Iron Soldier

Chapter 170 The Real Form of Endless Snowfield and Mom

"Then tell your mother, what are you going to do?" Sophia asked softly in Will's ear, thinking to himself: Humph! Son of a bitch, you were born by my mother, and your father was treated obediently by me, not to mention you, a little guy?

Although Sophia tried her best to pretend to be kind and make Will feel a little funny, after all, she was her mother. He still enjoyed this warmth, so she said the truth without thinking: "I'm going to completely solve the god of creation, which can not only cut off future troubles, but also avenge my father!"

"What's wrong with your father?" As soon as Sophia heard Will's words, she was stunned, and then heard that he was going to avenge her father immediately and quickly asked.

"Uh..." Will saw that he had spilled the beans, so he simply said the truth: "The god of creation is about to wake up. When he wakes up, he is likely to devour you to heal his wounds. So in order to create time for my growth, Will also avoid your fate of being swallowed up, and took people to attack the sleeping god of creation in advance and let him Delay the awakening time, now I'm afraid..."

Although Will did not go on, Sophia was able to think of the fate of Yuantang Lawrence. Her whole body seemed to be petrified in an instant. She stood there in a daze and looked ahead with blank eyes. Tears flowed down like a broken pearl.

Will is also very sad to see her mother like this. Although she has never seen her before, and she doesn't look like a mother at all, as the saying goes, mother and son are nature, mother and son are connected! Looking at his mother crying silently there, Will was also very unhappy.

"Time is really running out now. The God of Creation will wake up in two days. If I can't find him in advance and then attack him before he wakes up, we may not be his opponents. At that time, I'm afraid we will all be killed by him!" Although it was extremely sad to see Will's mother's appearance, and leaving her at this time was undoubtedly a bigger blow to her, Will had to leave immediately, so he had to grit his teeth and say goodbye to his mother.

Will's words woke up Sophia, who was immersed in pain, and her eyes gradually recovered, but she didn't want to be as happy and carefree as she was just now. There was only endless sadness in her eyes, and there was a burning flame of revenge!

"I know where he is?" Sophia said with her silver teeth clenched.

"That's great! Tell me quickly!" Will was very surprised when he heard it, which was much better than his little search, which allowed him to have enough time to prepare for the attack and improve his chances of winning.

"No, I'll take you there!" Sophia insisted.

"No! It's too dangerous! Just tell me the location!" Will also said step by step that Will had already predicted the danger of facing the true god. There was almost no hope of survival when the eighth-level figure went away. His father was no longer there, and he didn't want his mother to enter it.

"If you don't take me, I won't tell you!" Sophia was obviously determined. Yuantang's death hit her too hard, making her temperament change instantly, even if she had been trapped for thousands of years, and her heart was completely overwhelmed by the anger of revenge.

"Forget it, I will search by myself!" Will still said step by step.

"Then after you leave, I will go directly to the God of Creation!" Sophia said firmly.

"You..." This time, Will was completely helpless. He had no means of imprisonment. Did he seal his mother with magic seal wave? Will can't do it anyway, but if mom really goes alone, she will definitely die!

"Okay! You can go with me, but you have to listen to me!" Will had no choice but to compromise.

"Good!" Seeing Will compromise, Sophia also took the opportunity to give Will a step. In case she forced him and left herself here directly, then she didn't want to revenge in person!

The two soon reached an agreement and set off for the sleeping place of the god of creation. Because of Sophia's leading the way, their goals were very clear. Although the divine power became more and more serious, it had interfered with Will's divine consciousness scanning, but according to the strength of the divine power, Will also knew that they were constantly approaching.

Soon they came to the end of the forest, which was a snow-covered plain, and the end could not be seen at a glance. Due to the limited consciousness, Will could not detect how big the snowfield was.

"Through this snowfield is the sleeping place of the god of creation, but it is too empty, and no road sign makes it easy to get lost in this white snowfield." Sophia explained.

