Iron Soldier

Chapter 113 Escaped Riana Brothers and Sisters

Just as Will finished inspecting the keel wilderness and the west of the kingdom, the orc settled in O'Frey and was on the right track. When he planned to return to the court, one day, Will was playing with Linglan and the little fox girl in the handsome mansion in Draclon. Some soldiers came in and reported that there were old marshal friends outside the handsome mansion to see him!

Will was a little confused when he heard it. What old friends did he have in the dragon bone wilderness? If it's not an orc, who will come all the way here to find himself? Although he was puzzled, he still quietly ordered his own soldiers to take the visitors to the side hall and go and have a look to see what was going on.

There was not much time. After changing his clothes, Will met his so-called old friends in the side hall. Two people came. They were both wearing black cloaks, wrapped their whole bodies, and their faces could not be seen clearly with hoods. One was tall and the other looked a little petite. The standing posture should be a woman.

"Who are you two? What do you want to know about Will?" After Will came in, the big horse asked the main position.

The tall man stood up and was about to speak. Before he could say anything, the petite figure shouted, "Brother Will!" Then he rushed to Will's position.

Of course, Will's own soldiers on both sides could not let Will be in danger. At present, he stood in front of Will, and his swords came out of the sheath. As long as the man in black had a slight abnormal movement, he would immediately smash him into ten thousand pieces.

"You step back!" Will hurriedly shouted, and from the words just now, Brother Will could tell who he was, and immediately withdrew his own soldiers so as not to hurt the other party.

Seeing the soldiers blocking the way retreat, the man in black, who had been scared to stop by the soldiers, stepped forward again, plunged into Will's arms and cried, "Brother Will, I miss you so much!"

"Liana, don't cry. Didn't you see Brother Will?" Will quickly comforted the delicate body in his arms and said to the tall man in black, "Brother Clark, you can also take off your cloak and play mysteriously in broad daylight."

The original came not someone else, it was Clark and Liana. At this time, Clark also took off his hood, showed a strong and handsome face, and then said calmly, "Brother Will laughed, and we have to do the same!"

As soon as Will heard Clark's words, he immediately stopped stroking the hair of the jade man in his arms and asked, "What's going on?"

"Hey! It's hard to say!" Clark said that he glanced at the guards and servants in the hall.

"You all retreat, no one can come in without my instructions!" Will knew that Clark was worried that there would be too many people and that there might be something confidential to talk about.

"Yes." The bodyguard servants were ordered by Will and withdrew from the side hall one after another, and the bodyguards guarded the intersections in the distance of the side hall, prohibiting others from approaching.

"Can you say it now?" Will urged.

"Well, this has to start with Liana's girl," looking at Liana, who huddled in Will's arms and didn't speak, Clark continued, "Remember that I told you that a big man in the empire fell in love with Liana and planned to marry her?"

"Hmm." Will nodded. There was indeed such a thing before, but because he went to the Dark Empire to propose marriage, it was suppressed and no one mentioned it again.

"Now Lord Yuantang is gone," Clark looked at Will's face and found that Will's face had not changed because of mentioning his missing father. He continued: "The big man lost the deterr of Lord Yuantang, and he remembered Lian na again. So she came to the house to propose marriage, but because the girl had already had a marriage contract with you, the family refused the request of the man. At that time, she caught up with the war with the orcs, so this matter was over for the time being.

"However, with the withdrawal of troops from the orcs, the dark empire began to integrate vigorously due to the pressure of commercial alliances. As the leader of the military, naturally wanted to integrate the military. Our family controlled the military supplies all year round and immediately became a good piece of fat meat. The big man wanted to annex our family, so with Liana's marriage is undoubtedly the best way.

"So, he simply put Liana under house arrest in the name of protection and kept putting pressure on the family. The patriarchs and elders were forced to think of snakes, but this girl was fascinated by you and simply went on hunger strike." Speaking of this, Clark glanced at the little girl Liana and saw that Liana was opening her teeth and claws. It seemed that she was continuing to talk, and the little girl could jump to revenge on herself. Under the threat of Liana's violence, Clark gave up to continue to promote his sister's infatuation with him and continued He said, "Looking at this girl's determined appearance, I was also very distressed, so I had to take her to sneak out of the house. The family also hoped that this girl could escape from the sea of suffering, so they closed their eyes and let us escape. We disguised all the way and had nowhere to go, so we had to come to you."

Although Clark said very plainly, Will's heart was full of an uproar. He didn't expect that this small naughty Lori could go on a hunger strike for himself for several days. He immediately stroked the beautiful face of the beautiful woman in his arms and whispered, "Don't worry, when you get to Brother Will, no one can force you to do it again. Something you don't like!"

"Hmm! Liana believes that Brother Will is the best!" The little girl said happily. After saying that, she couldn't help rubbing on Will's chest with her little face. From beginning to end, except for a few tears of joy when she first met, this little Lori never cried!

