Iron Soldier

Chapter 115 Go to the front line

Will was dragged to the marshal hall by the little fox girl all the way. As soon as he came in, he saw that the main leader of the orcs and his subordinates were waiting for him. On this occasion, Will did not seem to laugh as usual. As the commander of the three armies, he had to have a commander-in-chief. He shook his hand gently. His arms broke free from the little fox girl's hand, then his face sank, shook his robe sleeve and strode to the handsome case and then sat down.

As soon as he saw Will sit down, a group of civil and martial arts, whether human or orcs, came forward to salute together and said respectfully, "See the general!"

"Free!" Will held the table and said no words. When Wenwu straightened up, he continued to ask, "You are eager to see me, but is it about the mobility of Will's dark empire?"

"Exactly, I don't know how the general intends to deal with it?" Aix, the orc governor among the literary ministers and the old patriarch of the fox clan, spoke first.

"If it's because of this, you don't have to worry that the Dark Empire did not come for us this time." Will said with a smile.

"Isn't it for us?" General Francois asked puzzledly.

"Well, this time the Dark Empire seems to threaten me to hand over the Clark brothers and sisters before dispatching troops to the outer edge of the dragon bone wilderness, but it is not only the border between the Dark Empire and us, but also less than 100 miles away from the avalanche valley at the junction of the Dark Empire and the Solacha Basin. The dark empire is clearly snow. After the collapse of the valley and the increase of troops, the commercial alliance has completely conquered the Solacha Basin a few days ago. Now the dwarves have become the efforts of those merchants. With a large number of sophisticated ordnance, the strength of the commercial alliance has soared, and the dark empire is under pressure. Will explained.

"So that's it. I said how could the Dark Empire make such a big deal that it would transfer three million troops to come. What should we do?" General Franken asked.

"Go on the order and dispatch 200,000 cavalry of the Imperial Guard to join the 100,000 cavalry of Drac Salon to standby at the border between the keel wilderness and the dark empire, and all five orc legions will go to the border to gather and stand by." Will said lightly.

"Your Excellency, didn't the Dark Empire go for the business alliance? What are we going to join in?" The patriarch Aix asked puzzledly.

"Oh, I don't want to, but I'm worried that the bastards of the Dark Empire can't stand it! Without the tall one carrying in front of the Dark Empire, we will have to be unlucky. As soon as the front foot of the dark empire collapses, we will have to destroy the country. Will sighed helplessly.

"We lost support for the Dark Empire?" At this time, Linglan interrupted from the side.

"Yes, we have to help the Dark Empire and find a step by the way. After all, it is an old empire of hundreds of thousands of years, and we have to give face, otherwise when they recover, we will feel better!"

"Do you have any plans?" Linglan asked.

"Now that our eyes are black, what can we do? When we get to the edge of the keel wilderness and understand some of the situation of the two armies, we are trying to find a way. If we are lucky, we only need to pull the frame and stir up between them. Not only will there be no loss but also a lot of benefits!" Will also said with little certainty.

"There are so many good things for you to catch up." Linglan curled her lips disdainfully and said.

"It's man-made. It's useless to say this now. Let's talk about other things when we get there to understand the situation!" Will said it casually.

Then Will wrote a special seal to His Majesty the King, which was not afraid of the power of the dark empire and vowed to defend the territory of the kingdom and so on. He applied for the transfer of 200,000 praetorian guards to the western line. After all, although Will, as a grand marshal, can mobilize the national army and horses, this time he was mobilized by the praetorian guard, so he had to Only by applying to the king can we be right. At the same time as the table, there was a private letter from Will to the kingdom, which stated his interests with the king, indicating that O'Frey did not send troops to fight against the Dark Empire, but to support the Dark Empire, and worried that the old king's choice to sit and watch the fire, Will also deliberately described the business alliance. The threat.

As soon as Will's seal arrived in Pompeii, it caused an uproar. A group of literary ministers accused Will of being impoverished and dragging the kingdom into the quagmire of war for personal reasons. They were afraid that he would offend the two empires at the same time and plunge the kingdom into a state of immortality, but the king who got the inside story knew it, so he seemed very calm and looked full. The literature and martial arts in the dynasty basically hold their own words, which is the battle between the literary master and the martial arts master. Needless to say, if they don't fight, they have no work to do, they have no military achievements, and they can't be promoted. In addition, most of the generals are violent, so the main battle is inevitable. The king can also understand the idea of civil servants. If he hadn't known Will's real purpose, he would not have supported Will's sending troops. After all, he could be promoted to emperor in a month. At this time, it is unwise to take risks and start a war with a country stronger than himself. These civil servants don't want to break the country when they are about to be promoted and make a fortune. Death is also easy to understand.