"Is there any solution?" Will asked that his consciousness is now blocked, and even the guide card of the previous weapon to crack the maze has failed! So there is no good way to identify the direction.

"No!" Sophia's answer is also very straightforward.

"Hmm..." After pondering for a while, Will finally came up with a solution that was not the way.

came to the edge of the snowfield, and then raised his hand inside, which was a shock wave. In an instant, the white snow was plowed out of a long gully. Will walked along the gully. Towards the end, another shock wave was emitted, and another straight gully extended along the original mark.

"Let's go along this, at least we can guarantee that we are walking in a straight line and not circle in place!" Will explained to Sophia that although this will slow down the formation, this is the only way not to be lost at present.

"Hmm!" Sophia nodded, and she had no good idea, so she agreed with Will's suggestion.

The vast snowfield seems to have no end. Because the sky is covered by strong magic elements, the change of the sun and the moon can't be seen at all, so Will doesn't know how long he has walked, but according to the degree of hunger, he estimated that he has walked for about a day, but there is still a vast white snow in front of him, and there is no end at all. , the traces of being ploughed by the shock wave behind him have been submerged by the snow again, which makes Will begin to doubt whether his method is effective. If he is really trapped here, once the god of creation wakes up, he will have a lot of trouble.

"Oh..." The wind caused by the friction of the magic element is more violent than the natural formation. Although it has little impact on these two super masters, the blizzard swept up by the wind makes the field of vision shorter, and you can hardly see the scene ten meters in front of you.

"Protection blessing!" Will stretched out his hand and "banged" and formed an egg-shaped shield outside Sophia's body to protect her from the cold and gale.

Sofia saw Will's behavior and showed a smile that was completely different from her personality. It was a kind and gratifying smile, but unfortunately, Will, who turned to the front again, did not see it.

continued to move forward for a period of time, and the storm finally stopped, but the snow was still endless, making Will feel irritable for no reason. His time is getting less and less. Although he can't be sure how much time he has walked in the snowfield, it will certainly not be too short. If he can't do it for half a day If you find the god of creation, it may be too late!

"We will definitely succeed, right?" The impatient Will subconsciously asked Sophia to get a positive answer to comfort his irritable heart.

"Child, you have to believe in yourself. We have come here. Whether it is right or wrong, we can only continue to go on. We have no chance to turn back!" Although Sophia's voice is still so clear and pleasant, her tone is very low and she looks so mature and wise.

Will looked back in surprise and found that Sophia was no longer the same as she used to be. Suddenly, she changed from the 18- or 19-year-old girl to the image of a young woman in her thirties. Looking at him, her eyes were not strange, but mature and steady, with some kindness and comfort.

"This..." Will was stunned and didn't understand the situation of this big change.

"Let's talk while walking!" Sophia said, and then walked to Will's side and waved it casually. A magic dragon flew out along the gully hit by Will and drew a straight line again. This blow showed no less strength than the peak of the second god! It's not the original eight-level strength at all.

Along the way, Sophia also began to explain the original story to Will. It turned out that Sophia's girlish form was caused by self-sealing. Although the elves lived about two to 3,000 years, Sophia, who was trapped, did not know how long it would take to get out of the trap, so she took the self-sealing method. To avoid the invasion of time, although the cage kept extracting her unique recovery power, in order to ensure her power output for a long time, she was also constantly injecting magic energy. In this way, her strength not only did not retreat, but continued to improve. After being promoted to the second god, Sophia did not The pressure of life, but she was immersed in the carefreeness of girlhood and did not want to wake up from her dream.

It was not until the bad news of Yuantang's death that she woke up her true self. After this day, she really recovered her strength in her heyday and returned to her appearance in a normal state.

Will, who knew everything, curled his lips and said to himself that he looked like a mother. What was that little girl before!

At this time, a different scene suddenly appeared in front of Will. It was the spire of a tall building, and it looked very familiar. Although he couldn't see what it was for a moment, Will seemed to have a vague shadow in his heart, but he couldn't believe it was true!

(red ticket!! Collection!!)