"Well, it's the same as getting home when you get here. I'll arrange for you to stay first. If you have anything to say, we'll talk later!" With that, Will ordered his servants to prepare a banquet, and then took the Clark brothers and sisters to the backyard of the handsome house and arranged Lianna to the room next to Linglan and the little fox girl. Clark also made proper arrangements.

Then he pulled up Linglan and the little fox girl to pick up the Clark brother and sister together. They were all old friends. Several people talked happily during the banquet, drank three times, and served five dishes. Clark said with some worry: "Now the speaker is missing, and no one suppresses the whole empire. Several leaders are in their own affairs, although it does not affect the unity of the empire. But basically no one will stop their decision. Once that person knows that we are with you, I'm afraid he will pressure O'Frey in the name of the empire!"

"Well, this is indeed a problem. Although I'm not afraid of your so-called big man, now Orfrey has just stopped the war and needs to rest and recuperate. It's better to do more than to do less!" Will also felt that what Clark said was reasonable and immediately issued a silence order to the people of the handsome mansion, strictly prohibiting them from talking about the brother and sister.

Since the arrival of the Clark brothers and sisters, there seems to be endless topics between the little girls, chatting and playing together all day long. Will is also very happy. The relationship between the women is harmonious, which is much better than the fire in the backyard. Will has to wait for the matter here to be dealt with. I can return to Pompey, so I have nothing to do these days. It happens that Clark is fine. The two practice together all day long and have been separated for nearly half a year. Will's strength has caught up with Clark. Both of them are five-level intermediate levels, so they have a lot of benefits in the battle and live a good life.

But the good times are not long. As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable fence in the world. Even if Will has issued a seal, the news of Clark's brother and sister here still spread to the dark empire. The old Smith, the military and political minister of the dark empire, whom Clark has been referring to, is a veteran. Naturally, the character knows Will, a new military genius, very well. In his intelligence, Will is a complete young man, and he is very affectionate with children. He is also an angry owner. After learning that Clark and his sister have arrived at his place, he did not contact with Will at all, because according to his power As far as you know, Will absolutely can't compromise, but he doesn't want to take big action with Will. The example of the Light Empire is there. Although Auffrey borders the dark empire after taking the keel wilderness, and there is no resistance, if you want to bite Will's stone, you don't have to break a few teeth! Now the Dark Empire is facing the threat of the 300 Dragon Knights of the commercial alliance, and he doesn't want to suffer huge losses for no reason.

So he directly pressured the king of Overy and threatened the king for a month to ask Will to send the Clark brothers and sisters back to the Dark Empire, otherwise he would use troops against Overrey. Although it is the same thing, it is said to Will that it is war, but to the king, it is negotiation, compromise, and politics.

Sure enough, as old Smith expected, the king of Auffrey was not willing to go to war. Now although Auffrey has won many battles under the leadership of Will, he killed 1,000 enemies and lost 300 himself. Ofret has been tossed by the war and is waiting for fun. At this time, it is the right way to develop at ease and recuperation. He discussed with Wen Wu of the Manchu Dynasty and wrote a letter to Will.

The wording of the letter is very euphemistic, the content is also very rich, and the rhetoric is also very gorgeous, but there is only one meaning. Now that the kingdom and the Light Empire have formed a beam, although they have lost two million troops, which is enough to destroy the country in O'Frey, but for the Light Empire, it is only the tip of the iceberg. They did not come to revenge only because For Will, all the ships were destroyed first. In less than three years, when the Light Empire built all the ships, he had to go south to avenge Ling Yundu! The kingdom already has a big enemy. Uncle Will, please restrain yourself and stop arguing with the Dark Empire. This is a huge thing of the same level as the Light Empire. If you can't mess with it, you can't do it. In the end, the king really has no way. They all hinted in the letter that as long as Will gives up Clark's brother and sister, won't he lose a Lori, Lao All the unmarried princesses belong to you!

Will was very happy after reading the letter. He didn't forget to give the letter to Linglan, and then winked at Linglan. Originally, I didn't know that after reading the letter, Linglan was also gritted her teeth angrily by her father's behavior. If she really wanted to pack her five sisters from fifteen to three years old and give them to Will, she would be shameless, but she still had a 20-year-old sister-in-law who was not married, who was also one of the princesses of the kingdom. , this is going to spread out!

Although the letter was not shown to Clark's brother and sister, since they learned that King Ofrey's special envoy came, the brother and sister's hearts were like a mirror, and they immediately knew what had happened. Although Liana firmly believed that Will would not abandon herself, she walked to Will aggrievedly, pulled the corners of his clothes, and looked at Will without saying anything.

"Brother Will, you don't have to be embarrassed. I know you can't help it. We won't bother you." Clark said in a difficult voice.

(Ask for collection and red tickets! Thank you, everyone!)