But since he knows Will's purpose and the strength of the business alliance, the old king is not too short-sighted. Naturally, he can see the current form, so he is also happy to cooperate with Will in this scene. Countries are eye-catching on each other, and everyone is tacit, so since he can't disclose Will's Private message, then the king has to find a reason to support Will and shut up those civil servants.

But now the reason for the confrontation between Will and the Dark Empire is only because of one of his women, which made the king unable to think of any excuse to prevaricate these literary ministers, so His Majesty simply played tricks and slapped the gentian. Wen Wu, who was arguing, stopped and turned to look at His Majesty the King.

"Good! Just listen to what you said, Will activate troops without authorization because of his own selfishness and has no king's law. Now he has withdrawn from the position of national governor to summon the marshal of Ma and immediately return to Beijing to be punished!"

"Your Majesty can't!" The generals were stunned and didn't have time to speak. The civil servants were anxious first. Although they didn't want Will to fight with the Dark Empire, their purpose was to enjoy the benefits of high-ranking officials. These literati were all monkeys. They didn't forget who O'Frey was now. If Will got off the stage, he couldn't say O'Frey. You have to be attacked on all sides, and there will be mutiny inside. No one can cure the orcs alone!

"This is also impossible, and that is not possible. What are you going to do with the orphan king?" Since someone took over the stubble, the king immediately turned his gun and poured his anger on these civil servants: "Will, as the marshal of the three armies, can I stop him if he wants to transfer troops? If you want to stop him, you have to withdraw him. If you don't withdraw him, he insists on activating troops. Do you teach the orphan king what to do?

"This•••••" The officials are dumbfounded. This Uncle Will is different from others. He and the king are a family, and their autonomy is quite high, and they are not the ones who listen to any orders.

"Say it! Didn't you shout happily just now? The king's side is unreasonable. These civil servants are used to being comfortable and should indeed be beaten.

"I will listen to Your Majesty Longyi Tiancai!" Pascal, who was good at observing, saw that there seemed to be something wrong with the king, and there was absolutely something wrong with it, so he quickly came out to pave the way for the king according to the king's wishes.

"Hmm! What about you?" The king glanced at the group of literary ministers.

"Listen to my master Long Yitian!" At this time, who dares to come out and make his head? Then the king really wants to ask you for advice. What's the answer?

"A bunch of rubbish, if you fight for a little, can I let that boy mess around?" He turned around and stared at the group of generals, and then the king shook his robe and retreated. This is the way of being a king. You can't help but be too biased or too biased. Just now, these generals were a little arrogant, so the king shook such a sentence when he left, making a kind of general blush and lowered his head with shame.

His Majesty's meaning is obvious. If these generals are not useless and the country is not supported by Will alone, then everything is easy to say, but since you are so useless, I can only let Wilhu come. The king left, leaving Wen Wu's face looking at each other.

"old brother"

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"Do you think it's okay for Your Majesty to let that fool do this?"

"Can you replace that one?"

"Why did Brother Nian say this? How dare I compare with the marshal?"

"That's not the end. The stability of the whole country points to others. Can't you help him?"

"That said, but this••••••"

"Don't do this or that, do your own thing honestly, and pray that the attacker will be invincible when you have free time."

"My brother's lesson is that he has been taught and taught."

Leaving a group of courtiers to talk about it, Will's side did not wait for the 200,000 guards from within the kingdom, and directly took the 500,000 orc army and 100,000 Ofrey cavalry on the spot and went straight to the edge of the dragon bone wilderness. Will's power in the orcs is simply unparalleled. He is more loved and respected than the original beast god. The living god brings real benefits to the orcs! Although the orcs have only been attached to Will for less than two months, during this period, the first- orcs have moved to the empty land west of Auffrey and began to cultivate the land under the guidance of human beings. One million human slaves who have been taken away have no way to mediate because of their deep hatred with the orcs. Almost the whole west has been assigned to these orcs, so that these orcs are so beautiful that they can't find the north, and they are even more impressed by the benefits of Will. Each family worships Will's statue. Although they are all handmade* and the shape is rough, that intention is real.

The third- and fourth-class orcs who failed to move to move to the fertile land of human beings also got the hunting ground of the original nobles. The living conditions have significantly improved. No matter how barren the keel wilderness is, it will produce something. The population pressure has been sharply reduced by half. Although the remaining orcs are not rich in food and clothing, at least they will not starve to death. Therefore, they are also very grateful to Will. They only hate that they were blinded by lard and did not enter the command of the great god earlier, so they would continue to suffer in the keel wilderness. However, they believe that as long as they sincerely believe in the great god, Will will naturally feel their sincerity and bring them out of the sea of suffering.