Iron Soldier

Chapter 140 Obersk's Giant Soldier VS Osiris' Sky Dragon! Chapter

The battle went on over and over again. Will rested to relieve the pressure on the body caused by the magic seal wave, and then launched an attack on the commercial alliance. The dragon knight took off, Will sealed it, and the dark empire army suppressed it. The commercial alliance resisted slightly and then retreated to the next line of defense, three rounds in a row, each time, but the commercial alliance The alliance doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and even a little happy and very cooperative.

Although Will felt that something was wrong, the battle situation was very satisfactory and no problem was found, so he had to move forward.

Finally, a month later, Will and the army of the Dark Empire came to the last line of defense of the Business Alliance in the Avalanche Valley! Unlike the previous six defense lines, they are all simple defense lines repaired by relying on the remaining dark empire defense lines. This is obviously a solid barrier carefully built by taking advantage of the delay of the previous six defense lines. It seems that the commercial alliance intends to fight against the dark empire here.

The idea of the business alliance is indeed the same. They spent a lot of manpower and material resources here, because if the Dark Empire breaks through the Avalanche Valley, the whole Soracha will be exposed to the Dark Empire. The interior of the Soracha Basin is mostly hilly, and there are no dangerous levels. They can't be like dwarves. That relies on the crypt to launch a guerrilla war, so if you don't want to throw away the whole Solacha basin, you have to block the army of the dark empire in the avalanche valley!

Here, the business alliance not only relied on magicians to urgently build a solid castle, but also built three acropolises around it, firmly stuck the road in the avalanche valley! Unless the three acropolis and the central castle are completely destroyed, the army of the dark empire will not step out of the avalanche valley!

Not only that, they have also placed secret weapons carefully prepared here to fight against Will's giant soldiers. The senior officials of the commercial alliance also know that if they can't effectively fight against Will's giant soldiers and let the dragon knights free their hands, then the army of the dark empire will not be able to resist. !

The profiteers of the business alliance are all extremely shrewd. It's not that they don't know that the national strength and war potential of the dark empire are much higher than themselves. Their confidence comes entirely from the invincible dragon knights. Now Will is the only stumbling block to the dragon knights. As long as they kick Will away, the business alliance will not It will not destroy the country, and even continue to show its hegemony!

Sure enough, when Will and the army of the Dark Empire lined up in front of the fortress of the commercial alliance, the other party's dragon knights did not take off and wait for Will's seal as before, but came out of a general in the opponent's array.

This general is none other than McCul, the former top commander on the front line of the commercial alliance. As soon as he saw McCour coming out, Will and Gavin, as the two top commanders of the coalition, naturally could not lose face, but also urged the horse forward and met McCour.

"Are you two all?" McCul is very polite, just like an old friend instead of a confrontation between the two armies.

"Why, General McCul came to surrender?" Gao Wen sarcasticly, and Will just stared at McCul and didn't answer at all, but there was a fire of hatred in his eyes.

"Ha ha, why did General Gao Wen say this? Your dark empire was beaten by us before, but now it's just holding someone else's thigh. How dare you talk so nonsense? McCul counterattacked without showing any weakness.

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the purpose of your coming here?" Although Gao Wen knew that the other party was sovoking discord, he had to say that the other party was holding it very well, and he was really unhappy.

"Let's finish it quickly. I'm not going to let you go back alive." Will interrupted faintly.

"This•••••" McCul immediately broke down in a cold sweat as soon as he heard Will's words. Generally speaking, it is etiquette for the two armies to fight, and the coach comes out to say hello. Few parties will rely on their ability to be better than the other party and then leave the other party behind, but looking at the anger in Will's eyes should not play with himself. Laughing, I couldn't help crying in my heart.

"Well, I'm here to make an appointment with General Will!" McCul is not an idle person to become the front-line commander-in-chief of the business alliance. Since he simply has to cross his heart, he has to die.

"Since General Will has excellent military power, how dare he compete with a capable man in our army?" Seeing that Gao Wen and Will had no intention of answering, McCul had to continue to say it himself.

"Are you done?" Will said lightly.

"Well, do you dare to agree?" McCul said furiously.

"He will come out if you die!" As soon as Will's words fell, the giant soldier was born and appeared in front of people again. As soon as he came out, he smashed the magic fist and went straight to McCul.

Although McCul was also a seven-level strongman, he was attacked by the giant soldier at such a close range that he was hit by the fist shadow without even the time to react, and the whole person was split into pieces in an instant.

Sure enough, Will's sudden action annoyed a person, and a roar came from the army of the commercial alliance: "Will thief, you are so arrogant!"

