most of the army to the edge of the dragon bone wilderness to resist Will's invasion. As a result, the wolf army had just left the tribe for two days and got the news that the beast king sent the royal army to surround the wolf tribe in the name of protection, and Xu Jin was not allowed to put all the little women and children of the wolf clan under house arrest. Get up. But at this time, it was too late to know these, and even the patriarch's wives and children were under house arrest in the tribe, so that the wolf clan did not dare to return to resist the beast king, nor dare to simply vote for Will.

"It seems that my own persuasiveness is not enough, so add two more people to come with me!" The Beast King said and slapped him.

At this time, the patriarch of the Eagle clan and the patriarch of the wolf clan came in together, and then stood behind the Beast King, which stunned the patriarchs of the two clans of Bear and Tiger. Their alliance is indeed no longer afraid of the royal family, but with the words of the two nobles, it is easy to destroy their two clans!

Looking at the shocked appearance of the two clans, the Beast King couldn't help looking up to the sky and smiling: "Hahahaha, how about it going? Are you willing to obey my orders now?"

"Wish, wish, willing." The patriarch of the tiger clan staggered with a gray face.

It is unlikely for the patriarch of the bear clan to burst into a burst of character to make him say soft words, but looking at his sticky head and his head, he also knows that the bear clan will also hand over the army. Seeing this, the beast king snorted coldly: "Hmm, don't drink wine!" Then he turned around and walked out of the council chamber.

The performance of the remaining patriarchs is also different, some are happy, which is a vassal of the royal family; some are dejected, which is the four nobles and their vassals; and some are indifferent or even gloating, which are other unrelevant small and medium-sized races. In short, no matter what the performance of each ethnic group is, they have to return to their respective tribes to obey the orders of the beast king.

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