Then a red light jumped out of the commercial alliance army and came to Will in the blink of an eye. When the red light stopped, everyone could see the appearance of the comer. This is a strange dragon. The back of the ten-meter-long snake-shaped body is covered with sharp bone spurs, with a pair of meat wings and a trident tail behind it. The sharp teeth, coupled with the blood red of the whole body, make people can't help but feel creepy!

Will felt the strange fetters from the monster opposite the giant soldier. Looking at its strange shape, he understood the origin of the other party. According to his father's description, Will immediately concluded that this was one of the three puppets of gods - Osiris' sky dragon!

No wonder the business alliance has been cooperating with itself to kill time in the Avalanche Canyon. It turned out to be to negotiate with the Bright Empire! Although I don't know what agreement they finally reached, since the puppets of God are here, it goes without saying that the business alliance has formed an alliance with the Light Empire.

Because the puppet of the sealed god can't be seen at all, the puppet of the dark empire doesn't know who it is, but now it seems that it must be the "wing dragon of the sun god"!

Now Will has understood that the commercial alliance's raid on the Magic Martial Arts Academy was premeditated. Maybe they would have been linked to the Light Empire at that time! Otherwise, they can't have found the driver in such a short time, and they are already very proficient in practicing!

"Very good, Empire of Light!" Will secretly added the name of the Bright Empire to his blacklist!

"Will, the time when you were rampant with the puppet of God is gone forever!" Sky Dragon shouted in front of Will, shaking his head and tail to show his sense of existence.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Will, who was furious, roared and then punched the Sky Dragon.

"Come on! Let's compete!" The sky dragon also showed no weakness and rushed to the giant soldiers.

"Boom!" Both the Giant Soldier and the Sky Dragon are big guys of more than ten meters, and the collision between the two produced a huge explosion! The two giant fists fought together. The giant god soldier unfavorably smashed the god fist on the sky dragon and could only shock it half a step back. Similarly, the thunder bomb spewed from the mouth of the sky dragon could not cause serious damage to the giant god soldier.

As soon as he retreated, Will used another famous stunt of the turtle fairy flow - the remnant boxing! The ultra-high-speed movement caused the visual image to stay, and eight giant soldiers appeared around the sky dragon, so that the sky dragon could not tell which one was Will's real body! Then Will suddenly attacked from the back of the sky dragon and punched the long neck of the sky dragon, but it was also the body transformed by the god corpse. The defense of the sky dragon was also extremely amazing. The attack of the giant god soldier did not have much effect. He just punched the sky dragon to the ground, but soon the other party stood up again. Come on, in this way, Will will no longer use the energy-wasting skill of the disabled boxing.

This is the sky dragon turning its head towards the giant soldier, and then opens its eyes angrily, releasing a huge energy column, which is the sky dragon's unique skill - the superconducting electric wave laser cannon! Will controlled the giant soldier's arms crossed and blocked it in front of his chest. The giant soldier was hit and retreated two steps, but he was also unharmed.

In the end, Will and the other's driver gave up the energy attack and changed to hand-to-hand combat. Although Will has undergone Mr. Wu Tian's special training, he is only a mage after all. He is definitely not as good as the warrior pilot selected by the other party in the battle, but the giant god soldier is different from the other two god puppets. Will The father is a madman. Other god puppets rely on the power of the god to allow human beings to drive, while the giant god soldier avoids the pressure of the god through the alien soul of the driver, so the combat effectiveness of the giant god soldier is more powerful than the other two puppets.

Under the two offsets, the giant soldier and the sky dragon shook their flag quite well! The generals of the business alliance here are very happy at first sight! Although Will has a slight upper hand with the advantage of the giant soldier, the sky dragon can firmly pester the giant soldier, so that Will can't free up to do anything else!

So the dragon knights on the side of the commercial alliance immediately rose into the air and flew towards the dark empire. On the way, they formed a formation. Through more than a month of confrontation with Will, the speed of the dragon knights' formation has improved significantly! However, this time, the dragon knights no longer used the tortoise shell defense array. Under the traditional dragon array, the power of combination magic was greatly improved, and the mage group of the dark empire was immediately beaten too much.

Seeing that the dark empire is suppressed again, Will can't help it. Now he is entangled by the sky dragon and can't stop the dragon knight's magic attack on the dark empire.

Finally, the Dark Empire was crushed back to the sixth line of defense. Fortunately, this time the Dark Empire was step by step. Every time a line of defense was regained, it would be strengthened, which blocked the footsteps of the dragon riders with the benefit of the fortifications of the defense line.

Will and the Sky Dragon have been fighting from the morning until dark, and still failed to defeat the other party. Although they have been suppressing each other since noon, the Sky Dragon is full of tenacity, but it is undefeated!

(Collection! Click! Red ticket! Apes want everything now! I want it! I want it! I want it!)